
539 lines
23 KiB

# Copyright 2019 Nexenta by DDN, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import posixpath
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_utils import units
from manila.common import constants as common
from manila import exception
from manila.i18n import _
from manila.share import driver
from manila.share.drivers.nexenta.ns5 import jsonrpc
from manila.share.drivers.nexenta import options
from manila.share.drivers.nexenta import utils
VERSION = '1.1'
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
ZFS_MULTIPLIER = 1.1 # ZFS quotas do not take metadata into account.
class NexentaNasDriver(driver.ShareDriver):
"""Nexenta Share Driver.
Executes commands relating to Shares.
API version history:
1.0 - Initial version.
1.1 - Failover support.
- Unshare filesystem completely after last securityContext
is removed.
- Moved all http/url code to jsonrpc.
- Manage existing support.
- Revert to snapshot support.
driver_prefix = 'nexenta'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Do initialization."""
LOG.debug('Initializing Nexenta driver.')
super(NexentaNasDriver, self).__init__(False, *args, **kwargs)
self.configuration = kwargs.get('configuration')
if self.configuration:
raise exception.BadConfigurationException(
reason=_('Nexenta configuration missing.'))
self.nef = None
self.verify_ssl = self.configuration.nexenta_ssl_cert_verify
self.nas_host = self.configuration.nexenta_nas_host
self.nef_port = self.configuration.nexenta_rest_port
self.nef_user = self.configuration.nexenta_user
self.nef_password = self.configuration.nexenta_password
self.pool_name = self.configuration.nexenta_pool
self.parent_fs = self.configuration.nexenta_folder
self.nfs_mount_point_base = self.configuration.nexenta_mount_point_base
self.dataset_compression = (
self.provisioned_capacity = 0
def storage_protocol(self):
protocol = ''
if self.configuration.nexenta_nfs:
protocol = 'NFS'
msg = _('At least 1 storage protocol must be enabled.')
raise exception.NexentaException(msg)
return protocol
def root_path(self):
return posixpath.join(self.pool_name, self.parent_fs)
def share_backend_name(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_share_backend_name'):
self._share_backend_name = None
if self.configuration:
self._share_backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get(
if not self._share_backend_name:
self._share_backend_name = 'NexentaStor5'
return self._share_backend_name
def do_setup(self, context):
self.nef = jsonrpc.NefProxy(self.storage_protocol,
def check_for_setup_error(self):
"""Check root filesystem, NFS service and NFS share."""
filesystem = self.nef.filesystems.get(self.root_path)
if filesystem['mountPoint'] == 'none':
message = (_('NFS root filesystem %(path)s is not writable')
% {'path': filesystem['mountPoint']})
raise jsonrpc.NefException(code='ENOENT', message=message)
if not filesystem['isMounted']:
message = (_('NFS root filesystem %(path)s is not mounted')
% {'path': filesystem['mountPoint']})
raise jsonrpc.NefException(code='ENOTDIR', message=message)
payload = {}
if filesystem['nonBlockingMandatoryMode']:
payload['nonBlockingMandatoryMode'] = False
if filesystem['smartCompression']:
payload['smartCompression'] = False
if payload:
self.nef.filesystems.set(self.root_path, payload)
service ='nfs')
if service['state'] != 'online':
message = (_('NFS server service is not online: %(state)s')
% {'state': service['state']})
raise jsonrpc.NefException(code='ESRCH', message=message)
def _get_provisioned_capacity(self):
payload = {'fields': 'referencedQuotaSize'}
self.provisioned_capacity += self.nef.filesystems.get(
self.root_path, payload)['referencedQuotaSize']
def ensure_share(self, context, share, share_server=None):
def create_share(self, context, share, share_server=None):
"""Create a share."""
LOG.debug('Creating share: %s.', self._get_share_name(share))
dataset_path = self._get_dataset_path(share)
size = int(share['size'] * units.Gi * ZFS_MULTIPLIER)
payload = {
'recordSize': self.configuration.nexenta_dataset_record_size,
'compressionMode': self.dataset_compression,
'path': dataset_path,
'referencedQuotaSize': size,
'nonBlockingMandatoryMode': False
if not self.configuration.nexenta_thin_provisioning:
payload['referencedReservationSize'] = size
mount_path = self._mount_filesystem(share)
except jsonrpc.NefException as create_error:
payload = {'force': True}
self.nef.filesystems.delete(dataset_path, payload)
except jsonrpc.NefException as delete_error:
LOG.debug('Failed to delete share %(path)s: %(error)s',
{'path': dataset_path, 'error': delete_error})
raise create_error
self.provisioned_capacity += share['size']
location = {
'path': mount_path,
'id': self._get_share_name(share)
return [location]
def _mount_filesystem(self, share):
"""Ensure that filesystem is activated and mounted on the host."""
dataset_path = self._get_dataset_path(share)
payload = {'fields': 'mountPoint,isMounted'}
filesystem = self.nef.filesystems.get(dataset_path, payload)
if filesystem['mountPoint'] == 'none':
payload = {'datasetName': dataset_path}
filesystem = self.nef.filesystems.get(dataset_path, payload)
elif not filesystem['isMounted']:
return '%s:%s' % (self.nas_host, filesystem['mountPoint'])
def create_share_from_snapshot(self, context, share, snapshot,
share_server=None, parent_share=None):
"""Is called to create share from snapshot."""
snapshot_path = self._get_snapshot_path(snapshot)
LOG.debug('Creating share from snapshot %s.', snapshot_path)
clone_path = self._get_dataset_path(share)
size = int(share['size'] * units.Gi * ZFS_MULTIPLIER)
payload = {
'targetPath': clone_path,
'referencedQuotaSize': size,
'recordSize': self.configuration.nexenta_dataset_record_size,
'compressionMode': self.dataset_compression,
'nonBlockingMandatoryMode': False
if not self.configuration.nexenta_thin_provisioning:
payload['referencedReservationSize'] = size
self.nef.snapshots.clone(snapshot_path, payload)
self.provisioned_capacity += share['size']
mount_path = self._mount_filesystem(share)
except jsonrpc.NefException as create_error:
payload = {'force': True}
self.nef.filesystems.delete(clone_path, payload)
except jsonrpc.NefException as delete_error:
LOG.debug('Failed to delete share %(path)s: %(error)s',
{'path': clone_path, 'error': delete_error})
raise create_error
location = {
'path': mount_path,
'id': self._get_share_name(share)
return [location]
def _remount_filesystem(self, clone_path):
"""Workaround for NEF bug: cloned share has offline NFS status"""
def _get_dataset_path(self, share):
share_name = self._get_share_name(share)
return posixpath.join(self.root_path, share_name)
def _get_share_name(self, share):
"""Get share name with share name prefix."""
return ('%(prefix)s%(share_id)s' % {
'prefix': self.configuration.nexenta_share_name_prefix,
'share_id': share['share_id']})
def _get_snapshot_path(self, snapshot):
"""Return ZFS snapshot path for the snapshot."""
snapshot_id = (
snapshot['snapshot_id'] or snapshot['share_group_snapshot_id'])
share = snapshot.get('share') or snapshot.get('share_instance')
fs_path = self._get_dataset_path(share)
return '%s@snapshot-%s' % (fs_path, snapshot_id)
def delete_share(self, context, share, share_server=None):
"""Delete a share."""
LOG.debug('Deleting share: %s.', self._get_share_name(share))
share_path = self._get_dataset_path(share)
delete_payload = {'force': True, 'snapshots': True}
self.nef.filesystems.delete(share_path, delete_payload)
except jsonrpc.NefException as error:
if error.code != 'EEXIST':
raise error
snapshots_tree = {}
snapshots_payload = {'parent': share_path, 'fields': 'path'}
snapshots = self.nef.snapshots.list(snapshots_payload)
for snapshot in snapshots:
clones_payload = {'fields': 'clones,creationTxg'}
data = self.nef.snapshots.get(snapshot['path'], clones_payload)
if data['clones']:
snapshots_tree[data['creationTxg']] = data['clones'][0]
if snapshots_tree:
clone_path = snapshots_tree[max(snapshots_tree)]
self.nef.filesystems.delete(share_path, delete_payload)
self.provisioned_capacity -= share['size']
def extend_share(self, share, new_size, share_server=None):
"""Extends a share."""
'Extending share: %(name)s to %(size)sG.', (
{'name': self._get_share_name(share), 'size': new_size}))
self._set_quota(share, new_size)
if not self.configuration.nexenta_thin_provisioning:
self._set_reservation(share, new_size)
self.provisioned_capacity += (new_size - share['size'])
def shrink_share(self, share, new_size, share_server=None):
"""Shrinks size of existing share."""
'Shrinking share: %(name)s to %(size)sG.', {
'name': self._get_share_name(share), 'size': new_size})
share_path = self._get_dataset_path(share)
share_data = self.nef.filesystems.get(share_path)
used = share_data['bytesUsedBySelf'] / units.Gi
if used > new_size:
raise exception.ShareShrinkingPossibleDataLoss(
if not self.configuration.nexenta_thin_provisioning:
self._set_reservation(share, new_size)
self._set_quota(share, new_size)
self.provisioned_capacity += (share['size'] - new_size)
def create_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_server=None):
"""Create a snapshot."""
snapshot_path = self._get_snapshot_path(snapshot)
LOG.debug('Creating snapshot: %s.', snapshot_path)
payload = {'path': snapshot_path}
def delete_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_server=None):
"""Deletes a snapshot.
:param snapshot: snapshot reference
snapshot_path = self._get_snapshot_path(snapshot)
LOG.debug('Deleting snapshot: %s.', snapshot_path)
payload = {'defer': True}
self.nef.snapshots.delete(snapshot_path, payload)
def revert_to_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_access_rules,
snapshot_access_rules, share_server=None):
"""Reverts a share (in place) to the specified snapshot.
Does not delete the share snapshot. The share and snapshot must both
be 'available' for the restore to be attempted. The snapshot must be
the most recent one taken by Manila; the API layer performs this check
so the driver doesn't have to.
The share must be reverted in place to the contents of the snapshot.
Application admins should quiesce or otherwise prepare the application
for the shared file system contents to change suddenly.
:param context: Current context
:param snapshot: The snapshot to be restored
:param share_access_rules: List of all access rules for the affected
:param snapshot_access_rules: List of all access rules for the affected
:param share_server: Optional -- Share server model or None
snapshot_path = self._get_snapshot_path(snapshot).split('@')[1]
LOG.debug('Reverting to snapshot: %s.', snapshot_path)
share_path = self._get_dataset_path(snapshot['share'])
payload = {'snapshot': snapshot_path}
self.nef.filesystems.rollback(share_path, payload)
def manage_existing(self, share, driver_options):
"""Brings an existing share under Manila management.
If the provided share is not valid, then raise a
ManageInvalidShare exception, specifying a reason for the failure.
If the provided share is not in a state that can be managed, such as
being replicated on the backend, the driver *MUST* raise
ManageInvalidShare exception with an appropriate message.
The share has a share_type, and the driver can inspect that and
compare against the properties of the referenced backend share.
If they are incompatible, raise a
ManageExistingShareTypeMismatch, specifying a reason for the failure.
:param share: Share model
:param driver_options: Driver-specific options provided by admin.
:return: share_update dictionary with required key 'size',
which should contain size of the share.
LOG.debug('Manage share %s.', self._get_share_name(share))
export_path = share['export_locations'][0]['path']
# check that filesystem with provided export exists.
fs_path = export_path.split(':/')[1]
fs_data = self.nef.filesystems.get(fs_path)
if not fs_data:
# wrong export path, raise exception.
msg = _('Share %s does not exist on Nexenta Store appliance, '
'cannot manage.') % export_path
raise exception.NexentaException(msg)
# get dataset properties.
if fs_data['referencedQuotaSize']:
size = (fs_data['referencedQuotaSize'] / units.Gi) + 1
size = fs_data['bytesReferenced'] / units.Gi + 1
# rename filesystem on appliance to correlate with manila ID.
new_path = '%s/%s' % (self.root_path, self._get_share_name(share))
self.nef.filesystems.rename(fs_path, {'newPath': new_path})
# make sure quotas and reservations are correct.
if not self.configuration.nexenta_thin_provisioning:
self._set_reservation(share, size)
self._set_quota(share, size)
return {'size': size, 'export_locations': [{
'path': '%s:/%s' % (self.nas_host, new_path)
def update_access(self, context, share, access_rules, add_rules,
delete_rules, share_server=None):
"""Update access rules for given share.
Using access_rules list for both adding and deleting rules.
:param context: The `context.RequestContext` object for the request
:param share: Share that will have its access rules updated.
:param access_rules: All access rules for given share. This list
is enough to update the access rules for given share.
:param add_rules: Empty List or List of access rules which should be
added. access_rules already contains these rules. Not used by this
:param delete_rules: Empty List or List of access rules which should be
removed. access_rules doesn't contain these rules. Not used by
this driver.
:param share_server: Data structure with share server information.
Not used by this driver.
LOG.debug('Updating access to share %(id)s with following access '
'rules: %(rules)s', {
'id': self._get_share_name(share),
'rules': [(
rule.get('access_type'), rule.get('access_level'),
rule.get('access_to')) for rule in access_rules]})
rw_list = []
ro_list = []
update_dict = {}
if share['share_proto'] == 'NFS':
for rule in access_rules:
if rule['access_type'].lower() != 'ip':
msg = _(
'Only IP access control type is supported for NFS.')
update_dict[rule['access_id']] = {
'state': 'error',
update_dict[rule['access_id']] = {
'state': 'active',
if rule['access_level'] == common.ACCESS_LEVEL_RW:
self._update_nfs_access(share, rw_list, ro_list)
return update_dict
def _update_nfs_access(self, share, rw_list, ro_list):
# Define allowed security context types to be able to tell whether
# the 'security_contexts' dict contains any rules at all
context_types = {'none', 'root', 'readOnlyList', 'readWriteList'}
security_contexts = {'securityModes': ['sys']}
def add_sc(addr_list, sc_type):
if sc_type not in context_types:
rule_list = []
for addr in addr_list:
address_mask = addr.strip().split('/', 1)
address = address_mask[0]
ls = {"allow": True, "etype": "fqdn", "entity": address}
if len(address_mask) == 2:
mask = int(address_mask[1])
if 0 <= mask < 31:
ls['mask'] = mask
ls['etype'] = 'network'
# Context type with no addresses will result in an API error
if rule_list:
security_contexts[sc_type] = rule_list
add_sc(rw_list, 'readWriteList')
add_sc(ro_list, 'readOnlyList')
payload = {'securityContexts': [security_contexts]}
share_path = self._get_dataset_path(share)
if self.nef.nfs.list({'filesystem': share_path}):
if not set(security_contexts.keys()) & context_types:
self.nef.nfs.set(share_path, payload)
payload['filesystem'] = share_path
payload = {
'flags': ['file_inherit', 'dir_inherit'],
'permissions': ['full_set'],
'principal': 'everyone@',
'type': 'allow'
self.nef.filesystems.acl(share_path, payload)
def _set_quota(self, share, new_size):
quota = int(new_size * units.Gi * ZFS_MULTIPLIER)
share_path = self._get_dataset_path(share)
payload = {'referencedQuotaSize': quota}
LOG.debug('Setting quota for dataset %s.', share_path)
self.nef.filesystems.set(share_path, payload)
def _set_reservation(self, share, new_size):
res_size = int(new_size * units.Gi * ZFS_MULTIPLIER)
share_path = self._get_dataset_path(share)
payload = {'referencedReservationSize': res_size}
self.nef.filesystems.set(share_path, payload)
def _update_share_stats(self, data=None):
super(NexentaNasDriver, self)._update_share_stats()
total, free, allocated = self._get_capacity_info()
compression = not self.dataset_compression == 'off'
data = {
'vendor_name': 'Nexenta',
'storage_protocol': self.storage_protocol,
'share_backend_name': self.share_backend_name,
'nfs_mount_point_base': self.nfs_mount_point_base,
'driver_version': VERSION,
'snapshot_support': True,
'create_share_from_snapshot_support': True,
'revert_to_snapshot_support': True,
'pools': [{
'pool_name': self.pool_name,
'compression': compression,
'total_capacity_gb': total,
'free_capacity_gb': free,
'reserved_percentage': (
'max_over_subscription_ratio': (
'provisioned_capacity_gb': self.provisioned_capacity,
def _get_capacity_info(self):
"""Calculate available space on the NFS share."""
data = self.nef.filesystems.get(self.root_path)
free = int(utils.bytes_to_gb(data['bytesAvailable']))
allocated = int(utils.bytes_to_gb(data['bytesUsed']))
total = free + allocated
return total, free, allocated