# Copyright (c) 2015 Bob Callaway. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2015 Tom Barron. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2015 Clinton Knight. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Utilities for NetApp drivers.""" import collections import decimal import platform from oslo_concurrency import processutils as putils from oslo_log import log import six from manila import exception from manila.i18n import _, _LI, _LW from manila import version LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) VALID_TRACE_FLAGS = ['method', 'api'] TRACE_METHOD = False TRACE_API = False def validate_driver_instantiation(**kwargs): """Checks if a driver is instantiated other than by the unified driver. Helps check direct instantiation of netapp drivers. Call this function in every netapp block driver constructor. """ if kwargs and kwargs.get('netapp_mode') == 'proxy': return LOG.warning(_LW('Please use NetAppDriver in the configuration file ' 'to load the driver instead of directly specifying ' 'the driver module name.')) def check_flags(required_flags, configuration): """Ensure that the flags we care about are set.""" for flag in required_flags: if getattr(configuration, flag, None) is None: msg = _('Configuration value %s is not set.') % flag raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg) def round_down(value, precision='0.00'): """Round a number downward using a specified level of precision. Example: round_down(float(total_space_in_bytes) / units.Gi, '0.01') """ return float(decimal.Decimal(six.text_type(value)).quantize( decimal.Decimal(precision), rounding=decimal.ROUND_DOWN)) def setup_tracing(trace_flags_string): global TRACE_METHOD global TRACE_API TRACE_METHOD = False TRACE_API = False if trace_flags_string: flags = trace_flags_string.split(',') flags = [flag.strip() for flag in flags] for invalid_flag in list(set(flags) - set(VALID_TRACE_FLAGS)): LOG.warning(_LW('Invalid trace flag: %s') % invalid_flag) TRACE_METHOD = 'method' in flags TRACE_API = 'api' in flags def trace(f): def trace_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if TRACE_METHOD: LOG.debug('Entering method %s', f.__name__) result = f(self, *args, **kwargs) if TRACE_METHOD: LOG.debug('Leaving method %s', f.__name__) return result return trace_wrapper def convert_to_list(value): if value is None: return [] elif isinstance(value, six.string_types): return [value] elif isinstance(value, collections.Iterable): return list(value) else: return [value] class OpenStackInfo(object): """OS/distribution, release, and version. NetApp uses these fields as content for EMS log entry. """ PACKAGE_NAME = 'python-manila' def __init__(self): self._version = 'unknown version' self._release = 'unknown release' self._vendor = 'unknown vendor' self._platform = 'unknown platform' def _update_version_from_version_string(self): try: self._version = version.version_info.version_string() except Exception: pass def _update_release_from_release_string(self): try: self._release = version.version_info.release_string() except Exception: pass def _update_platform(self): try: self._platform = platform.platform() except Exception: pass @staticmethod def _get_version_info_version(): return version.version_info.version @staticmethod def _get_version_info_release(): return version.version_info.release def _update_info_from_version_info(self): try: ver = self._get_version_info_version() if ver: self._version = ver except Exception: pass try: rel = self._get_version_info_release() if rel: self._release = rel except Exception: pass # RDO, RHEL-OSP, Mirantis on Redhat, SUSE. def _update_info_from_rpm(self): LOG.debug('Trying rpm command.') try: out, err = putils.execute("rpm", "-q", "--queryformat", "'%{version}\t%{release}\t%{vendor}'", self.PACKAGE_NAME) if not out: LOG.info(_LI('No rpm info found for %(pkg)s package.') % { 'pkg': self.PACKAGE_NAME}) return False parts = out.split() self._version = parts[0] self._release = parts[1] self._vendor = ' '.join(parts[2::]) return True except Exception as e: LOG.info(_LI('Could not run rpm command: %(msg)s.') % { 'msg': e}) return False # Ubuntu, Mirantis on Ubuntu. def _update_info_from_dpkg(self): LOG.debug('Trying dpkg-query command.') try: _vendor = None out, err = putils.execute("dpkg-query", "-W", "-f='${Version}'", self.PACKAGE_NAME) if not out: LOG.info(_LI( 'No dpkg-query info found for %(pkg)s package.') % { 'pkg': self.PACKAGE_NAME}) return False # Debian format: [epoch:]upstream_version[-debian_revision] deb_version = out # In case epoch or revision is missing, copy entire string. _release = deb_version if ':' in deb_version: deb_epoch, upstream_version = deb_version.split(':') _release = upstream_version if '-' in deb_version: deb_revision = deb_version.split('-')[1] _vendor = deb_revision self._release = _release if _vendor: self._vendor = _vendor return True except Exception as e: LOG.info(_LI('Could not run dpkg-query command: %(msg)s.') % { 'msg': e}) return False def _update_openstack_info(self): self._update_version_from_version_string() self._update_release_from_release_string() self._update_platform() # Some distributions override with more meaningful information. self._update_info_from_version_info() # See if we have still more targeted info from rpm or apt. found_package = self._update_info_from_rpm() if not found_package: self._update_info_from_dpkg() def info(self): self._update_openstack_info() return '%(version)s|%(release)s|%(vendor)s|%(platform)s' % { 'version': self._version, 'release': self._release, 'vendor': self._vendor, 'platform': self._platform}