yfzhao 059fae0ed5 Remove log translations in share and share_group 4/5
Log messages are no longer being translated. This removes all use of
the _LE, _LI, and _LW translation markers to simplify logging and to
avoid confusion with new contributions.
This is the 4/5 commit.
Old commit will be abandoned:


Change-Id: Ia46e9dc4953c788274f5c9b763b2fed96c28d60e
Depends-On: I9fd264a443c634465b8548067f86ac14c1a51faa
Partial-Bug: #1674542
2017-03-31 10:20:11 +08:00

604 lines
25 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""GlusterFS volume mapped share layout."""
import os
import random
import re
import shutil
import string
import tempfile
import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
import six
from manila import exception
from manila.i18n import _
from manila.share.drivers.glusterfs import common
from manila.share.drivers.glusterfs import layout
from manila import utils
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
glusterfs_volume_mapped_opts = [
help='List of GlusterFS servers that can be used to create '
'shares. Each GlusterFS server should be of the form '
'[remoteuser@]<volserver>, and they are assumed to '
'belong to distinct Gluster clusters.'),
help='Regular expression template used to filter '
'GlusterFS volumes for share creation. '
'The regex template can optionally (ie. with support '
'of the GlusterFS backend) contain the #{size} '
'parameter which matches an integer (sequence of '
'digits) in which case the value shall be interpreted as '
'size of the volume in GB. Examples: '
'"manila-share-volume-\d+$", '
'"manila-share-volume-#{size}G-\d+$"; '
'with matching volume names, respectively: '
'"manila-share-volume-12", "manila-share-volume-3G-13". '
'In latter example, the number that matches "#{size}", '
'that is, 3, is an indication that the size of volume '
'is 3G.'),
# The dict specifying named parameters
# that can be used with glusterfs_volume_pattern
# in #{<param>} format.
# For each of them we give regex pattern it matches
# and a transformer function ('trans') for the matched
# string value.
# Currently we handle only #{size}.
PATTERN_DICT = {'size': {'pattern': '(?P<size>\d+)', 'trans': int}}
USER_MANILA_SHARE = 'user.manila-share'
USER_CLONED_FROM = 'user.manila-cloned-from'
UUID_RE = re.compile('\A[\da-f]{8}-([\da-f]{4}-){3}[\da-f]{12}\Z', re.I)
class GlusterfsVolumeMappedLayout(layout.GlusterfsShareLayoutBase):
_snapshots_are_supported = True
def __init__(self, driver, *args, **kwargs):
super(GlusterfsVolumeMappedLayout, self).__init__(
driver, *args, **kwargs)
self.gluster_used_vols = set()
self.gluster_nosnap_vols_dict = {}
self.volume_pattern = self._compile_volume_pattern()
self.volume_pattern_keys = self.volume_pattern.groupindex.keys()
for srvaddr in self.configuration.glusterfs_servers:
# format check for srvaddr
self._glustermanager(srvaddr, False)
self.glusterfs_versions = {}
self.private_storage = kwargs.get('private_storage')
def _compile_volume_pattern(self):
"""Compile a RegexObject from the config specified regex template.
subdict = {}
for key, val in PATTERN_DICT.items():
subdict[key] = val['pattern']
# Using templates with placeholder syntax #{<var>}
class CustomTemplate(string.Template):
delimiter = '#'
volume_pattern = CustomTemplate(
return re.compile(volume_pattern)
def do_setup(self, context):
"""Setup the GlusterFS volumes."""
glusterfs_versions, exceptions = {}, {}
for srvaddr in self.configuration.glusterfs_servers:
glusterfs_versions[srvaddr] = self._glustermanager(
srvaddr, False).get_gluster_version()
except exception.GlusterfsException as exc:
exceptions[srvaddr] = six.text_type(exc)
if exceptions:
for srvaddr, excmsg in exceptions.items():
LOG.error("'gluster version' failed on server "
"%(server)s with: %(message)s",
{'server': srvaddr, 'message': excmsg})
raise exception.GlusterfsException(_(
"'gluster version' failed on servers %s") % (
notsupp_servers = []
for srvaddr, vers in glusterfs_versions.items():
if common.numreduct(vers) < self.driver.GLUSTERFS_VERSION_MIN:
if notsupp_servers:
gluster_version_min_str = '.'.join(
six.text_type(c) for c in self.driver.GLUSTERFS_VERSION_MIN)
for srvaddr in notsupp_servers:
LOG.error("GlusterFS version %(version)s on server "
"%(server)s is not supported, "
"minimum requirement: %(minvers)s",
{'server': srvaddr,
'version': '.'.join(glusterfs_versions[srvaddr]),
'minvers': gluster_version_min_str})
raise exception.GlusterfsException(_(
"Unsupported GlusterFS version on servers %(servers)s, "
"minimum requirement: %(minvers)s") % {
'servers': ','.join(notsupp_servers),
'minvers': gluster_version_min_str})
self.glusterfs_versions = glusterfs_versions
gluster_volumes_initial = set(
if not gluster_volumes_initial:
# No suitable volumes are found on the Gluster end.
# Raise exception.
msg = (_("Gluster backend does not provide any volume "
"matching pattern %s"
) % self.configuration.glusterfs_volume_pattern)
raise exception.GlusterfsException(msg)"Found %d Gluster volumes allocated for Manila.",
def _glustermanager(self, gluster_address, req_volume=True):
"""Create GlusterManager object for gluster_address."""
return common.GlusterManager(
gluster_address, self.driver._execute,
requires={'volume': req_volume})
def _share_manager(self, share):
"""Return GlusterManager object representing share's backend."""
gluster_address = self.private_storage.get(share['id'], 'volume')
if gluster_address is None:
return self._glustermanager(gluster_address)
def _fetch_gluster_volumes(self, filter_used=True):
"""Do a 'gluster volume list | grep <volume pattern>'.
Aggregate the results from all servers.
Extract the named groups from the matching volume names
using the specs given in PATTERN_DICT.
Return a dict with keys of the form <server>:/<volname>
and values being dicts that map names of named groups
to their extracted value.
volumes_dict = {}
for srvaddr in self.configuration.glusterfs_servers:
gluster_mgr = self._glustermanager(srvaddr, False)
if gluster_mgr.user:
logmsg = ("Retrieving volume list "
"on host %s") %
logmsg = ("Retrieving volume list")
out, err = gluster_mgr.gluster_call('volume', 'list', log=logmsg)
for volname in out.split("\n"):
patmatch = self.volume_pattern.match(volname)
if not patmatch:
comp_vol = gluster_mgr.components.copy()
comp_vol.update({'volume': volname})
gluster_mgr_vol = self._glustermanager(comp_vol)
if filter_used:
vshr = gluster_mgr_vol.get_vol_option(
pattern_dict = {}
for key in self.volume_pattern_keys:
keymatch =
if keymatch is None:
pattern_dict[key] = None
trans = PATTERN_DICT[key].get('trans', lambda x: x)
pattern_dict[key] = trans(keymatch)
volumes_dict[gluster_mgr_vol.qualified] = pattern_dict
return volumes_dict
@utils.synchronized("glusterfs_native", external=False)
def _pop_gluster_vol(self, size=None):
"""Pick an unbound volume.
Do a _fetch_gluster_volumes() first to get the complete
list of usable volumes.
Keep only the unbound ones (ones that are not yet used to
back a share).
If size is given, try to pick one which has a size specification
(according to the 'size' named group of the volume pattern),
and its size is greater-than-or-equal to the given size.
Return the volume chosen (in <host>:/<volname> format).
voldict = self._fetch_gluster_volumes()
# calculate the set of unused volumes
unused_vols = set(voldict) - self.gluster_used_vols
if not unused_vols:
# No volumes available for use as share. Warn user.
LOG.warning("No unused gluster volumes available for use as "
"share! Create share won't be supported unless "
"existing shares are deleted or some gluster "
"volumes are created with names matching "
else:"Number of gluster volumes in use: "
"%(inuse-numvols)s. Number of gluster volumes "
"available for use as share: %(unused-numvols)s",
{'inuse-numvols': len(self.gluster_used_vols),
'unused-numvols': len(unused_vols)})
# volmap is the data structure used to categorize and sort
# the unused volumes. It's a nested dictionary of structure
# {<size>: <hostmap>}
# where <size> is either an integer or None,
# <hostmap> is a dictionary of structure {<host>: <vols>}
# where <host> is a host name (IP address), <vols> is a list
# of volumes (gluster addresses).
volmap = {None: {}}
# if both caller has specified size and 'size' occurs as
# a parameter in the volume pattern...
if size and 'size' in self.volume_pattern_keys:
# then this function is used to extract the
# size value for a given volume from the voldict...
get_volsize = lambda vol: voldict[vol]['size']
# else just use a stub.
get_volsize = lambda vol: None
for vol in unused_vols:
# For each unused volume, we extract the <size>
# and <host> values with which it can be inserted
# into the volmap, and conditionally perform
# the insertion (with the condition being: once
# caller specified size and a size indication was
# found in the volume name, we require that the
# indicated size adheres to caller's spec).
volsize = get_volsize(vol)
if not volsize or volsize >= size:
hostmap = volmap.get(volsize)
if not hostmap:
hostmap = {}
volmap[volsize] = hostmap
host = self._glustermanager(vol).host
hostvols = hostmap.get(host)
if not hostvols:
hostvols = []
hostmap[host] = hostvols
if len(volmap) > 1:
# volmap has keys apart from the default None,
# ie. volumes with sensible and adherent size
# indication have been found. Then pick the smallest
# of the size values.
chosen_size = sorted(n for n in volmap.keys() if n)[0]
chosen_size = None
chosen_hostmap = volmap[chosen_size]
if not chosen_hostmap:
msg = (_("Couldn't find a free gluster volume to use."))
raise exception.GlusterfsException(msg)
# From the hosts we choose randomly to tend towards
# even distribution of share backing volumes among
# Gluster clusters.
chosen_host = random.choice(list(chosen_hostmap.keys()))
# Within a host's volumes, choose alphabetically first,
# to make it predictable.
vol = sorted(chosen_hostmap[chosen_host])[0]
return vol
@utils.synchronized("glusterfs_native", external=False)
def _push_gluster_vol(self, exp_locn):
except KeyError:
msg = (_("Couldn't find the share in used list."))
raise exception.GlusterfsException(msg)
def _wipe_gluster_vol(self, gluster_mgr):
# Create a temporary mount.
gluster_export = gluster_mgr.export
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
common._mount_gluster_vol(self.driver._execute, gluster_export,
except exception.GlusterfsException:
shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, ignore_errors=True)
# Delete the contents of a GlusterFS volume that is temporarily
# mounted.
# From GlusterFS version 3.7, two directories, '.trashcan' at the root
# of the GlusterFS volume and 'internal_op' within the '.trashcan'
# directory, are internally created when a GlusterFS volume is started.
# GlusterFS does not allow unlink(2) of the two directories. So do not
# delete the paths of the two directories, but delete their contents
# along with the rest of the contents of the volume.
srvaddr = gluster_mgr.host_access
if common.numreduct(self.glusterfs_versions[srvaddr]) < (3, 7):
cmd = ['find', tmpdir, '-mindepth', '1', '-delete']
ignored_dirs = map(lambda x: os.path.join(tmpdir, *x),
[('.trashcan', ), ('.trashcan', 'internal_op')])
ignored_dirs = list(ignored_dirs)
cmd = ['find', tmpdir, '-mindepth', '1', '!', '-path',
ignored_dirs[0], '!', '-path', ignored_dirs[1], '-delete']
self.driver._execute(*cmd, run_as_root=True)
except exception.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
msg = (_("Error trying to wipe gluster volume. "
"gluster_export: %(export)s, Error: %(error)s") %
{'export': gluster_export, 'error': exc.stderr})
raise exception.GlusterfsException(msg)
# Unmount.
common._umount_gluster_vol(self.driver._execute, tmpdir)
shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, ignore_errors=True)
def create_share(self, context, share, share_server=None):
"""Create a share using GlusterFS volume.
1 Manila share = 1 GlusterFS volume. Pick an unused
GlusterFS volume for use as a share.
vol = self._pop_gluster_vol(share['size'])
except exception.GlusterfsException:
msg = ("Error creating share %(share_id)s",
{'share_id': share['id']})
gmgr = self._glustermanager(vol)
export = self.driver._setup_via_manager(
{'share': share, 'manager': gmgr})
gmgr.set_vol_option(USER_MANILA_SHARE, share['id'])
self.private_storage.update(share['id'], {'volume': vol})
# TODO(deepakcs): Enable quota and set it to the share size.
# For native protocol, the export_location should be of the form:
# server:/volname"export_location sent back from create_share: %s",
return export
def delete_share(self, context, share, share_server=None):
"""Delete a share on the GlusterFS volume.
1 Manila share = 1 GlusterFS volume. Put the gluster
volume back in the available list.
gmgr = self._share_manager(share)
if not gmgr:
# Share does not have a record in private storage.
# It means create_share{,_from_snapshot} did not
# succeed(*). In that case we should not obstruct
# share deletion, so we just return doing nothing.
# (*) or we have a database corruption but then
# basically does not matter what we do here
clone_of = gmgr.get_vol_option(USER_CLONED_FROM) or ''
# We take responsibility for the lifecycle
# management of those volumes which were
# created by us (as snapshot clones) ...
gmgr.gluster_call('volume', 'delete', gmgr.volume)
# ... for volumes that come from the pool, we return
# them to the pool (after some purification rituals)
gmgr.set_vol_option(USER_MANILA_SHARE, 'NONE')
except exception.GlusterfsException:
msg = ("Error during delete_share request for "
"share %(share_id)s", {'share_id': share['id']})
# TODO(deepakcs): Disable quota.
def _find_actual_backend_snapshot_name(gluster_mgr, snapshot):
args = ('snapshot', 'list', gluster_mgr.volume, '--mode=script')
out, err = gluster_mgr.gluster_call(
log=("Retrieving snapshot list"))
snapgrep = list(filter(lambda x: snapshot['id'] in x, out.split("\n")))
if len(snapgrep) != 1:
msg = (_("Failed to identify backing GlusterFS object "
"for snapshot %(snap_id)s of share %(share_id)s: "
"a single candidate was expected, %(found)d was found.") %
{'snap_id': snapshot['id'],
'share_id': snapshot['share_id'],
'found': len(snapgrep)})
raise exception.GlusterfsException(msg)
backend_snapshot_name = snapgrep[0]
return backend_snapshot_name
def create_share_from_snapshot(self, context, share, snapshot,
old_gmgr = self._share_manager(snapshot['share_instance'])
# Snapshot clone feature in GlusterFS server essential to support this
# API is available in GlusterFS server versions 3.7 and higher. So do
# a version check.
vers = self.glusterfs_versions[old_gmgr.host_access]
minvers = (3, 7)
if common.numreduct(vers) < minvers:
minvers_str = '.'.join(six.text_type(c) for c in minvers)
vers_str = '.'.join(vers)
msg = (_("GlusterFS version %(version)s on server %(server)s does "
"not support creation of shares from snapshot. "
"minimum requirement: %(minversion)s") %
{'version': vers_str, 'server':,
'minversion': minvers_str})
raise exception.GlusterfsException(msg)
# Clone the snapshot. The snapshot clone, a new GlusterFS volume
# would serve as a share.
backend_snapshot_name = self._find_actual_backend_snapshot_name(
old_gmgr, snapshot)
volume = ''.join(['manila-', share['id']])
args_tuple = (('snapshot', 'activate', backend_snapshot_name,
'force', '--mode=script'),
('snapshot', 'clone', volume, backend_snapshot_name))
for args in args_tuple:
out, err = old_gmgr.gluster_call(
log=("Creating share from snapshot"))
# Get a manager for the new volume/share.
comp_vol = old_gmgr.components.copy()
comp_vol.update({'volume': volume})
gmgr = self._glustermanager(comp_vol)
export = self.driver._setup_via_manager(
{'share': share, 'manager': gmgr},
{'share': snapshot['share_instance'], 'manager': old_gmgr})
argseq = (('set',
[USER_CLONED_FROM, snapshot['share_id']]),
('set', [USER_MANILA_SHARE, share['id']]),
('start', []))
for op, opargs in argseq:
args = ['volume', op, gmgr.volume] + opargs
gmgr.gluster_call(*args, log=("Creating share from snapshot"))
self.private_storage.update(share['id'], {'volume': gmgr.qualified})
return export
def create_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_server=None):
"""Creates a snapshot."""
gluster_mgr = self._share_manager(snapshot['share'])
if gluster_mgr.qualified in self.gluster_nosnap_vols_dict:
opret, operrno = -1, 0
operrstr = self.gluster_nosnap_vols_dict[gluster_mgr.qualified]
args = ('--xml', 'snapshot', 'create', 'manila-' + snapshot['id'],
out, err = gluster_mgr.gluster_call(
log=("Retrieving volume info"))
if not out:
raise exception.GlusterfsException(
'gluster volume info %s: no data received' %
outxml = etree.fromstring(out)
opret = int(common.volxml_get(outxml, 'opRet'))
operrno = int(common.volxml_get(outxml, 'opErrno'))
operrstr = common.volxml_get(outxml, 'opErrstr', default=None)
if opret == -1:
vers = self.glusterfs_versions[gluster_mgr.host_access]
if common.numreduct(vers) > (3, 6):
# This logic has not yet been implemented in GlusterFS 3.6
if operrno == 0:
gluster_mgr.qualified] = operrstr
msg = _("Share %(share_id)s does not support snapshots: "
"%(errstr)s.") % {'share_id': snapshot['share_id'],
'errstr': operrstr}
raise exception.ShareSnapshotNotSupported(msg)
raise exception.GlusterfsException(
_("Creating snapshot for share %(share_id)s failed "
"with %(errno)d: %(errstr)s") % {
'share_id': snapshot['share_id'],
'errno': operrno,
'errstr': operrstr})
def delete_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, share_server=None):
"""Deletes a snapshot."""
gluster_mgr = self._share_manager(snapshot['share'])
backend_snapshot_name = self._find_actual_backend_snapshot_name(
gluster_mgr, snapshot)
args = ('--xml', 'snapshot', 'delete', backend_snapshot_name,
out, err = gluster_mgr.gluster_call(
log=("Error deleting snapshot"))
if not out:
raise exception.GlusterfsException(
_('gluster snapshot delete %s: no data received') %
outxml = etree.fromstring(out)
gluster_mgr.xml_response_check(outxml, args[1:])
def ensure_share(self, context, share, share_server=None):
"""Invoked to ensure that share is exported."""
gmgr = self._share_manager(share)
gmgr.set_vol_option(USER_MANILA_SHARE, share['id'])
# Debt...
def manage_existing(self, share, driver_options):
raise NotImplementedError()
def unmanage(self, share):
raise NotImplementedError()
def extend_share(self, share, new_size, share_server=None):
raise NotImplementedError()
def shrink_share(self, share, new_size, share_server=None):
raise NotImplementedError()