# Copyright 2015 EMC Corporation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Isilon specific NAS backend plugin. """ import os from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from oslo_utils import units import six from manila.common import constants as const from manila import exception from manila.i18n import _ from manila.share.drivers.dell_emc.plugins import base from manila.share.drivers.dell_emc.plugins.isilon import isilon_api CONF = cfg.CONF VERSION = "0.1.0" LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) class IsilonStorageConnection(base.StorageConnection): """Implements Isilon specific functionality for EMC Manila driver.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(IsilonStorageConnection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._server = None self._port = None self._username = None self._password = None self._server_url = None self._connect_resp = None self._root_dir = None self._verify_ssl_cert = None self._containers = {} self._shares = {} self._snapshots = {} self._isilon_api = None self._isilon_api_class = isilon_api.IsilonApi self.driver_handles_share_servers = False def _get_container_path(self, share): """Return path to a container.""" return os.path.join(self._root_dir, share['name']) def create_share(self, context, share, share_server): """Is called to create share.""" if share['share_proto'] == 'NFS': location = self._create_nfs_share(share) elif share['share_proto'] == 'CIFS': location = self._create_cifs_share(share) else: message = (_('Unsupported share protocol: %(proto)s.') % {'proto': share['share_proto']}) LOG.error(message) raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=message) # apply directory quota based on share size max_share_size = share['size'] * units.Gi self._isilon_api.quota_create( self._get_container_path(share), 'directory', max_share_size) return location def create_share_from_snapshot(self, context, share, snapshot, share_server): """Creates a share from the snapshot.""" # Create share at new location location = self.create_share(context, share, share_server) # Clone snapshot to new location fq_target_dir = self._get_container_path(share) self._isilon_api.clone_snapshot(snapshot['name'], fq_target_dir) return location def _create_nfs_share(self, share): """Is called to create nfs share.""" container_path = self._get_container_path(share) self._isilon_api.create_directory(container_path) share_created = self._isilon_api.create_nfs_export(container_path) if not share_created: message = ( _('The requested NFS share "%(share)s" was not created.') % {'share': share['name']}) LOG.error(message) raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=message) location = '{0}:{1}'.format(self._server, container_path) return location def _create_cifs_share(self, share): """Is called to create cifs share.""" # Create the directory container_path = self._get_container_path(share) self._isilon_api.create_directory(container_path) self._isilon_api.create_smb_share(share['name'], container_path) share_path = '\\\\{0}\\{1}'.format(self._server, share['name']) return share_path def create_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_server): """Is called to create snapshot.""" snapshot_path = os.path.join(self._root_dir, snapshot['share_name']) self._isilon_api.create_snapshot(snapshot['name'], snapshot_path) def delete_share(self, context, share, share_server): """Is called to remove share.""" if share['share_proto'] == 'NFS': self._delete_nfs_share(share) elif share['share_proto'] == 'CIFS': self._delete_cifs_share(share) else: message = (_('Unsupported share type: %(type)s.') % {'type': share['share_proto']}) LOG.error(message) raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=message) def _delete_nfs_share(self, share): """Is called to remove nfs share.""" share_id = self._isilon_api.lookup_nfs_export( self._root_dir + '/' + share['name']) if share_id is None: lw = ('Attempted to delete NFS Share "%s", but the share does ' 'not appear to exist.') LOG.warning(lw, share['name']) else: # attempt to delete the share export_deleted = self._isilon_api.delete_nfs_share(share_id) if not export_deleted: message = _('Error deleting NFS share: %s') % share['name'] LOG.error(message) raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=message) def _delete_cifs_share(self, share): """Is called to remove CIFS share.""" smb_share = self._isilon_api.lookup_smb_share(share['name']) if smb_share is None: lw = ('Attempted to delete CIFS Share "%s", but the share does ' 'not appear to exist.') LOG.warning(lw, share['name']) else: share_deleted = self._isilon_api.delete_smb_share(share['name']) if not share_deleted: message = _('Error deleting CIFS share: %s') % share['name'] LOG.error(message) raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=message) def delete_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_server): """Is called to remove snapshot.""" self._isilon_api.delete_snapshot(snapshot['name']) def ensure_share(self, context, share, share_server): """Invoked to ensure that share is exported.""" def extend_share(self, share, new_size, share_server=None): """Extends a share.""" new_quota_size = new_size * units.Gi self._isilon_api.quota_set( self._get_container_path(share), 'directory', new_quota_size) def allow_access(self, context, share, access, share_server): """Allow access to the share.""" if share['share_proto'] == 'NFS': self._nfs_allow_access(share, access) elif share['share_proto'] == 'CIFS': self._cifs_allow_access(share, access) else: message = _( 'Unsupported share protocol: %s. Only "NFS" and ' '"CIFS" are currently supported share protocols.') % share[ 'share_proto'] LOG.error(message) raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=message) def _nfs_allow_access(self, share, access): """Allow access to nfs share.""" access_type = access['access_type'] if access_type != 'ip': message = _('Only "ip" access type allowed for the NFS' 'protocol.') LOG.error(message) raise exception.InvalidShareAccess(reason=message) export_path = self._get_container_path(share) access_ip = access['access_to'] access_level = access['access_level'] share_id = self._isilon_api.lookup_nfs_export(export_path) share_access_group = 'clients' if access_level == const.ACCESS_LEVEL_RO: share_access_group = 'read_only_clients' # Get current allowed clients export = self._get_existing_nfs_export(share_id) current_clients = export[share_access_group] # Format of ips could be '', or ',' ips = list() ips.append(access_ip) ips.extend(current_clients) export_params = {share_access_group: ips} url = '{0}/platform/1/protocols/nfs/exports/{1}'.format( self._server_url, share_id) resp = self._isilon_api.request('PUT', url, data=export_params) resp.raise_for_status() def _cifs_allow_access(self, share, access): access_type = access['access_type'] access_to = access['access_to'] access_level = access['access_level'] if access_type == 'ip': access_ip = access['access_to'] self._cifs_allow_access_ip(access_ip, share, access_level) elif access_type == 'user': self._cifs_allow_access_user(access_to, share, access_level) else: message = _('Only "ip" and "user" access types allowed for ' 'CIFS protocol.') LOG.error(message) raise exception.InvalidShareAccess(reason=message) def _cifs_allow_access_ip(self, ip, share, access_level): if access_level == const.ACCESS_LEVEL_RO: message = _('Only RW Access allowed for CIFS Protocol when using ' 'the "ip" access type.') LOG.error(message) raise exception.InvalidShareAccess(reason=message) allowed_ip = 'allow:' + ip smb_share = self._isilon_api.lookup_smb_share(share['name']) host_acl = smb_share['host_acl'] if allowed_ip not in host_acl: host_acl.append(allowed_ip) data = {'host_acl': host_acl} url = ('{0}/platform/1/protocols/smb/shares/{1}' .format(self._server_url, smb_share['name'])) r = self._isilon_api.request('PUT', url, data=data) r.raise_for_status() def _cifs_allow_access_user(self, user, share, access_level): if access_level == const.ACCESS_LEVEL_RW: smb_permission = isilon_api.SmbPermission.rw elif access_level == const.ACCESS_LEVEL_RO: smb_permission = isilon_api.SmbPermission.ro else: message = _('Only "RW" and "RO" access levels are supported.') LOG.error(message) raise exception.InvalidShareAccess(reason=message) self._isilon_api.smb_permissions_add(share['name'], user, smb_permission) def deny_access(self, context, share, access, share_server): """Deny access to the share.""" if share['share_proto'] == 'NFS': self._nfs_deny_access(share, access) elif share['share_proto'] == 'CIFS': self._cifs_deny_access(share, access) def _nfs_deny_access(self, share, access): """Deny access to nfs share.""" if access['access_type'] != 'ip': return denied_ip = access['access_to'] access_level = access['access_level'] share_access_group = 'clients' if access_level == const.ACCESS_LEVEL_RO: share_access_group = 'read_only_clients' # Get list of currently allowed client ips export_id = self._isilon_api.lookup_nfs_export( self._get_container_path(share)) if export_id is None: message = _('Share %s should have been created, but was not ' 'found.') % share['name'] LOG.error(message) raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=message) export = self._get_existing_nfs_export(export_id) try: clients = export[share_access_group] except KeyError: message = (_('Export %(export_name)s should have contained the ' 'JSON key %(json_key)s, but this key was not found.') % {'export_name': share['name'], 'json_key': share_access_group}) LOG.error(message) raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=message) allowed_ips = set(clients) if allowed_ips.__contains__(denied_ip): allowed_ips.remove(denied_ip) data = {share_access_group: list(allowed_ips)} url = ('{0}/platform/1/protocols/nfs/exports/{1}' .format(self._server_url, six.text_type(export_id))) r = self._isilon_api.request('PUT', url, data=data) r.raise_for_status() def _get_existing_nfs_export(self, export_id): export = self._isilon_api.get_nfs_export(export_id) if export is None: message = _('NFS share with export id %d should have been ' 'created, but was not found.') % export_id LOG.error(message) raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=message) return export def _cifs_deny_access(self, share, access): access_type = access['access_type'] if access_type == 'ip': self._cifs_deny_access_ip(access['access_to'], share) elif access_type == 'user': self._cifs_deny_access_user(share, access) else: message = _('Access type for CIFS deny access request was ' '"%(access_type)s". Only "user" and "ip" access types ' 'are supported for CIFS protocol access.') % { 'access_type': access_type} LOG.warning(message) def _cifs_deny_access_ip(self, denied_ip, share): """Deny access to cifs share.""" share_json = self._isilon_api.lookup_smb_share(share['name']) host_acl_list = share_json['host_acl'] allow_ip = 'allow:' + denied_ip if allow_ip in host_acl_list: host_acl_list.remove(allow_ip) share_params = {"host_acl": host_acl_list} url = ('{0}/platform/1/protocols/smb/shares/{1}' .format(self._server_url, share['name'])) resp = self._isilon_api.request('PUT', url, data=share_params) resp.raise_for_status() def _cifs_deny_access_user(self, share, access): self._isilon_api.smb_permissions_remove(share['name'], access[ 'access_to']) def check_for_setup_error(self): """Check for setup error.""" def connect(self, emc_share_driver, context): """Connect to an Isilon cluster.""" self._server = emc_share_driver.configuration.safe_get( "emc_nas_server") self._port = ( int(emc_share_driver.configuration.safe_get("emc_nas_server_port")) ) self._server_url = ('https://' + self._server + ':' + six.text_type(self._port)) self._username = emc_share_driver.configuration.safe_get( "emc_nas_login") self._password = emc_share_driver.configuration.safe_get( "emc_nas_password") self._root_dir = emc_share_driver.configuration.safe_get( "emc_nas_root_dir") # TODO(Shaun Edwards): make verify ssl a config variable? self._verify_ssl_cert = False self._isilon_api = self._isilon_api_class(self._server_url, auth=( self._username, self._password), verify_ssl_cert=self._verify_ssl_cert) if not self._isilon_api.is_path_existent(self._root_dir): self._isilon_api.create_directory(self._root_dir, recursive=True) def update_share_stats(self, stats_dict): """TODO.""" # TODO(Shaun Edwards): query capacity, set storage_protocol, # QoS support? stats_dict['driver_version'] = VERSION def get_network_allocations_number(self): """Returns number of network allocations for creating VIFs.""" # TODO(Shaun Edwards) return 0 def setup_server(self, network_info, metadata=None): """Set up and configures share server with given network parameters.""" # TODO(Shaun Edwards): Look into supporting share servers def teardown_server(self, server_details, security_services=None): """Teardown share server.""" # TODO(Shaun Edwards): Look into supporting share servers