--- features: - | Added the ability to migrate share servers within and across backends in Manila. As designed in share migration, a two-phase approach is now available for share servers, with the addition of a new API to check the feasibility of a migration, called ``share-server-migration-check``. Now, Manila can start, complete, cancel and retrieve the progress of a share server migration. These operations were designed for Administrators and will work only when operating under `driver_handles_share_servers=True` mode. When starting a share server migration, it is possible to choose which capabilities must be supported by the driver: remain ``writable`` during the first phase, ``preserve_snapshots``, be ``nondisruptive`` and migrate to a different share network. upgrade: - | The share server entity now contains two new fields: ``task_state`` and `source_share_server_id`. The `task_state` field helps tracking the migration progress of a share server. The ``source_share_server_id`` field will hold the source share server identification until the migration gets completed or cancelled. New statuses were added in order to control whether a share server, its shares or snapshots are being migrated to a different location. Share server shares’ are going to remain in the status ``server_migrating`` while the migration is in course. When the migration gets completed, the statuses are going to be updated.