{% extends 'mistral/default/base.html' %} {% load i18n %} {% block title %}{% trans "Cron Trigger Details" %}{% endblock %} {% block page_header %}

{% trans "Cron Trigger Details" %}

{% endblock page_header %} {% block main %} {% load i18n sizeformat %}

{% trans "Overview" %}

{% trans "Name" %}
{{ cron_trigger.name }}
{% trans "ID" %}
{{ cron_trigger.id }}
{% trans "Pattern" %}
{{ cron_trigger.pattern }}

{% trans "Creation Date" %}
{{ cron_trigger.created_at|parse_isotime }}
{% trans "Time Since Created" %}
{{ cron_trigger.created_at|parse_isotime|timesince }}

{% trans "First Execution" %}
{% with time=cron_trigger.first_execution_time %} {{ time|parse_isotime|default:"Empty" }} {% endwith %}
{% trans "Time Since first Execution" %}
{% with time=cron_trigger.first_execution_time %} {{ time|parse_isotime|timesince|default:"Empty" }} {% endwith %}

{% trans "Update Date" %}
{{ cron_trigger.updated_at|parse_isotime|default:"Empty" }}
{% trans "Time Since Updated" %}
{% with time=cron_trigger.updated_at %} {{ time|parse_isotime|timesince|default:"Empty" }} {% endwith %}

{% trans "Next Execution Time" %}
{% with time=cron_trigger.next_execution_time %} {{ time|parse_isotime|default:"Empty" }} {% endwith %}
{% trans "Time Until Next Execution" %}
{% with time=cron_trigger.next_execution_time %} {{ time|parse_isotime|timeuntil|default:"Empty" }} {% endwith %}
{% trans "Remaining Executions" %}
{{ cron_trigger.remaining_executions|default:"0"}}

{% trans "Workflow" %}

{% trans "Workflow Name" %}
{{ cron_trigger.workflow_name }}
{% endblock %}