# Copyright 2015 Mirantis Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import copy from manila.common import constants from manila import context from manila import db def _create_db_row(method, default_values, custom_values): override_defaults = custom_values.pop('override_defaults', None) if override_defaults: default_values = custom_values else: default_values.update(copy.deepcopy(custom_values)) return method(context.get_admin_context(), default_values) def create_consistency_group(**kwargs): """Create a consistency group object.""" cg = { 'share_network_id': None, 'share_server_id': None, 'user_id': 'fake', 'project_id': 'fake', 'status': constants.STATUS_CREATING, 'host': 'fake_host' } return _create_db_row(db.consistency_group_create, cg, kwargs) def create_cgsnapshot(cg_id, **kwargs): """Create a cgsnapshot object.""" snapshot = { 'consistency_group_id': cg_id, 'user_id': 'fake', 'project_id': 'fake', 'status': constants.STATUS_CREATING, } return _create_db_row(db.cgsnapshot_create, snapshot, kwargs) def create_cgsnapshot_member(cgsnapshot_id, **kwargs): """Create a cgsnapshot member object.""" member = { 'share_proto': "NFS", 'size': 0, 'share_id': None, 'share_instance_id': None, 'user_id': 'fake', 'project_id': 'fake', 'status': 'creating', 'cgsnapshot_id': cgsnapshot_id, } return _create_db_row(db.cgsnapshot_member_create, member, kwargs) def create_share(**kwargs): """Create a share object.""" share = { 'share_proto': "NFS", 'size': 0, 'snapshot_id': None, 'share_network_id': None, 'share_server_id': None, 'user_id': 'fake', 'project_id': 'fake', 'metadata': {'fake_key': 'fake_value'}, 'availability_zone': 'fake_availability_zone', 'status': constants.STATUS_CREATING, 'host': 'fake_host' } return _create_db_row(db.share_create, share, kwargs) def create_share_instance(**kwargs): """Create a share instance object.""" instance = { 'host': 'fake', 'status': constants.STATUS_CREATING, } instance.update(kwargs) return db.share_instance_create(context.get_admin_context(), kwargs.pop('share_id'), kwargs) def create_snapshot(**kwargs): """Create a snapshot object.""" with_share = kwargs.pop('with_share', False) share = None if with_share: share = create_share(status=constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE, size=kwargs.get('size', 0)) snapshot = { 'share_proto': "NFS", 'size': 0, 'share_id': share['id'] if with_share else None, 'user_id': 'fake', 'project_id': 'fake', 'status': 'creating' } return _create_db_row(db.share_snapshot_create, snapshot, kwargs) def create_access(**kwargs): """Create a access rule object.""" access = { 'access_type': 'fake_type', 'access_to': 'fake_IP', 'share_id': None, } return _create_db_row(db.share_access_create, access, kwargs) def create_share_server(**kwargs): """Create a share server object.""" backend_details = kwargs.pop('backend_details', {}) srv = { 'host': 'host1', 'share_network_id': 'fake_srv_id', 'status': constants.STATUS_ACTIVE } share_srv = _create_db_row(db.share_server_create, srv, kwargs) if backend_details: db.share_server_backend_details_set( context.get_admin_context(), share_srv['id'], backend_details) return db.share_server_get(context.get_admin_context(), share_srv['id']) def create_share_network(**kwargs): """Create a share network object.""" net = { 'user_id': 'fake', 'project_id': 'fake', 'neutron_net_id': 'fake-neutron-net', 'neutron_subnet_id': 'fake-neutron-subnet', 'status': 'new', 'network_type': 'vlan', 'segmentation_id': 1000, 'cidr': '', 'ip_version': 4, 'name': 'whatever', 'description': 'fake description', } return _create_db_row(db.share_network_create, net, kwargs) def create_security_service(**kwargs): share_network_id = kwargs.pop('share_network_id', None) service = { 'type': "FAKE", 'project_id': 'fake-project-id', } service_ref = _create_db_row(db.security_service_create, service, kwargs) if share_network_id: db.share_network_add_security_service(context.get_admin_context(), share_network_id, service_ref['id']) return service_ref