
A small set of functions to manage OpenStack `microversion`_ headers that can
be used in middleware, application handlers and decorators to effectively
manage microversions.

Also included, in the ``middleware`` module, is a ``MicroversionMiddleware``
that will process incoming microversion headers.


A simple parser for OpenStack microversion headers::

    import microversion_parse

    # headers is a dict of headers with folded (comma-separated
    # values) or a list of header, value tuples
    version = microversion_parse.get_version(
        headers, service_type='compute',

    # If headers are not already available, a dict of headers
    # can be extracted from the WSGI environ
    headers = microversion_parse.headers_from_wsgi_environ(environ)
    version = microversion_parse.get_version(
        headers, service_type='placement')

It processes microversion headers with the standard form::

    OpenStack-API-Version: compute 2.1

In that case, the response will be '2.1'.

If provided with a ``legacy_headers`` argument, this is treated as
a list of additional headers to check for microversions. Some examples of
headers include::

    OpenStack-telemetry-api-version: 2.1
    OpenStack-nova-api-version: 2.1
    X-OpenStack-nova-api-version: 2.1

If a version string cannot be found, ``None`` will be returned. If
the input is incorrect usual Python exceptions (ValueError,
TypeError) are allowed to raise to the caller.


A function to turn a version string into a ``Version``, a comparable

    version_tuple = microversion_parse.parse_version_string('2.1')

If the provided string is not a valid microversion string, ``TypeError``
is raised.


Combines ``get_version`` and ``parse_version_string`` to find and validate
a microversion for a given service type in a collection of headers::

    version_tuple = microversion_parse.extract_version(
        headers,  # a representation of headers, as accepted by get_version
        service_type,  # service type identify to match in headers
        versions_list,  # an ordered list of strings of version numbers that
                        # are the valid versions presented by this service

``latest`` will be translated to whatever the max version is in versions_list.

If the found version is not in versions_list a ``ValueError`` is raised.

Note that ``extract_version`` does not support ``legacy_headers``.


A WSGI middleware that can wrap an application that needs to be microversion
aware. The application will get a WSGI environ with a
'SERVICE_TYPE.microversion' key that has a value of the microversion found at
an 'openstack-api-version' header that matches SERVICE_TYPE.  If no header is
found, the minimum microversion will be set. If the special keyword 'latest' is
used, the maximum microversion will be set.

If the requested microversion is not available a 406 response is returned.

If there is an error parsing a provided header, a 400 response is returned.

Otherwise the application is called.

The middleware is configured when it is created. Three parameters are required:

  The next WSGI middleware or application in the stack.

  The service type of the application, used to identify microversion headers.

  An ordered list of legitimate microversions (as strings) for the application.
  It's assumed that any application that is using microversions will have such
  a list for its own housekeeping and documentation.

One named parameter is optional:

  A Webob error formatter that can be used to structure the response when JSON
  is expected.

For example::

    def app():
        app = middleware.MicroversionMiddleware(
            MyWSGIApp(), 'cats', ['1.0', '1.1', '1.2'])
        return app

.. _microversion: http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/api-wg/guidelines/microversion_specification.html