Michael Still ea944df962 Update openstack/common/lockutils
The following commits are in this update:

79e6bc6 fix lockutils.lock() to make it thread-safe
ace5120 Add main() to lockutils that creates temp dir for locks
537d8e2 Allow lockutils to get lock_path conf from envvar
d498c42 Fix to properly log when we release a semaphore
29d387c Add LockFixture to lockutils
3e3ac0c Modify due to dispose of eventlet
90b6a65 Fix locking bug
27d4b41 Move synchronized body to a first-class function
15c17fb Make lock_file_prefix optional
1a2df89 Enable H302 hacking check
b41862d Use param keyword for docstrings

Change-Id: Ic0fb3b7de5817dbd69da761f625689c523932bc4
2013-11-16 19:08:03 +11:00
common Update openstack/common/lockutils 2013-11-16 19:08:03 +11:00 Renamed cinder to manila. 2013-09-02 09:59:07 +03:00