# Copyright 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """HPE 3PAR Driver for OpenStack Manila.""" import datetime import hashlib import inspect import os import re from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_config import types from oslo_log import log import six from manila.common import config from manila import exception from manila.i18n import _, _LI from manila.share import driver from manila.share.drivers.hpe import hpe_3par_mediator from manila.share import share_types from manila.share import utils as share_utils from manila import utils LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) class FPG(types.String, types.IPAddress): """FPG type. Used to represent multiple pools per backend values. Converts configuration value to an FPGs value. FPGs value format: FPG name, IP address 1, IP address 2, ..., IP address 4 where FPG name is a string value, IP address is of type types.IPAddress Optionally doing range checking. If value is whitespace or empty string will raise error :param min_ip: Optional check that number of min IP address of VFS. :param max_ip: Optional check that number of max IP address of VFS. :param type_name: Type name to be used in the sample config file. """ MAX_SUPPORTED_IP_PER_VFS = 4 def __init__(self, min_ip=0, max_ip=MAX_SUPPORTED_IP_PER_VFS, type_name='FPG'): types.String.__init__(self, type_name=type_name) types.IPAddress.__init__(self, type_name=type_name) if max_ip < min_ip: msg = _("Pool's max acceptable IP cannot be less than min.") raise exception.HPE3ParInvalid(err=msg) if min_ip < 0: msg = _("Pools must be configured with zero or more IPs.") raise exception.HPE3ParInvalid(err=msg) if max_ip > FPG.MAX_SUPPORTED_IP_PER_VFS: msg = (_("Pool's max acceptable IP cannot be greater than " "supported value=%s.") % FPG.MAX_SUPPORTED_IP_PER_VFS) raise exception.HPE3ParInvalid(err=msg) self.min_ip = min_ip self.max_ip = max_ip def __call__(self, value): if value is None or value.strip(' ') is '': message = _("Invalid configuration. hpe3par_fpg must be set.") LOG.error(message) raise exception.HPE3ParInvalid(err=message) ips = [] values = value.split(",") # Extract pool name pool_name = values.pop(0).strip() # values will now be ['ip1', ...] if len(values) < self.min_ip: msg = (_("Require at least %s IPs configured per " "pool") % self.min_ip) raise exception.HPE3ParInvalid(err=msg) if len(values) > self.max_ip: msg = (_("Cannot configure IPs more than max supported " "%s IPs per pool") % self.max_ip) raise exception.HPE3ParInvalid(err=msg) for ip_addr in values: ip_addr = types.String.__call__(self, ip_addr.strip()) try: ips.append(types.IPAddress.__call__(self, ip_addr)) except ValueError as verror: raise exception.HPE3ParInvalid(err=verror) fpg = {pool_name: ips} return fpg def __repr__(self): return 'FPG' def _formatter(self, value): return six.text_type(value) HPE3PAR_OPTS = [ cfg.StrOpt('hpe3par_api_url', default='', help="3PAR WSAPI Server Url like " "https://<3par ip>:8080/api/v1", deprecated_name='hp3par_api_url'), cfg.StrOpt('hpe3par_username', default='', help="3PAR username with the 'edit' role", deprecated_name='hp3par_username'), cfg.StrOpt('hpe3par_password', default='', help="3PAR password for the user specified in hpe3par_username", secret=True, deprecated_name='hp3par_password'), cfg.StrOpt('hpe3par_san_ip', default='', help="IP address of SAN controller", deprecated_name='hp3par_san_ip'), cfg.StrOpt('hpe3par_san_login', default='', help="Username for SAN controller", deprecated_name='hp3par_san_login'), cfg.StrOpt('hpe3par_san_password', default='', help="Password for SAN controller", secret=True, deprecated_name='hp3par_san_password'), cfg.PortOpt('hpe3par_san_ssh_port', default=22, help='SSH port to use with SAN', deprecated_name='hp3par_san_ssh_port'), cfg.MultiOpt('hpe3par_fpg', item_type=FPG(min_ip=0, max_ip=FPG.MAX_SUPPORTED_IP_PER_VFS), help="The File Provisioning Group (FPG) to use", deprecated_name='hp3par_fpg'), cfg.BoolOpt('hpe3par_fstore_per_share', default=False, help="Use one filestore per share", deprecated_name='hp3par_fstore_per_share'), cfg.BoolOpt('hpe3par_require_cifs_ip', default=False, help="Require IP access rules for CIFS (in addition to user)"), cfg.BoolOpt('hpe3par_debug', default=False, help="Enable HTTP debugging to 3PAR", deprecated_name='hp3par_debug'), cfg.StrOpt('hpe3par_cifs_admin_access_username', default='', help="File system admin user name for CIFS.", deprecated_name='hp3par_cifs_admin_access_username'), cfg.StrOpt('hpe3par_cifs_admin_access_password', default='', help="File system admin password for CIFS.", secret=True, deprecated_name='hp3par_cifs_admin_access_password'), cfg.StrOpt('hpe3par_cifs_admin_access_domain', default='LOCAL_CLUSTER', help="File system domain for the CIFS admin user.", deprecated_name='hp3par_cifs_admin_access_domain'), cfg.StrOpt('hpe3par_share_mount_path', default='/mnt/', help="The path where shares will be mounted when deleting " "nested file trees.", deprecated_name='hpe3par_share_mount_path'), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(HPE3PAR_OPTS) def to_list(var): """Convert var to list type if not""" if isinstance(var, six.string_types): return [var] else: return var class HPE3ParShareDriver(driver.ShareDriver): """HPE 3PAR driver for Manila. Supports NFS and CIFS protocols on arrays with File Persona. Version history: 1.0.0 - Begin Liberty development (post-Kilo) 1.0.1 - Report thin/dedup/hp_flash_cache capabilities 1.0.2 - Add share server/share network support 2.0.0 - Rebranded HP to HPE 2.0.1 - Add access_level (e.g. read-only support) 2.0.2 - Add extend/shrink 2.0.3 - Remove file tree on delete when using nested shares #1538800 2.0.4 - Reduce the fsquota by share size when a share is deleted #1582931 2.0.5 - Add update_access support 2.0.6 - Multi pool support per backend 2.0.7 - Fix get_vfs() to correctly validate conf IP addresses at boot up #1621016 """ VERSION = "2.0.7" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(HPE3ParShareDriver, self).__init__((True, False), *args, **kwargs) self.configuration = kwargs.get('configuration', None) self.configuration.append_config_values(HPE3PAR_OPTS) self.configuration.append_config_values(driver.ssh_opts) self.configuration.append_config_values(config.global_opts) self.fpgs = {} self._hpe3par = None # mediator between driver and client def do_setup(self, context): """Any initialization the share driver does while starting.""" LOG.info(_LI("Starting share driver %(driver_name)s (%(version)s)"), {'driver_name': self.__class__.__name__, 'version': self.VERSION}) mediator = hpe_3par_mediator.HPE3ParMediator( hpe3par_username=self.configuration.hpe3par_username, hpe3par_password=self.configuration.hpe3par_password, hpe3par_api_url=self.configuration.hpe3par_api_url, hpe3par_debug=self.configuration.hpe3par_debug, hpe3par_san_ip=self.configuration.hpe3par_san_ip, hpe3par_san_login=self.configuration.hpe3par_san_login, hpe3par_san_password=self.configuration.hpe3par_san_password, hpe3par_san_ssh_port=self.configuration.hpe3par_san_ssh_port, hpe3par_fstore_per_share=(self.configuration .hpe3par_fstore_per_share), hpe3par_require_cifs_ip=self.configuration.hpe3par_require_cifs_ip, hpe3par_cifs_admin_access_username=( self.configuration.hpe3par_cifs_admin_access_username), hpe3par_cifs_admin_access_password=( self.configuration.hpe3par_cifs_admin_access_password), hpe3par_cifs_admin_access_domain=( self.configuration.hpe3par_cifs_admin_access_domain), hpe3par_share_mount_path=( self.configuration.hpe3par_share_mount_path), my_ip=self.configuration.my_ip, ssh_conn_timeout=self.configuration.ssh_conn_timeout, ) mediator.do_setup() def _validate_pool_ips(addresses, conf_pool_ips): # Pool configured IP addresses should be subset of IP addresses # retured from vfs if not set(conf_pool_ips) <= set(addresses): msg = _("Incorrect configuration. " "Configuration pool IP address did not match with " "IP addresses at 3par array") raise exception.HPE3ParInvalid(err=msg) def _construct_fpg(): # FPG must be configured and must exist. # self.configuration.safe_get('hpe3par_fpg') will have value in # following format: # [ {'pool_name':['ip_addr', 'ip_addr', ...]}, ... ] for fpg in self.configuration.safe_get('hpe3par_fpg'): pool_name = list(fpg)[0] conf_pool_ips = fpg[pool_name] # Validate the FPG and discover the VFS # This also validates the client, connection, firmware, WSAPI, # FPG... vfs_info = mediator.get_vfs(pool_name) if self.driver_handles_share_servers: # Use discovered IP(s) from array self.fpgs[pool_name] = { vfs_info['vfsname']: vfs_info['vfsip']['address']} elif conf_pool_ips == []: # not DHSS and IPs not configured in manila.conf. if not vfs_info['vfsip']['address']: msg = _("Unsupported configuration. " "hpe3par_fpg must have IP address " "or be discoverable at 3PAR") LOG.error(msg) raise exception.HPE3ParInvalid(err=msg) else: # Use discovered pool ips self.fpgs[pool_name] = { vfs_info['vfsname']: vfs_info['vfsip']['address']} else: # not DHSS and IPs configured in manila.conf _validate_pool_ips(vfs_info['vfsip']['address'], conf_pool_ips) self.fpgs[pool_name] = { vfs_info['vfsname']: conf_pool_ips} _construct_fpg() # Don't set _hpe3par until it is ready. Otherwise _update_stats fails. self._hpe3par = mediator def _get_pool_location_from_share_host(self, share_instance_host): # Return pool name, vfs, IPs for a pool from share instance host pool_name = share_utils.extract_host(share_instance_host, level='pool') if not pool_name: message = (_("Pool is not available in the share host %s.") % share_instance_host) raise exception.InvalidHost(reason=message) if pool_name not in self.fpgs: message = (_("Pool location lookup failed. " "Could not find pool %s") % pool_name) raise exception.InvalidHost(reason=message) vfs = list(self.fpgs[pool_name])[0] ips = self.fpgs[pool_name][vfs] return (pool_name, vfs, ips) def _get_pool_location(self, share, share_server=None): # Return pool name, vfs, IPs for a pool from share host field # Use share_server if provided, instead of self.fpgs if share_server is not None: # When DHSS ips = share_server['backend_details'].get('ip') ips = to_list(ips) vfs = share_server['backend_details'].get('vfs') pool_name = share_server['backend_details'].get('fpg') return (pool_name, vfs, ips) else: # When DHSS = false return self._get_pool_location_from_share_host(share['host']) def check_for_setup_error(self): try: # Log the source SHA for support. Only do this with DEBUG. if LOG.isEnabledFor(log.DEBUG): LOG.debug('HPE3ParShareDriver SHA1: %s', self.sha1_hash(HPE3ParShareDriver)) LOG.debug('HPE3ParMediator SHA1: %s', self.sha1_hash(hpe_3par_mediator.HPE3ParMediator)) except Exception as e: # Don't let any exceptions during the SHA1 logging interfere # with startup. This is just debug info to identify the source # code. If it doesn't work, just log a debug message. LOG.debug('Source code SHA1 not logged due to: %s', six.text_type(e)) @staticmethod def sha1_hash(clazz): """Get the SHA1 hash for the source of a class.""" source_file = inspect.getsourcefile(clazz) file_size = os.path.getsize(source_file) sha1 = hashlib.sha1() sha1.update(("blob %u\0" % file_size).encode('utf-8')) with open(source_file, 'rb') as f: sha1.update(f.read()) return sha1.hexdigest() def get_network_allocations_number(self): return 1 def choose_share_server_compatible_with_share(self, context, share_servers, share, snapshot=None, consistency_group=None): """Method that allows driver to choose share server for provided share. If compatible share-server is not found, method should return None. :param context: Current context :param share_servers: list with share-server models :param share: share model :param snapshot: snapshot model :param consistency_group: ConsistencyGroup model with shares :returns: share-server or None """ # If creating in a consistency group, raise exception if consistency_group: msg = _("HPE 3PAR driver does not support consistency group") raise exception.InvalidRequest(message=msg) pool_name = share_utils.extract_host(share['host'], level='pool') for share_server in share_servers: if share_server['backend_details'].get('fpg') == pool_name: return share_server return None @staticmethod def _validate_network_type(network_type): if network_type not in ('flat', 'vlan', None): reason = _('Invalid network type. %s is not supported by the ' '3PAR driver.') raise exception.NetworkBadConfigurationException( reason=reason % network_type) def _create_share_server(self, network_info, request_host=None): """Is called to create/setup share server""" # Return pool name, vfs, IPs for a pool pool_name, vfs, ips = self._get_pool_location_from_share_host( request_host) ip = network_info['network_allocations'][0]['ip_address'] if ip not in ips: # Besides DHSS, admin could have setup IP to VFS directly on array if len(ips) > (FPG.MAX_SUPPORTED_IP_PER_VFS - 1): message = (_("Pool %s has exceeded 3PAR's " "max supported VFS IP address") % pool_name) LOG.error(message) raise exception.Invalid(message) subnet = utils.cidr_to_netmask(network_info['cidr']) vlantag = network_info['segmentation_id'] self._hpe3par.create_fsip(ip, subnet, vlantag, pool_name, vfs) # Update in global saved config, self.fpgs[pool_name] ips.append(ip) return {'share_server_name': network_info['server_id'], 'share_server_id': network_info['server_id'], 'ip': ip, 'subnet': subnet, 'vlantag': vlantag if vlantag else 0, 'fpg': pool_name, 'vfs': vfs} def _setup_server(self, network_info, metadata=None): LOG.debug("begin _setup_server with %s", network_info) self._validate_network_type(network_info['network_type']) if metadata is not None and metadata['request_host'] is not None: return self._create_share_server(network_info, metadata['request_host']) def _teardown_server(self, server_details, security_services=None): LOG.debug("begin _teardown_server with %s", server_details) fpg = server_details.get('fpg') vfs = server_details.get('vfs') ip = server_details.get('ip') self._hpe3par.remove_fsip(ip, fpg, vfs) if ip in self.fpgs[fpg][vfs]: self.fpgs[fpg][vfs].remove(ip) @staticmethod def build_share_comment(share): """Create an informational only comment to help admins and testers.""" info = { 'name': share['display_name'], 'host': share['host'], 'now': datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%H%M%S'), } acceptable = re.compile('[^a-zA-Z0-9_=:@# \-]+', re.UNICODE) comment = ("OpenStack Manila - host=%(host)s orig_name=%(name)s " "created=%(now)s" % info) return acceptable.sub('_', comment)[:254] # clean and truncate def create_share(self, context, share, share_server=None): """Is called to create share.""" fpg, vfs, ips = self._get_pool_location(share, share_server) protocol = share['share_proto'] extra_specs = share_types.get_extra_specs_from_share(share) path = self._hpe3par.create_share( share['project_id'], share['id'], protocol, extra_specs, fpg, vfs, size=share['size'], comment=self.build_share_comment(share) ) return self._hpe3par.build_export_locations(protocol, ips, path) def create_share_from_snapshot(self, context, share, snapshot, share_server=None): """Is called to create share from snapshot.""" fpg, vfs, ips = self._get_pool_location(share, share_server) protocol = share['share_proto'] extra_specs = share_types.get_extra_specs_from_share(share) path = self._hpe3par.create_share_from_snapshot( share['id'], protocol, extra_specs, share['project_id'], snapshot['share_id'], snapshot['id'], fpg, vfs, ips, size=share['size'], comment=self.build_share_comment(share) ) return self._hpe3par.build_export_locations(protocol, ips, path) def delete_share(self, context, share, share_server=None): """Deletes share and its fstore.""" fpg, vfs, ips = self._get_pool_location(share, share_server) self._hpe3par.delete_share(share['project_id'], share['id'], share['size'], share['share_proto'], fpg, vfs, ips[0]) def create_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_server=None): """Creates a snapshot of a share.""" fpg, vfs, ips = self._get_pool_location(snapshot['share'], share_server) self._hpe3par.create_snapshot(snapshot['share']['project_id'], snapshot['share']['id'], snapshot['share']['share_proto'], snapshot['id'], fpg, vfs) def delete_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_server=None): """Deletes a snapshot of a share.""" fpg, vfs, ips = self._get_pool_location(snapshot['share'], share_server) self._hpe3par.delete_snapshot(snapshot['share']['project_id'], snapshot['share']['id'], snapshot['share']['share_proto'], snapshot['id'], fpg, vfs) def ensure_share(self, context, share, share_server=None): pass def update_access(self, context, share, access_rules, add_rules, delete_rules, share_server=None): """Update access to the share.""" extra_specs = None if 'NFS' == share['share_proto']: # Avoiding DB call otherwise extra_specs = share_types.get_extra_specs_from_share(share) fpg, vfs, ips = self._get_pool_location(share, share_server) self._hpe3par.update_access(share['project_id'], share['id'], share['share_proto'], extra_specs, access_rules, add_rules, delete_rules, fpg, vfs) def extend_share(self, share, new_size, share_server=None): """Extends size of existing share.""" fpg, vfs, ips = self._get_pool_location(share, share_server) self._hpe3par.resize_share(share['project_id'], share['id'], share['share_proto'], new_size, share['size'], fpg, vfs) def shrink_share(self, share, new_size, share_server=None): """Shrinks size of existing share.""" fpg, vfs, ips = self._get_pool_location(share, share_server) self._hpe3par.resize_share(share['project_id'], share['id'], share['share_proto'], new_size, share['size'], fpg, vfs) def _update_share_stats(self): """Retrieve stats info from share group.""" backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get( 'share_backend_name') or "HPE_3PAR" max_over_subscription_ratio = self.configuration.safe_get( 'max_over_subscription_ratio') reserved_share_percentage = self.configuration.safe_get( 'reserved_share_percentage') if reserved_share_percentage is None: reserved_share_percentage = 0 stats = { 'share_backend_name': backend_name, 'driver_handles_share_servers': self.driver_handles_share_servers, 'vendor_name': 'HPE', 'driver_version': self.VERSION, 'storage_protocol': 'NFS_CIFS', 'total_capacity_gb': 0, 'free_capacity_gb': 0, 'provisioned_capacity_gb': 0, 'reserved_percentage': reserved_share_percentage, 'max_over_subscription_ratio': max_over_subscription_ratio, 'qos': False, 'thin_provisioning': True, # 3PAR default is thin } if not self._hpe3par: LOG.info( _LI("Skipping capacity and capabilities update. Setup has not " "completed.")) else: for fpg in self.fpgs: fpg_status = self._hpe3par.get_fpg_status(fpg) fpg_status['reserved_percentage'] = reserved_share_percentage LOG.debug("FPG status = %s.", fpg_status) stats.setdefault('pools', []).append(fpg_status) super(HPE3ParShareDriver, self)._update_share_stats(stats)