.. _manila-infinidat: .. list-table:: Description of INFINIDAT InfiniBox share driver configuration options :header-rows: 1 :class: config-ref-table * - Configuration option = Default value - Description * - **[DEFAULT]** - * - ``infinibox_hostname`` = ``None`` - (String) The name (or IP address) for the INFINIDAT Infinibox storage system. * - ``infinibox_login`` = ``None`` - (String) Administrative user account name used to access the INFINIDAT Infinibox storage system. * - ``infinibox_password`` = ``None`` - (String) Password for the administrative user account specified in the infinibox_login option. * - ``infinidat_pool_name`` = ``None`` - (String) Name of the pool from which volumes are allocated. * - ``infinidat_nas_network_space_name`` = ``None`` - (String) Name of the NAS network space on the INFINIDAT InfiniBox. * - ``infinidat_thin_provision`` = ``True`` - (Boolean) Use thin provisioning