.. -*- rst -*- Manage and unmanage shares (DEPRECATED) ======================================= Allows bringing shared file systems under service management. Manage share (DEPRECATED) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. warning:: This API is deprecated starting with microversion 2.7 and requests to this API will fail with a 404 starting from microversion 2.7. Use `Share Manage API <#manage-share-since-api-v2-7>`_ instead of this API from version 2.7. .. rest_method:: POST /v2/os-share-manage Use this API to bring a share under the management of the Shared File Systems service. In the service, the share will be represented as a resource in the database. It can have a user defined name and description. Administrator only. Use the ``policy.yaml`` file to grant permissions for this action to other roles. Response codes -------------- .. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml - 200 .. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml - 400 - 401 - 403 - 404 - 409 Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - project_id: project_id_path - share: share - protocol: protocol - name: name_request - display_name: display_name_request - share_type: share_type_request - driver_options: driver_options - export_path: export_path - service_host: service_host - description: description_request - display_description: display_description_request Request example --------------- .. literalinclude:: samples/share-manage-request.json :language: javascript Response parameters ------------------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - share: share - links: links - availability_zone: availability_zone - share_network_id: share_network_id - export_locations: export_locations - share_server_id: share_server_id - snapshot_id: snapshot_id_shares_response - id: share_id_response - size: size_response - share_type: share_type_shares_response - share_type_name: share_type_name - export_location: export_location - project_id: project_id - metadata: metadata - status: share_status_response - description: description - host: host_resource_response - is_public: is_public_shares_response - snapshot_support: snapshot_support - name: name - created_at: created_at - share_proto: share_proto Response example ---------------- .. literalinclude:: samples/share-manage-response.json :language: javascript Unmanage share (DEPRECATED) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. warning:: This API is deprecated starting with microversion 2.7 and requests to this API will fail with a 404 starting from microversion 2.7. Use `Share Unmanage API <#unmanage-share-since-api-v2-7>`_ instead of this API from version 2.7. .. rest_method:: POST /v2/os-share-unmanage/{share_id}/unmanage Use this API to remove a share from the management of the Shared File Systems service without deleting the share. Administrator only. Use the ``policy.yaml`` file to grant permissions for this action to other roles. Preconditions: - This API does not support unmanaging shares that are created on top of share servers (i.e. created with share networks). - You should remove any snapshots and share replicas before attempting to unmanage a share. Response codes -------------- .. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml - 202 .. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml - 400 - 401 - 403 - 404 - 409 Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - project_id: project_id_path - share_id: share_id Response parameters ------------------- There is no body content for the response.