![Louie KWAN](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/masakari/+spec/introspective-instance-monitoring Currently, Masakari instance monitoring is strictly black-box type monitoring through qemu and libvirt. There are however a number of internal instance/VM faults, that if monitored and detected by Masakari, could be recovered by existing Masakari auto-recovery mechanisms; increasing the overall availability of the instance/VM. This blueprint introduces the capability of performing introspective instance monitoring of VMs, in order to detect, report and optionally recover VMs from internal VM faults. Specifically, VM Heartbeating Monitoring via the QEMU Guest Agent. Change-Id: I9efc6afc8d476003d3aa7fee8c31bcaa65438674 Implements: blueprint introspective-instance-monitoring
Monitors for Masakari
Monitors for Masakari provides Virtual Machine High Availability (VMHA) service for OpenStack clouds by automatically detecting the failure events such as VM process down, provisioning process down, and nova-compute host failure. If it detect the events, it sends notifications to the masakari-api.
Original version of Masakari: https://github.com/ntt-sic/masakari
Tokyo Summit Session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmjNKceW_9A
Monitors for Masakari is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. The full terms and conditions of this license are detailed in the LICENSE file.
- Free software: Apache license
- Documentation: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/masakari-monitors
- Source: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/masakari-monitors
- Bugs: http://bugs.launchpad.net/masakari-monitors
Configure masakari-monitors
Clone masakari using:
$ git clone https://github.com/openstack/masakari-monitors.git
Create masakarimonitors directory in /etc/.
Run setup.py from masakari-monitors:
$ sudo python setup.py install
Copy masakarimonitors.conf and process_list.yaml files from masakari-monitors/etc/ to /etc/masakarimonitors folder and make necessary changes to the masakarimonitors.conf and process_list.yaml files. To generate the sample masakarimonitors.conf file, run the following command from the top level of the masakari-monitors directory:
$ tox -egenconfig
To run masakari-processmonitor, masakari-hostmonitor and masakari-instancemonitor simply use following binary:
$ masakari-processmonitor $ masakari-hostmonitor $ masakari-instancemonitor
If you are intend to use bash scripts of masakari-processmonitor and masakari-hostmonitor, use following steps to install them. However, those bash shell scripts are deprecated as of the Ocata release and will be removed in the Queens release. Use above masakari-hostmonitors implemented in python instead.
Clone masakari using:
$ git clone https://github.com/openstack/masakari-monitors.git
Create masakarimonitors directory in /etc/.
Remove '.sample' from files hostmonitor.conf.sample, processmonitor.conf.sample and proc.list.sample which exist at masakari-monitors/etc/.
Copy hostmonitor.conf, processmonitor.conf and proc.list files from masakari-monitors/etc/ to /etc/masakarimonitors folder and make necessary changes to the hostmonitor.conf, processmonitor.conf and proc.list files.
To run bash scripts of masakari-processmonitor and masakari-hostmonitor simply use following binary:
$ masakari-processmonitor.sh /etc/masakarimonitors/processmonitor.conf /etc/masakarimonitors/proc.list $ masakari-hostmonitor.sh /etc/masakarimonitors/hostmonitor.conf