# Copyright 2015-2018 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import contextlib import logging from ironicclient import client as ir_client from openstack import connection import six from metalsmith import _utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) NODE_FIELDS = ['name', 'uuid', 'instance_info', 'instance_uuid', 'maintenance', 'maintenance_reason', 'properties', 'provision_state', 'extra'] HOSTNAME_FIELD = 'metalsmith_hostname' class _Remove(object): """Indicator that a field should be removed.""" __slots__ = () def __repr__(self): """Allow nicer logging.""" return '' REMOVE = _Remove() class DictWithAttrs(dict): __slots__ = () def __getattr__(self, attr): try: return self[attr] except KeyError: super(DictWithAttrs, self).__getattr__(attr) class API(object): """Various OpenStack API's.""" IRONIC_VERSION = '1' IRONIC_MICRO_VERSION = '1.28' _node_list = None def __init__(self, session=None, cloud_region=None): if cloud_region is None: if session is None: raise TypeError('Either session or cloud_region must ' 'be provided') self.session = session self.connection = connection.Connection(session=session) elif session is not None: raise TypeError('Either session or cloud_region must be provided, ' 'but not both') else: self.session = cloud_region.get_session() self.connection = connection.Connection(config=cloud_region) LOG.debug('Creating service clients') self.ironic = ir_client.get_client( self.IRONIC_VERSION, session=self.session, os_ironic_api_version=self.IRONIC_MICRO_VERSION) def _nodes_for_lookup(self): return self.list_nodes(maintenance=None, associated=None, provision_state=None, fields=['uuid', 'name', 'instance_info']) def attach_port_to_node(self, node, port_id): self.ironic.node.vif_attach(_node_id(node), port_id) @contextlib.contextmanager def cache_node_list_for_lookup(self): if self._node_list is None: self._node_list = self._nodes_for_lookup() yield self._node_list self._node_list = None def create_port(self, network_id, **kwargs): return self.connection.network.create_port(network_id=network_id, admin_state_up=True, **kwargs) def delete_port(self, port_id): self.connection.network.delete_port(port_id, ignore_missing=False) def detach_port_from_node(self, node, port_id): self.ironic.node.vif_detach(_node_id(node), port_id) def find_node_by_hostname(self, hostname): nodes = self._node_list or self._nodes_for_lookup() existing = [n for n in nodes if n.instance_info.get(HOSTNAME_FIELD) == hostname] if len(existing) > 1: raise RuntimeError("More than one node found with hostname " "%(host)s: %(nodes)s" % {'host': hostname, 'nodes': ', '.join(_utils.log_node(n) for n in existing)}) elif not existing: return None else: # Fetch the complete node record return self.get_node(existing[0].uuid, accept_hostname=False) def get_image(self, image_id): return self.connection.image.find_image(image_id, ignore_missing=False) def get_network(self, network_id): return self.connection.network.find_network(network_id, ignore_missing=False) def get_node(self, node, refresh=False, accept_hostname=False): if isinstance(node, six.string_types): if accept_hostname and _utils.is_hostname_safe(node): by_hostname = self.find_node_by_hostname(node) if by_hostname is not None: return by_hostname return self.ironic.node.get(node, fields=NODE_FIELDS) elif hasattr(node, 'node'): # Instance object node = node.node else: node = node if refresh: return self.ironic.node.get(node.uuid, fields=NODE_FIELDS) else: return node def get_port(self, port_id): return self.connection.network.find_port(port_id, ignore_missing=False) def list_node_attached_ports(self, node): return self.ironic.node.vif_list(_node_id(node)) def list_node_ports(self, node): return self.ironic.node.list_ports(_node_id(node), limit=0) def list_nodes(self, resource_class=None, maintenance=False, associated=False, provision_state='available', fields=None): return self.ironic.node.list(limit=0, resource_class=resource_class, maintenance=maintenance, associated=associated, provision_state=provision_state, fields=fields or NODE_FIELDS) def node_action(self, node, action, **kwargs): self.ironic.node.set_provision_state(_node_id(node), action, **kwargs) def release_node(self, node): return self.update_node(_node_id(node), instance_uuid=REMOVE) def reserve_node(self, node, instance_uuid): return self.update_node(_node_id(node), instance_uuid=instance_uuid) def update_node(self, node, *args, **attrs): if args: attrs.update(args[0]) patches = _convert_patches(attrs) return self.ironic.node.update(_node_id(node), patches) def validate_node(self, node, validate_deploy=False): ifaces = ['power', 'management'] if validate_deploy: ifaces += ['deploy'] validation = self.ironic.node.validate(_node_id(node)) for iface in ifaces: result = getattr(validation, iface) if not result['result']: raise RuntimeError('%s: %s' % (iface, result['reason'])) def wait_for_node_state(self, node, state, timeout): self.ironic.node.wait_for_provision_state(_node_id(node), state, timeout=timeout) def _node_id(node): if isinstance(node, six.string_types): return node else: return node.uuid def _convert_patches(attrs): patches = [] for key, value in attrs.items(): if not key.startswith('/'): key = '/' + key if value is REMOVE: patches.append({'op': 'remove', 'path': key}) else: patches.append({'op': 'add', 'path': key, 'value': value}) return patches