# Copyright 2016 Mirantis Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Module with ZFSonLinux share driver that utilizes ZFS filesystem resources and exports them as shares. """ import math import os import time from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from oslo_utils import importutils from oslo_utils import strutils from oslo_utils import timeutils from manila.common import constants from manila import exception from manila.i18n import _ from manila.share import configuration from manila.share import driver from manila.share.drivers.zfsonlinux import utils as zfs_utils from manila.share.manager import share_manager_opts # noqa from manila.share import share_types from manila.share import utils as share_utils from manila import utils zfsonlinux_opts = [ cfg.HostAddressOpt( "zfs_share_export_ip", required=True, help="IP to be added to user-facing export location. Required."), cfg.HostAddressOpt( "zfs_service_ip", required=True, help="IP to be added to admin-facing export location. Required."), cfg.ListOpt( "zfs_zpool_list", required=True, help="Specify list of zpools that are allowed to be used by backend. " "Can contain nested datasets. Examples: " "Without nested dataset: 'zpool_name'. " "With nested dataset: 'zpool_name/nested_dataset_name'. " "Required."), cfg.ListOpt( "zfs_dataset_creation_options", help="Define here list of options that should be applied " "for each dataset creation if needed. Example: " "compression=gzip,dedup=off. " "Note that, for secondary replicas option 'readonly' will be set " "to 'on' and for active replicas to 'off' in any way. " "Also, 'quota' will be equal to share size. Optional."), cfg.StrOpt( "zfs_dataset_name_prefix", default='manila_share_', help="Prefix to be used in each dataset name. Optional."), cfg.StrOpt( "zfs_dataset_snapshot_name_prefix", default='manila_share_snapshot_', help="Prefix to be used in each dataset snapshot name. Optional."), cfg.BoolOpt( "zfs_use_ssh", default=False, help="Remote ZFS storage hostname that should be used for SSH'ing. " "Optional."), cfg.StrOpt( "zfs_ssh_username", help="SSH user that will be used in 2 cases: " "1) By manila-share service in case it is located on different " "host than its ZFS storage. " "2) By manila-share services with other ZFS backends that " "perform replication. " "It is expected that SSH'ing will be key-based, passwordless. " "This user should be passwordless sudoer. Optional."), cfg.StrOpt( "zfs_ssh_user_password", secret=True, help="Password for user that is used for SSH'ing ZFS storage host. " "Not used for replication operations. They require " "passwordless SSH access. Optional."), cfg.StrOpt( "zfs_ssh_private_key_path", help="Path to SSH private key that should be used for SSH'ing ZFS " "storage host. Not used for replication operations. Optional."), cfg.ListOpt( "zfs_share_helpers", required=True, default=[ "NFS=manila.share.drivers.zfsonlinux.utils.NFSviaZFSHelper", ], help="Specify list of share export helpers for ZFS storage. " "It should look like following: " "'FOO_protocol=foo.FooClass,BAR_protocol=bar.BarClass'. " "Required."), cfg.StrOpt( "zfs_replica_snapshot_prefix", required=True, default="tmp_snapshot_for_replication_", help="Set snapshot prefix for usage in ZFS replication. Required."), cfg.StrOpt( "zfs_migration_snapshot_prefix", required=True, default="tmp_snapshot_for_share_migration_", help="Set snapshot prefix for usage in ZFS migration. Required."), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(zfsonlinux_opts) LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) def ensure_share_server_not_provided(f): def wrap(self, context, *args, **kwargs): server = kwargs.get( "share_server", kwargs.get("destination_share_server")) if server: raise exception.InvalidInput( reason=_("Share server handling is not available. " "But 'share_server' was provided. '%s'. " "Share network should not be used.") % server.get( "id", server)) return f(self, context, *args, **kwargs) return wrap def get_backend_configuration(backend_name): config_stanzas = CONF.list_all_sections() if backend_name not in config_stanzas: msg = _("Could not find backend stanza %(backend_name)s in " "configuration which is required for share replication and " "migration. Available stanzas are %(stanzas)s") params = { "stanzas": config_stanzas, "backend_name": backend_name, } raise exception.BadConfigurationException(reason=msg % params) config = configuration.Configuration( driver.share_opts, config_group=backend_name) config.append_config_values(zfsonlinux_opts) config.append_config_values(share_manager_opts) config.append_config_values(driver.ssh_opts) return config class ZFSonLinuxShareDriver(zfs_utils.ExecuteMixin, driver.ShareDriver): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ZFSonLinuxShareDriver, self).__init__( [False], *args, config_opts=[zfsonlinux_opts], **kwargs) self.replica_snapshot_prefix = ( self.configuration.zfs_replica_snapshot_prefix) self.migration_snapshot_prefix = ( self.configuration.zfs_migration_snapshot_prefix) self.backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get( 'share_backend_name') or 'ZFSonLinux' self.zpool_list = self._get_zpool_list() self.dataset_creation_options = ( self.configuration.zfs_dataset_creation_options) self.share_export_ip = self.configuration.zfs_share_export_ip self.service_ip = self.configuration.zfs_service_ip self.private_storage = kwargs.get('private_storage') self._helpers = {} # Set config based capabilities self._init_common_capabilities() self._shell_executors = {} def _get_shell_executor_by_host(self, host): backend_name = share_utils.extract_host(host, level='backend_name') if backend_name in CONF.enabled_share_backends: # Return executor of this host return self.execute elif backend_name not in self._shell_executors: config = get_backend_configuration(backend_name) self._shell_executors[backend_name] = ( zfs_utils.get_remote_shell_executor( ip=config.zfs_service_ip, port=22, conn_timeout=config.ssh_conn_timeout, login=config.zfs_ssh_username, password=config.zfs_ssh_user_password, privatekey=config.zfs_ssh_private_key_path, max_size=10, ) ) # Return executor of remote host return self._shell_executors[backend_name] def _init_common_capabilities(self): self.common_capabilities = {} if 'dedup=on' in self.dataset_creation_options: self.common_capabilities['dedupe'] = [True] elif 'dedup=off' in self.dataset_creation_options: self.common_capabilities['dedupe'] = [False] else: self.common_capabilities['dedupe'] = [True, False] if 'compression=off' in self.dataset_creation_options: self.common_capabilities['compression'] = [False] elif any('compression=' in option for option in self.dataset_creation_options): self.common_capabilities['compression'] = [True] else: self.common_capabilities['compression'] = [True, False] # NOTE(vponomaryov): Driver uses 'quota' approach for # ZFS dataset. So, we can consider it as # 'always thin provisioned' because this driver never reserves # space for dataset. self.common_capabilities['thin_provisioning'] = [True] self.common_capabilities['max_over_subscription_ratio'] = ( self.configuration.max_over_subscription_ratio) self.common_capabilities['qos'] = [False] def _get_zpool_list(self): zpools = [] for zpool in self.configuration.zfs_zpool_list: zpool_name = zpool.split('/')[0] if zpool_name in zpools: raise exception.BadConfigurationException( reason=_("Using the same zpool twice is prohibited. " "Duplicate is '%(zpool)s'. List of zpools: " "%(zpool_list)s.") % { 'zpool': zpool, 'zpool_list': ', '.join( self.configuration.zfs_zpool_list)}) zpools.append(zpool_name) return zpools @zfs_utils.zfs_dataset_synchronized def _delete_dataset_or_snapshot_with_retry(self, name): """Attempts to destroy some dataset or snapshot with retries.""" # NOTE(vponomaryov): it is possible to see 'dataset is busy' error # under the load. So, we are ok to perform retry in this case. mountpoint = self.get_zfs_option(name, 'mountpoint') if '@' not in name: # NOTE(vponomaryov): check that dataset has no open files. start_point = time.time() while time.time() - start_point < 60: try: out, err = self.execute('lsof', '-w', mountpoint) except exception.ProcessExecutionError: # NOTE(vponomaryov): lsof returns code 1 if search # didn't give results. break LOG.debug("Cannot destroy dataset '%(name)s', it has " "opened files. Will wait 2 more seconds. " "Out: \n%(out)s", { 'name': name, 'out': out}) time.sleep(2) else: raise exception.ZFSonLinuxException( msg=_("Could not destroy '%s' dataset, " "because it had opened files.") % name) # NOTE(vponomaryov): Now, when no file usages and mounts of dataset # exist, destroy dataset. try: self.zfs('destroy', '-f', name) return except exception.ProcessExecutionError: LOG.info("Failed to destroy ZFS dataset, retrying one time") # NOTE(bswartz): There appears to be a bug in ZFS when creating and # destroying datasets concurrently where the filesystem remains mounted # even though ZFS thinks it's unmounted. The most reliable workaround # I've found is to force the unmount, then retry the destroy, with # short pauses around the unmount. time.sleep(1) try: self.execute('sudo', 'umount', mountpoint) except exception.ProcessExecutionError: # Ignore failed umount, it's normal pass time.sleep(1) # This time the destroy is expected to succeed. self.zfs('destroy', '-f', name) def _setup_helpers(self): """Setups share helper for ZFS backend.""" self._helpers = {} helpers = self.configuration.zfs_share_helpers if helpers: for helper_str in helpers: share_proto, __, import_str = helper_str.partition('=') helper = importutils.import_class(import_str) self._helpers[share_proto.upper()] = helper( self.configuration) else: raise exception.BadConfigurationException( reason=_( "No share helpers selected for ZFSonLinux Driver. " "Please specify using config option 'zfs_share_helpers'.")) def _get_share_helper(self, share_proto): """Returns share helper specific for used share protocol.""" helper = self._helpers.get(share_proto) if helper: return helper else: raise exception.InvalidShare( reason=_("Wrong, unsupported or disabled protocol - " "'%s'.") % share_proto) def do_setup(self, context): """Perform basic setup and checks.""" super(ZFSonLinuxShareDriver, self).do_setup(context) self._setup_helpers() for ip in (self.share_export_ip, self.service_ip): if not utils.is_valid_ip_address(ip, 4): raise exception.BadConfigurationException( reason=_("Wrong IP address provided: " "%s") % self.share_export_ip) if not self.zpool_list: raise exception.BadConfigurationException( reason=_("No zpools specified for usage: " "%s") % self.zpool_list) # Make pool mounts shared so that cloned namespaces receive unmounts # and don't prevent us from unmounting datasets for zpool in self.configuration.zfs_zpool_list: self.execute('sudo', 'mount', '--make-rshared', ('/%s' % zpool)) if self.configuration.zfs_use_ssh: # Check workability of SSH executor self.ssh_executor('whoami') def _get_pools_info(self): """Returns info about all pools used by backend.""" pools = [] for zpool in self.zpool_list: free_size = self.get_zpool_option(zpool, 'free') free_size = utils.translate_string_size_to_float(free_size) total_size = self.get_zpool_option(zpool, 'size') total_size = utils.translate_string_size_to_float(total_size) pool = { 'pool_name': zpool, 'total_capacity_gb': float(total_size), 'free_capacity_gb': float(free_size), 'reserved_percentage': self.configuration.reserved_share_percentage, } pool.update(self.common_capabilities) if self.configuration.replication_domain: pool['replication_type'] = 'readable' pools.append(pool) return pools def _update_share_stats(self): """Retrieves share stats info.""" data = { 'share_backend_name': self.backend_name, 'storage_protocol': 'NFS', 'reserved_percentage': self.configuration.reserved_share_percentage, 'snapshot_support': True, 'create_share_from_snapshot_support': True, 'driver_name': 'ZFS', 'pools': self._get_pools_info(), } if self.configuration.replication_domain: data['replication_type'] = 'readable' super(ZFSonLinuxShareDriver, self)._update_share_stats(data) def _get_share_name(self, share_id): """Returns name of dataset used for given share.""" prefix = self.configuration.zfs_dataset_name_prefix or '' return prefix + share_id.replace('-', '_') def _get_snapshot_name(self, snapshot_id): """Returns name of dataset snapshot used for given share snapshot.""" prefix = self.configuration.zfs_dataset_snapshot_name_prefix or '' return prefix + snapshot_id.replace('-', '_') def _get_dataset_creation_options(self, share, is_readonly=False): """Returns list of options to be used for dataset creation.""" options = ['quota=%sG' % share['size']] extra_specs = share_types.get_extra_specs_from_share(share) dedupe_set = False dedupe = extra_specs.get('dedupe') if dedupe: dedupe = strutils.bool_from_string( dedupe.lower().split(' ')[-1], default=dedupe) if (dedupe in self.common_capabilities['dedupe']): options.append('dedup=%s' % ('on' if dedupe else 'off')) dedupe_set = True else: raise exception.ZFSonLinuxException(msg=_( "Cannot use requested '%(requested)s' value of 'dedupe' " "extra spec. It does not fit allowed value '%(allowed)s' " "that is configured for backend.") % { 'requested': dedupe, 'allowed': self.common_capabilities['dedupe']}) compression_set = False compression_type = extra_specs.get('zfsonlinux:compression') if compression_type: if (compression_type == 'off' and False in self.common_capabilities['compression']): options.append('compression=off') compression_set = True elif (compression_type != 'off' and True in self.common_capabilities['compression']): options.append('compression=%s' % compression_type) compression_set = True else: raise exception.ZFSonLinuxException(msg=_( "Cannot use value '%s' of extra spec " "'zfsonlinux:compression' because compression is disabled " "for this backend. Set extra spec 'compression=True' to " "make scheduler pick up appropriate backend." ) % compression_type) for option in self.dataset_creation_options or []: if any(v in option for v in ( 'readonly', 'sharenfs', 'sharesmb', 'quota')): continue if 'dedup' in option and dedupe_set is True: continue if 'compression' in option and compression_set is True: continue options.append(option) if is_readonly: options.append('readonly=on') else: options.append('readonly=off') return options def _get_dataset_name(self, share): """Returns name of dataset used for given share.""" pool_name = share_utils.extract_host(share['host'], level='pool') # Pick pool with nested dataset name if set up for pool in self.configuration.zfs_zpool_list: pool_data = pool.split('/') if (pool_name == pool_data[0] and len(pool_data) > 1): pool_name = pool if pool_name[-1] == '/': pool_name = pool_name[0:-1] break dataset_name = self._get_share_name(share['id']) full_dataset_name = '%(pool)s/%(dataset)s' % { 'pool': pool_name, 'dataset': dataset_name} return full_dataset_name @ensure_share_server_not_provided def create_share(self, context, share, share_server=None): """Is called to create a share.""" options = self._get_dataset_creation_options(share, is_readonly=False) cmd = ['create'] for option in options: cmd.extend(['-o', option]) dataset_name = self._get_dataset_name(share) cmd.append(dataset_name) ssh_cmd = '%(username)s@%(host)s' % { 'username': self.configuration.zfs_ssh_username, 'host': self.service_ip, } pool_name = share_utils.extract_host(share['host'], level='pool') self.private_storage.update( share['id'], { 'entity_type': 'share', 'dataset_name': dataset_name, 'ssh_cmd': ssh_cmd, # used with replication and migration 'pool_name': pool_name, # used in replication 'used_options': ' '.join(options), } ) self.zfs(*cmd) return self._get_share_helper( share['share_proto']).create_exports(dataset_name) @ensure_share_server_not_provided def delete_share(self, context, share, share_server=None): """Is called to remove a share.""" pool_name = self.private_storage.get(share['id'], 'pool_name') pool_name = pool_name or share_utils.extract_host( share["host"], level="pool") dataset_name = self.private_storage.get(share['id'], 'dataset_name') if not dataset_name: dataset_name = self._get_dataset_name(share) out, err = self.zfs('list', '-r', pool_name) data = self.parse_zfs_answer(out) for datum in data: if datum['NAME'] != dataset_name: continue # Delete dataset's snapshots first out, err = self.zfs('list', '-r', '-t', 'snapshot', pool_name) snapshots = self.parse_zfs_answer(out) full_snapshot_prefix = ( dataset_name + '@') for snap in snapshots: if full_snapshot_prefix in snap['NAME']: self._delete_dataset_or_snapshot_with_retry(snap['NAME']) self._get_share_helper( share['share_proto']).remove_exports(dataset_name) self._delete_dataset_or_snapshot_with_retry(dataset_name) break else: LOG.warning( "Share with '%(id)s' ID and '%(name)s' NAME is " "absent on backend. Nothing has been deleted.", {'id': share['id'], 'name': dataset_name}) self.private_storage.delete(share['id']) @ensure_share_server_not_provided def create_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_server=None): """Is called to create a snapshot.""" dataset_name = self.private_storage.get( snapshot['share_instance_id'], 'dataset_name') snapshot_tag = self._get_snapshot_name(snapshot['id']) snapshot_name = dataset_name + '@' + snapshot_tag self.private_storage.update( snapshot['snapshot_id'], { 'entity_type': 'snapshot', 'snapshot_tag': snapshot_tag, } ) self.zfs('snapshot', snapshot_name) return {"provider_location": snapshot_name} @ensure_share_server_not_provided def delete_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_server=None): """Is called to remove a snapshot.""" self._delete_snapshot(context, snapshot) self.private_storage.delete(snapshot['snapshot_id']) def _get_saved_snapshot_name(self, snapshot_instance): snapshot_tag = self.private_storage.get( snapshot_instance['snapshot_id'], 'snapshot_tag') dataset_name = self.private_storage.get( snapshot_instance['share_instance_id'], 'dataset_name') snapshot_name = dataset_name + '@' + snapshot_tag return snapshot_name def _delete_snapshot(self, context, snapshot): snapshot_name = self._get_saved_snapshot_name(snapshot) out, err = self.zfs('list', '-r', '-t', 'snapshot', snapshot_name) data = self.parse_zfs_answer(out) for datum in data: if datum['NAME'] == snapshot_name: self._delete_dataset_or_snapshot_with_retry(snapshot_name) break else: LOG.warning( "Snapshot with '%(id)s' ID and '%(name)s' NAME is " "absent on backend. Nothing has been deleted.", {'id': snapshot['id'], 'name': snapshot_name}) @ensure_share_server_not_provided def create_share_from_snapshot(self, context, share, snapshot, share_server=None): """Is called to create a share from snapshot.""" dataset_name = self._get_dataset_name(share) ssh_cmd = '%(username)s@%(host)s' % { 'username': self.configuration.zfs_ssh_username, 'host': self.service_ip, } pool_name = share_utils.extract_host(share['host'], level='pool') options = self._get_dataset_creation_options(share, is_readonly=False) self.private_storage.update( share['id'], { 'entity_type': 'share', 'dataset_name': dataset_name, 'ssh_cmd': ssh_cmd, # used in replication 'pool_name': pool_name, # used in replication 'used_options': options, } ) snapshot_name = self._get_saved_snapshot_name(snapshot) self.execute( # NOTE(vponomaryov): SSH is used as workaround for 'execute' # implementation restriction that does not support usage of '|'. 'ssh', ssh_cmd, 'sudo', 'zfs', 'send', '-vD', snapshot_name, '|', 'sudo', 'zfs', 'receive', '-v', dataset_name, ) # Apply options based on used share type that may differ from # one used for original share. for option in options: self.zfs('set', option, dataset_name) # Delete with retry as right after creation it may be temporary busy. self.execute_with_retry( 'sudo', 'zfs', 'destroy', dataset_name + '@' + snapshot_name.split('@')[-1]) return self._get_share_helper( share['share_proto']).create_exports(dataset_name) def get_pool(self, share): """Return pool name where the share resides on. :param share: The share hosted by the driver. """ pool_name = share_utils.extract_host(share['host'], level='pool') return pool_name @ensure_share_server_not_provided def ensure_share(self, context, share, share_server=None): """Invoked to ensure that given share is exported.""" dataset_name = self.private_storage.get(share['id'], 'dataset_name') if not dataset_name: dataset_name = self._get_dataset_name(share) pool_name = share_utils.extract_host(share['host'], level='pool') out, err = self.zfs('list', '-r', pool_name) data = self.parse_zfs_answer(out) for datum in data: if datum['NAME'] == dataset_name: ssh_cmd = '%(username)s@%(host)s' % { 'username': self.configuration.zfs_ssh_username, 'host': self.service_ip, } self.private_storage.update( share['id'], {'ssh_cmd': ssh_cmd}) sharenfs = self.get_zfs_option(dataset_name, 'sharenfs') if sharenfs != 'off': self.zfs('share', dataset_name) export_locations = self._get_share_helper( share['share_proto']).get_exports(dataset_name) return export_locations else: raise exception.ShareResourceNotFound(share_id=share['id']) def get_network_allocations_number(self): """ZFS does not handle networking. Return 0.""" return 0 @ensure_share_server_not_provided def extend_share(self, share, new_size, share_server=None): """Extends size of existing share.""" dataset_name = self._get_dataset_name(share) self.zfs('set', 'quota=%sG' % new_size, dataset_name) @ensure_share_server_not_provided def shrink_share(self, share, new_size, share_server=None): """Shrinks size of existing share.""" dataset_name = self._get_dataset_name(share) consumed_space = self.get_zfs_option(dataset_name, 'used') consumed_space = utils.translate_string_size_to_float(consumed_space) if consumed_space >= new_size: raise exception.ShareShrinkingPossibleDataLoss( share_id=share['id']) self.zfs('set', 'quota=%sG' % new_size, dataset_name) @ensure_share_server_not_provided def update_access(self, context, share, access_rules, add_rules, delete_rules, share_server=None): """Updates access rules for given share.""" dataset_name = self._get_dataset_name(share) executor = self._get_shell_executor_by_host(share['host']) return self._get_share_helper(share['share_proto']).update_access( dataset_name, access_rules, add_rules, delete_rules, executor=executor) def manage_existing(self, share, driver_options): """Manage existing ZFS dataset as manila share. ZFSonLinux driver accepts only one driver_option 'size'. If an administrator provides this option, then such quota will be set to dataset and used as share size. Otherwise, driver will set quota equal to nearest bigger rounded integer of usage size. Driver does not expect mountpoint to be changed (should be equal to default that is "/%(dataset_name)s"). :param share: share data :param driver_options: Empty dict or dict with 'size' option. :return: dict with share size and its export locations. """ old_export_location = share["export_locations"][0]["path"] old_dataset_name = old_export_location.split(":/")[-1] scheduled_pool_name = share_utils.extract_host( share["host"], level="pool") actual_pool_name = old_dataset_name.split("/")[0] new_dataset_name = self._get_dataset_name(share) # Calculate quota for managed dataset quota = driver_options.get("size") if not quota: consumed_space = self.get_zfs_option(old_dataset_name, "used") consumed_space = utils.translate_string_size_to_float( consumed_space) quota = int(consumed_space) + 1 share["size"] = int(quota) # Save dataset-specific data in private storage options = self._get_dataset_creation_options(share, is_readonly=False) ssh_cmd = "%(username)s@%(host)s" % { "username": self.configuration.zfs_ssh_username, "host": self.service_ip, } # Perform checks on requested dataset if actual_pool_name != scheduled_pool_name: raise exception.ZFSonLinuxException( _("Cannot manage share '%(share_id)s' " "(share_instance '%(si_id)s'), because scheduled " "pool '%(sch)s' and actual '%(actual)s' differ.") % { "share_id": share["share_id"], "si_id": share["id"], "sch": scheduled_pool_name, "actual": actual_pool_name}) out, err = self.zfs("list", "-r", actual_pool_name) data = self.parse_zfs_answer(out) for datum in data: if datum["NAME"] == old_dataset_name: break else: raise exception.ZFSonLinuxException( _("Cannot manage share '%(share_id)s' " "(share_instance '%(si_id)s'), because dataset " "'%(dataset)s' not found in zpool '%(zpool)s'.") % { "share_id": share["share_id"], "si_id": share["id"], "dataset": old_dataset_name, "zpool": actual_pool_name}) # Unmount the dataset before attempting to rename and mount try: self._unmount_share_with_retry(old_dataset_name) except exception.ZFSonLinuxException: msg = _("Unable to unmount share before renaming and re-mounting.") raise exception.ZFSonLinuxException(message=msg) # Rename the dataset and mount with new name self.zfs_with_retry("rename", old_dataset_name, new_dataset_name) try: self.zfs("mount", new_dataset_name) except exception.ProcessExecutionError: # Workaround for bug/1785180 out, err = self.zfs("mount") mounted = any([new_dataset_name in mountedfs for mountedfs in out.splitlines()]) if not mounted: raise # Apply options to dataset for option in options: self.zfs("set", option, new_dataset_name) # Get new export locations of renamed dataset export_locations = self._get_share_helper( share["share_proto"]).get_exports(new_dataset_name) self.private_storage.update( share["id"], { "entity_type": "share", "dataset_name": new_dataset_name, "ssh_cmd": ssh_cmd, # used in replication "pool_name": actual_pool_name, # used in replication "used_options": " ".join(options), } ) return {"size": share["size"], "export_locations": export_locations} def unmanage(self, share): """Removes the specified share from Manila management.""" self.private_storage.delete(share['id']) def manage_existing_snapshot(self, snapshot_instance, driver_options): """Manage existing share snapshot with manila. :param snapshot_instance: SnapshotInstance data :param driver_options: expects only one optional key 'size'. :return: dict with share snapshot instance fields for update, example:: { 'size': 1, 'provider_location': 'path/to/some/dataset@some_snapshot_tag', } """ snapshot_size = int(driver_options.get("size", 0)) old_provider_location = snapshot_instance.get("provider_location") old_snapshot_tag = old_provider_location.split("@")[-1] new_snapshot_tag = self._get_snapshot_name(snapshot_instance["id"]) self.private_storage.update( snapshot_instance["snapshot_id"], { "entity_type": "snapshot", "old_snapshot_tag": old_snapshot_tag, "snapshot_tag": new_snapshot_tag, } ) try: self.zfs("list", "-r", "-t", "snapshot", old_provider_location) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as e: raise exception.ManageInvalidShareSnapshot(reason=e.stderr) if not snapshot_size: consumed_space = self.get_zfs_option(old_provider_location, "used") consumed_space = utils.translate_string_size_to_float( consumed_space) snapshot_size = int(math.ceil(consumed_space)) dataset_name = self.private_storage.get( snapshot_instance["share_instance_id"], "dataset_name") new_provider_location = dataset_name + "@" + new_snapshot_tag self.zfs("rename", old_provider_location, new_provider_location) return { "size": snapshot_size, "provider_location": new_provider_location, } def unmanage_snapshot(self, snapshot_instance): """Unmanage dataset snapshot.""" self.private_storage.delete(snapshot_instance["snapshot_id"]) @utils.retry(exception.ZFSonLinuxException) def _unmount_share_with_retry(self, share_name): out, err = self.execute("sudo", "mount") if "%s " % share_name not in out: return self.zfs_with_retry("umount", "-f", share_name) out, err = self.execute("sudo", "mount") if "%s " % share_name in out: raise exception.ZFSonLinuxException( _("Unable to unmount dataset %s"), share_name) def _get_replication_snapshot_prefix(self, replica): """Returns replica-based snapshot prefix.""" replication_snapshot_prefix = "%s_%s" % ( self.replica_snapshot_prefix, replica['id'].replace('-', '_')) return replication_snapshot_prefix def _get_replication_snapshot_tag(self, replica): """Returns replica- and time-based snapshot tag.""" current_time = timeutils.utcnow().isoformat() snapshot_tag = "%s_time_%s" % ( self._get_replication_snapshot_prefix(replica), current_time) return snapshot_tag def _get_active_replica(self, replica_list): for replica in replica_list: if replica['replica_state'] == constants.REPLICA_STATE_ACTIVE: return replica msg = _("Active replica not found.") raise exception.ReplicationException(reason=msg) def _get_migration_snapshot_prefix(self, share_instance): """Returns migration-based snapshot prefix.""" migration_snapshot_prefix = "%s_%s" % ( self.migration_snapshot_prefix, share_instance['id'].replace('-', '_')) return migration_snapshot_prefix def _get_migration_snapshot_tag(self, share_instance): """Returns migration- and time-based snapshot tag.""" current_time = timeutils.utcnow().isoformat() snapshot_tag = "%s_time_%s" % ( self._get_migration_snapshot_prefix(share_instance), current_time) snapshot_tag = ( snapshot_tag.replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_').replace(':', '_')) return snapshot_tag @ensure_share_server_not_provided def create_replica(self, context, replica_list, new_replica, access_rules, replica_snapshots, share_server=None): """Replicates the active replica to a new replica on this backend.""" active_replica = self._get_active_replica(replica_list) src_dataset_name = self.private_storage.get( active_replica['id'], 'dataset_name') ssh_to_src_cmd = self.private_storage.get( active_replica['id'], 'ssh_cmd') dst_dataset_name = self._get_dataset_name(new_replica) ssh_cmd = '%(username)s@%(host)s' % { 'username': self.configuration.zfs_ssh_username, 'host': self.service_ip, } snapshot_tag = self._get_replication_snapshot_tag(new_replica) src_snapshot_name = ( '%(dataset_name)s@%(snapshot_tag)s' % { 'snapshot_tag': snapshot_tag, 'dataset_name': src_dataset_name, } ) # Save valuable data to DB self.private_storage.update(active_replica['id'], { 'repl_snapshot_tag': snapshot_tag, }) self.private_storage.update(new_replica['id'], { 'entity_type': 'replica', 'replica_type': 'readable', 'dataset_name': dst_dataset_name, 'ssh_cmd': ssh_cmd, 'pool_name': share_utils.extract_host( new_replica['host'], level='pool'), 'repl_snapshot_tag': snapshot_tag, }) # Create temporary snapshot. It will exist until following replica sync # After it - new one will appear and so in loop. self.execute( 'ssh', ssh_to_src_cmd, 'sudo', 'zfs', 'snapshot', src_snapshot_name, ) # Send/receive temporary snapshot out, err = self.execute( 'ssh', ssh_to_src_cmd, 'sudo', 'zfs', 'send', '-vDR', src_snapshot_name, '|', 'ssh', ssh_cmd, 'sudo', 'zfs', 'receive', '-v', dst_dataset_name, ) msg = ("Info about replica '%(replica_id)s' creation is following: " "\n%(out)s") LOG.debug(msg, {'replica_id': new_replica['id'], 'out': out}) # Make replica readonly self.zfs('set', 'readonly=on', dst_dataset_name) # Set original share size as quota to new replica self.zfs('set', 'quota=%sG' % active_replica['size'], dst_dataset_name) # Apply access rules from original share self._get_share_helper(new_replica['share_proto']).update_access( dst_dataset_name, access_rules, add_rules=[], delete_rules=[], make_all_ro=True) return { 'export_locations': self._get_share_helper( new_replica['share_proto']).create_exports(dst_dataset_name), 'replica_state': constants.REPLICA_STATE_IN_SYNC, 'access_rules_status': constants.STATUS_ACTIVE, } @ensure_share_server_not_provided def delete_replica(self, context, replica_list, replica_snapshots, replica, share_server=None): """Deletes a replica. This is called on the destination backend.""" pool_name = self.private_storage.get(replica['id'], 'pool_name') dataset_name = self.private_storage.get(replica['id'], 'dataset_name') if not dataset_name: dataset_name = self._get_dataset_name(replica) # Delete dataset's snapshots first out, err = self.zfs('list', '-r', '-t', 'snapshot', pool_name) data = self.parse_zfs_answer(out) for datum in data: if dataset_name in datum['NAME']: self._delete_dataset_or_snapshot_with_retry(datum['NAME']) # Now we delete dataset itself out, err = self.zfs('list', '-r', pool_name) data = self.parse_zfs_answer(out) for datum in data: if datum['NAME'] == dataset_name: self._get_share_helper( replica['share_proto']).remove_exports(dataset_name) self._delete_dataset_or_snapshot_with_retry(dataset_name) break else: LOG.warning( "Share replica with '%(id)s' ID and '%(name)s' NAME is " "absent on backend. Nothing has been deleted.", {'id': replica['id'], 'name': dataset_name}) self.private_storage.delete(replica['id']) @ensure_share_server_not_provided def update_replica_state(self, context, replica_list, replica, access_rules, replica_snapshots, share_server=None): """Syncs replica and updates its 'replica_state'.""" return self._update_replica_state( context, replica_list, replica, replica_snapshots, access_rules) def _update_replica_state(self, context, replica_list, replica, replica_snapshots=None, access_rules=None): active_replica = self._get_active_replica(replica_list) src_dataset_name = self.private_storage.get( active_replica['id'], 'dataset_name') ssh_to_src_cmd = self.private_storage.get( active_replica['id'], 'ssh_cmd') ssh_to_dst_cmd = self.private_storage.get( replica['id'], 'ssh_cmd') dst_dataset_name = self.private_storage.get( replica['id'], 'dataset_name') # Create temporary snapshot previous_snapshot_tag = self.private_storage.get( replica['id'], 'repl_snapshot_tag') snapshot_tag = self._get_replication_snapshot_tag(replica) src_snapshot_name = src_dataset_name + '@' + snapshot_tag self.execute( 'ssh', ssh_to_src_cmd, 'sudo', 'zfs', 'snapshot', src_snapshot_name, ) # Make sure it is readonly self.zfs('set', 'readonly=on', dst_dataset_name) # Send/receive diff between previous snapshot and last one out, err = self.execute( 'ssh', ssh_to_src_cmd, 'sudo', 'zfs', 'send', '-vDRI', previous_snapshot_tag, src_snapshot_name, '|', 'ssh', ssh_to_dst_cmd, 'sudo', 'zfs', 'receive', '-vF', dst_dataset_name, ) msg = ("Info about last replica '%(replica_id)s' sync is following: " "\n%(out)s") LOG.debug(msg, {'replica_id': replica['id'], 'out': out}) # Update DB data that will be used on following replica sync self.private_storage.update(active_replica['id'], { 'repl_snapshot_tag': snapshot_tag, }) self.private_storage.update( replica['id'], {'repl_snapshot_tag': snapshot_tag}) # Destroy all snapshots on dst filesystem except referenced ones. snap_references = set() for repl in replica_list: snap_references.add( self.private_storage.get(repl['id'], 'repl_snapshot_tag')) dst_pool_name = dst_dataset_name.split('/')[0] out, err = self.zfs('list', '-r', '-t', 'snapshot', dst_pool_name) data = self.parse_zfs_answer(out) for datum in data: if (dst_dataset_name in datum['NAME'] and '@' + self.replica_snapshot_prefix in datum['NAME'] and datum['NAME'].split('@')[-1] not in snap_references): self._delete_dataset_or_snapshot_with_retry(datum['NAME']) # Destroy all snapshots on src filesystem except referenced ones. src_pool_name = src_snapshot_name.split('/')[0] out, err = self.execute( 'ssh', ssh_to_src_cmd, 'sudo', 'zfs', 'list', '-r', '-t', 'snapshot', src_pool_name, ) data = self.parse_zfs_answer(out) full_src_snapshot_prefix = ( src_dataset_name + '@' + self._get_replication_snapshot_prefix(replica)) for datum in data: if (full_src_snapshot_prefix in datum['NAME'] and datum['NAME'].split('@')[-1] not in snap_references): self.execute_with_retry( 'ssh', ssh_to_src_cmd, 'sudo', 'zfs', 'destroy', '-f', datum['NAME'], ) if access_rules: # Apply access rules from original share # TODO(vponomaryov): we should remove somehow rules that were # deleted on active replica after creation of secondary replica. # For the moment there will be difference and it can be considered # as a bug. self._get_share_helper(replica['share_proto']).update_access( dst_dataset_name, access_rules, add_rules=[], delete_rules=[], make_all_ro=True) # Return results return constants.REPLICA_STATE_IN_SYNC @ensure_share_server_not_provided def promote_replica(self, context, replica_list, replica, access_rules, share_server=None): """Promotes secondary replica to active and active to secondary.""" active_replica = self._get_active_replica(replica_list) src_dataset_name = self.private_storage.get( active_replica['id'], 'dataset_name') ssh_to_src_cmd = self.private_storage.get( active_replica['id'], 'ssh_cmd') dst_dataset_name = self.private_storage.get( replica['id'], 'dataset_name') replica_dict = { r['id']: { 'id': r['id'], # NOTE(vponomaryov): access rules will be updated in next # 'sync' operation. 'access_rules_status': constants.SHARE_INSTANCE_RULES_SYNCING, } for r in replica_list } try: # Mark currently active replica as readonly self.execute( 'ssh', ssh_to_src_cmd, 'set', 'readonly=on', src_dataset_name, ) # Create temporary snapshot of currently active replica snapshot_tag = self._get_replication_snapshot_tag(active_replica) src_snapshot_name = src_dataset_name + '@' + snapshot_tag self.execute( 'ssh', ssh_to_src_cmd, 'sudo', 'zfs', 'snapshot', src_snapshot_name, ) # Apply temporary snapshot to all replicas for repl in replica_list: if repl['replica_state'] == constants.REPLICA_STATE_ACTIVE: continue previous_snapshot_tag = self.private_storage.get( repl['id'], 'repl_snapshot_tag') dataset_name = self.private_storage.get( repl['id'], 'dataset_name') ssh_to_dst_cmd = self.private_storage.get( repl['id'], 'ssh_cmd') try: # Send/receive diff between previous snapshot and last one out, err = self.execute( 'ssh', ssh_to_src_cmd, 'sudo', 'zfs', 'send', '-vDRI', previous_snapshot_tag, src_snapshot_name, '|', 'ssh', ssh_to_dst_cmd, 'sudo', 'zfs', 'receive', '-vF', dataset_name, ) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.warning("Failed to sync replica %(id)s. %(e)s", {'id': repl['id'], 'e': e}) replica_dict[repl['id']]['replica_state'] = ( constants.REPLICA_STATE_OUT_OF_SYNC) continue msg = ("Info about last replica '%(replica_id)s' " "sync is following: \n%(out)s") LOG.debug(msg, {'replica_id': repl['id'], 'out': out}) # Update latest replication snapshot for replica self.private_storage.update( repl['id'], {'repl_snapshot_tag': snapshot_tag}) # Update latest replication snapshot for currently active replica self.private_storage.update( active_replica['id'], {'repl_snapshot_tag': snapshot_tag}) replica_dict[active_replica['id']]['replica_state'] = ( constants.REPLICA_STATE_IN_SYNC) except Exception as e: LOG.warning( "Failed to update currently active replica. \n%s", e) replica_dict[active_replica['id']]['replica_state'] = ( constants.REPLICA_STATE_OUT_OF_SYNC) # Create temporary snapshot of new replica and sync it with other # secondary replicas. snapshot_tag = self._get_replication_snapshot_tag(replica) src_snapshot_name = dst_dataset_name + '@' + snapshot_tag ssh_to_src_cmd = self.private_storage.get(replica['id'], 'ssh_cmd') self.zfs('snapshot', src_snapshot_name) for repl in replica_list: if (repl['replica_state'] == constants.REPLICA_STATE_ACTIVE or repl['id'] == replica['id']): continue previous_snapshot_tag = self.private_storage.get( repl['id'], 'repl_snapshot_tag') dataset_name = self.private_storage.get( repl['id'], 'dataset_name') ssh_to_dst_cmd = self.private_storage.get( repl['id'], 'ssh_cmd') try: # Send/receive diff between previous snapshot and last one out, err = self.execute( 'ssh', ssh_to_src_cmd, 'sudo', 'zfs', 'send', '-vDRI', previous_snapshot_tag, src_snapshot_name, '|', 'ssh', ssh_to_dst_cmd, 'sudo', 'zfs', 'receive', '-vF', dataset_name, ) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.warning("Failed to sync replica %(id)s. %(e)s", {'id': repl['id'], 'e': e}) replica_dict[repl['id']]['replica_state'] = ( constants.REPLICA_STATE_OUT_OF_SYNC) continue msg = ("Info about last replica '%(replica_id)s' " "sync is following: \n%(out)s") LOG.debug(msg, {'replica_id': repl['id'], 'out': out}) # Update latest replication snapshot for replica self.private_storage.update( repl['id'], {'repl_snapshot_tag': snapshot_tag}) # Update latest replication snapshot for new active replica self.private_storage.update( replica['id'], {'repl_snapshot_tag': snapshot_tag}) replica_dict[replica['id']]['replica_state'] = ( constants.REPLICA_STATE_ACTIVE) self._get_share_helper(replica['share_proto']).update_access( dst_dataset_name, access_rules, add_rules=[], delete_rules=[]) replica_dict[replica['id']]['access_rules_status'] = ( constants.STATUS_ACTIVE) self.zfs('set', 'readonly=off', dst_dataset_name) return list(replica_dict.values()) @ensure_share_server_not_provided def create_replicated_snapshot(self, context, replica_list, replica_snapshots, share_server=None): """Create a snapshot and update across the replicas.""" active_replica = self._get_active_replica(replica_list) src_dataset_name = self.private_storage.get( active_replica['id'], 'dataset_name') ssh_to_src_cmd = self.private_storage.get( active_replica['id'], 'ssh_cmd') replica_snapshots_dict = { si['id']: {'id': si['id']} for si in replica_snapshots} active_snapshot_instance_id = [ si['id'] for si in replica_snapshots if si['share_instance_id'] == active_replica['id']][0] snapshot_tag = self._get_snapshot_name(active_snapshot_instance_id) # Replication should not be dependent on manually created snapshots # so, create additional one, newer, that will be used for replication # synchronizations. repl_snapshot_tag = self._get_replication_snapshot_tag(active_replica) src_snapshot_name = src_dataset_name + '@' + repl_snapshot_tag self.private_storage.update( replica_snapshots[0]['snapshot_id'], { 'entity_type': 'snapshot', 'snapshot_tag': snapshot_tag, } ) for tag in (snapshot_tag, repl_snapshot_tag): self.execute( 'ssh', ssh_to_src_cmd, 'sudo', 'zfs', 'snapshot', src_dataset_name + '@' + tag, ) # Populate snapshot to all replicas for replica_snapshot in replica_snapshots: replica_id = replica_snapshot['share_instance_id'] if replica_id == active_replica['id']: replica_snapshots_dict[replica_snapshot['id']]['status'] = ( constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE) continue previous_snapshot_tag = self.private_storage.get( replica_id, 'repl_snapshot_tag') dst_dataset_name = self.private_storage.get( replica_id, 'dataset_name') ssh_to_dst_cmd = self.private_storage.get(replica_id, 'ssh_cmd') try: # Send/receive diff between previous snapshot and last one out, err = self.execute( 'ssh', ssh_to_src_cmd, 'sudo', 'zfs', 'send', '-vDRI', previous_snapshot_tag, src_snapshot_name, '|', 'ssh', ssh_to_dst_cmd, 'sudo', 'zfs', 'receive', '-vF', dst_dataset_name, ) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.warning( "Failed to sync snapshot instance %(id)s. %(e)s", {'id': replica_snapshot['id'], 'e': e}) replica_snapshots_dict[replica_snapshot['id']]['status'] = ( constants.STATUS_ERROR) continue replica_snapshots_dict[replica_snapshot['id']]['status'] = ( constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE) msg = ("Info about last replica '%(replica_id)s' " "sync is following: \n%(out)s") LOG.debug(msg, {'replica_id': replica_id, 'out': out}) # Update latest replication snapshot for replica self.private_storage.update( replica_id, {'repl_snapshot_tag': repl_snapshot_tag}) # Update latest replication snapshot for currently active replica self.private_storage.update( active_replica['id'], {'repl_snapshot_tag': repl_snapshot_tag}) return list(replica_snapshots_dict.values()) @ensure_share_server_not_provided def delete_replicated_snapshot(self, context, replica_list, replica_snapshots, share_server=None): """Delete a snapshot by deleting its instances across the replicas.""" active_replica = self._get_active_replica(replica_list) replica_snapshots_dict = { si['id']: {'id': si['id']} for si in replica_snapshots} for replica_snapshot in replica_snapshots: replica_id = replica_snapshot['share_instance_id'] snapshot_name = self._get_saved_snapshot_name(replica_snapshot) if active_replica['id'] == replica_id: self._delete_snapshot(context, replica_snapshot) replica_snapshots_dict[replica_snapshot['id']]['status'] = ( constants.STATUS_DELETED) continue ssh_cmd = self.private_storage.get(replica_id, 'ssh_cmd') out, err = self.execute( 'ssh', ssh_cmd, 'sudo', 'zfs', 'list', '-r', '-t', 'snapshot', snapshot_name, ) data = self.parse_zfs_answer(out) for datum in data: if datum['NAME'] != snapshot_name: continue self.execute_with_retry( 'ssh', ssh_cmd, 'sudo', 'zfs', 'destroy', '-f', datum['NAME'], ) self.private_storage.delete(replica_snapshot['id']) replica_snapshots_dict[replica_snapshot['id']]['status'] = ( constants.STATUS_DELETED) self.private_storage.delete(replica_snapshot['snapshot_id']) return list(replica_snapshots_dict.values()) @ensure_share_server_not_provided def update_replicated_snapshot(self, context, replica_list, share_replica, replica_snapshots, replica_snapshot, share_server=None): """Update the status of a snapshot instance that lives on a replica.""" self._update_replica_state(context, replica_list, share_replica) snapshot_name = self._get_saved_snapshot_name(replica_snapshot) out, err = self.zfs('list', '-r', '-t', 'snapshot', snapshot_name) data = self.parse_zfs_answer(out) snapshot_found = False for datum in data: if datum['NAME'] == snapshot_name: snapshot_found = True break return_dict = {'id': replica_snapshot['id']} if snapshot_found: return_dict.update({'status': constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE}) else: return_dict.update({'status': constants.STATUS_ERROR}) return return_dict @ensure_share_server_not_provided def migration_check_compatibility( self, context, source_share, destination_share, share_server=None, destination_share_server=None): """Is called to test compatibility with destination backend.""" backend_name = share_utils.extract_host( destination_share['host'], level='backend_name') config = get_backend_configuration(backend_name) compatible = self.configuration.share_driver == config.share_driver return { 'compatible': compatible, 'writable': False, 'preserve_metadata': True, 'nondisruptive': True, } @ensure_share_server_not_provided def migration_start( self, context, source_share, destination_share, source_snapshots, snapshot_mappings, share_server=None, destination_share_server=None): """Is called to start share migration.""" src_dataset_name = self.private_storage.get( source_share['id'], 'dataset_name') dst_dataset_name = self._get_dataset_name(destination_share) backend_name = share_utils.extract_host( destination_share['host'], level='backend_name') ssh_cmd = '%(username)s@%(host)s' % { 'username': self.configuration.zfs_ssh_username, 'host': self.configuration.zfs_service_ip, } config = get_backend_configuration(backend_name) remote_ssh_cmd = '%(username)s@%(host)s' % { 'username': config.zfs_ssh_username, 'host': config.zfs_service_ip, } snapshot_tag = self._get_migration_snapshot_tag(destination_share) src_snapshot_name = ( '%(dataset_name)s@%(snapshot_tag)s' % { 'snapshot_tag': snapshot_tag, 'dataset_name': src_dataset_name, } ) # Save valuable data to DB self.private_storage.update(source_share['id'], { 'migr_snapshot_tag': snapshot_tag, }) self.private_storage.update(destination_share['id'], { 'entity_type': 'share', 'dataset_name': dst_dataset_name, 'ssh_cmd': remote_ssh_cmd, 'pool_name': share_utils.extract_host( destination_share['host'], level='pool'), 'migr_snapshot_tag': snapshot_tag, }) # Create temporary snapshot on src host. self.execute('sudo', 'zfs', 'snapshot', src_snapshot_name) # Send/receive temporary snapshot cmd = ( 'ssh ' + ssh_cmd + ' ' 'sudo zfs send -vDR ' + src_snapshot_name + ' ' '| ssh ' + remote_ssh_cmd + ' ' 'sudo zfs receive -v ' + dst_dataset_name ) filename = dst_dataset_name.replace('/', '_') with utils.tempdir() as tmpdir: tmpfilename = os.path.join(tmpdir, '%s.sh' % filename) with open(tmpfilename, "w") as migr_script: migr_script.write(cmd) self.execute('sudo', 'chmod', '755', tmpfilename) self.execute('nohup', tmpfilename, '&') @ensure_share_server_not_provided def migration_continue( self, context, source_share, destination_share, source_snapshots, snapshot_mappings, share_server=None, destination_share_server=None): """Is called in source share's backend to continue migration.""" snapshot_tag = self.private_storage.get( destination_share['id'], 'migr_snapshot_tag') out, err = self.execute('ps', 'aux') if not '@%s' % snapshot_tag in out: dst_dataset_name = self.private_storage.get( destination_share['id'], 'dataset_name') try: self.execute( 'sudo', 'zfs', 'get', 'quota', dst_dataset_name, executor=self._get_shell_executor_by_host( destination_share['host']), ) return True except exception.ProcessExecutionError as e: raise exception.ZFSonLinuxException(msg=_( 'Migration process is absent and dst dataset ' 'returned following error: %s') % e) @ensure_share_server_not_provided def migration_complete( self, context, source_share, destination_share, source_snapshots, snapshot_mappings, share_server=None, destination_share_server=None): """Is called to perform 2nd phase of driver migration of a given share. """ dst_dataset_name = self.private_storage.get( destination_share['id'], 'dataset_name') snapshot_tag = self.private_storage.get( destination_share['id'], 'migr_snapshot_tag') dst_snapshot_name = ( '%(dataset_name)s@%(snapshot_tag)s' % { 'snapshot_tag': snapshot_tag, 'dataset_name': dst_dataset_name, } ) dst_executor = self._get_shell_executor_by_host( destination_share['host']) # Destroy temporary migration snapshot on dst host self.execute( 'sudo', 'zfs', 'destroy', dst_snapshot_name, executor=dst_executor, ) # Get export locations of new share instance export_locations = self._get_share_helper( destination_share['share_proto']).create_exports( dst_dataset_name, executor=dst_executor) # Destroy src share and temporary migration snapshot on src (this) host self.delete_share(context, source_share) return {'export_locations': export_locations} @ensure_share_server_not_provided def migration_cancel( self, context, source_share, destination_share, source_snapshots, snapshot_mappings, share_server=None, destination_share_server=None): """Is called to cancel driver migration.""" src_dataset_name = self.private_storage.get( source_share['id'], 'dataset_name') dst_dataset_name = self.private_storage.get( destination_share['id'], 'dataset_name') ssh_cmd = self.private_storage.get( destination_share['id'], 'ssh_cmd') snapshot_tag = self.private_storage.get( destination_share['id'], 'migr_snapshot_tag') # Kill migration process if exists try: out, err = self.execute('ps', 'aux') lines = out.split('\n') for line in lines: if '@%s' % snapshot_tag in line: migr_pid = [ x for x in line.strip().split(' ') if x != ''][1] self.execute('sudo', 'kill', '-9', migr_pid) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.warning( "Caught following error trying to kill migration process: %s", e) # Sleep couple of seconds before destroying updated objects time.sleep(2) # Destroy snapshot on source host self._delete_dataset_or_snapshot_with_retry( src_dataset_name + '@' + snapshot_tag) # Destroy dataset and its migration snapshot on destination host try: self.execute( 'ssh', ssh_cmd, 'sudo', 'zfs', 'destroy', '-r', dst_dataset_name, ) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.warning( "Failed to destroy destination dataset with following error: " "%s", e) LOG.debug( "Migration of share with ID '%s' has been canceled.", source_share["id"])