#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (c) 2015 Mirantis, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import pprint import signal import sys import time import netaddr from oslo_concurrency import processutils from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_utils import timeutils opts = [ cfg.IntOpt( "consume_interval", default=5, deprecated_name="sleep_between_consume_attempts", help=("Time that script will sleep between requests for consuming " "Zaqar messages in seconds."), ), cfg.StrOpt( "mount_dir", default="/tmp", help="Directory that will contain all mounted shares." ), cfg.ListOpt( "expected_ip_addresses", default=[], help=("List of IP addresses that are expected to be found in access " "rules to trigger [un]mount operation for a share.") ), ] CONF = cfg.CONF def print_with_time(data): time = str(timeutils.utcnow()) print(time + " " + str(data)) def print_pretty_dict(d): pprint.pprint(d) def pop_zaqar_messages(client, queues_names): if not isinstance(queues_names, (list, set, tuple)): queues_names = (queues_names, ) try: user = client.conf['auth_opts']['options']['os_username'] project = client.conf['auth_opts']['options']['os_project_name'] messages = [] for queue_name in queues_names: queue = client.queue(queue_name) messages.extend([str(m.body) for m in queue.pop()]) print_with_time( "Received %(len)s message[s] from '%(q)s' " "queue using '%(u)s' user and '%(p)s' project." % { 'len': len(messages), 'q': queue_name, 'u': user, 'p': project, } ) return messages except Exception as e: print_with_time("Caught exception - %s" % e) return [] def signal_handler(signal, frame): print("") print_with_time("Ctrl+C was pressed. Shutting down consumer.") sys.exit(0) def parse_str_to_dict(string): if not isinstance(string, str): return string result = eval(string) return result def handle_message(data): """Handles consumed message. Expected structure of a message is following: {'data': { 'access_rules': [ { 'access_id': u'b28268b9-36c6-40d3-a485-22534077328f', 'access_instance_id': u'd137b2cb-f549-4141-9dd7-36b2789fb973', 'access_level': u'rw', 'access_state': u'active', 'access_to': u'', 'access_type': u'ip', } ], 'availability_zone': u'nova', 'export_locations': [u''], 'is_allow_operation': True, 'share_id': u'053eae9a-726f-4f7e-8502-49d7b1adf290', 'share_instance_id': u'dc33e554-e0b9-40f5-9046-c198716d73a0', 'share_proto': u'NFS' }} """ if 'data' in data.keys(): data = data['data'] valid_access = ( 'access_rules' in data and len(data['access_rules']) == 1 and data['access_rules'][0].get('access_type', '?').lower() == 'ip' and data.get('share_proto', '?').lower() == 'nfs' ) if valid_access: is_allow_operation = data['is_allow_operation'] export_location = data['export_locations'][0] if is_allow_operation: mount_share(export_location, data['access_to']) else: unmount_share(export_location, data['access_to']) else: print_with_time('Do nothing with above message.') def execute(cmd): try: print_with_time('Executing following command: \n%s' % cmd) cmd = cmd.split() stdout, stderr = processutils.execute(*cmd) if stderr: print_with_time('Got error: %s' % stderr) return stdout, stderr except Exception as e: print_with_time('Got following error: %s' % e) return False, True def is_share_mounted(mount_point): mounts, stderr = execute('mount') return mount_point in mounts def rule_affects_me(ip_or_cidr): if '/' in ip_or_cidr: net = netaddr.IPNetwork(ip_or_cidr) for my_ip in CONF.zaqar.expected_ip_addresses: if netaddr.IPAddress(my_ip) in net: return True else: for my_ip in CONF.zaqar.expected_ip_addresses: if my_ip == ip_or_cidr: return True return False def mount_share(export_location, access_to): data = { 'mount_point': os.path.join(CONF.zaqar.mount_dir, export_location.split('/')[-1]), 'export_location': export_location, } if (rule_affects_me(access_to) and not is_share_mounted(data['mount_point'])): print_with_time( "Mounting '%(export_location)s' share to %(mount_point)s.") execute('sudo mkdir -p %(mount_point)s' % data) stdout, stderr = execute( 'sudo mount.nfs %(export_location)s %(mount_point)s' % data) if stderr: print_with_time("Mount operation failed.") else: print_with_time("Mount operation went OK.") def unmount_share(export_location, access_to): if rule_affects_me(access_to) and is_share_mounted(export_location): print_with_time("Unmounting '%(export_location)s' share.") stdout, stderr = execute('sudo umount %s' % export_location) if stderr: print_with_time("Unmount operation failed.") else: print_with_time("Unmount operation went OK.") def main(): # Register other local modules cur = os.path.dirname(__file__) pathtest = os.path.join(cur) sys.path.append(pathtest) # Init configuration CONF(sys.argv[1:], project="manila_notifier", version=1.0) CONF.register_opts(opts, group="zaqar") # Import common config and Zaqar client import zaqarclientwrapper # Handle SIGINT signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) # Run consumer print_with_time("Consumer was successfully run.") while True: messages = pop_zaqar_messages( zaqarclientwrapper.ZAQARCLIENT, CONF.zaqar.zaqar_queues) if not messages: message = ("No new messages in '%s' queue[s] " "found." % ','.join(CONF.zaqar.zaqar_queues)) else: message = "Got following messages:" print_with_time(message) for message in messages: message = parse_str_to_dict(message) print_pretty_dict(message) handle_message(message) time.sleep(CONF.zaqar.consume_interval) if __name__ == '__main__': main()