:tocdepth: 2 ======================= Shared File Systems API ======================= This is a reference for version 2 of the OpenStack Shared File Systems API which is provided by the Manila project. Manila provides a RESTful HTTP service through which it offers on-demand, scalable, self-service access to shared file system storage resources. .. important:: Prior to the Wallaby release, Shared File System service required the caller to specify their "project_id" in the API URLs. This requirement has been dropped. The API service now behaves the same way whether or not "project_id" is included in the URLs. If your cloud does not yet support version 2.60, all the resource URLs below will require a project ID. For example: GET /v2/{project_id}/shares .. rest_expand_all:: .. include:: versions.inc .. include:: extensions.inc .. include:: limits.inc .. include:: shares.inc .. include:: share-export-locations.inc .. include:: share-metadata.inc .. include:: share-actions.inc .. include:: snapshots.inc .. include:: snapshot-instances.inc .. include:: share-replicas.inc .. include:: share-replica-export-locations.inc .. include:: share-networks.inc .. include:: share-network-subnets.inc .. include:: security-services.inc .. include:: share-servers.inc .. include:: share-instances.inc .. include:: share-instance-export-locations.inc .. include:: share-types.inc .. include:: scheduler-stats.inc .. include:: services.inc .. include:: availability-zones.inc .. include:: os-share-manage.inc .. include:: quota-sets.inc .. include:: quota-classes.inc .. include:: user-messages.inc .. include:: share-access-rules.inc .. include:: share-access-rule-metadata.inc .. include:: share-groups.inc .. include:: share-group-types.inc .. include:: share-group-snapshots.inc ====================================== Shared File Systems API (EXPERIMENTAL) ====================================== .. rest_expand_all:: .. include:: experimental.inc .. include:: share-migration.inc