Julia Kreger dd5dc4e471 Error with clarity when a bad upgrade was encountered
Metalsmith is generally used as a frontend for baremetal
provisioning such that a user can ask for baremetal to be
deployed with a simplified command line. The challenge is
it artificially hydrates together data from several queries
to return a list of instances which have been deployed
or are managed using metalsmith. The challenge is if someone
didn't create an allocation record, or if someone used the
metalsmith modules to do so when the node was in a maintenance
state, for example if BMC communication was not working.

The underlying challenge is this results in a lack of an allocation
record from being created. This can be manually corrected, and instead
of providing a vague error, metalsmith now provides a detailed error
with the command to remedy the error state through manual creation of
the allocation record, which allows "metalsmith list" to work as

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2024-05-09 09:41:47 -07:00

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# Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging
import warnings
from openstack import connection
from openstack import exceptions as os_exc
from metalsmith import _instance
from metalsmith import _network_metadata
from metalsmith import _nics
from metalsmith import _scheduler
from metalsmith import _utils
from metalsmith import exceptions
from metalsmith import instance_config
from metalsmith import sources
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_CREATED_PORTS = 'metalsmith_created_ports'
_ATTACHED_PORTS = 'metalsmith_attached_ports'
_PRESERVE_INSTANCE_INFO_KEYS = {'capabilities', 'traits'}
class Provisioner(object):
"""API to deploy/undeploy nodes with OpenStack.
:param session: `Session` object (from ``keystoneauth``) to use when
making API requests. Mutually exclusive with **cloud_region**.
:param cloud_region: cloud configuration object (from ``openstacksdk``)
to use when making API requests. Mutually exclusive with **session**.
:param dry_run: boolean value, set to ``True`` to prevent any API calls
from being actually made.
:ivar connection: `openstacksdk` `Connection` object used for accessing
OpenStack API during provisioning.
allocations_cache = dict()
def __init__(self, session=None, cloud_region=None, dry_run=False):
if cloud_region is None:
if session is None:
raise TypeError('Either session or cloud_region must '
'be provided')
self.connection = connection.Connection(session=session)
elif session is not None:
raise TypeError('Either session or cloud_region must be provided, '
'but not both')
self.connection = connection.Connection(config=cloud_region)
self._dry_run = dry_run
def reserve_node(self, resource_class, conductor_group=None,
capabilities=None, traits=None, candidates=None,
predicate=None, hostname=None):
"""Find and reserve a suitable node.
node = provisioner.reserve_node("compute",
capabilities={"boot_mode": "uefi"})
:param resource_class: Requested resource class.
:param conductor_group: Conductor group to pick the nodes from.
Value ``None`` means any group, use empty string "" for nodes
from the default group.
:param capabilities: Requested capabilities as a dict.
:param traits: Requested traits as a list of strings.
:param candidates: List of nodes (UUIDs, names or `Node` objects)
to pick from. The filters (for resource class and capabilities)
are still applied to the provided list. The order in which
the nodes are considered is retained.
:param predicate: Custom predicate to run on nodes. A callable that
accepts a node and returns ``True`` if it should be included,
``False`` otherwise. Any exceptions are propagated to the caller.
:param hostname: Hostname to assign to the instance. Defaults to the
node's name or UUID.
:return: reserved `Node` object.
:raises: :py:class:`metalsmith.exceptions.ReservationFailed`
capabilities = capabilities or {}
if candidates or capabilities or conductor_group or predicate:
# Predicates, capabilities and conductor groups are not supported
# by the allocation API natively, so we need to use prefiltering.
candidates = self._prefilter_nodes(resource_class,
node = self._reserve_node(resource_class, hostname=hostname,
candidates=candidates, traits=traits,
return node
def _prefilter_nodes(self, resource_class, conductor_group, capabilities,
candidates, predicate):
"""Build a list of candidate nodes for allocation."""
if candidates:
nodes = [self._get_node(node) for node in candidates]
except os_exc.ResourceNotFound as exc:
raise exceptions.InvalidNode(str(exc))
nodes = list(self.connection.baremetal.nodes(
if not nodes:
raise exceptions.NodesNotFound(resource_class, conductor_group)
filters = [
_scheduler.NodeTypeFilter(resource_class, conductor_group),
if capabilities:
if predicate is not None:
return _scheduler.run_filters(filters, nodes)
def _reserve_node(self, resource_class, hostname=None, candidates=None,
traits=None, capabilities=None,
"""Create an allocation with given parameters."""
if candidates:
candidates = [
( if not isinstance(node, str) else node)
for node in candidates
LOG.debug('Creating an allocation for resource class %(rsc)s '
'with traits %(traits)s and candidate nodes %(candidates)s',
{'rsc': resource_class, 'traits': traits,
'candidates': candidates})
allocation = self.connection.baremetal.create_allocation(
name=hostname, candidate_nodes=candidates,
resource_class=resource_class, traits=traits)
except os_exc.SDKException as exc:
# Re-raise the expected exception class
raise exceptions.ReservationFailed(
'Failed to create an allocation: %s' % exc)
node = None
allocation = self.connection.baremetal.wait_for_allocation(
except os_exc.SDKException as exc:
# Re-raise the expected exception class
raise exceptions.ReservationFailed(
'Failed to reserve a node: %s' % exc)'Successful allocation %(alloc)s for host %(host)s',
{'alloc': allocation, 'host': hostname})
node = self.connection.baremetal.get_node(allocation.node_id)
if update_instance_info:
node = self._patch_reserved_node(node, allocation, hostname,
except Exception as exc:
with _utils.reraise_os_exc(
'Failed to delete failed allocation') as expected:
LOG.error('Processing allocation %(alloc)s for node %(node)s '
'failed: %(exc)s; deleting allocation',
{'alloc': _utils.log_res(allocation),
'node': _utils.log_res(node), 'exc': exc},
exc_info=not expected)
LOG.debug('Reserved node: %s', node)
return node, allocation
def _patch_reserved_node(self, node, allocation, hostname, capabilities):
"""Make required updates on a newly reserved node."""
if capabilities:
patch = [{'path': '/instance_info/capabilities',
'op': 'add', 'value': capabilities}]
LOG.debug('Patching reserved node %(node)s with %(patch)s',
{'node': _utils.log_res(node), 'patch': patch})
return self.connection.baremetal.patch_node(node, patch)
return node
def _check_node_for_deploy(self, node, hostname):
"""Check that node is ready and reserve it if needed.
These checks are done outside of the try..except block in
``provision_node``, so that we don't touch nodes that fail it at all.
Particularly, we don't want to try clean up nodes that were not
reserved by us or are in maintenance mode.
if node.is_maintenance:
raise exceptions.InvalidNode('Refusing to deploy on node %(node)s '
'which is in maintenance mode due to '
'%(reason)s' %
{'node': _utils.log_res(node),
'reason': node.maintenance_reason})
allocation = None
# Make sure the hostname does not correspond to an existing allocation
# for another node.
if hostname is not None:
allocation = self._check_allocation_for_hostname(node, hostname)
if node.allocation_id:
if allocation is None:
# Previously created allocation, verify/update it
allocation = self._check_and_update_allocation_for_node(
node, hostname)
elif node.instance_id:
# Old-style reservations with instance_uuid==node.uuid
if node.instance_id !=
raise exceptions.InvalidNode(
'Node %(node)s already reserved by instance %(inst)s '
'outside of metalsmith, cannot deploy on it' %
{'node': _utils.log_res(node), 'inst': node.instance_id})
elif hostname:
# We have no way to update hostname without allocations
raise exceptions.InvalidNode(
'Node %s does not use allocations, cannot update '
'hostname for it' % _utils.log_res(node))
# Node is not reserved at all - reserve it
if not node.resource_class:
raise exceptions.InvalidNode(
'Cannot create an allocation for node %s that '
'does not have a resource class set'
% _utils.log_res(node))
if not self._dry_run:
if not hostname:
hostname = _utils.default_hostname(node)
LOG.debug('Node %(node)s is not reserved yet, reserving for '
'hostname %(host)s',
{'node': _utils.log_res(node),
'host': hostname})
# Not updating instance_info since it will be updated later
node, allocation = self._reserve_node(
return node, allocation
def _check_allocation_for_hostname(self, node, hostname):
allocation = self.connection.baremetal.get_allocation(
except os_exc.ResourceNotFound:
if allocation.node_id and allocation.node_id !=
raise ValueError("The following node already uses "
"hostname %(host)s: %(node)s" %
{'host': hostname,
'node': allocation.node_id})
return allocation
def _check_and_update_allocation_for_node(self, node, hostname=None):
# No allocation with given hostname, find one corresponding to the
# node.
allocation = self.connection.baremetal.get_allocation(
if and hostname and != hostname:
# Prevent updating of an existing hostname, since we don't
# understand the intention
raise exceptions.InvalidNode(
"Allocation %(alloc)s associated with node %(node)s "
"uses hostname %(old)s that does not match the expected "
"hostname %(new)s" %
{'alloc': _utils.log_res(allocation),
'node': _utils.log_res(node),
'new': hostname})
elif not and not self._dry_run:
if not hostname:
hostname = _utils.default_hostname(node)
# Set the hostname that was not set in reserve_node.
LOG.debug('Updating allocation %(alloc)s for node '
'%(node)s with hostname %(host)s',
{'alloc': _utils.log_res(allocation),
'node': _utils.log_res(node),
'host': hostname})
allocation = self.connection.baremetal.update_allocation(
allocation, name=hostname)
return allocation
def provision_node(self, node, image, nics=None, root_size_gb=None,
swap_size_mb=None, config=None, hostname=None,
netboot=False, capabilities=None, traits=None,
wait=None, clean_up_on_failure=True):
"""Provision the node with the given image.
provisioner.provision_node("compute-1", "centos",
nics=[{"network": "private"},
{"network": "external"}],
:param node: Node object, UUID or name. Will be reserved first, if
not reserved already. Must be in the "available" state with
maintenance mode off.
:param image: Image source - one of :mod:`~metalsmith.sources`,
`Image` name or UUID.
:param nics: List of virtual NICs to attach to physical ports.
Each item is a dict with a key describing the type of the NIC:
* ``{"port": "<port name or ID>"}`` to use the provided pre-created
* ``{"network": "<network name or ID>"}`` to create a port on the
provided network. Optionally, a ``fixed_ip`` argument can be used
to specify an IP address.
* ``{"subnet": "<subnet name or ID>"}`` to create a port with an IP
address from the provided subnet. The network is determined from
the subnet.
:param root_size_gb: The size of the root partition. By default
the value of the local_gb property is used.
:param swap_size_mb: The size of the swap partition. It's an error
to specify it for a whole disk image.
:param config: configuration to pass to the instance, one of
objects from :py:mod:`metalsmith.instance_config`.
:param hostname: Hostname to assign to the instance. If provided,
overrides the ``hostname`` passed to ``reserve_node``.
:param netboot: Whether to use networking boot for final instances.
Deprecated and does not work in Ironic Zed.
:param capabilities: Requested capabilities of the node. If present,
overwrites the capabilities set by :meth:`reserve_node`.
Note that the capabilities are not checked against the ones
provided by the node - use :meth:`reserve_node` for that.
:param traits: Requested traits of the node. If present, overwrites
the traits set by :meth:`reserve_node`. Note that the traits are
not checked against the ones provided by the node - use
:meth:`reserve_node` for that.
:param wait: How many seconds to wait for the deployment to finish,
None to return immediately.
:param clean_up_on_failure: If True, then on failure the node is
cleared of instance information, VIFs are detached, created ports
and allocations are deleted.
:return: :py:class:`metalsmith.Instance` object with the current
status of provisioning. If ``wait`` is not ``None``, provisioning
is already finished.
:raises: :py:class:`metalsmith.exceptions.Error`
if netboot:
warnings.warn("Network boot is deprecated and does not work in "
"Ironic Zed", DeprecationWarning)
if config is None:
config = instance_config.GenericConfig()
if isinstance(image, str):
image = sources.GlanceImage(image)
node = self._get_node(node)
except Exception as exc:
raise exceptions.InvalidNode('Cannot find node %(node)s: %(exc)s' %
{'node': node, 'exc': exc})
node, allocation = self._check_node_for_deploy(node, hostname)
nics = _nics.NICs(self.connection, node, nics,
hostname=allocation and or None)
root_size_gb = _utils.get_root_disk(root_size_gb, node)
image._validate(self.connection, root_size_gb)
if capabilities is None:
capabilities = node.instance_info.get('capabilities') or {}
if self._dry_run:
LOG.warning('Dry run, not provisioning node %s',
return node
capabilities['boot_option'] = 'netboot' if netboot else 'local'
instance_info = self._clean_instance_info(node.instance_info)
if root_size_gb is not None:
instance_info['root_gb'] = root_size_gb
instance_info['capabilities'] = capabilities
if hostname:
instance_info['display_name'] = hostname
extra = node.extra.copy()
extra[_CREATED_PORTS] = nics.created_ports
extra[_ATTACHED_PORTS] = nics.attached_ports
if traits is not None:
instance_info['traits'] = traits
if swap_size_mb is not None:
instance_info['swap_mb'] = swap_size_mb
LOG.debug('Updating node %(node)s with instance info %(iinfo)s '
'and extras %(extra)s', {'node': _utils.log_res(node),
'iinfo': instance_info,
'extra': extra})
node = self.connection.baremetal.update_node(
node, instance_info=instance_info, extra=extra)
network_data = _network_metadata.create_network_metadata(
self.connection, node.extra.get(_ATTACHED_PORTS))
LOG.debug('Generating a configdrive for node %s',
cd = config.generate(node, _utils.hostname_for(node, allocation),
LOG.debug('Starting provisioning of node %s', _utils.log_res(node))
node, 'active', config_drive=cd)
except Exception:
with _utils.reraise_os_exc(
exceptions.DeploymentFailed) as expected:
if clean_up_on_failure:
LOG.error('Deploy attempt failed on node %s, cleaning up',
_utils.log_res(node), exc_info=not expected)
self._clean_up(node, nics=nics)'Provisioning started on node %s', _utils.log_res(node))
if wait is not None:
LOG.debug('Waiting for node %(node)s to reach state active '
'with timeout %(timeout)s',
{'node': _utils.log_res(node), 'timeout': wait})
instance = self.wait_for_provisioning([node], timeout=wait)[0]'Deploy succeeded on node %s', _utils.log_res(node))
# Update the node to return it's latest state
node = self.connection.baremetal.get_node(
instance = _instance.Instance(self.connection, node, allocation)
return instance
def wait_for_provisioning(self, nodes, timeout=None):
"""Wait for nodes to be provisioned.
Loops until all nodes finish provisioning.
:param nodes: List of nodes (UUID, name, `Node` object or
:param timeout: How much time (in seconds) to wait for all nodes
to finish provisioning. If ``None`` (the default), wait forever
(more precisely, until the operation times out on server side).
:return: List of updated :py:class:`metalsmith.Instance` objects if
all succeeded.
:raises: :py:class:`metalsmith.exceptions.DeploymentFailed`
if deployment fails or times out.
:raises: :py:class:`metalsmith.exceptions.InstanceNotFound`
if requested nodes cannot be found.
nodes = [self._find_node_and_allocation(n)[0] for n in nodes]
nodes = self.connection.baremetal.wait_for_nodes_provision_state(
nodes, 'active', timeout=timeout)
except os_exc.ResourceTimeout as exc:
raise exceptions.DeploymentTimeout(str(exc))
except os_exc.SDKException as exc:
raise exceptions.DeploymentFailed(str(exc))
# Using _get_instance in case the deployment started by something
# external that uses allocations.
return [self._get_instance(node) for node in nodes]
def _clean_instance_info(self, instance_info):
return {key: value
for key, value in instance_info.items()
def _clean_up(self, node, nics=None, remove_instance_info=True):
if nics is None:
created_ports = node.extra.get(_CREATED_PORTS, [])
attached_ports = node.extra.get(_ATTACHED_PORTS, [])
_nics.detach_and_delete_ports(self.connection, node,
created_ports, attached_ports)
extra = node.extra.copy()
extra.pop(item, None)
kwargs = {}
if node.allocation_id and node.provision_state != 'active':
# Try to remove allocation (it will fail for active nodes)
LOG.debug('Trying to remove allocation %(alloc)s for node '
'%(node)s', {'alloc': node.allocation_id,
'node': _utils.log_res(node)})
except Exception as exc:
LOG.debug('Failed to remove allocation %(alloc)s for %(node)s:'
' %(exc)s',
{'alloc': node.allocation_id,
'node': _utils.log_res(node), 'exc': exc})
elif not node.allocation_id:
# Old-style reservations have to be cleared explicitly
kwargs['instance_id'] = None
if remove_instance_info:
LOG.debug('Updating node %(node)s with empty instance info '
'(was %(iinfo)s) and extras %(extra)s',
{'node': _utils.log_res(node),
'iinfo': node.instance_info,
'extra': extra})
node, instance_info={}, extra=extra, **kwargs)
LOG.debug('Updating node %(node)s with extras %(extra)s',
{'node': _utils.log_res(node), 'extra': extra})
node, extra=extra, **kwargs)
except Exception as exc:
LOG.debug('Failed to clear node %(node)s extra: %(exc)s',
{'node': _utils.log_res(node), 'exc': exc})
def unprovision_node(self, node, wait=None):
"""Unprovision a previously provisioned node.
:param node: `Node` object, :py:class:`metalsmith.Instance`,
hostname, UUID or node name.
:param wait: How many seconds to wait for the process to finish,
None to return immediately.
:return: the latest `Node` object.
:raises: :py:class:`metalsmith.exceptions.DeploymentFailed`
if undeployment fails.
:raises: :py:class:`metalsmith.exceptions.DeploymentTimeout`
if undeployment times out.
:raises: :py:class:`metalsmith.exceptions.InstanceNotFound`
if requested node cannot be found.
node = self._find_node_and_allocation(node)[0]
if self._dry_run:
LOG.warning("Dry run, not unprovisioning")
self._clean_up(node, remove_instance_info=False)
node = self.connection.baremetal.set_node_provision_state(
node, 'deleted', wait=False)'Deleting started for node %s', _utils.log_res(node))
if wait is None:
return node
node = self.connection.baremetal.wait_for_nodes_provision_state(
[node], 'available', timeout=wait)[0]
except os_exc.ResourceTimeout as exc:
raise exceptions.DeploymentTimeout(str(exc))
except os_exc.SDKException as exc:
raise exceptions.DeploymentFailed(str(exc))'Node %s undeployed successfully', _utils.log_res(node))
return node
def show_instance(self, instance_id):
"""Show information about instance.
:param instance_id: hostname, UUID or node name.
:return: :py:class:`metalsmith.Instance` object.
:raises: :py:class:`metalsmith.exceptions.InstanceNotFound`
if the instance is not a valid instance.
return self.show_instances([instance_id])[0]
def show_instances(self, instances):
"""Show information about instance.
More efficient than calling :meth:`show_instance` in a loop, because
it caches the node list.
:param instances: list of hostnames, UUIDs or node names.
:return: list of :py:class:`metalsmith.Instance` objects in the same
order as ``instances``.
:raises: :py:class:`metalsmith.exceptions.InstanceNotFound`
if one of the instances cannot be found or the found node is
not a valid instance.
result = [self._get_instance(inst) for inst in instances]
# NOTE(dtantsur): do not accept node names as valid instances if they
# are not deployed or being deployed.
missing = [inst for (res, inst) in zip(result, instances)
if res.state == _instance.InstanceState.UNKNOWN]
if missing:
raise exceptions.InstanceNotFound(
"Node(s)/instance(s) %s are not valid instances"
% ', '.join(map(str, missing)))
return result
def list_instances(self):
"""List instances deployed by metalsmith.
:return: list of :py:class:`metalsmith.Instance` objects.
nodes = self.connection.baremetal.nodes(associated=True, details=True)
Provisioner.allocations_cache = { a for a in self.connection.baremetal.allocations()}
instances = [i for i in map(self._get_instance, nodes)
if i.state != _instance.InstanceState.UNKNOWN]
return instances
def _get_node(self, node, refresh=False):
"""A helper to find and return a node."""
if isinstance(node, str):
return self.connection.baremetal.get_node(node)
elif hasattr(node, 'node'):
# Instance object
node = node.node
node = node
if refresh:
return self.connection.baremetal.get_node(
return node
def _find_node_and_allocation(self, node, refresh=False):
if (not isinstance(node, str)
or not _utils.is_hostname_safe(node)):
return self._get_node(node, refresh=refresh), None
allocation = self.connection.baremetal.get_allocation(node)
except os_exc.ResourceNotFound:
return self._get_node(node, refresh=refresh), None
except os_exc.ResourceNotFound as exc:
raise exceptions.InstanceNotFound(str(exc))
if allocation.node_id:
return (self.connection.baremetal.get_node(allocation.node_id),
except os_exc.ResourceNotFound:
raise exceptions.InstanceNotFound(
'Node %(node)s associated with allocation '
'%(alloc)s was not found' %
{'node': allocation.node_id,
raise exceptions.InstanceNotFound(
'Allocation %s exists but is not associated '
'with a node' % node)
def _get_instance(self, ident):
allocation = None
if hasattr(ident, 'allocation_id'):
node = ident
allocation = Provisioner.allocations_cache[
except KeyError:
# NOTE(TheJulia): The pattern here assumes we just haven't
# found the allocation entry, so we try to get it.
if node.allocation_id:
allocation = self.connection.baremetal.get_allocation(
except os_exc.ResourceNotFound as exc:
raise exceptions.InstanceNotFound(str(exc))
elif node.instance_id:
LOG.debug('Discovered node %s without an '
'allocation when we believe it should have '
'an allocation based on the Metalsmith use '
'model. Metalsmith is likely being used '
'in an unsupported case, either in concert '
'with another user of Ironic, OR in a case '
'where a migration was executed incorrectly.',
# We have an instance_id, and to be here we have
# no allocation ID.
fix_cmd = ('openstack baremetal allocation create --uuid '
'%(node_instance_id)s --name %(node_name)s '
'--node %(node_id)s' %
{'node_instance_id': node.instance_id,
msg = ('A error has been detected in the state of the '
'instance allocation records inside of Ironic '
'where a node has an assigned Instance ID, but '
'no allocation record. If only Metalsmith is '
'being used with Ironic, this can be safely '
'corrected with manual intervention. '
'To correct this, execute this command: '
'%(cmd)s' %
{'cmd': fix_cmd})
raise exceptions.InstanceNotFound(msg)
node, allocation = self._find_node_and_allocation(ident)
if allocation is None and node.allocation_id:
allocation = self.connection.baremetal.get_allocation(
except os_exc.ResourceNotFound as exc:
raise exceptions.InstanceNotFound(str(exc))
return _instance.Instance(self.connection, node,