# This is a Ganesha config template. # Syntactically, a valid Ganesha config # file, but some values in it are stubs. # Fields that have stub values are managed # by Manila; the stubs are of two kinds: # - @config: # value will be taken from Manila config # - @runtime: # value will be determined at runtime # User is free to set Ganesha parameters # which are not reserved to Manila by # stubbing. EXPORT { # Each EXPORT must have a unique Export_Id. Export_Id = @runtime; # The directory in the exported file system this export # is rooted on. Path = @runtime; # FSAL, Ganesha's module component FSAL { # FSAL name Name = @config; } # Path of export in the NFSv4 pseudo filesystem Pseudo = @runtime; # RPC security flavor, one of none, sys, krb5{,i,p} SecType = sys; # Alternative export identifier for NFSv3 Tag = @runtime; # Client specification CLIENT { # Comma separated list of clients Clients = @runtime; # Access type, one of RW, RO, MDONLY, MDONLY_RO, NONE Access_Type = RW; } # User id squashing, one of None, Root, All Squash = None; }