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ZFS (on Linux) Driver

Manila ZFSonLinux share driver uses ZFS filesystem for exporting NFS shares.
Written and tested using Linux version of ZFS.


* 'NFS' daemon that can be handled via "exportfs" app.
* 'ZFS' filesystem packages, either Kernel or FUSE versions.
* ZFS zpools that are going to be used by Manila should exist and be
  configured as desired. Manila will not change zpool configuration.
* For remote ZFS hosts according to manila-share service host SSH should be
* For ZFS hosts that support replication:
   * SSH access for each other should be passwordless.
   * Service IP addresses should be available by ZFS hosts for each other.

Supported Operations

The following operations are supported:

* Create NFS Share
* Delete NFS Share
* Manage NFS Share
* Unmanage NFS Share
* Allow NFS Share access
   * Only IP access type is supported for NFS
   * Both access levels are supported - 'RW' and 'RO'
* Deny NFS Share access
* Create snapshot
* Delete snapshot
* Manage snapshot
* Unmanage snapshot
* Create share from snapshot
* Extend share
* Shrink share
* Replication (experimental):
   * Create/update/delete/promote replica operations are supported


* Any amount of ZFS zpools can be used by share driver.
* Allowed to configure default options for ZFS datasets that are used
  for share creation.
* Any amount of nested datasets is allowed to be used.
* All share replicas are read-only, only active one is RW.
* All share replicas are synchronized periodically, not continuously.
  So, status 'in_sync' means latest sync was successful.
  Time range between syncs equals to value of
  config global opt 'replica_state_update_interval'.
* Driver is able to use qualified extra spec 'zfsonlinux:compression'.
  It can contain any value that is supported by used ZFS app.
  But if it is disabled via config option with value 'compression=off',
  then it will not be used.


The ZFSonLinux share driver has the following restrictions:

* Only IP access type is supported for NFS.
* Only FLAT network is supported.
* 'Promote share replica' operation will switch roles of
  current 'secondary' replica and 'active'. It does not make more than
  one active replica available.
* 'SaMBa' based sharing is not yet implemented.
* 'Thick provisioning' is not yet implemented.

Known problems

* 'Promote share replica' operation will make ZFS filesystem that became
  secondary as RO only on NFS level. On ZFS level system will
  stay mounted as was - RW.

Backend Configuration

The following parameters need to be configured in the manila configuration file
for the ZFSonLinux driver:

* share_driver = manila.share.drivers.zfsonlinux.driver.ZFSonLinuxShareDriver
* driver_handles_share_servers = False
* replication_domain = custom_str_value_as_domain_name
   * if empty, then replication will be disabled
   * if set then will be able to be used as replication peer for other
     backend with same value.
* zfs_share_export_ip = <user_facing IP address of ZFS host>
* zfs_service_ip = <IP address of service network interface of ZFS host>
* zfs_zpool_list = zpoolname1,zpoolname2/nested_dataset_for_zpool2
   * can be one or more zpools
   * can contain nested datasets
* zfs_dataset_creation_options = <list of ZFS dataset options>
   * readonly,quota,sharenfs and sharesmb options will be ignored
* zfs_dataset_name_prefix = <prefix>
   * Prefix to be used in each dataset name.
* zfs_dataset_snapshot_name_prefix = <prefix>
   * Prefix to be used in each dataset snapshot name.
* zfs_use_ssh = <boolean_value>
   * set 'False' if ZFS located on the same host as 'manila-share' service
   * set 'True' if 'manila-share' service should use SSH for ZFS configuration
* zfs_ssh_username = <ssh_username>
   * required for replication operations
   * required for SSH'ing to ZFS host if 'zfs_use_ssh' is set to 'True'
* zfs_ssh_user_password = <ssh_user_password>
   * password for 'zfs_ssh_username' of ZFS host.
   * used only if 'zfs_use_ssh' is set to 'True'
* zfs_ssh_private_key_path = <path_to_private_ssh_key>
   * used only if 'zfs_use_ssh' is set to 'True'
* zfs_share_helpers = NFS=manila.share.drivers.zfsonlinux.utils.NFSviaZFSHelper
   * Approach for setting up helpers is similar to various other share driver
   * At least one helper should be used.
* zfs_replica_snapshot_prefix = <prefix>
   * Prefix to be used in dataset snapshot names that are created
     by 'update replica' operation.

Restart of :term:`manila-share` service is needed for the configuration
changes to take effect.

The :mod:`manila.share.drivers.zfsonlinux.driver` Module

.. automodule:: manila.share.drivers.zfsonlinux.driver

The :mod:`manila.share.drivers.zfsonlinux.utils` Module

.. automodule:: manila.share.drivers.zfsonlinux.utils