# Copyright (c) 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import pipes import re import sys from oslo_log import log from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from oslo_utils import importutils import six from manila import exception from manila.i18n import _ from manila.share.drivers.ganesha import utils as ganesha_utils from manila import utils LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) IWIDTH = 4 def _conf2json(conf): """Convert Ganesha config to JSON.""" # tokenize config string token_list = [six.StringIO()] state = { 'in_quote': False, 'in_comment': False, 'escape': False, } cbk = [] for char in conf: if state['in_quote']: if not state['escape']: if char == '"': state['in_quote'] = False cbk.append(lambda: token_list.append(six.StringIO())) elif char == '\\': cbk.append(lambda: state.update({'escape': True})) else: if char == "#": state['in_comment'] = True if state['in_comment']: if char == "\n": state['in_comment'] = False else: if char == '"': token_list.append(six.StringIO()) state['in_quote'] = True state['escape'] = False if not state['in_comment']: token_list[-1].write(char) while cbk: cbk.pop(0)() if state['in_quote']: raise RuntimeError("Unterminated quoted string") # jsonify tokens js_token_list = ["{"] for tok in token_list: tok = tok.getvalue() if tok[0] == '"': js_token_list.append(tok) continue for pat, s in [ # add omitted "=" signs to block openings (r'([^=\s])\s*{', '\\1={'), # delete trailing semicolons in blocks (r';\s*}', '}'), # add omitted semicolons after blocks (r'}\s*([^}\s])', '};\\1'), # separate syntactically significant characters (r'([;{}=])', ' \\1 ')]: tok = re.sub(pat, s, tok) # map tokens to JSON equivalents for word in tok.split(): if word == "=": word = ":" elif word == ";": word = ',' elif (word in ['{', '}'] or re.search(r'\A-?[1-9]\d*(\.\d+)?\Z', word)): pass else: word = jsonutils.dumps(word) js_token_list.append(word) js_token_list.append("}") # group quoted strings token_grp_list = [] for tok in js_token_list: if tok[0] == '"': if not (token_grp_list and isinstance(token_grp_list[-1], list)): token_grp_list.append([]) token_grp_list[-1].append(tok) else: token_grp_list.append(tok) # process quoted string groups by joining them js_token_list2 = [] for x in token_grp_list: if isinstance(x, list): x = ''.join(['"'] + [tok[1:-1] for tok in x] + ['"']) js_token_list2.append(x) return ''.join(js_token_list2) def _dump_to_conf(confdict, out=sys.stdout, indent=0): """Output confdict in Ganesha config format.""" if isinstance(confdict, dict): for k, v in confdict.items(): if v is None: continue if isinstance(v, dict): out.write(' ' * (indent * IWIDTH) + k + ' ') out.write("{\n") _dump_to_conf(v, out, indent + 1) out.write(' ' * (indent * IWIDTH) + '}') elif isinstance(v, list): for item in v: out.write(' ' * (indent * IWIDTH) + k + ' ') out.write("{\n") _dump_to_conf(item, out, indent + 1) out.write(' ' * (indent * IWIDTH) + '}\n') # The 'CLIENTS' Ganesha string option is an exception in that it's # string value can't be enclosed within quotes as can be done for # other string options in a valid Ganesha conf file. elif k.upper() == 'CLIENTS': out.write(' ' * (indent * IWIDTH) + k + ' = ' + v + ';') else: out.write(' ' * (indent * IWIDTH) + k + ' ') out.write('= ') _dump_to_conf(v, out, indent) out.write(';') out.write('\n') else: dj = jsonutils.dumps(confdict) out.write(dj) def parseconf(conf): """Parse Ganesha config. Both native format and JSON are supported. Convert config to a (nested) dictionary. """ def list_to_dict(l): # Convert a list of key-value pairs stored as tuples to a dict. # For tuples with identical keys, preserve all the values in a # list. e.g., argument [('k', 'v1'), ('k', 'v2')] to function # returns {'k': ['v1', 'v2']}. d = {} for i in l: if isinstance(i, tuple): k, v = i if isinstance(v, list): v = list_to_dict(v) if k in d: d[k] = [d[k]] d[k].append(v) else: d[k] = v return d try: # allow config to be specified in JSON -- # for sake of people who might feel Ganesha config foreign. d = jsonutils.loads(conf) except ValueError: # Customize JSON decoder to convert Ganesha config to a list # of key-value pairs stored as tuples. This allows multiple # occurrences of a config block to be later converted to a # dict key-value pair, with block name being the key and a # list of block contents being the value. li = jsonutils.loads(_conf2json(conf), object_pairs_hook=lambda x: x) d = list_to_dict(li) return d def mkconf(confdict): """Create Ganesha config string from confdict.""" s = six.StringIO() _dump_to_conf(confdict, s) return s.getvalue() rados = None def setup_rados(): global rados if not rados: try: rados = importutils.import_module('rados') except ImportError: raise exception.ShareBackendException( _("python-rados is not installed")) class GaneshaManager(object): """Ganesha instrumentation class.""" def __init__(self, execute, tag, **kwargs): self.confrx = re.compile(r'\.conf\Z') self.ganesha_config_path = kwargs['ganesha_config_path'] self.tag = tag def _execute(*args, **kwargs): msg = kwargs.pop('message', args[0]) makelog = kwargs.pop('makelog', True) try: return execute(*args, **kwargs) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as e: if makelog: LOG.error( ("Error while executing management command on " "Ganesha node %(tag)s: %(msg)s."), {'tag': tag, 'msg': msg}) raise exception.GaneshaCommandFailure( stdout=e.stdout, stderr=e.stderr, exit_code=e.exit_code, cmd=e.cmd) self.execute = _execute self.ganesha_service = kwargs['ganesha_service_name'] self.ganesha_export_dir = kwargs['ganesha_export_dir'] self.execute('mkdir', '-p', self.ganesha_export_dir) self.ganesha_rados_store_enable = kwargs.get( 'ganesha_rados_store_enable') if self.ganesha_rados_store_enable: setup_rados() self.ganesha_rados_store_pool_name = ( kwargs['ganesha_rados_store_pool_name']) self.ganesha_rados_export_counter = ( kwargs['ganesha_rados_export_counter']) self.ganesha_rados_export_index = ( kwargs['ganesha_rados_export_index']) self.ceph_vol_client = ( kwargs['ceph_vol_client']) try: self._get_rados_object(self.ganesha_rados_export_counter) except rados.ObjectNotFound: self._put_rados_object(self.ganesha_rados_export_counter, six.text_type(1000)) else: self.ganesha_db_path = kwargs['ganesha_db_path'] self.execute('mkdir', '-p', os.path.dirname(self.ganesha_db_path)) # Here we are to make sure that an SQLite database of the # required scheme exists at self.ganesha_db_path. # The following command gets us there -- provided the file # does not yet exist (otherwise it just fails). However, # we don't care about this condition, we just execute the # command unconditionally (ignoring failure). Instead we # directly query the db right after, to check its validity. self.execute( "sqlite3", self.ganesha_db_path, 'create table ganesha(key varchar(20) primary key, ' 'value int); insert into ganesha values("exportid", ' '100);', run_as_root=False, check_exit_code=False) self.get_export_id(bump=False) def _getpath(self, name): """Get the path of config file for name.""" return os.path.join(self.ganesha_export_dir, name + ".conf") @staticmethod def _get_export_rados_object_name(name): return 'ganesha-export-' + name def _write_tmp_conf_file(self, path, data): """Write data to tmp conf file.""" dirpath, fname = (getattr(os.path, q + "name")(path) for q in ("dir", "base")) tmpf = self.execute('mktemp', '-p', dirpath, "-t", fname + ".XXXXXX")[0][:-1] self.execute( 'sh', '-c', 'echo %s > %s' % (pipes.quote(data), pipes.quote(tmpf)), message='writing ' + tmpf) return tmpf def _write_conf_file(self, name, data): """Write data to config file for name atomically.""" path = self._getpath(name) tmpf = self._write_tmp_conf_file(path, data) try: self.execute('mv', tmpf, path) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.error('mv temp file ({0}) to {1} failed.'.format(tmpf, path)) self.execute('rm', tmpf) raise exception.GaneshaCommandFailure( stdout=e.stdout, stderr=e.stderr, exit_code=e.exit_code, cmd=e.cmd) return path def _mkindex(self): """Generate the index file for current exports.""" @utils.synchronized("ganesha-index-" + self.tag, external=True) def _mkindex(): files = filter(lambda f: self.confrx.search(f) and f != "INDEX.conf", self.execute('ls', self.ganesha_export_dir, run_as_root=False)[0].split("\n")) index = "".join(map(lambda f: "%include " + os.path.join( self.ganesha_export_dir, f) + "\n", files)) self._write_conf_file("INDEX", index) _mkindex() def _read_export_rados_object(self, name): return parseconf(self._get_rados_object( self._get_export_rados_object_name(name))) def _read_export_file(self, name): return parseconf(self.execute("cat", self._getpath(name), message='reading export ' + name)[0]) def _read_export(self, name): """Return the dict of the export identified by name.""" if self.ganesha_rados_store_enable: return self._read_export_rados_object(name) else: return self._read_export_file(name) def _check_export_rados_object_exists(self, name): try: self._get_rados_object( self._get_export_rados_object_name(name)) return True except rados.ObjectNotFound: return False def _check_file_exists(self, path): try: self.execute('test', '-f', path, makelog=False, run_as_root=False) return True except exception.GaneshaCommandFailure as e: if e.exit_code == 1: return False else: raise exception.GaneshaCommandFailure( stdout=e.stdout, stderr=e.stderr, exit_code=e.exit_code, cmd=e.cmd) def _check_export_file_exists(self, name): return self._check_file_exists(self._getpath(name)) def check_export_exists(self, name): """Check whether export exists.""" if self.ganesha_rados_store_enable: return self._check_export_rados_object_exists(name) else: return self._check_export_file_exists(name) def _write_export_rados_object(self, name, data): """Write confdict to the export RADOS object of name.""" self._put_rados_object(self._get_export_rados_object_name(name), data) # temp export config file required for DBus calls return self._write_tmp_conf_file(self._getpath(name), data) def _write_export(self, name, confdict): """Write confdict to the export file or RADOS object of name.""" for k, v in ganesha_utils.walk(confdict): # values in the export block template that need to be # filled in by Manila are pre-fixed by '@' if isinstance(v, six.string_types) and v[0] == '@': msg = _("Incomplete export block: value %(val)s of attribute " "%(key)s is a stub.") % {'key': k, 'val': v} raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg) if self.ganesha_rados_store_enable: return self._write_export_rados_object(name, mkconf(confdict)) else: return self._write_conf_file(name, mkconf(confdict)) def _rm_file(self, path): self.execute("rm", "-f", path) def _rm_export_file(self, name): """Remove export file of name.""" self._rm_file(self._getpath(name)) def _rm_export_rados_object(self, name): """Remove export object of name.""" self._delete_rados_object(self._get_export_rados_object_name(name)) def _dbus_send_ganesha(self, method, *args, **kwargs): """Send a message to Ganesha via dbus.""" service = kwargs.pop("service", "exportmgr") self.execute("dbus-send", "--print-reply", "--system", "--dest=org.ganesha.nfsd", "/org/ganesha/nfsd/ExportMgr", "org.ganesha.nfsd.%s.%s" % (service, method), *args, message='dbus call %s.%s' % (service, method), **kwargs) def _remove_export_dbus(self, xid): """Remove an export from Ganesha runtime with given export id.""" self._dbus_send_ganesha("RemoveExport", "uint16:%d" % xid) def _add_rados_object_url_to_index(self, name): """Add an export RADOS object's URL to the RADOS URL index.""" # TODO(rraja): Ensure that the export index object's update is atomic, # e.g., retry object update until the object version between the 'get' # and 'put' operations remains the same. index_data = self._get_rados_object(self.ganesha_rados_export_index) want_url = "%url rados://{0}/{1}".format( self.ganesha_rados_store_pool_name, self._get_export_rados_object_name(name)) if index_data: self._put_rados_object( self.ganesha_rados_export_index, '\n'.join([index_data, want_url]) ) else: self._put_rados_object(self.ganesha_rados_export_index, want_url) def _remove_rados_object_url_from_index(self, name): """Remove an export RADOS object's URL from the RADOS URL index.""" # TODO(rraja): Ensure that the export index object's update is atomic, # e.g., retry object update until the object version between the 'get' # and 'put' operations remains the same. index_data = self._get_rados_object(self.ganesha_rados_export_index) if not index_data: return unwanted_url = "%url rados://{0}/{1}".format( self.ganesha_rados_store_pool_name, self._get_export_rados_object_name(name)) rados_urls = index_data.split('\n') new_rados_urls = [url for url in rados_urls if url != unwanted_url] self._put_rados_object(self.ganesha_rados_export_index, '\n'.join(new_rados_urls)) def add_export(self, name, confdict): """Add an export to Ganesha specified by confdict.""" xid = confdict["EXPORT"]["Export_Id"] undos = [] _mkindex_called = False try: path = self._write_export(name, confdict) if self.ganesha_rados_store_enable: undos.append(lambda: self._rm_export_rados_object(name)) undos.append(lambda: self._rm_file(path)) else: undos.append(lambda: self._rm_export_file(name)) self._dbus_send_ganesha("AddExport", "string:" + path, "string:EXPORT(Export_Id=%d)" % xid) undos.append(lambda: self._remove_export_dbus(xid)) if self.ganesha_rados_store_enable: # Clean up temp export file used for the DBus call self._rm_file(path) self._add_rados_object_url_to_index(name) else: _mkindex_called = True self._mkindex() except exception.ProcessExecutionError as e: for u in undos: u() if not self.ganesha_rados_store_enable and not _mkindex_called: self._mkindex() raise exception.GaneshaCommandFailure( stdout=e.stdout, stderr=e.stderr, exit_code=e.exit_code, cmd=e.cmd) def update_export(self, name, confdict): """Update an export to Ganesha specified by confdict.""" xid = confdict["EXPORT"]["Export_Id"] old_confdict = self._read_export(name) path = self._write_export(name, confdict) try: self._dbus_send_ganesha("UpdateExport", "string:" + path, "string:EXPORT(Export_Id=%d)" % xid) except exception.ProcessExecutionError as e: # Revert the export update. self._write_export(name, old_confdict) raise exception.GaneshaCommandFailure( stdout=e.stdout, stderr=e.stderr, exit_code=e.exit_code, cmd=e.cmd) finally: if self.ganesha_rados_store_enable: # Clean up temp export file used for the DBus update call self._rm_file(path) def remove_export(self, name): """Remove an export from Ganesha.""" try: confdict = self._read_export(name) self._remove_export_dbus(confdict["EXPORT"]["Export_Id"]) finally: if self.ganesha_rados_store_enable: self._delete_rados_object( self._get_export_rados_object_name(name)) self._remove_rados_object_url_from_index(name) else: self._rm_export_file(name) self._mkindex() def _get_rados_object(self, obj_name): """Get data stored in Ceph RADOS object as a text string.""" return self.ceph_vol_client.get_object( self.ganesha_rados_store_pool_name, obj_name).decode('utf-8') def _put_rados_object(self, obj_name, data): """Put data as a byte string in a Ceph RADOS object.""" return self.ceph_vol_client.put_object( self.ganesha_rados_store_pool_name, obj_name, data.encode('utf-8')) def _delete_rados_object(self, obj_name): return self.ceph_vol_client.delete_object( self.ganesha_rados_store_pool_name, obj_name) def get_export_id(self, bump=True): """Get a new export id.""" # XXX overflowing the export id (16 bit unsigned integer) # is not handled if self.ganesha_rados_store_enable: # TODO(rraja): Ensure that the export counter object's update is # atomic, e.g., retry object update until the object version # between the 'get' and 'put' operations remains the same. export_id = int( self._get_rados_object(self.ganesha_rados_export_counter)) if not bump: return export_id export_id += 1 self._put_rados_object(self.ganesha_rados_export_counter, str(export_id)) return export_id else: if bump: bumpcode = 'update ganesha set value = value + 1;' else: bumpcode = '' out = self.execute( "sqlite3", self.ganesha_db_path, bumpcode + 'select * from ganesha where key = "exportid";', run_as_root=False)[0] match = re.search(r'\Aexportid\|(\d+)$', out) if not match: LOG.error("Invalid export database on " "Ganesha node %(tag)s: %(db)s.", {'tag': self.tag, 'db': self.ganesha_db_path}) raise exception.InvalidSqliteDB() return int(match.groups()[0]) def restart_service(self): """Restart the Ganesha service.""" self.execute("service", self.ganesha_service, "restart") def reset_exports(self): """Delete all export files.""" self.execute('sh', '-c', 'rm -f %s/*.conf' % pipes.quote(self.ganesha_export_dir)) self._mkindex()