# Copyright 2014 Mirantis Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import time import urllib from tempest.common import rest_client from tempest.common.utils.data_utils import rand_name from tempest import config_share as config from tempest import exceptions from tempest import share_exceptions CONF = config.CONF class SharesClient(rest_client.RestClient): """Tempest REST client for Manila. It handles shares and access to it in OpenStack. """ def __init__(self, auth_provider): super(SharesClient, self).__init__(auth_provider) self.service = CONF.share.catalog_type self.share_protocol = None if CONF.share.enable_protocols: self.share_protocol = CONF.share.enable_protocols[0] self.share_network_id = CONF.share.share_network_id self.build_interval = CONF.share.build_interval self.build_timeout = CONF.share.build_timeout self.auth_params = auth_provider._auth_params() def _get_endpoint_type(self, service): # This is workaround for rest_client, that uses main config return CONF.share.endpoint_type def create_share(self, share_protocol=None, size=1, name=None, snapshot_id=None, description=None, metadata={}, share_network_id=None, volume_type_id=None, ): if name is None: name = rand_name("tempest-created-share") if description is None: description = rand_name("tempest-created-share-desc") if share_protocol is None: share_protocol = self.share_protocol if share_protocol is None: raise share_exceptions.ShareProtocolNotSpecified() post_body = { "share": { "share_proto": share_protocol, "description": description, "snapshot_id": snapshot_id, "name": name, "size": size, "metadata": metadata, } } if share_network_id: post_body["share"]["share_network_id"] = share_network_id if volume_type_id: post_body["share"]["volume_type"] = volume_type_id body = json.dumps(post_body) resp, body = self.post("shares", body) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def delete_share(self, share_id): return self.delete("shares/%s" % share_id) def list_shares(self): resp, body = self.get("shares") return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def list_shares_with_detail(self, params=None): """List the details of all shares.""" uri = 'shares/detail' if params: uri += '?%s' % urllib.urlencode(params) resp, body = self.get(uri) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def get_share(self, share_id): resp, body = self.get("shares/%s" % share_id) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def create_access_rule(self, share_id, access_type="ip", access_to=""): post_body = { "os-allow_access": { "access_type": access_type, "access_to": access_to, } } body = json.dumps(post_body) resp, body = self.post("shares/%s/action" % share_id, body) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def list_access_rules(self, share_id): body = {"os-access_list": None} resp, body = self.post("shares/%s/action" % share_id, json.dumps(body)) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def delete_access_rule(self, share_id, rule_id): post_body = { "os-deny_access": { "access_id": rule_id, } } body = json.dumps(post_body) return self.post("shares/%s/action" % share_id, body) def create_snapshot(self, share_id, name=None, description=None, force=False): if name is None: name = rand_name("tempest-created-share-snap") if description is None: description = rand_name("tempest-created-share-snap-desc") post_body = { "snapshot": { "name": name, "force": force, "description": description, "share_id": share_id, } } body = json.dumps(post_body) resp, body = self.post("snapshots", body) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def get_snapshot(self, snapshot_id): resp, body = self.get("snapshots/%s" % snapshot_id) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def list_snapshots(self): resp, body = self.get("snapshots") return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def list_snapshots_with_detail(self, params=None): """List the details of all shares.""" uri = 'snapshots/detail' if params: uri += '?%s' % urllib.urlencode(params) resp, body = self.get(uri) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def delete_snapshot(self, snap_id): return self.delete("snapshots/%s" % snap_id) def wait_for_share_status(self, share_id, status): """Waits for a Share to reach a given status.""" __, body = self.get_share(share_id) share_name = body['name'] share_status = body['status'] start = int(time.time()) while share_status != status: time.sleep(self.build_interval) __, body = self.get_share(share_id) share_status = body['status'] if share_status == status: return elif 'error' in share_status: raise share_exceptions.\ ShareBuildErrorException(share_id=share_id) if int(time.time()) - start >= self.build_timeout: message = ('Share %s failed to reach %s status within ' 'the required time (%s s).' % (share_name, status, self.build_timeout)) raise exceptions.TimeoutException(message) def wait_for_snapshot_status(self, snapshot_id, status): """Waits for a Share to reach a given status.""" __, body = self.get_snapshot(snapshot_id) snapshot_name = body['name'] snapshot_status = body['status'] start = int(time.time()) while snapshot_status != status: time.sleep(self.build_interval) __, body = self.get_snapshot(snapshot_id) snapshot_status = body['status'] if 'error' in snapshot_status: raise exceptions.\ SnapshotBuildErrorException(snapshot_id=snapshot_id) if int(time.time()) - start >= self.build_timeout: message = ('Share Snapshot %s failed to reach %s status ' 'within the required time (%s s).' % (snapshot_name, status, self.build_timeout)) raise exceptions.TimeoutException(message) def wait_for_access_rule_status(self, share_id, rule_id, status): """Waits for a Share to reach a given status.""" rule_status = "new" start = int(time.time()) while rule_status != status: time.sleep(self.build_interval) __, rules = self.list_access_rules(share_id) for rule in rules: if rule["id"] in rule_id: rule_status = rule['state'] break if 'error' in rule_status: raise share_exceptions.\ AccessRuleBuildErrorException(rule_id=rule_id) if int(time.time()) - start >= self.build_timeout: message = ('Share Access Rule %s failed to reach %s status ' 'within the required time (%s s).' % (rule_id, status, self.build_timeout)) raise exceptions.TimeoutException(message) def default_quotas(self, tenant_id): resp, body = self.get("os-quota-sets/%s/defaults" % tenant_id) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def show_quotas(self, tenant_id, user_id=None): uri = "os-quota-sets/%s" % tenant_id if user_id is not None: uri += "?user_id=%s" % user_id resp, body = self.get(uri) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def reset_quotas(self, tenant_id, user_id=None): uri = "os-quota-sets/%s" % tenant_id if user_id is not None: uri += "?user_id=%s" % user_id return self.delete(uri) def update_quotas(self, tenant_id, user_id=None, shares=None, snapshots=None, gigabytes=None, share_networks=None, force=True): uri = "os-quota-sets/%s" % tenant_id if user_id is not None: uri += "?user_id=%s" % user_id put_body = {"tenant_id": tenant_id} if force: put_body["force"] = "true" if shares is not None: put_body["shares"] = shares if snapshots is not None: put_body["snapshots"] = snapshots if gigabytes is not None: put_body["gigabytes"] = gigabytes if share_networks is not None: put_body["share_networks"] = share_networks put_body = json.dumps({"quota_set": put_body}) resp, body = self.put(uri, put_body) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def get_limits(self): resp, body = self.get("limits") return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def is_resource_deleted(self, *args, **kwargs): """Verifies deleted resource or not. :param kwargs: expected keys are 'share_id', 'rule_id', :param kwargs: 'snapshot_id', 'sn_id', 'ss_id', 'vt_id' and 'server_id' :raises share_exceptions.InvalidResource """ if "share_id" in kwargs: share_id = kwargs.get("share_id") if "rule_id" in kwargs: __, rules = self.list_share_access_rules(share_id) for rule in rules: if rule["id"] in kwargs.get("rule_id"): return False return True else: try: self.get_share(share_id) except exceptions.NotFound: return True elif "snapshot_id" in kwargs: try: self.get_snapshot(kwargs.get("snapshot_id")) except exceptions.NotFound: return True elif "sn_id" in kwargs: sn_id = kwargs.get("sn_id") if "ss_id" in kwargs: __, ss_list = self.list_sec_services_for_share_network(sn_id) for ss in ss_list: if ss["id"] in kwargs.get("ss_id"): return False return True else: try: self.get_share_network(sn_id) except exceptions.NotFound: return True elif "ss_id" in kwargs: try: self.get_security_service(kwargs.get("sn_id")) except exceptions.NotFound: return True elif "vt_id" in kwargs: try: self.get_volume_type(kwargs.get("vt_id")) except exceptions.NotFound: return True elif "server_id" in kwargs: # Whether share server deleted or not try: self.show_share_server(kwargs.get("server_id")) except exceptions.NotFound: return True else: raise share_exceptions.InvalidResource(message=str(kwargs)) return False def wait_for_resource_deletion(self, *args, **kwargs): """Waits for a resource to be deleted.""" start_time = int(time.time()) while True: if self.is_resource_deleted(*args, **kwargs): return if int(time.time()) - start_time >= self.build_timeout: raise exceptions.TimeoutException time.sleep(self.build_interval) def list_extensions(self): resp, extensions = self.get("extensions") return resp, self._parse_resp(extensions) def rename(self, share_id, name, desc=None): body = {"share": {"display_name": name}} if desc is not None: body["share"].update({"display_description": desc}) body = json.dumps(body) resp, body = self.put("shares/%s" % share_id, body) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def rename_snapshot(self, snapshot_id, name, desc=None): body = {"snapshot": {"display_name": name}} if desc is not None: body["snapshot"].update({"display_description": desc}) body = json.dumps(body) resp, body = self.put("snapshots/%s" % snapshot_id, body) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def reset_state(self, s_id, status="error", s_type="shares"): """Resets the state of a share or a snapshot. status: available, error, creating, deleting, error_deleting s_type: shares, snapshots """ body = {"os-reset_status": {"status": status}} body = json.dumps(body) return self.post("%s/%s/action" % (s_type, s_id), body) def force_delete(self, s_id, s_type="shares"): """Force delete share or snapshot. s_type: shares, snapshots """ body = {"os-force_delete": None} body = json.dumps(body) return self.post("%s/%s/action" % (s_type, s_id), body) ############### def list_services(self, params=None): """List services.""" uri = 'os-services' if params: uri += '?%s' % urllib.urlencode(params) resp, body = self.get(uri) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) ############### def _update_metadata(self, share_id, metadata=None, method="post"): uri = "shares/%s/metadata" % share_id if metadata is None: metadata = {} post_body = {"metadata": metadata} body = json.dumps(post_body) if method is "post": resp, metadata = self.post(uri, body) if method is "put": resp, metadata = self.put(uri, body) return resp, self._parse_resp(metadata) def set_metadata(self, share_id, metadata=None): return self._update_metadata(share_id, metadata) def update_all_metadata(self, share_id, metadata=None): return self._update_metadata(share_id, metadata, method="put") def delete_metadata(self, share_id, key): return self.delete("shares/%s/metadata/%s" % (share_id, key)) def get_metadata(self, share_id): resp, body = self.get("shares/%s/metadata" % share_id) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) ############### def create_security_service(self, ss_type="ldap", **kwargs): # ss_type: ldap, kerberos, active_directory # kwargs: name, description, dns_ip, server, domain, user, password post_body = {"type": ss_type} post_body.update(kwargs) body = json.dumps({"security_service": post_body}) resp, body = self.post("security-services", body) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def update_security_service(self, ss_id, **kwargs): # ss_id - id of security-service entity # kwargs: dns_ip, server, domain, user, password, name, description # for 'active' status can be changed # only 'name' and 'description' fields body = json.dumps({"security_service": kwargs}) resp, body = self.put("security-services/%s" % ss_id, body) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def get_security_service(self, ss_id): resp, body = self.get("security-services/%s" % ss_id) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def list_security_services(self): resp, body = self.get("security-services") return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def list_security_services_with_detail(self, params=None): """List the details of all shares.""" uri = "security-services/detail" if params: uri += "?%s" % urllib.urlencode(params) resp, body = self.get(uri) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def delete_security_service(self, ss_id): return self.delete("security-services/%s" % ss_id) ############### def create_share_network(self, **kwargs): # kwargs: name, description # + for neutron: neutron_net_id, neutron_subnet_id body = json.dumps({"share_network": kwargs}) resp, body = self.post("share-networks", body) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def update_share_network(self, sn_id, **kwargs): # kwargs: name, description # + for neutron: neutron_net_id, neutron_subnet_id body = json.dumps({"share_network": kwargs}) resp, body = self.put("share-networks/%s" % sn_id, body) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def get_share_network(self, sn_id): resp, body = self.get("share-networks/%s" % sn_id) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def list_share_networks(self): resp, body = self.get("share-networks") return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def list_share_networks_with_detail(self, params=None): """List the details of all shares.""" uri = "share-networks/detail" if params: uri += "?%s" % urllib.urlencode(params) resp, body = self.get(uri) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def delete_share_network(self, sn_id): return self.delete("share-networks/%s" % sn_id) def action_with_share_network(self, sn_id, action="activate"): """Activates or deactivates share networks. param: sn_id: id of share-network param: action: available values are "activate" and "deactivate" returns: tuple with resp and body of response """ body = json.dumps({action: {}}) uri = "share-networks/%s/action" % sn_id resp, body = self.post(uri, body=body) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def activate_share_network(self, sn_id): return self.action_with_share_network(sn_id, "activate") def deactivate_share_network(self, sn_id): return self.action_with_share_network(sn_id, "deactivate") def wait_for_share_network_status(self, sn_id, status="active"): """Waits for a Share network to reach a given status.""" __, body = self.get_share_network(sn_id) sn_name = body['name'] sn_status = body['status'].lower() start = int(time.time()) while sn_status != status: time.sleep(self.build_interval) __, body = self.get_share_network(sn_id) sn_status = body['status'].lower() if 'error' in sn_status: # Error can be set only on attempt to activate raise share_exceptions.\ ShareNetworkActivationFailed(sn_id=sn_id) if int(time.time()) - start >= self.build_timeout: message = ('Share-network %s failed to reach %s status within ' 'the required time (%s s).' % (sn_name, status, self.build_timeout)) raise exceptions.TimeoutException(message) ############### def _map_security_service_and_share_network(self, sn_id, ss_id, action="add"): # sn_id: id of share_network_entity # ss_id: id of security service entity # action: add, remove data = { "%s_security_service" % action: { "security_service_id": ss_id, } } body = json.dumps(data) resp, body = self.post("share-networks/%s/action" % sn_id, body) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def add_sec_service_to_share_network(self, sn_id, ss_id): return self._map_security_service_and_share_network(sn_id, ss_id) def remove_sec_service_from_share_network(self, sn_id, ss_id): return self._map_security_service_and_share_network(sn_id, ss_id, "remove") def list_sec_services_for_share_network(self, sn_id): resp, body = self.get("security-services?share_network_id=%s" % sn_id) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) ############### def list_volume_types(self, params=None): uri = 'types' if params is not None: uri += '?%s' % urllib.urlencode(params) resp, body = self.get(uri) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def create_volume_type(self, name, **kwargs): post_body = { 'name': name, 'extra_specs': kwargs.get('extra_specs'), } post_body = json.dumps({'volume_type': post_body}) resp, body = self.post('types', post_body) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def delete_volume_type(self, vol_type_id): return self.delete("types/%s" % vol_type_id) def get_volume_type(self, vol_type_id): resp, body = self.get("types/%s" % vol_type_id) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) ############### def list_volume_types_extra_specs(self, vol_type_id, params=None): uri = 'types/%s/extra_specs' % vol_type_id if params is not None: uri += '?%s' % urllib.urlencode(params) resp, body = self.get(uri) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def create_volume_type_extra_specs(self, vol_type_id, extra_specs): url = "types/%s/extra_specs" % vol_type_id post_body = json.dumps({'extra_specs': extra_specs}) resp, body = self.post(url, post_body) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def get_volume_type_extra_spec(self, vol_type_id, extra_spec_name): uri = "types/%s/extra_specs/%s" % (vol_type_id, extra_spec_name) resp, body = self.get(uri) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def get_volume_type_extra_specs(self, vol_type_id): uri = "types/%s/extra_specs" % vol_type_id resp, body = self.get(uri) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def update_volume_type_extra_spec(self, vol_type_id, spec_name, spec_value): uri = "types/%s/extra_specs/%s" % (vol_type_id, spec_name) extra_spec = {spec_name: spec_value} post_body = json.dumps(extra_spec) resp, body = self.put(uri, post_body) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def update_volume_type_extra_specs(self, vol_type_id, extra_specs): uri = "types/%s/extra_specs" % vol_type_id extra_specs = {"extra_specs": extra_specs} post_body = json.dumps(extra_specs) resp, body = self.post(uri, post_body) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def delete_volume_type_extra_spec(self, vol_type_id, extra_spec_name): uri = "types/%s/extra_specs/%s" % (vol_type_id, extra_spec_name) return self.delete(uri) ############### def list_share_servers(self, search_opts=None): """Get list of share servers.""" uri = "share-servers" if search_opts: uri += "?%s" % urllib.urlencode(search_opts) resp, body = self.get(uri) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def delete_share_server(self, share_server_id): """Delete share server by its ID.""" uri = "share-servers/%s" % share_server_id return self.delete(uri) def show_share_server(self, share_server_id): """Get share server info.""" uri = "share-servers/%s" % share_server_id resp, body = self.get(uri) return resp, self._parse_resp(body) def show_share_server_details(self, share_server_id): """Get share server details only.""" uri = "share-servers/%s/details" % share_server_id resp, body = self.get(uri) return resp, self._parse_resp(body)