  - Added revert to snapshot support for NexentaStor5 driver.
  - Added manage existing support for NexentaStor5 driver.
  - Added a new config option ``nexenta_ssl_cert_verify``.
    This option defines whether the NexentaStor5 driver should check
    ssl certificate.
  - Added a new config option ``nexenta_rest_connect_timeout``. This option
    specifies the time limit (in seconds), within which the connection to
    NexentaStor management REST API server must be established.
  - Added a new config option ``nexenta_rest_read_timeout``. This option
    specifies the time limit (in seconds), within which NexentaStor
    management REST API server must send a response.
  - Added a new config option ``nexenta_rest_backoff_factor``. This option
    specifies the backoff factor to apply between connection attempts to
    NexentaStor management REST API server.
  - Added a new config option ``nexenta_rest_retry_count``. This option
    specifies the number of times to repeat NexentaStor management REST
    API call in case of connection errors and NexentaStor appliance EBUSY
    or ENOENT errors.
  - Added a new config option ``nexenta_dataset_record_size``. This option
    specifies a suggested block size in for files in a filesystem'