
1013 lines
43 KiB

# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2015 Tom Barron. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2015 Mirantis Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Handles all requests relating to shares.
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_utils import excutils
from oslo_utils import strutils
from oslo_utils import timeutils
import six
from manila.api import extensions
from manila.common import constants
from manila.db import base
from manila import exception
from manila.i18n import _
from manila.i18n import _LE
from manila.i18n import _LI
from manila.i18n import _LW
from manila import policy
from manila import quota
from manila.scheduler import rpcapi as scheduler_rpcapi
from manila.share import rpcapi as share_rpcapi
from manila.share import share_types
from manila.share import utils as share_utils
from manila import utils
share_api_opts = [
help='If set to False, then share creation from snapshot will '
'be performed on the same host. '
'If set to True, then scheduling step will be used.')
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
GB = 1048576 * 1024
class API(base.Base):
"""API for interacting with the share manager."""
def __init__(self, db_driver=None):
self.scheduler_rpcapi = scheduler_rpcapi.SchedulerAPI()
self.share_rpcapi = share_rpcapi.ShareAPI()
super(API, self).__init__(db_driver)
def create(self, context, share_proto, size, name, description,
snapshot=None, availability_zone=None, metadata=None,
share_network_id=None, share_type=None, is_public=False,
consistency_group_id=None, cgsnapshot_member=None):
"""Create new share."""
policy.check_policy(context, 'share', 'create')
self._check_metadata_properties(context, metadata)
if snapshot is not None:
if snapshot['status'] != constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE:
msg = _("status must be '%s'") % constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE
raise exception.InvalidShareSnapshot(reason=msg)
if not size:
size = snapshot['size']
snapshot_id = snapshot['id']
snapshot_id = None
def as_int(s):
return int(s)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return s
# tolerate size as stringified int
size = as_int(size)
if not isinstance(size, int) or size <= 0:
msg = (_("Share size '%s' must be an integer and greater than 0")
% size)
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
if snapshot and size < snapshot['size']:
msg = (_("Share size '%s' must be equal or greater "
"than snapshot size") % size)
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
if snapshot is None:
share_type_id = share_type['id'] if share_type else None
source_share = self.db.share_get(context, snapshot['share_id'])
availability_zone = source_share['availability_zone']
if share_type is None:
share_type_id = source_share['share_type_id']
share_type_id = share_type['id']
if share_type_id != source_share['share_type_id']:
msg = _("Invalid share type specified: the requested "
"share type must match the type of the source "
"share. If a share type is not specified when "
"requesting a new share from a snapshot, the "
"share type of the source share will be applied "
"to the new share.")
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
supported_share_protocols = (
proto.upper() for proto in CONF.enabled_share_protocols)
if not (share_proto and
share_proto.upper() in supported_share_protocols):
msg = (_("Invalid share protocol provided: %(provided)s. "
"It is either disabled or unsupported. Available "
"protocols: %(supported)s") % dict(
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
reservations = QUOTAS.reserve(context, shares=1, gigabytes=size)
except exception.OverQuota as e:
overs = e.kwargs['overs']
usages = e.kwargs['usages']
quotas = e.kwargs['quotas']
def _consumed(name):
return (usages[name]['reserved'] + usages[name]['in_use'])
if 'gigabytes' in overs:
LOG.warn(_LW("Quota exceeded for %(s_pid)s, tried to create "
"%(s_size)sG share (%(d_consumed)dG of "
"%(d_quota)dG already consumed)"), {
's_pid': context.project_id,
's_size': size,
'd_consumed': _consumed('gigabytes'),
'd_quota': quotas['gigabytes']})
raise exception.ShareSizeExceedsAvailableQuota()
elif 'shares' in overs:
LOG.warn(_LW("Quota exceeded for %(s_pid)s, tried to create "
"share (%(d_consumed)d shares "
"already consumed)"), {
's_pid': context.project_id,
'd_consumed': _consumed('shares')})
raise exception.ShareLimitExceeded(allowed=quotas['shares'])
is_public = strutils.bool_from_string(is_public, strict=True)
snapshot_support = strutils.bool_from_string(
share_type.get('extra_specs', {}).get(
'snapshot_support', True) if share_type else True,
except ValueError as e:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(six.text_type(e))
consistency_group = None
if consistency_group_id:
consistency_group = self.db.consistency_group_get(
context, consistency_group_id)
except exception.NotFound as e:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(six.text_type(e))
if (not cgsnapshot_member and
not (consistency_group['status'] ==
params = {
'avail': constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE,
'cg_status': consistency_group['status'],
msg = _("Consistency group status must be %(avail)s, got"
"%(cg_status)s.") % params
raise exception.InvalidConsistencyGroup(message=msg)
if share_type_id:
cg_st_ids = [st['share_type_id'] for st in
consistency_group.get('share_types', [])]
if share_type_id not in cg_st_ids:
params = {
'type': share_type_id,
'cg': consistency_group_id
msg = _("The specified share type (%(type)s) is not "
"supported by the specified consistency group "
"(%(cg)s).") % params
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(msg)
if (not consistency_group.get('share_network_id')
== share_network_id):
params = {
'net': share_network_id,
'cg': consistency_group_id
msg = _("The specified share network (%(net)s) is not "
"supported by the specified consistency group "
"(%(cg)s).") % params
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(msg)
options = {'size': size,
'user_id': context.user_id,
'project_id': context.project_id,
'snapshot_id': snapshot_id,
'snapshot_support': snapshot_support,
'metadata': metadata,
'display_name': name,
'display_description': description,
'share_proto': share_proto,
'share_type_id': share_type_id,
'is_public': is_public,
'consistency_group_id': consistency_group_id,
if cgsnapshot_member:
options['source_cgsnapshot_member_id'] = cgsnapshot_member['id']
share = self.db.share_create(context, options,
QUOTAS.commit(context, reservations)
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
self.db.share_delete(context, share['id'])
QUOTAS.rollback(context, reservations)
host = None
if snapshot and not CONF.use_scheduler_creating_share_from_snapshot:
# Shares from snapshots with restriction - source host only.
# It is common situation for different types of backends.
host = snapshot['share']['host']
self.create_instance(context, share, share_network_id=share_network_id,
host=host, availability_zone=availability_zone,
return share
def create_instance(self, context, share, share_network_id=None,
host=None, availability_zone=None,
consistency_group=None, cgsnapshot_member=None):
policy.check_policy(context, 'share', 'create')
availability_zone_id = None
if availability_zone:
availability_zone_id = self.db.availability_zone_get(
context, availability_zone).id
# TODO(u_glide): Add here validation that provided share network
# doesn't conflict with provided availability_zone when Neutron
# will have AZ support.
share_instance = self.db.share_instance_create(
context, share['id'],
'share_network_id': share_network_id,
'status': constants.STATUS_CREATING,
'scheduled_at': timeutils.utcnow(),
'host': host if host else '',
'availability_zone_id': availability_zone_id,
if cgsnapshot_member:
host = cgsnapshot_member['share']['host']
share = self.db.share_instance_update(context,
{'host': host})
# NOTE(ameade): Do not cast to driver if creating from cgsnapshot
share_dict = share.to_dict()
{'metadata': self.db.share_metadata_get(context, share['id'])}
share_type = None
if share['share_type_id']:
share_type = self.db.share_type_get(
context, share['share_type_id'])
request_spec = {
'share_properties': share_dict,
'share_instance_properties': share_instance.to_dict(),
'share_proto': share['share_proto'],
'share_id': share['id'],
'snapshot_id': share['snapshot_id'],
'share_type': share_type,
'consistency_group': consistency_group,
if host:
# Create share instance from scratch or from snapshot could happen
# on hosts other than the source host.
context, request_spec=request_spec, filter_properties={})
return share_instance
def manage(self, context, share_data, driver_options):
policy.check_policy(context, 'share', 'manage')
shares = self.get_all(context, {
'host': share_data['host'],
'export_location': share_data['export_location'],
'share_proto': share_data['share_proto']
'user_id': context.user_id,
'project_id': context.project_id,
'status': constants.STATUS_MANAGING,
'scheduled_at': timeutils.utcnow(),
LOG.debug("Manage: Found shares %s" % len(shares))
retry_states = (constants.STATUS_MANAGE_ERROR,)
export_location = share_data.pop('export_location')
if len(shares) == 0:
share = self.db.share_create(context, share_data)
# NOTE(u_glide): Case when administrator have fixed some problems and
# tries to manage share again
elif len(shares) == 1 and shares[0]['status'] in retry_states:
share = self.db.share_update(context, shares[0]['id'], share_data)
msg = _("Share already exists.")
raise exception.ManilaException(msg)
self.db.share_export_locations_update(context, share.instance['id'],
self.share_rpcapi.manage_share(context, share, driver_options)
return self.db.share_get(context, share['id'])
def unmanage(self, context, share):
policy.check_policy(context, 'share', 'unmanage')
update_data = {'status': constants.STATUS_UNMANAGING,
'terminated_at': timeutils.utcnow()}
share_ref = self.db.share_update(context, share['id'], update_data)
self.share_rpcapi.unmanage_share(context, share_ref)
# NOTE(u_glide): We should update 'updated_at' timestamp of
# share server here, when manage/unmanage operations will be supported
# for driver_handles_share_servers=True mode
def delete(self, context, share, force=False):
"""Delete share."""
share = self.db.share_get(context, share['id'])
if context.is_admin and context.project_id != share['project_id']:
project_id = share['project_id']
project_id = context.project_id
share_id = share['id']
statuses = (constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE, constants.STATUS_ERROR,
if not (force or share['status'] in statuses):
msg = _("Share status must be one of %(statuses)s") % {
"statuses": statuses}
raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=msg)
snapshots = self.db.share_snapshot_get_all_for_share(context, share_id)
if len(snapshots):
msg = _("Share still has %d dependent snapshots") % len(snapshots)
raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=msg)
cgsnapshot_members_count = self.db.count_cgsnapshot_members_in_share(
context, share_id)
if cgsnapshot_members_count:
msg = (_("Share still has %d dependent cgsnapshot members") %
raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=msg)
reservations = QUOTAS.reserve(context,
except Exception as e:
reservations = None
_LE("Failed to update quota for deleting share: %s"),
for share_instance in share.instances:
if share_instance['host']:
self.delete_instance(context, share_instance, force=force)
self.db.share_instance_delete(context, share_instance['id'])
if reservations:
QUOTAS.commit(context, reservations, project_id=project_id)
def delete_instance(self, context, share_instance, force=False):
policy.check_policy(context, 'share', 'delete')
statuses = (constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE, constants.STATUS_ERROR,
if not (force or share_instance['status'] in statuses):
msg = _("Share instance status must be one of %(statuses)s") % {
"statuses": statuses}
raise exception.InvalidShareInstance(reason=msg)
share_instance = self.db.share_instance_update(
context, share_instance['id'],
{'status': constants.STATUS_DELETING,
'terminated_at': timeutils.utcnow()}
self.share_rpcapi.delete_share_instance(context, share_instance)
# NOTE(u_glide): 'updated_at' timestamp is used to track last usage of
# share server. This is required for automatic share servers cleanup
# because we should track somehow period of time when share server
# doesn't have shares (unused). We do this update only on share
# deletion because share server with shares cannot be deleted, so no
# need to do this update on share creation or any other share operation
if share_instance['share_server_id']:
{'updated_at': timeutils.utcnow()})
def delete_share_server(self, context, server):
"""Delete share server."""
policy.check_policy(context, 'share_server', 'delete', server)
shares = self.db.share_instances_get_all_by_share_server(context,
if shares:
raise exception.ShareServerInUse(share_server_id=server['id'])
# NOTE(vponomaryov): There is no share_server status update here,
# it is intentional.
# Status will be changed in manila.share.manager after verification
# for race condition between share creation on server
# and server deletion.
self.share_rpcapi.delete_share_server(context, server)
def create_snapshot(self, context, share, name, description,
policy.check_policy(context, 'share', 'create_snapshot', share)
if ((not force) and (share['status'] != constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE)):
msg = _("Source share status must be "
"%s") % constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE
raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=msg)
size = share['size']
reservations = QUOTAS.reserve(
context, snapshots=1, snapshot_gigabytes=size)
except exception.OverQuota as e:
overs = e.kwargs['overs']
usages = e.kwargs['usages']
quotas = e.kwargs['quotas']
def _consumed(name):
return (usages[name]['reserved'] + usages[name]['in_use'])
if 'snapshot_gigabytes' in overs:
msg = _LW("Quota exceeded for %(s_pid)s, tried to create "
"%(s_size)sG snapshot (%(d_consumed)dG of "
"%(d_quota)dG already consumed)")
LOG.warn(msg, {'s_pid': context.project_id,
's_size': size,
'd_consumed': _consumed('gigabytes'),
'd_quota': quotas['snapshot_gigabytes']})
raise exception.SnapshotSizeExceedsAvailableQuota()
elif 'snapshots' in overs:
msg = _LW("Quota exceeded for %(s_pid)s, tried to create "
"snapshot (%(d_consumed)d snapshots "
"already consumed)")
LOG.warn(msg, {'s_pid': context.project_id,
'd_consumed': _consumed('snapshots')})
raise exception.SnapshotLimitExceeded(
options = {'share_id': share['id'],
'size': share['size'],
'user_id': context.user_id,
'project_id': context.project_id,
'status': constants.STATUS_CREATING,
'progress': '0%',
'share_size': share['size'],
'display_name': name,
'display_description': description,
'share_proto': share['share_proto']}
snapshot = self.db.share_snapshot_create(context, options)
QUOTAS.commit(context, reservations)
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
self.db.snapshot_delete(context, share['id'])
QUOTAS.rollback(context, reservations)
self.share_rpcapi.create_snapshot(context, share, snapshot)
return snapshot
def migrate_share(self, context, share, host, force_host_copy):
"""Migrates share to a new host."""
policy.check_policy(context, 'share', 'migrate')
share_instance = share.instance
# We only handle "available" share for now
if share_instance['status'] != constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE:
msg = _('Share instance %(instance_id)s status must be available, '
'but current status is: %(instance_status)s.') % {
'instance_id': share_instance['id'],
'instance_status': share_instance['status']}
raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=msg)
# Make sure the destination host is different than the current one
if host == share_instance['host']:
msg = _('Destination host %(dest_host)s must be different '
'than the current host %(src_host)s.') % {
'dest_host': host,
'src_host': share_instance['host']}
raise exception.InvalidHost(reason=msg)
# We only handle shares without snapshots for now
snaps = self.db.share_snapshot_get_all_for_share(context, share['id'])
if snaps:
msg = _("Share %s must not have snapshots.") % share['id']
raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=msg)
# Make sure the host is in the list of available hosts
utils.validate_service_host(context, share_utils.extract_host(host))
# NOTE(ganso): there is the possibility of an error between here and
# manager code, which will cause the share to be stuck in
# MIGRATION_STARTING status. According to Liberty Midcycle discussion,
# this kind of scenario should not be cleaned up, the administrator
# should be issued to clear this status before a new migration request
# is made
context, share,
share_type = {}
share_type_id = share['share_type_id']
if share_type_id:
share_type = share_types.get_share_type(context, share_type_id)
request_spec = {'share_properties': share,
'share_instance_properties': share_instance.to_dict(),
'share_type': share_type,
'share_id': share['id']}
self.scheduler_rpcapi.migrate_share_to_host(context, share['id'],
host, force_host_copy,
except Exception:
context, share,
{'task_state': constants.STATUS_TASK_STATE_MIGRATION_ERROR})
def delete_snapshot(self, context, snapshot, force=False):
statuses = (constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE, constants.STATUS_ERROR)
if not (force or snapshot['status'] in statuses):
msg = _("Share Snapshot status must be one of %(statuses)s.") % {
"statuses": statuses}
raise exception.InvalidShareSnapshot(reason=msg)
self.db.share_snapshot_update(context, snapshot['id'],
{'status': constants.STATUS_DELETING})
share = self.db.share_get(context, snapshot['share_id'])
self.share_rpcapi.delete_snapshot(context, snapshot, share['host'])
def update(self, context, share, fields):
if 'is_public' in fields:
fields['is_public'] = strutils.bool_from_string(
fields['is_public'], strict=True)
except ValueError as e:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(six.text_type(e))
return self.db.share_update(context, share['id'], fields)
def snapshot_update(self, context, snapshot, fields):
return self.db.share_snapshot_update(context, snapshot['id'], fields)
def get(self, context, share_id):
rv = self.db.share_get(context, share_id)
if not rv['is_public']:
policy.check_policy(context, 'share', 'get', rv)
return rv
def get_all(self, context, search_opts=None, sort_key='created_at',
policy.check_policy(context, 'share', 'get_all')
if search_opts is None:
search_opts = {}
LOG.debug("Searching for shares by: %s", six.text_type(search_opts))
# Prepare filters
filters = {}
if 'metadata' in search_opts:
filters['metadata'] = search_opts.pop('metadata')
if not isinstance(filters['metadata'], dict):
msg = _("Wrong metadata filter provided: "
"%s.") % six.text_type(filters['metadata'])
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
if 'extra_specs' in search_opts:
# Verify policy for extra-specs access
'share', 'types_extra_specs')(context)
filters['extra_specs'] = search_opts.pop('extra_specs')
if not isinstance(filters['extra_specs'], dict):
msg = _("Wrong extra specs filter provided: "
"%s.") % six.text_type(filters['extra_specs'])
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
if not (isinstance(sort_key, six.string_types) and sort_key):
msg = _("Wrong sort_key filter provided: "
"'%s'.") % six.text_type(sort_key)
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
if not (isinstance(sort_dir, six.string_types) and sort_dir):
msg = _("Wrong sort_dir filter provided: "
"'%s'.") % six.text_type(sort_dir)
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
is_public = search_opts.pop('is_public', False)
is_public = strutils.bool_from_string(is_public, strict=True)
# Get filtered list of shares
if 'share_server_id' in search_opts:
# NOTE(vponomaryov): this is project_id independent
policy.check_policy(context, 'share', 'list_by_share_server_id')
shares = self.db.share_get_all_by_share_server(
context, search_opts.pop('share_server_id'), filters=filters,
sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir)
elif (context.is_admin and 'all_tenants' in search_opts):
shares = self.db.share_get_all(
context, filters=filters, sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir)
shares = self.db.share_get_all_by_project(
context, project_id=context.project_id, filters=filters,
is_public=is_public, sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir)
# NOTE(vponomaryov): we do not need 'all_tenants' opt anymore
search_opts.pop('all_tenants', None)
if search_opts:
results = []
for s in shares:
# values in search_opts can be only strings
if all(s.get(k, None) == v for k, v in search_opts.items()):
shares = results
return shares
def get_snapshot(self, context, snapshot_id):
policy.check_policy(context, 'share_snapshot', 'get_snapshot')
rv = self.db.share_snapshot_get(context, snapshot_id)
return dict(six.iteritems(rv))
def get_all_snapshots(self, context, search_opts=None,
sort_key='share_id', sort_dir='desc'):
policy.check_policy(context, 'share_snapshot', 'get_all_snapshots')
search_opts = search_opts or {}
LOG.debug("Searching for snapshots by: %s", six.text_type(search_opts))
# Read and remove key 'all_tenants' if was provided
all_tenants = search_opts.pop('all_tenants', None)
string_args = {'sort_key': sort_key, 'sort_dir': sort_dir}
for k, v in string_args.items():
if not (isinstance(v, six.string_types) and v):
msg = _("Wrong '%(k)s' filter provided: "
"'%(v)s'.") % {'k': k, 'v': string_args[k]}
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
if (context.is_admin and all_tenants):
snapshots = self.db.share_snapshot_get_all(
context, filters=search_opts,
sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir)
snapshots = self.db.share_snapshot_get_all_by_project(
context, context.project_id, filters=search_opts,
sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir)
# Remove key 'usage' if provided
search_opts.pop('usage', None)
if search_opts:
results = []
not_found = object()
for snapshot in snapshots:
for opt, value in six.iteritems(search_opts):
if snapshot.get(opt, not_found) != value:
snapshots = results
return snapshots
def allow_access(self, ctx, share, access_type, access_to,
"""Allow access to share."""
policy.check_policy(ctx, 'share', 'allow_access')
share = self.db.share_get(ctx, share['id'])
if share['status'] != constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE:
msg = _("Share status must be %s") % constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE
raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=msg)
values = {
'share_id': share['id'],
'access_type': access_type,
'access_to': access_to,
'access_level': access_level,
for access in self.db.share_access_get_all_by_type_and_access(
ctx, share['id'], access_type, access_to):
if access['state'] != constants.STATUS_ERROR:
raise exception.ShareAccessExists(access_type=access_type,
if access_level not in constants.ACCESS_LEVELS + (None, ):
msg = _("Invalid share access level: %s.") % access_level
raise exception.InvalidShareAccess(reason=msg)
access = self.db.share_access_create(ctx, values)
for share_instance in share.instances:
self.allow_access_to_instance(ctx, share_instance, access)
return {
'id': access['id'],
'share_id': access['share_id'],
'access_type': access['access_type'],
'access_to': access['access_to'],
'access_level': access['access_level'],
'state': access['state'],
def allow_access_to_instance(self, context, share_instance, access):
policy.check_policy(context, 'share', 'allow_access')
if not share_instance['host']:
msg = _("Invalid share instance host: %s") % share_instance['host']
raise exception.InvalidShareInstance(reason=msg)
self.share_rpcapi.allow_access(context, share_instance, access)
def deny_access(self, ctx, share, access):
"""Deny access to share."""
policy.check_policy(ctx, 'share', 'deny_access')
# First check state of the target share
share = self.db.share_get(ctx, share['id'])
if not (share.instances and share.instance['host']):
msg = _("Share doesn't have any instances")
raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=msg)
if share['status'] != constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE:
msg = _("Share status must be %s") % constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE
raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=msg)
# Then check state of the access rule
if (access['state'] == constants.STATUS_ERROR and not
self.db.share_instance_access_get_all(ctx, access['id'])):
self.db.share_access_delete(ctx, access["id"])
elif access['state'] in [constants.STATUS_ACTIVE,
for share_instance in share.instances:
self.deny_access_to_instance(ctx, share_instance, access)
except exception.NotFound:
LOG.warn(_LW("Access rule %(access_id)s not found "
"for instance %(instance_id)s.") % {
'access_id': access['id'],
'instance_id': share_instance['id']})
msg = _("Access policy should be %(active)s or in %(error)s "
"state") % {"active": constants.STATUS_ACTIVE,
"error": constants.STATUS_ERROR}
raise exception.InvalidShareAccess(reason=msg)
# update share state and send message to manager
def deny_access_to_instance(self, context, share_instance, access):
policy.check_policy(context, 'share', 'deny_access')
if not share_instance['host']:
msg = _("Invalid share instance host: %s") % share_instance['host']
raise exception.InvalidShareInstance(reason=msg)
access_mapping = self.db.share_instance_access_get(
context, access['id'], share_instance['id'])
context, access_mapping['id'],
self.share_rpcapi.deny_access(context, share_instance, access)
def access_get_all(self, context, share):
"""Returns all access rules for share."""
policy.check_policy(context, 'share', 'access_get_all')
rules = self.db.share_access_get_all_for_share(context, share['id'])
return [{'id':,
'access_type': rule.access_type,
'access_to': rule.access_to,
'access_level': rule.access_level,
'state': rule.state} for rule in rules]
def access_get(self, context, access_id):
"""Returns access rule with the id."""
policy.check_policy(context, 'share', 'access_get')
rule = self.db.share_access_get(context, access_id)
return rule
def get_share_metadata(self, context, share):
"""Get all metadata associated with a share."""
rv = self.db.share_metadata_get(context, share['id'])
return dict(six.iteritems(rv))
def delete_share_metadata(self, context, share, key):
"""Delete the given metadata item from a share."""
self.db.share_metadata_delete(context, share['id'], key)
def _check_is_share_busy(self, share):
"""Raises an exception if share is busy with an active task."""
if share.is_busy:
msg = _("Share %(share_id)s is busy as part of an active "
"task: %(task)s.") % {
'share_id': share['id'],
'task': share['task_state']
raise exception.ShareBusyException(reason=msg)
def _check_metadata_properties(self, context, metadata=None):
if not metadata:
metadata = {}
for k, v in six.iteritems(metadata):
if not k:
msg = _("Metadata property key is blank")
raise exception.InvalidShareMetadata(message=msg)
if len(k) > 255:
msg = _("Metadata property key is greater than 255 characters")
raise exception.InvalidShareMetadataSize(message=msg)
if not v:
msg = _("Metadata property value is blank")
raise exception.InvalidShareMetadata(message=msg)
if len(v) > 1023:
msg = _("Metadata property value is "
"greater than 1023 characters")
raise exception.InvalidShareMetadataSize(message=msg)
def update_share_metadata(self, context, share, metadata, delete=False):
"""Updates or creates share metadata.
If delete is True, metadata items that are not specified in the
`metadata` argument will be deleted.
orig_meta = self.get_share_metadata(context, share)
if delete:
_metadata = metadata
_metadata = orig_meta.copy()
self._check_metadata_properties(context, _metadata)
self.db.share_metadata_update(context, share['id'],
_metadata, delete)
return _metadata
def get_share_network(self, context, share_net_id):
return self.db.share_network_get(context, share_net_id)
def extend(self, context, share, new_size):
policy.check_policy(context, 'share', 'extend')
if share['status'] != constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE:
msg_params = {
'valid_status': constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE,
'share_id': share['id'],
'status': share['status'],
msg = _("Share %(share_id)s status must be '%(valid_status)s' "
"to extend, but current status is: "
"%(status)s.") % msg_params
raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=msg)
size_increase = int(new_size) - share['size']
if size_increase <= 0:
msg = (_("New size for extend must be greater "
"than current size. (current: %(size)s, "
"extended: %(new_size)s).") % {'new_size': new_size,
'size': share['size']})
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
reservations = QUOTAS.reserve(context,
except exception.OverQuota as exc:
usages = exc.kwargs['usages']
quotas = exc.kwargs['quotas']
def _consumed(name):
return usages[name]['reserved'] + usages[name]['in_use']
msg = _LE("Quota exceeded for %(s_pid)s, tried to extend share "
"by %(s_size)sG, (%(d_consumed)dG of %(d_quota)dG "
"already consumed).")
LOG.error(msg, {'s_pid': context.project_id,
's_size': size_increase,
'd_consumed': _consumed('gigabytes'),
'd_quota': quotas['gigabytes']})
raise exception.ShareSizeExceedsAvailableQuota(
self.update(context, share, {'status': constants.STATUS_EXTENDING})
self.share_rpcapi.extend_share(context, share, new_size, reservations)"Extend share request issued successfully."),
def shrink(self, context, share, new_size):
policy.check_policy(context, 'share', 'shrink')
status = six.text_type(share['status']).lower()
valid_statuses = (constants.STATUS_AVAILABLE,
if status not in valid_statuses:
msg_params = {
'valid_status': ", ".join(valid_statuses),
'share_id': share['id'],
'status': status,
msg = _("Share %(share_id)s status must in (%(valid_status)s) "
"to shrink, but current status is: "
"%(status)s.") % msg_params
raise exception.InvalidShare(reason=msg)
size_decrease = int(share['size']) - int(new_size)
if size_decrease <= 0 or new_size <= 0:
msg = (_("New size for shrink must be less "
"than current size and greater than 0 (current: %(size)s,"
" new: %(new_size)s)") % {'new_size': new_size,
'size': share['size']})
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
self.update(context, share, {'status': constants.STATUS_SHRINKING})
self.share_rpcapi.shrink_share(context, share, new_size)"Shrink share (id=%(id)s) request issued successfully."
" New size: %(size)s") % {'id': share['id'],
'size': new_size})