.. -*- rst -*-

Share networks

A share network stores network information that share servers can
use where shares are hosted. You can associate a share with a
single share network. When you create a share, you can optionally
specify the ID of a share network through which instances can
access the share.

You can create, update, view, and delete a share network.

When you create a share network, you may optionally specify an associated
neutron network and subnetwork:

- Neutron network. Specify a network ID and subnet ID.

For more information about supported plug-ins for share networks,
see `Manila Network Plugins <https://docs.openstack.org/manila/latest/

A share network has these attributes:

- The IP block in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation
  from which to allocate the network.

- The IP version of the network.

- The network type, which is ``vlan``, ``vxlan``, ``gre``, or

- If the network uses segmentation, a segmentation identifier. For
  example, VLAN, VXLAN, and GRE networks use segmentation.

List share networks

.. rest_method::  GET /v2/{tenant_id}/share-networks

Lists all share networks.

Response codes

.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml

   - 200

.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml

   - 400
   - 401
   - 403


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - tenant_id: tenant_id_path
   - all_tenants: all_tenants
   - name~: name_inexact_query
   - description~: description_inexact_query

Response parameters

.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - id: share_network_id
   - name: share_network_name

Response example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-networks-list-response.json
   :language: javascript

List share networks with details

.. rest_method::  GET /v2/{tenant_id}/share-networks/detail

Lists all share networks with details.

Response codes

.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml

   - 200

.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml

   - 400
   - 401
   - 403


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - tenant_id: tenant_id_path
   - all_tenants: all_tenants
   - name~: name_inexact_query
   - description~: description_inexact_query

Response parameters

.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - id: share_network_id
   - project_id: project_id
   - neutron_net_id: neutron_net_id
   - neutron_subnet_id: neutron_subnet_id
   - network_type: network_type
   - segmentation_id: segmentation_id
   - cidr: cidr
   - ip_version: ip_version
   - name: share_network_name
   - description: share_network_description
   - created_at: share_network_created_at
   - updated_at: share_network_updated_at
   - gateway: share_network_gateway
   - mtu: share_network_mtu

Response example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-networks-list-detailed-response.json
   :language: javascript

Show share network details

.. rest_method::  GET /v2/{tenant_id}/share-networks/{share_network_id}

Shows details for a share network.

Response codes

.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml

   - 200

.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml

   - 400
   - 401
   - 403
   - 404


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - tenant_id: tenant_id_path
   - share_network_id: share_network_id_path

Response parameters

.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - id: share_network_id
   - project_id: project_id
   - neutron_net_id: neutron_net_id
   - neutron_subnet_id: neutron_subnet_id
   - network_type: network_type
   - segmentation_id: segmentation_id
   - cidr: cidr
   - ip_version: ip_version
   - name: share_network_name
   - description: share_network_description
   - created_at: share_network_created_at
   - updated_at: share_network_updated_at
   - gateway: share_network_gateway
   - mtu: share_network_mtu

Response example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-network-show-response.json
   :language: javascript

Create share network

.. rest_method::  POST /v2/{tenant_id}/share-networks

Creates a share network.

Response codes

.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml

   - 202

.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml

   - 400
   - 401
   - 403
   - 413
   - 422


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - tenant_id: tenant_id_path
   - neutron_net_id: neutron_net_id_request
   - neutron_subnet_id: neutron_subnet_id_request
   - name: share_network_name_request
   - description: share_network_description_request

Request example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-network-create-request.json
   :language: javascript

Response parameters

.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - id: share_network_id
   - project_id: project_id
   - neutron_net_id: neutron_net_id
   - neutron_subnet_id: neutron_subnet_id
   - network_type: network_type_1
   - segmentation_id: segmentation_id_1
   - cidr: cidr_1
   - ip_version: ip_version_1
   - name: share_network_name
   - description: share_network_description
   - created_at: share_network_created_at
   - updated_at: share_network_updated_at
   - gateway: share_network_gateway
   - mtu: share_network_mtu

Response example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-network-create-response.json
   :language: javascript

Add security service to share network

.. rest_method::  POST /v2/{tenant_id}/share-networks/{share_network_id}/action

Adds a security service to a share network.

Response codes

.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml

   - 200

.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml

   - 400
   - 401
   - 403
   - 404
   - 409


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - tenant_id: tenant_id
   - share_network_id: share_network_id_path
   - security_service_id: security_service_id

Request example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-network-add-security-service-request.json
   :language: javascript

Response parameters

.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - id: share_network_id
   - project_id: project_id
   - neutron_net_id: neutron_net_id
   - neutron_subnet_id: neutron_subnet_id
   - network_type: network_type
   - segmentation_id: segmentation_id
   - cidr: cidr
   - ip_version: ip_version
   - name: share_network_name
   - description: share_network_description
   - created_at: share_network_created_at
   - updated_at: share_network_updated_at
   - gateway: share_network_gateway
   - mtu: share_network_mtu

Response example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-network-add-security-service-response.json
   :language: javascript

Remove security service from share network

.. rest_method::  POST /v2/{tenant_id}/share-networks/{share_network_id}/action

Removes a security service from a share network.

Response codes

.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml

   - 200

.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml

   - 400
   - 401
   - 403
   - 404


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - tenant_id: tenant_id_path
   - share_network_id: share_network_id_path
   - security_service_id: share_network_security_service_id

Request example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-network-remove-security-service-request.json
   :language: javascript

Response parameters

.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - id: share_network_id
   - project_id: project_id
   - neutron_net_id: neutron_net_id
   - neutron_subnet_id: neutron_subnet_id
   - network_type: network_type
   - segmentation_id: segmentation_id
   - cidr: cidr
   - ip_version: ip_version
   - name: share_network_name
   - description: share_network_description
   - created_at: share_network_created_at
   - updated_at: share_network_updated_at
   - gateway: share_network_gateway
   - mtu: share_network_mtu

Response example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-network-remove-security-service-response.json
   :language: javascript

Update share network

.. rest_method::  PUT /v2/{tenant_id}/share-networks/{share_network_id}

Updates a share network.

Note that if the share network is used by any share server, you can
update only the ``name`` and ``description`` attributes.

Response codes

.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml

   - 200

.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml

   - 400
   - 401
   - 403
   - 404
   - 422


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - tenant_id: tenant_id_path
   - share_network_id: share_network_id_path
   - name: share_network_name_request
   - description: share_network_description_request
   - neutron_net_id: neutron_net_id_request
   - neutron_subnet_id: neutron_subnet_id_request

Request example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-network-update-request.json
   :language: javascript

Response parameters

.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - id: share_network_id
   - project_id: project_id
   - neutron_net_id: neutron_net_id
   - neutron_subnet_id: neutron_subnet_id
   - network_type: network_type
   - segmentation_id: segmentation_id
   - cidr: cidr
   - ip_version: ip_version
   - name: share_network_name
   - description: share_network_description
   - created_at: share_network_created_at
   - updated_at: share_network_updated_at
   - gateway: share_network_gateway
   - mtu: share_network_mtu

Response example

.. literalinclude:: samples/share-network-update-response.json
   :language: javascript

Delete share network

.. rest_method::  DELETE /v2/{tenant_id}/share-networks/{share_network_id}

Deletes a share network.


- You cannot delete a share network if it has shares created/exported on it.

- You cannot delete a share network if it has share groups created on it.

Response codes

.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml

   - 202

.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml

   - 400
   - 401
   - 403
   - 404
   - 409


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - tenant_id: tenant_id_path
   - share_network_id: share_network_id_path