.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ======================= Send Event Notifications ======================= https://blueprints.launchpad.net/masakari/+spec/notifications-in-masakari Problem description =================== Currently, Masakari doesn't send any event notifications on hosts, failover segments and notifications RestFul API operation requests made by an user. It would be useful to receive create, update and delete event notifications on any of this information changing, and the payload should contain the same information for create and update as accessible from the API. Use Cases --------- Operators will be able to know following things by event notifications: * Begin/End of API process * Errors in event of failure to process APIs request * Payload which will contain the contents of the API request Operators can use event notifications for analyzing, monitoring and metering purposes. Proposed change =============== Versioned notifications will be emitted for the following events: #. Segments Create segment segment.create.start segment.create.end segment.create.error Update segment segment.update.start segment.update.end segment.update.error Delete segment segment.delete.start segment.delete.end segment.delete.error #. Hosts Create host host.create.start host.create.end host.create.error Update host host.update.start host.update.end host.update.error Delete host host.delete.start host.delete.end host.delete.error #. Notifications Create notification notification.create.start notification.create.end notification.create.error Process notification notification.process.start notification.process.end notification.process.error .. note:: Process notification event is emitted only when masakari-engine starts processing received notifications by executing recovery workflow. Event notification generally contain following information: .. code:: { "priority": , "event_type": , "timestamp": , "publisher_id": , "message_id": , "payload": } **Versioned notifications:** Similar to the other OpenStack services Masakari will emit event notification to the message bus with the ``Notifier`` class provided by `oslo.messaging-doc`_. In versioned notification, the payload isn't a free form dictionary but a serialized oslo versioned object. In other words, the payload should be the format which is serializable by `oslo-versionedobjects`_ library. This is a sample of segment.create.start versioned notification: .. code:: { "event_type": "segment.create.start", "timestamp": "2018-11-22 09:25:12.393979", "payload": { "masakari_object.name": "SegmentApiPayload", "masakari_object.data": { "service_type": "compute", "fault": null, "recovery_method": "auto", "description": null, "name": "test" }, "masakari_object.version": "1.0", "masakari_object.namespace": "masakari" }, "publisher_id": "masakari-api:fake-mini", "message_id": "e44cb15b-dcba-409e-b0e1-9ee103b9a168" } Alternatives ------------ None Data model impact ----------------- Add osloversioned.objects for hosts, failover segment and notification. No changes will be made to the database schema. REST API impact --------------- None Security impact --------------- None Notifications impact -------------------- Masakari doesn't support event notification feature. This spec will add this new feature. Other end user impact --------------------- None Performance Impact ------------------ There will be a slight performance impact due to the overhead of sending event notifications during processing of each RestFul API request. Operator can also disable event notifications completely using configuration options. Other deployer impact --------------------- Following config section and option will be added in masakari.conf: .. code:: [oslo_messaging_notifications] driver=messaging driver Type: multi-valued Default:'' The Drivers(s) to handle sending notifications. Possible values are messaging, messagingv2, routing, log, test, noop Deployers should prepare the messaging system (e.g.RabbitMQ) to receive event notifications if they want to use event notification feature. Developer impact ---------------- After this feature lands in the code, henceforth, developers will need to add new event notifications if they decide to add new RestFul APIs. Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: * Rikimaru Honjo * Kengo Takahara * Shilpa Devharakar Work Items ---------- * Add base classes for event notification mechanism * Add osloversioned.objects to be used to send event notifications * Add methods to send notifications for each newly added osloversioned.object * Send event notification for create/update/delete operations * Add unit tests for code coverage * Add documentation on how to use this feature Dependencies ============ None Testing ======= No need to write tempest tests as unit tests are sufficient to check whether the event notifications are sent or not for each create, update and delete operations. Documentation Impact ==================== Add documentation to explain how to use event notification feature so that operator can write code to receive these events for their own purpose. References ========== .. _`oslo.messaging-doc`: https://docs.openstack.org/oslo.messaging/latest/reference/notifier.html .. _`oslo-versionedobjects`: https://docs.openstack.org/oslo.versionedobjects/latest/user/index.html History ======= .. list-table:: Revisions :header-rows: 1 * - Release Name - Description * - Queens - Introduced * - Rocky - Approved * - Stein - Re-proposed