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    NetApp ONTAP share delete operation can fail sometimes when is triggered
    immediately after migration cancelation on a overloaded NetApp backend.
    Canceling an ongoing migration is an asynchronous operation on an
    ONTAP storage system.
    Now the NetApp driver checks if the asynchronous API has ended  its
    operation before reporting migration cancelation success. If the operation
    of the asynchronous API did not end within the specified timeout, the
    ``migration cancel`` cancel operation will be considered unsuccessful.
    To do so, a new configuration option ``netapp_migration_cancel_timeout``
    has been added.
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    The configuration option ``netapp_migration_cancel_timeout`` can be
    specified in the NetApp backend section to redefine the amount of time
    that the NetApp driver must attempt to wait on the asynchronous
    operation to cancel an ongoing migration. This option is set to 3600
    seconds by default, which is sufficient time in most cases.