.. _manila-nexentastor5: .. list-table:: Description of NexentaStor5 configuration options :header-rows: 1 :class: config-ref-table * - Configuration option = Default value - Description * - **[DEFAULT]** - * - ``nexenta_rest_addresses`` = ``None`` - (List) One or more comma delimited IP addresses for management communication with NexentaStor appliance. * - ``nexenta_rest_port`` = ``8443`` - (Integer) Port to connect to Nexenta REST API server. * - ``nexenta_use_https`` = ``True`` - (Boolean) Use HTTP secure protocol for NexentaStor management REST API connections. * - ``nexenta_user`` = ``admin`` - (String) User name to connect to Nexenta SA. * - ``nexenta_password`` = ``None`` - (String) Password to connect to Nexenta SA. * - ``nexenta_pool`` = ``pool1`` - (String) Pool name on NexentaStor. * - ``nexenta_nfs`` = ``True`` - (Boolean) Defines whether share over NFS is enabled. * - ``nexenta_ssl_cert_verify`` = ``False`` - (Boolean) Defines whether the driver should check ssl cert. * - ``nexenta_rest_connect_timeout`` = ``30`` - (Float) Specifies the time limit (in seconds), within which the connection to NexentaStor management REST API server must be established. * - ``nexenta_rest_read_timeout`` = ``300`` - (Float) Specifies the time limit (in seconds), within which NexentaStor management REST API server must send a response. * - ``nexenta_rest_backoff_factor`` = ``1`` - (Float) Specifies the backoff factor to apply between connection attempts to NexentaStor management REST API server. * - ``nexenta_rest_retry_count`` = ``5`` - (Integer) Specifies the number of times to repeat NexentaStor management REST API call in case of connection errors and NexentaStor appliance EBUSY or ENOENT errors. * - ``nexenta_nas_host`` = ``None`` - (Hostname) Data IP address of Nexenta storage appliance. * - ``nexenta_mount_point_base`` = ``$state_path/mnt`` - (String) Base directory that contains NFS share mount points. * - ``nexenta_share_name_prefix`` = ``share-`` - (String) Nexenta share name prefix. * - ``nexenta_folder`` = ``folder`` - (String) Parent folder on NexentaStor. * - ``nexenta_dataset_compression`` = ``on`` - (String) Compression value for new ZFS folders. * - ``nexenta_thin_provisioning`` = ``True`` - (Boolean) If True shares will not be space guaranteed and overprovisioning will be enabled. * - ``nexenta_dataset_record_size`` = ``131072`` - (Integer) Specifies a suggested block size in for files in a file system. (bytes)