--- features: - Added APIs with default policy set to 'rule:admin_api' that allow managing and unmanaging share servers. Managing Share servers is useful for importing pre-existing shares and snapshots into Manila's management when the driver is configured in ``driver_handles_share_servers`` enabled mode. Unmanaging removes manila share servers from the database without removing them from the back end. Managed share servers, or share servers that have had one or more shares unmanaged will not be deleted automatically when they do not have any shares managed by Manila, even if the config options [DEFAULT]/delete_share_server_with_last_share or [DEFAULT]/automatic_share_server_cleanup have been set to True. - Updated Manage Share API to be able to manage shares in ``driver_handles_share_servers`` enabled driver mode by supplying the Share Server ID. - Updated Unmanage Share and Unmanage Snapshot APIs to allow unmanaging shares and snapshots in ``driver_handles_share_servers`` enabled driver mode.