* fixed main table: a. execution id now refers to overview screen b. task refer to corresponding task * added execution overview screen * removed duplicate string from prettyprint, shortage should be done on client side, (we don't use it atm) * Screenshots: http://i57.tinypic.com/2817r5c.png http://i58.tinypic.com/23uydmo.png Partially implements blueprint: mistral-dashboard-executions-screen Change-Id: I4c580e21299aaccf4cf012c88d2d4c0d91de5710
Mistral Dashboard
Horizon plugin for Mistral.
Setup Instructions
This instruction assumes that Horizon is already installed and it's installation folder is <horizon>. Detailed information on how to install Horizon can be found at http://docs.openstack.org/developer/horizon/quickstart.html#setup.
The installation folder of Mistral Dashboard will be referred to as <mistral-dashboard>.
The following should get you started:
Clone the repository into your local OpenStack directory:
$ git clone https://github.com/openstack/mistral-dashboard.git
Install mistral-dashboard
$ sudo pip install -e <mistral-dashboard>
Or if you're planning to run Horizon server in a virtual environment (see below):
$ tox -evenv -- pip install -e ../mistral-dashboard/
and then
$ ln -s <mistral-dashboard>/_50_mistral.py.example <horizon>/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/_50_mistral.py
Since Mistral only supports Identity v3, you must ensure that the dashboard points the proper OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL in <horizon>/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py file:
"identity": 3,
Also, make sure you have changed OPENSTACK_HOST to point to your Keystone server and check all endpoints are accessible. You may want to change OPENSTACK_ENDPOINT_TYPE to "publicURL" if some of them are not.
When you're ready, you would need to either restart your apache:
$ sudo service apache2 restart
or run the development server (in case you have decided to use local horizon):
$ cd ../horizon/
$ tox -evenv -- python manage.py runserver
Debug Instructions
Set PyCharm debug settings:
- Enter debug configurations menu
- Create a new Django Server configuration
- Enter some port so it won't run on the default (for example - port: 4000)
- On the same window click on Environment variables
- Make sure you have PYTHONUNBUFFERED set as 1
- Create a new pair - DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE : openstack_dashboard.settings
You should now be able to debug and run the project using PyCharm.