# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Flat network GlusterFS Driver. Manila shares are subdirectories within a GlusterFS volume. The backend, a GlusterFS cluster, uses one of the two NFS servers, Gluster-NFS or NFS-Ganesha, based on a configuration option, to mediate access to the shares. NFS-Ganesha server supports NFSv3 and v4 protocols, while Gluster-NFS server supports only NFSv3 protocol. TODO(rraja): support SMB protocol. """ import re import socket import sys from oslo_config import cfg from manila.common import constants from manila import exception from manila.i18n import _ from manila.share import driver from manila.share.drivers import ganesha from manila.share.drivers.ganesha import utils as ganesha_utils from manila.share.drivers.glusterfs import layout from manila import utils GlusterfsManilaShare_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('glusterfs_nfs_server_type', default='Gluster', help='Type of NFS server that mediate access to the Gluster ' 'volumes (Gluster or Ganesha).'), cfg.HostAddressOpt('glusterfs_ganesha_server_ip', help="Remote Ganesha server node's IP address."), cfg.StrOpt('glusterfs_ganesha_server_username', default='root', help="Remote Ganesha server node's username."), cfg.StrOpt('glusterfs_ganesha_server_password', secret=True, help="Remote Ganesha server node's login password. " "This is not required if 'glusterfs_path_to_private_key'" ' is configured.'), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(GlusterfsManilaShare_opts) NFS_EXPORT_DIR = 'nfs.export-dir' NFS_EXPORT_VOL = 'nfs.export-volumes' NFS_RPC_AUTH_ALLOW = 'nfs.rpc-auth-allow' NFS_RPC_AUTH_REJECT = 'nfs.rpc-auth-reject' class GlusterfsShareDriver(driver.ExecuteMixin, driver.GaneshaMixin, layout.GlusterfsShareDriverBase): """Execute commands relating to Shares.""" GLUSTERFS_VERSION_MIN = (3, 5) supported_layouts = ('layout_directory.GlusterfsDirectoryMappedLayout', 'layout_volume.GlusterfsVolumeMappedLayout') supported_protocols = ('NFS',) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(GlusterfsShareDriver, self).__init__(False, *args, **kwargs) self._helpers = {} self.configuration.append_config_values(GlusterfsManilaShare_opts) self.backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get( 'share_backend_name') or 'GlusterFS' self.nfs_helper = getattr( sys.modules[__name__], self.configuration.glusterfs_nfs_server_type + 'NFSHelper') def do_setup(self, context): # in order to do an initial instantialization of the helper self._get_helper() super(GlusterfsShareDriver, self).do_setup(context) def _setup_via_manager(self, share_manager, share_manager_parent=None): gluster_manager = share_manager['manager'] # TODO(csaba): This should be refactored into proper dispatch to helper if self.nfs_helper == GlusterNFSHelper and not gluster_manager.path: # default behavior of NFS_EXPORT_VOL is as if it were 'on' export_vol = gluster_manager.get_vol_option( NFS_EXPORT_VOL, boolean=True) if export_vol is False: raise exception.GlusterfsException( _("Gluster-NFS with volume layout should be used " "with `nfs.export-volumes = on`")) setting = [NFS_RPC_AUTH_REJECT, '*'] else: # gluster-nfs export of the whole volume must be prohibited # to not to defeat access control setting = [NFS_EXPORT_VOL, False] gluster_manager.set_vol_option(*setting) return self.nfs_helper(self._execute, self.configuration, gluster_manager=gluster_manager).get_export( share_manager['share']) def check_for_setup_error(self): pass def _update_share_stats(self): """Retrieve stats info from the GlusterFS volume.""" data = dict( storage_protocol='NFS', vendor_name='Red Hat', share_backend_name=self.backend_name, reserved_percentage=self.configuration.reserved_share_percentage) super(GlusterfsShareDriver, self)._update_share_stats(data) def get_network_allocations_number(self): return 0 def _get_helper(self, gluster_mgr=None): """Choose a protocol specific helper class.""" helper_class = self.nfs_helper if (self.nfs_helper == GlusterNFSHelper and gluster_mgr and not gluster_mgr.path): helper_class = GlusterNFSVolHelper helper = helper_class(self._execute, self.configuration, gluster_manager=gluster_mgr) helper.init_helper() return helper @property def supported_access_types(self): return self.nfs_helper.supported_access_types @property def supported_access_levels(self): return self.nfs_helper.supported_access_levels def _update_access_via_manager(self, gluster_mgr, context, share, add_rules, delete_rules, recovery=False, share_server=None): """Update access to the share.""" self._get_helper(gluster_mgr).update_access( '/', share, add_rules, delete_rules, recovery=recovery) class GlusterNFSHelper(ganesha.NASHelperBase): """Manage shares with Gluster-NFS server.""" supported_access_types = ('ip', ) supported_access_levels = (constants.ACCESS_LEVEL_RW, ) def __init__(self, execute, config_object, **kwargs): self.gluster_manager = kwargs.pop('gluster_manager') super(GlusterNFSHelper, self).__init__(execute, config_object, **kwargs) def get_export(self, share): return self.gluster_manager.export def _get_export_dir_dict(self): """Get the export entries of shares in the GlusterFS volume.""" export_dir = self.gluster_manager.get_vol_option( NFS_EXPORT_DIR) edh = {} if export_dir: # see # https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs # /blob/aa19909/xlators/nfs/server/src/nfs.c#L1582 # regarding the format of nfs.export-dir edl = export_dir.split(',') # parsing export_dir into a dict of {dir: [hostpec,..]..} # format r = re.compile('\A/(.*)\((.*)\)\Z') for ed in edl: d, e = r.match(ed).groups() edh[d] = e.split('|') return edh def update_access(self, base_path, share, add_rules, delete_rules, recovery=False): """Update access rules.""" existing_rules_set = set() # The name of the directory, which is exported as the share. export_dir = self.gluster_manager.path[1:] # Fetch the existing export entries as an export dictionary with the # exported directories and the list of client IP addresses authorized # to access them as key-value pairs. export_dir_dict = self._get_export_dir_dict() if export_dir in export_dir_dict: existing_rules_set = set(export_dir_dict[export_dir]) add_rules_set = {rule['access_to'] for rule in add_rules} delete_rules_set = {rule['access_to'] for rule in delete_rules} new_rules_set = ( (existing_rules_set | add_rules_set) - delete_rules_set) if new_rules_set: export_dir_dict[export_dir] = new_rules_set elif export_dir not in export_dir_dict: return else: export_dir_dict.pop(export_dir) # Reconstruct the export entries. if export_dir_dict: export_dirs_new = (",".join("/%s(%s)" % (d, "|".join(sorted(v))) for d, v in sorted(export_dir_dict.items()))) else: export_dirs_new = None self.gluster_manager.set_vol_option(NFS_EXPORT_DIR, export_dirs_new) class GlusterNFSVolHelper(GlusterNFSHelper): """Manage shares with Gluster-NFS server, volume mapped variant.""" def _get_vol_exports(self): export_vol = self.gluster_manager.get_vol_option( NFS_RPC_AUTH_ALLOW) return export_vol.split(',') if export_vol else [] def update_access(self, base_path, share, add_rules, delete_rules, recovery=False): """Update access rules.""" existing_rules_set = set(self._get_vol_exports()) add_rules_set = {rule['access_to'] for rule in add_rules} delete_rules_set = {rule['access_to'] for rule in delete_rules} new_rules_set = ( (existing_rules_set | add_rules_set) - delete_rules_set) if new_rules_set: argseq = ((NFS_RPC_AUTH_ALLOW, ','.join(sorted(new_rules_set))), (NFS_RPC_AUTH_REJECT, None)) else: argseq = ((NFS_RPC_AUTH_ALLOW, None), (NFS_RPC_AUTH_REJECT, '*')) for args in argseq: self.gluster_manager.set_vol_option(*args) class GaneshaNFSHelper(ganesha.GaneshaNASHelper): shared_data = {} def __init__(self, execute, config_object, **kwargs): self.gluster_manager = kwargs.pop('gluster_manager') if config_object.glusterfs_ganesha_server_ip: execute = ganesha_utils.SSHExecutor( config_object.glusterfs_ganesha_server_ip, 22, None, config_object.glusterfs_ganesha_server_username, password=config_object.glusterfs_ganesha_server_password, privatekey=config_object.glusterfs_path_to_private_key) else: execute = ganesha_utils.RootExecutor(execute) self.ganesha_host = config_object.glusterfs_ganesha_server_ip if not self.ganesha_host: self.ganesha_host = socket.gethostname() kwargs['tag'] = '-'.join(('GLUSTER', 'Ganesha', self.ganesha_host)) super(GaneshaNFSHelper, self).__init__(execute, config_object, **kwargs) def get_export(self, share): return ':/'.join((self.ganesha_host, share['name'] + "--")) def init_helper(self): @utils.synchronized(self.tag) def _init_helper(): if self.tag in self.shared_data: return True super(GaneshaNFSHelper, self).init_helper() self.shared_data[self.tag] = { 'ganesha': self.ganesha, 'export_template': self.export_template} return False if _init_helper(): tagdata = self.shared_data[self.tag] self.ganesha = tagdata['ganesha'] self.export_template = tagdata['export_template'] def _default_config_hook(self): """Callback to provide default export block.""" dconf = super(GaneshaNFSHelper, self)._default_config_hook() conf_dir = ganesha_utils.path_from(__file__, "conf") ganesha_utils.patch(dconf, self._load_conf_dir(conf_dir)) return dconf def _fsal_hook(self, base, share, access): """Callback to create FSAL subblock.""" return {"Hostname": self.gluster_manager.host, "Volume": self.gluster_manager.volume, "Volpath": self.gluster_manager.path}