*.DS_Store *.orig *.log *.mo *.pyc *.sqlite # Linux swap files range from .saa to .swp *.s[a-w][a-p] .manila-venv .coverage .stestr/* .testrepository .tox .venv .idea *.egg* AUTHORS Authors build/* build-stamp CA/ ChangeLog cover/* covhtml dist/* etc/manila/manila.conf.sample instances keeper keys local_settings.py subunit.log tools/conf/manila.conf* tools/lintstack.head.py tools/pylint_exceptions tags # Files created by Sphinx build doc/build doc/source/_static .autogenerated api-ref/build # Files created by releasenotes build releasenotes/build # Files created by install-guide builds install-guide/build # Development environment files .project .pydevproject # Lock dirs and files manila_locks