.. -*- rst -*-

Share actions

Share actions include granting or revoking share access, listing the
available access rules for a share, explicitly updating the state of a
share, resizing a share and un-managing a share.

As administrator, you can reset the state of a share and force-
delete a share in any state. Use the ``policy.json`` file to grant
permissions for this action to other roles.

You can set the state of a share to one of these supported states:

- ``available``

- ``error``

- ``creating``

- ``deleting``

- ``error_deleting``

If API version 1.0-2.6 is used then all share actions, defined
below, should include prefix ``os-`` in top element of request
JSON's body.

For example: {"access_list": null} is valid for v2.7+. And {"os-
access_list": null} is valid for v1.0-2.6

Grant access

All manila shares begin with no access. Clients must be provided with
explicit access via this API.

To grant access, specify one of these supported share access levels:

- ``rw``. Read and write (RW) access.

- ``ro``. Read-only (RO) access.

You must also specify one of these supported authentication

- ``ip``. Authenticates an instance through its IP address.
  The value specified should be a valid IPv4 or an IPv6 address,
  or a subnet in CIDR notation.
  A valid format is ``X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X``, ``X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X/XX``,
  ``XX.XX.XX.XX``, or ``XX.XX.XX.XX/XX``, etc. For
  example ```` or ``::/0``.

.. important::

  IPv6 based access is only supported with API version 2.38 and beyond.

- ``cert``. Authenticates an instance through a TLS certificate.
  Specify the TLS identity as the IDENTKEY. A valid value is any
  string up to 64 characters long in the common name (CN) of the
  certificate. The meaning of a string depends on its

- ``user``. Authenticates by a user or group name. A valid value is
  an alphanumeric string that can contain some special characters
  and is from 4 to 255 characters long.

.. rest_method::  POST /v2/{tenant_id}/shares/{share_id}/action

Grants access to a share.

Response codes

.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml

   - 202

.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml

   - 400
   - 401
   - 403
   - 404


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - allow_access: allow_access
   - access_level: access_level
   - access_type: access_type
   - access_to: access_to
   - share_id: share_id
   - tenant_id: tenant_id_path

Request example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-actions-grant-access-request.json
   :language: javascript

Response parameters

.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - share_id: access_share_id
   - created_at: access_rule_created_at
   - updated_at: access_rule_updated_at
   - access_type: access_type
   - access_to: access_to
   - access_key: access_key
   - access: access
   - access_level: access_level
   - id: access_rule_id

Response example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-actions-grant-access-response.json
   :language: javascript

Revoke access

.. rest_method::  POST /v2/{tenant_id}/shares/{share_id}/action

The shared file systems service stores each access rule in its database and
assigns it a unique ID. This ID can be used to revoke access after access
has been requested.

Response codes

.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml

   - 202

.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml

   - 400
   - 401
   - 403
   - 404


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - deny_access: deny_access
   - access_id: access_id
   - share_id: share_id
   - tenant_id: tenant_id_path

Request example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-actions-revoke-access-request.json
   :language: javascript

List access rules

.. rest_method::  POST /v2/{tenant_id}/shares/{share_id}/action

Lists access rules for a share. The Access ID returned is necessary to deny

Response codes

.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml

   - 200

.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml

   - 400
   - 401
   - 403
   - 404


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - access_list: access_list
   - share_id: share_id
   - tenant_id: tenant_id_path

Request example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-actions-list-access-rules-request.json
   :language: javascript

Response parameters

.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - access_type: access_type
   - access_key: access_key
   - access_to: access_to
   - access_level: access_level
   - state: state
   - access_list: access_list
   - id: access_rule_id
   - created_at: access_rule_created_at
   - updated_at: access_rule_updated_at

Response example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-actions-list-access-rules-response.json
   :language: javascript

Reset share state

.. rest_method::  POST /v2/{tenant_id}/shares/{share_id}/action

Administrator only. Explicitly updates the state of a share.

Use the ``policy.json`` file to grant permissions for this action
to other roles.

Response codes

.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml

   - 202

.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml

   - 400
   - 401
   - 403
   - 404


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - reset_status: reset_status
   - status: access_status
   - share_id: share_id
   - tenant_id: tenant_id_path

Request example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-actions-reset-state-request.json
   :language: javascript

Force-delete share

.. rest_method::  POST /v2/{tenant_id}/shares/{share_id}/action

Administrator only. Force-deletes a share in any state.

Use the ``policy.json`` file to grant permissions for this action
to other roles.

Response codes

.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml

   - 202

.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml

   - 400
   - 401
   - 403
   - 404


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - force_delete: share_force_delete
   - share_id: share_id
   - tenant_id: tenant_id_path

Request example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-actions-force-delete-request.json
   :language: javascript

Extend share

.. rest_method::  POST /v2/{tenant_id}/shares/{share_id}/action

Increases the size of a share.

Response codes

.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml

   - 202

.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml

   - 400
   - 401
   - 403
   - 404


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - extend: extend
   - new_size: share_new_size
   - share_id: share_id
   - tenant_id: tenant_id_path

Request example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-actions-extend-request.json
   :language: javascript

Shrink share

.. rest_method::  POST /v2/{tenant_id}/shares/{share_id}/action

Shrinks the size of a share.

Response codes

.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml

   - 202

.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml

   - 400
   - 401
   - 403
   - 404


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - shrink: shrink
   - new_size: share_new_size
   - share_id: share_id
   - tenant_id: tenant_id_path

Request example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-actions-shrink-request.json
   :language: javascript

Unmanage share

.. rest_method::  POST /v2/{tenant_id}/shares/{share_id}/action

This API is available in versions later than or equal to 2.7

Response codes

.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml

   - 202

.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml

   - 400
   - 401
   - 403
   - 404
   - 409


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - unmanage: share_unmanage
   - share_id: share_id
   - tenant_id: tenant_id_path

Request example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-actions-unmanage-request.json
   :language: javascript

Revert share to snapshot

.. rest_method::  POST /v2/{tenant_id}/shares/{share_id}/action

Reverts a share to the specified snapshot, which must be the most recent one
known to manila. This API is available in versions later than or equal to 2.27.

Response codes

.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml

   - 202

.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml

   - 400
   - 401
   - 403
   - 404
   - 409


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - snapshot_id: snapshot_id
   - share_id: share_id
   - tenant_id: tenant_id_path

Request example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-actions-revert-to-snapshot-request.json
   :language: javascript