diff --git a/doc/source/dsl/dsl_v1.rst b/doc/source/dsl/dsl_v1.rst index 8dbc89ed4..04fcd6095 100644 --- a/doc/source/dsl/dsl_v1.rst +++ b/doc/source/dsl/dsl_v1.rst @@ -1,2 +1,404 @@ -DSL v1 (deprecated) -=================== \ No newline at end of file +Mistral DSL specification +------------------------- + +Version 0.1 + +Main objects +~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +- **Namespace** +- **Action** +- **Workflow** +- **Task** +- **Trigger** + +Namespaces +~~~~~~~~~~ + +Contains a list of namespaces grouping custom (ad-hoc) actions. For +example, it's possible to create namespace "Nova" that would provide +actions "createVM", "deleteVM" and similar for VM management in +OpenStack. + +Attributes +^^^^^^^^^^ + +All attributes are inside main keys of **Namespaces** - **namespaces +names**. Attributes of an individual namespace are: + +- **class** - currently Mistral supports the following action classes + out of the box: std.http, std.mistral\_http, std.echo, std.email, + std.ssh, this is an optional attribute +- **base-parameters** - dictionary depending on type of the namespace, + this parameter is optional. Values of these parameters apply to all + actions inside the namespace. For example for std.http it can contain + url, method, body and headers. +- **actions** - list of actions provided by this namespace. + +YAML example: +^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +| ``Namespaces:`` +| ``  Nova:`` +| ``    class: std.http`` +| ``    base-parameters:`` +| ``      method: GET`` +| ``    actions:`` +| ``      create-vm:`` +| ``      ......`` +| ``      delete-vm:  `` +| ``      .....`` + +Action +~~~~~~ + +A function provided by specific namespace. + +Attributes +^^^^^^^^^^ + +- **name** - action name (string without space, mandatory attribute). +- **base-parameters** - dictionary whose structure is defined by action + class (or namespace class if defined). For std.http class it contains + url, method, body and headers according to HTTP protocol + specification. +- **parameters** - list containing parameter names which should or + could be specified in task. This attribute is optional and used only + for documenting purposes. +- **output** - dictionary-transformer for action output to send this + output next to task. Keys of this dictionary will be included in task + result, values are pure YAQL or inline YAQL expressions per key which + define how the specific output should be retrieved from raw output + (from action). See more about YAQL at + https://pypi.python.org/pypi/yaql/0.3 + +YAML example: +^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +| ``create-vm:`` +| ``  base-parameters:`` +| ``    url: servers`` +| ``  parameters:`` +| ``    - name`` +| ``    - server_name  `` +| ``  output:`` +| ``    vm_id: $.content.server.id`` + +Workflow +~~~~~~~~ + +Attributes +^^^^^^^^^^ + +- **tasks** - list of tasks in this workflow, each task represents a + computational step in the workflow. + +YAML example: +^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +| `` Workflow:`` +| ``   tasks:`` +| ``     create-vms:`` +| ``     .....`` +| ``     attache-volumes: `` +| ``     .....`` + +Task +~~~~ + +Represents a step in workflow, for example creating the VM + +Attributes +^^^^^^^^^^ + +- **action** - name of action to perform +- **requires** - list of tasks which should be execute before this + tasks, or list of task names as a keys and condition as a value, this + is optional parameter +- **parameters** - actual parameters for the task, each value can be + either some number, string etc, or YAQL expression to retrieve value + from task context +- **on-success** - task which will be scheduled on execution after + current task has finished with state 'SUCCESS' +- **on-error** - task which will be scheduled on execution after + current task has finished with state 'ERROR' +- **on-finish** - task which will be scheduled on execution after + current task has finished + +YAML example: +''''''''''''' + +| ``create-vm:`` +| ``  action: Nova.create-vm`` +| ``  parameters:`` +| ``    image_id: $.image_id`` +| ``    flavor_id: 42`` +| ``  requires:`` +| ``    task2: '$.value2 = 123'`` +| ``    task4: '$.value4 = 122'`` +| ``  on-success: task3`` + +Triggers +~~~~~~~~ + +Using triggers it is possible to run workflows according to specific +rules: periodically setting a cron (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron) +pattern or on external events like ceilometer alarm. + +Attributes +^^^^^^^^^^ + +- **type** - can be PERIODIC, CEILOMETER\_ALARM +- **tasks** - list of tasks which should be execute on trigger +- **parameters** - list of task parameters + +YAML example: +^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +| ``triggers:`` +| ``  backup-vm:`` +| ``    type: periodic`` +| ``    tasks: [create_backup, delete_old_backup] `` +| ``    parameters:`` +| ``      cron-pattern: 1 0 * * *`` + +Full YAML example: +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +This example requires the following properties provided in execution context: +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +#. - nova\_url ## url to Nova service, e.g. +#. - server\_name ## Name you want to give to new instance +#. - image\_id ## image id from Glance service +#. - flavor\_id ## flavor id - type of instance hardware +#. - ssh\_username ## username of your VM +#. - ssh\_password ## password to your VM +#. - admin\_email ## email address to send notifications to +#. - from\_email ## email address to send notifications from +#. - smtp\_server ## SMTP server to use for sending emails (e.g. + smtp.gmail.com:587) +#. - smtp\_password ## password to connect to SMTP server + +| ``Namespaces:`` +| `` Nova:`` +| ``   # Nova actions for creating VM, retrieving IP and VM deleting.`` +| ``   class: std.http`` +| ``   actions:`` +| ``     createVM:`` +| ``       base-parameters:`` +| ``         url: '{$.nova_url}/{$.project_id}/servers'`` +| ``         method: POST`` +| ``         headers:`` +| ``           X-Auth-Token: $.auth_token`` +| ``           Content-Type: application/json`` +| ``         body:`` +| ``           server:`` +| ``             name: $.server_name`` +| ``             imageRef: $.image_id`` +| ``             flavorRef: $.flavor_id`` +| ``       output:`` +| ``         vm_id: $.content.server.id`` +| `` `` +| ``     getIP:`` +| ``       base-parameters:`` +| ``         url: '{$.nova_url}/{$.project_id}/servers/{$.vm_id}'`` +| ``         method: GET`` +| ``         headers:`` +| ``           X-Auth-Token: $.auth_token`` +| ``       output:`` +| ``         vm_ip: "$.content.server.addresses.novanetwork.where($.'OS-EXT-IPS:type' = 'floating')[0].addr"`` +| `` `` +| ``     deleteVM:`` +| ``       base-parameters:`` +| ``         url: '{$.nova_url}/{$.project_id}/servers/{$.vm_id}'`` +| ``         method: DELETE`` +| ``         headers:`` +| ``           X-Auth-Token: $.auth_token`` +| ``       output:`` +| ``         status: $.status`` +| `` `` +| `` Server:`` +| ``   actions:`` +| ``     # HTTP request to the server.`` +| ``     calcSumm:`` +| ``       class: std.http`` +| ``       base-parameters:`` +| ``         url: '``\ ```http://`` `__\ ``{$.vm_ip}:5000/summ'`` +| ``         method: POST`` +| ``         body:`` +| ``           arguments: $.arguments`` +| ``       output:`` +| ``         summ_result: $.content.result`` +| `` `` +| `` Ssh:`` +| ``   class: std.ssh`` +| ``   base-parameters:`` +| ``     host: $.vm_ip`` +| ``     username: $.username`` +| ``     password: $.password`` +| ``   actions:`` +| ``     # Simple SSH command.`` +| ``     waitSSH:`` +| ``       base-parameters:`` +| ``         cmd: 'ls -l'`` +| `` `` +| ``     # SSH command to run the server.`` +| ``     runServer:`` +| ``       base-parameters:`` +| ``         cmd: 'nohup python ~/web_app.py > web_app.log &'`` +| `` `` +| ``Workflow:`` +| `` tasks:`` +| ``   # Create a VM (request to Nova).`` +| ``   createVM:`` +| ``     action: Nova.createVM`` +| ``     parameters:`` +| ``       server_name: $.server_name`` +| ``       image_id: $.image_id`` +| ``       flavor_id: $.flavor_id`` +| ``       nova_url: $.nova_url`` +| ``       project_id: $.project_id`` +| ``       auth_token: $.auth_token`` +| ``     publish:`` +| ``       vm_id: vm_id`` +| ``     on-success: waitForIP`` +| ``     on-error: sendCreateVMError`` +| `` `` +| ``   # Wait till the VM is assigned with IP address (request to Nova).`` +| ``   waitForIP:`` +| ``     action: Nova.getIP`` +| ``     retry:`` +| ``       count: 10`` +| ``       delay: 10`` +| ``     publish:`` +| ``       vm_ip: vm_ip`` +| ``     parameters:`` +| ``       nova_url: $.nova_url`` +| ``       project_id: $.project_id`` +| ``       auth_token: $.auth_token`` +| ``       vm_id: $.vm_id`` +| ``     on-success: waitSSH`` +| ``     on-error: sendCreateVMError`` +| `` `` +| ``   # Wait till operating system on the VM is up (SSH command).`` +| ``   waitSSH:`` +| ``     action: Ssh.waitSSH`` +| ``     retry:`` +| ``       count: 10`` +| ``       delay: 10`` +| ``     parameters:`` +| ``       username: $.ssh_username`` +| ``       password: $.ssh_password`` +| ``       vm_ip: $.vm_ip`` +| ``     on-success: runServer`` +| ``     on-error: sendCreateVMError`` +| `` `` +| ``   # When SSH is up, we are able to run the server on VM (SSH command).`` +| ``   runServer:`` +| ``     action: Ssh.runServer`` +| ``     parameters:`` +| ``       vm_ip: $.vm_ip`` +| ``       username: $.ssh_username`` +| ``       password: $.ssh_password`` +| ``     on-success: calcSumm`` +| ``     on-error: sendCreateVMError`` +| `` `` +| ``   # Send HTTP request on server and calc the result.`` +| ``   calcSumm:`` +| ``     action: Server.calcSumm`` +| ``     retry:`` +| ``       count: 10`` +| ``       delay: 1`` +| ``     parameters:`` +| ``       arguments:`` +| ``         - 32`` +| ``         - 45`` +| ``         - 23`` +| ``       vm_ip: $.vm_ip`` +| ``     publish:`` +| ``       result: summ_result`` +| ``     on-finish: sendResultEmail`` +| `` `` +| ``   # In case of createVM error send e-mail with error message.`` +| ``   sendResultEmail:`` +| ``     action: std.email`` +| ``     parameters:`` +| ``       params:`` +| ``         to: [$.admin_email]`` +| ``         subject: Workflow result`` +| ``         body: |`` +| ``           Workflow result of execution {$.__execution.id} is {$.result}`` +| `` `` +| ``           -- Thanks, Mistral Team.`` +| ``       settings:`` +| ``         smtp_server: $.smtp_server`` +| ``         from: $.from_email`` +| ``         password: $.smtp_password`` +| ``     on-finish: deleteVM`` +| `` `` +| ``   # In case of createVM error send e-mail with error message.`` +| ``   sendCreateVMError:`` +| ``     action: std.email`` +| ``     parameters:`` +| ``       params:`` +| ``         to: [$.admin_email]`` +| ``         subject: Workflow error`` +| ``         body: |`` +| ``           Failed to create a VM in execution {$.__execution.id}`` +| `` `` +| ``           -- Thanks, Mistral Team.`` +| ``       settings:`` +| ``         smtp_server: $.smtp_server`` +| ``         from: $.from_email`` +| ``         password: $.smtp_password`` +| ``     on-finish: deleteVM`` +| `` `` +| ``   # Destroy the VM (request to Nova).`` +| ``   deleteVM:`` +| ``     action: Nova.deleteVM`` +| ``     parameters:`` +| ``       nova_url: $.nova_url`` +| ``       project_id: $.project_id`` +| ``       auth_token: $.auth_token`` +| ``       vm_id: $.vm_id`` + +Initial execution context +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +| `` {`` +| ``   "nova_url": ``\ \ ``,`` +| ``   "image_id": ``\ \ ``,`` +| ``   "flavor_id": ``\ \ ``,`` +| ``   "server_name": ``\ \ ``,`` +| ``   "ssh_username": ``\ \ ``,`` +| ``   "ssh_password": ``\ \ ``,`` +| ``   "admin_email": ``\ \ ``,`` +| ``   "from_email": ``\ \ ``,`` +| ``   "smtp_server": ``\ \ ``,`` +| ``   "smtp_password": ``\ \ ``,`` +| `` }`` + +**When a workflow starts Mistral also adds execution information into +the context so the context looks like the following:** + +| `` {`` +| ``   "nova_url": TBD,`` +| ``   "image_id": TBD,`` +| ``   "image_id": ``\ \ ``,`` +| ``   "flavor_id": ``\ \ ``,`` +| ``   "server_name": ``\ \ ``,`` +| ``   "ssh_username": ``\ \ ``,`` +| ``   "ssh_password": ``\ \ ``,`` +| ``   "admin_email": ``\ \ ``,`` +| ``   "from_email": ``\ \ ``,`` +| ``   "smtp_server": ``\ \ ``,`` +| ``   "smtp_password": ``\ \ ``,`` +| ``   "__execution": {`` +| ``     "id": "234234",`` +| ``     "workbook_name" : "my_workbook",`` +| ``     "project_id": "ghfgsdfasdfasdf"`` +| ``     "auth_token": "sdfljsdfsdf-234234234",`` +| ``     "trust_id": "oiretoilkjsdfglkjsdfglkjsdfg"`` +| ``   }`` +| `` }`` diff --git a/doc/source/dsl/dsl_v2.rst b/doc/source/dsl/dsl_v2.rst index 2c63fffba..04822b878 100644 --- a/doc/source/dsl/dsl_v2.rst +++ b/doc/source/dsl/dsl_v2.rst @@ -1,2 +1,709 @@ Mistral DSL v2 specification ---------------------------- + +**NOTE**: DSL described in this document might slightly change within a +short period of time (2-3 weeks) and should be now considered +**experimental**. Mistral team is now actively working on stabilization. + +Introduction +~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Current document fully describes Domain Specific Language (DSL) version +2 of Mistral Workflow Service. Since version 1 issued in May 2014 +Mistral team completely reworked the language pursuing with the goal in +mind to make it easier to understand while more consistent and flexible. + +Unlike Mistral DSL v1 this second version of DSL assumes that all +entities that Mistral works with like workflows, actions and triggers +are completely independent in terms of how they're referenced and +accessed through API (and also Python Client API and CLI). Workbooks, +the entity that can combine combine workflows/actions/triggers still +exist in the language but only for namespacing and convenience purposes. +See `Workbooks section <#Workbooks>`__ for more details. + +All DSL consists of the following main object(entity) types that will be +described in details next: + +- `Workflows <#Workflows>`__ +- `Actions <#Actions>`__ +- `Triggers <#Triggers>`__ + +Prerequisites +~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Mistral DSL is fully based on YAML and knowledge of YAML is a plus for +better understanding of the material in this specification. It also +takes advantage of YAQL query language to define expressions in +workflow, action and trigger definitions. + +- Yet Another Markup Language (YAML): http://yaml.org +- Yet Another Query Language (YAQL): + https://pypi.python.org/pypi/yaql/0.3 + +Workflows +~~~~~~~~~ + +Workflow is the main building block of Mistral DSL, the reason why the +project exists. Workflow represents a process that can be described in a +various number of ways and that can do some job interesting to the end +user. Each workflow consists of tasks (at least one) describing what +exact steps should be made during workflow execution. + +YAML example +'''''''''''' + +| ``---`` +| ``version: '2.0'`` +| ``create_vm:`` +| ``  description: Simple workflow sample`` +| ``  type: direct`` +| ``  input: # Input parameter declarations`` +| ``    - vm_name`` +| ``    - image_ref`` +| ``    - flavor_ref`` +| ``  output: # Output definition`` +| ``    vm_id: $.vm_id`` +| ``  tasks:`` +| ``    create_server:`` +| ``      action: nova.servers_create name={$.vm_name} image={$.image_ref} flavor={$.flavor_ref}`` +| ``      publish:`` +| ``        vm_id: $.id`` +| ``      on-success:`` +| ``        - wait_for_instance`` +| ``    wait_for_instance:`` +| ``      action: nova.servers_find id={$.vm_id} status='ACTIVE'`` +| ``      policies:`` +| ``        retry:`` +| ``          delay: 5`` +| ``          count: 15`` + +Workflow Types +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +Mistral DSL v2 introduces different workflow types and the structure of +each workflow type varies according to its semantics. Currently, Mistral +provides two workflow types: + +- `Direct workflow <#direct-workflow>`__ +- `Reverse workflow <#reverse-workflow>`__ + +See corresponding sections for details. + +Common Workflow Attributes +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +- **type** - Workflow type. Either 'direct' or 'reverse'. *Required*. +- **description** - Arbitrary text containing workflow description. + *Optional*. +- **input** - List defining required input parameter names. *Optional*. +- **output** - Any data structure arbitrarily containing YAQL + expressions that defines workflow output. May be nested. *Optional*. +- **task-defaults** - Default settings for some of task attributes + defined at workflow level. *Optional*. Corresponding attribute + defined for a specific task always takes precedence. Specific task + attributes that could be defined in **task-defaults** are the + following: + + - **on-error** + - **on-success** + - **on-complete** + - **policies** + +- **tasks** - Dictionary containing workflow tasks. See below for more + details. *Required*. + +Tasks +^^^^^ + +Task is what a workflow consists of. It defines a specific computational +step in the workflow. Each task can optionally take input data and +produce output. In Mistral DSL v2 task can be associated with an action +or with calling a workflow. In the example below there are two tasks of +different types: + +.. code-block:: yaml + + action_based_task: +  action: std.http url='openstack.org' + workflow_based_task: +   workflow: backup_vm_workflow vm_id={$.vm_id} + + +Actions will be explained below in a individual paragraph but looking +ahead it's worth saying that Mistral provides a lot of actions out of +the box (including actions for most of the core OpenStack services) and +it's also easy to plug new actions into Mistral. + +Common Task Attributes +'''''''''''''''''''''' + +All Mistral tasks regardless of workflow type have the following common +attributes: + +- **description** - Arbitrary text containing task description. + *Optional*. +- **action** - Name of the action associated with the task. *Required + but mutually exclusive with* **workflow**. +- **workflow** - Name of the workflow associated with the task. + *Mutually exclusive with* **action**. +- **input** - Actual input parameter values of the task. *Optional*. + Value of each parameter is a JSON-compliant type such as number, + string etc, dictionary or list. It can also be a YAQL expression to + retrieve value from task context or any of the mentioned types + containing inline YAQL expressions (for example, string + "{$.movie\_name} is a cool movie!") +- **publish** - Dictionary of variables to publish to the workflow + context. Any JSON-compatible data structure optionally containing + YAQL expression to select precisely what needs to be published. + Published variables will be accessible for downstream tasks via using + YAQL expressions. *Optional*. +- **policies** - Dictionary-like section defining task policies that + influence how Mistral Engine runs tasks. Policies are explained in a + separate `paragraph <#Policies>`__. *Optional*. + +Policies +'''''''' + +Any Mistral task regardless of what its workflow type can optionally +have configured policies. + +YAML example + + +| ``my_task:`` +| ``  ...`` +| ``  policies:`` +| ``    wait-before: 2`` +| ``    wait-after: 4`` +| ``    timeout: 30`` +| ``    retry:`` +| ``      count: 10`` +| ``      delay: 20`` +| ``      break-on: $.my_var = true`` + +'wait-before' + + +Defines a delay in seconds that Mistral Engine should wait before +starting a task. + +'wait-after' + + +Defines a delay in seconds that Mistral Engine should wait after a task +has completed before starting next tasks defined in 'on-success', +'on-error' or 'on-complete'. + +'timeout' + + +Defines a period of time in seconds after which a task will be failed +automatically by engine if hasn't completed. + +'retry' + + +Defines a pattern how task should be repeated in case of an error. + +- **count** - Defines a maximum number of times that a task can be + repeated. +- **delay** - Defines a delay in seconds between subsequent task + iterations. +- **break-on** - Defines a YAQL expression that will break iteration + loop if it evaluates to 'true'. If it fires then the task is + considered successful. + +Simplified Input Syntax +''''''''''''''''''''''' + +When describing a workflow task it's possible to specify its input +parameters in two ways: + +Full syntax: + +| ``my_task:`` +| ``  action: std.http`` +| ``  input:`` +| ``    url: ``\ ```http://mywebsite.org`` `__ +| ``    method: GET`` + +Simplified syntax: + +| `` my_task:`` +| ``   action: std.http url="``\ ```http://mywebsite.org`` `__\ ``" method="GET"`` + +The same rules apply to tasks associated with workflows. + +Full syntax: + +| ``my_task:`` +| ``  workflow: some_nested_workflow`` +| ``  input:`` +| ``    param1: val1`` +| ``    param2: val2`` + +Simplified syntax: + +| `` my_task:`` +| ``   workflow: some_nested_workflow param1='val1' param2='val2'`` + +**Note**: It's also possible to merge these two approaches and specify a +part of parameters using simplified key-value pairs syntax and using +keyword 'input'. In this case all the parameters will be effectively +merged. If the same parameter is specified in both ways then the one +under 'input' keyword takes precedence. + +Direct Workflow +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +Direct workflow consists of tasks combined in a graph where every next +task starts after another one depending on produced result. So direct +workflow has a notion of transition. Direct workflow is considered to be +completed if there aren't any transitions left that could be used to +jump to next tasks. + +| |Figure 1. Mistral Direct Workflow.| + + Figure 1. Mistral Direct Workflow. + +YAML example +'''''''''''' + +| ``---`` +| ``version: '2.0'`` +| ``create_vm_and_send_email:`` +| ``  type: direct`` +| ``  input:`` +| ``    - vm_name`` +| ``    - image_id`` +| ``    - flavor_id`` +| ``  output:`` +| ``    result: $.vm_id`` +| ``  tasks:`` +| ``    create_vm:`` +| ``      action: nova.servers_create name={$.vm_name} image={$.image_id} flavor={$.flavor_id}`` +| ``      publish:`` +| ``        vm_id: $.id`` +| ``      on-error:`` +| ``        - send_error_email`` +| ``      on-success:`` +| ``        - send_success_email`` +| ``    send_error_email:`` +| ``      action: send_email to='admin@mysite.org' body='Failed to create a VM'`` +| ``      on_complete:`` +| ``        - fail`` +| ``    send_success_email:`` +| ``      action: send_email to='admin@mysite.org' body='Vm is successfully created and its id: {$.vm_id}'`` + +Transitions with YAQL expressions +''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' + +Task transitions can be determined by success/error/completeness of the +previous tasks and also by additional YAQL guard expressions that can +access any data produced by upstream tasks. So in the example above task +'create\_vm' could also have a YAQL expression on transition to task +'send\_success\_email' as follows: + +| ``create_vm:`` +| ``  ...`` +| ``  on-success:`` +| ``    - send_success_email: $.vm_id != null`` + +And this would tell Mistral to run 'send\_success\_email' task only if +'vm\_id' variable published by task 'create\_vm' is not empty. YAQL +expressions can also be applied to 'on-error' and 'on-complete'. + +Direct Workflow Task Attributes +''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' + +- **on-success** - List of tasks which will run after the task has + completed successfully. *Optional*. +- **on-error** - List of tasks which will run after the task has + completed with an error. *Optional*. +- **on-complete** - List of tasks which will run after the task has + completed regardless of whether it is successful or not. *Optional*. + +Reverse Workflow +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +In reverse workflow all relationships in workflow task graph are +dependencies. In order to run this type of workflow we need to specify a +task that needs to be completed, it can be conventionally called 'target +task'. When Mistral Engine starts a workflow it recursively identifies +all the dependencies that need to be completed first. + +| |Figure 2. Mistral Reverse Workflow.| + + Figure 2. Mistral Reverse Workflow. + +Figure 2 explains how reverse workflow works. In the example, task +**T1** is chosen a target task. So when the workflow starts Mistral will +run only tasks **T7**, **T8**, **T5**, **T6**, **T2** and **T1** in the +specified order (starting from tasks that have no dependencies). Tasks +**T3** and **T4** won't be a part of this workflow because there's no +route in the directed graph from **T1** to **T3** or **T4**. + +YAML example +'''''''''''' + +| ``---`` +| ``version: '2.0'`` +| ``create_vm_and_send_email:`` +| ``  type: reverse`` +| ``  input:`` +| ``    - vm_name`` +| ``    - image_id`` +| ``    - flavor_id`` +| ``  output:`` +| ``    result: $.vm_id`` +| ``  tasks:`` +| ``    create_vm:`` +| ``      action: nova.servers_create name={$.vm_name} image={$.image_id} flavor={$.flavor_id}`` +| ``      publish:`` +| ``        vm_id: $.id`` +| ``    search_for_ip:`` +| ``      action: nova.floating_ips_findall instance_id=null`` +| ``      publish:`` +| ``        vm_ip: $[0].ip`` +| ``    associate_ip:`` +| ``      action: nova.servers_add_floating_ip server={$.vm_id} address={$.vm_ip}`` +| ``      requires: [search_for_ip]`` +| ``    send_email:`` +| ``      action: send_email to='admin@mysite.org' body='Vm is created and id {$.vm_id} and ip address {$.vm_ip}'`` +| ``      requires: [create_vm, associate_ip]`` + +Reverse Workflow Task Attributes +'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' + +- **requires** - List of tasks which should be executed before this + task. *Optional*. + +Actions +~~~~~~~ + +Action defines what exactly needs to be done when task starts. Action is +similar to a regular function in general purpose programming language +like Python. It has a name and parameters. Mistral distinguishes 'system +actions' and 'Ad-hoc actions'. + +System Actions +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +System actions are provided by Mistral out of the box and can be used by +anyone. It is also possible to add system actions for specific Mistral +installation via a special plugin mechanism. Currently, built-in system +actions are: + +std.http +'''''''' + +Sends an HTTP request. + +Input parameters: + +- **url** - URL for the HTTP request. *Required*. +- **method** - method for the HTTP request. *Optional*. Default is + 'GET'. +- **params** - Dictionary or bytes to be sent in the query string for + the HTTP request. *Optional*. +- **body** - Dictionary, bytes, or file-like object to send in the body + of the HTTP request. *Optional*. +- **headers** - Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the HTTP + request. *Optional*. +- **cookies** - Dictionary of HTTP Cookies to send with the HTTP + request. *Optional*. +- **auth** - Auth to enable Basic/Digest/Custom HTTP Auth. *Optional*. +- **timeout** - Float describing the timeout of the request in seconds. + *Optional*. +- **allow\_redirects** - Boolean. Set to True if POST/PUT/DELETE + redirect following is allowed. *Optional*. +- **proxies** - Dictionary mapping protocol to the URL of the proxy. + *Optional*. + +| +| Example: + +| ``http_task:`` +| ``  action: std.http url='google.com'`` + +std.mistral\_http +''''''''''''''''' + +This actions works just like 'std.http' with the only exception: when +sending a request it inserts the following HTTP headers: + +- **Mistral-Execution-Id** - Identifier of the workflow execution this + action is associated with. +- **Mistral-Task-Id** - Identifier of the task instance this action is + associated with. + +Using this action makes it possible to do any work in asynchronous +manner triggered via HTTP protocol. That means that Mistral can send a +request using 'std.mistral\_http' and then any time later whatever +system that received this request can notify Mistral back (using its +public API) with the result of this action. Header **Mistral-Task-Id** +is required for this operation because it is used a key to find +corresponding task in Mistral to attach the result to. + +std.email +''''''''' + +Sends an email message via SMTP protocol. + +- **params** - Dictionary containing the following keys: + + - **to** - Comma separated list of recipients. *Required*. + - **subject** - Subject of the message. *Required*. + - **body** - Text containing message body. *Required*. + +- **settings** - Dictionary containing the following keys: + + - **from** - Sender email address. *Required*. + - **smtp\_server** - SMTP server host name. *Required*. + - **password** - SMTP server password. *Required*. + +| +| Example: + +| ``http_task:`` +| ``  action: std.email`` +| ``  input:`` +| ``    params:`` +| ``      to: admin@mywebsite.org`` +| ``      subject: Hello from Mistral :)`` +| ``      body: |`` +| ``        Cheers! (:_:)`` +| ``        -- Thanks, Mistral Team.`` +| ``    settings:`` +| ``      from: mistral@openstack.org`` +| ``      smtp_server: smtp.google.com`` +| ``      password: SECRET `` + +The syntax of 'std.emal' action is pretty verbose. However, it can be +significantly simplified using Ad-hoc actions. More about them +`below <#Ad-hoc_Actions>`__. + +std.ssh +''''''' + +Runs Secure Shell command. + +Input parameters: + +- **cmd** - String containing a shell command that needs to be + executed. *Required*. +- **host** - Host name that the command needs to be executed on. + *Required*. +- **username** - User name to authenticate on the host. +- **password** - User password to to authenticate on the host. + +| +| **Note**: Authentication using key pairs is currently not supported. + +std.echo +'''''''' + +Simple action mostly needed for testing purposes that returns a +predefined result. + +Input parameters: + +- **output** - Value of any type that needs to be returned as a result + of the action. *Required*. + +Ad-hoc Actions +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +Ad-hoc action is a special type of action that can be created by user. +Ad-hoc action is always created as a wrapper around any other existing +system action and its main goal is to simplify using same actions many +times with similar pattern. + +**Note**: Nested ad-hoc actions currently are not supported (i.e. ad-hoc +action around another ad-hoc action). + +YAML example +'''''''''''' + +| ``---`` +| ``version: '2.0'`` +| ``error_email:`` +| ``  input:`` +| ``    - execution_id`` +| ``  base: std.email`` +| ``  base-input:`` +| ``    params:`` +| ``      to: admin@mywebsite.org`` +| ``      subject: Something went wrong with your Mistral workflow :(`` +| ``      body: |`` +| ``          Please take a look at Mistral Dashboard to find out what's wrong`` +| ``          with your workflow execution {$.execution_id}.`` +| ``          Everything's going to be alright!`` +| ``          -- Sincerely, Mistral Team.`` +| ``      settings:`` +| ``        from: mistral@openstack.org`` +| ``        smtp_server: smtp.google.com`` +| ``        password: SECRET `` + +Once this action is uploaded to Mistral any workflow will be able to use +it as follows: + +| ``my_workflow:`` +| ``  tasks:`` +| ``    ...`` +| ``    send_error_email`` +| ``      action: error_email execution_id={$.__execution.id}`` + +Attributes +'''''''''' + +- **base** - Name of base action that this action is built on top of. + *Required*. +- **base-input** - Actual input parameters provided to base action. + Look at the example above. *Optional*. +- **input** - List of declared action parameters which should be + specified as corresponding task input. This attribute is optional and + used only for documenting purposes. Mistral now does not enforce + actual input parameters to exactly correspond to this list. Based + parameters will be calculated based on provided actual parameters + with using YAQL expressions so what's used in expressions implicitly + define real input parameters. Dictionary of actual input parameters + is referenced in YAQL as '$.'. Redundant parameters will be simply + ignored. +- **output** - Any data structure defining how to calculate output of + this action based on output of base action. It can optionally have + YAQL expressions to access properties of base action output + referenced in YAQL as '$.'. + +Triggers [coming soon...] +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +**NOTE**: Triggers are not yet implemented as part of version 0.1, they +will go into in one of the next builds, likely 0.2 + +Using triggers it is possible to run workflows according to specific +rules: periodically setting a cron (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron) +pattern or on external events like ceilometer alarm. + +Below are two options picturing what Mistral team is currently +discussing as a candidate for implementation: + +Option 1: + +| ``---`` +| ``version: '2.0'`` +| ``cron_trigger:`` +| ``  type: periodic`` +| ``  parameters:`` +| ``    cron-pattern: "*/1 * * * *"`` +| ``  workflows:`` +| ``    - wf1:`` +| ``      parameters:`` +| ``        # Regular dictionary (heavy syntax)`` +| ``      ...`` +| ``    - wf2 param1=val1 param2=val2 task_name='task1' # Short syntax`` +| ``  actions:`` +| ``    # The same for actions`` + +Option 2: + +| ``---`` +| ``version: '2.0'`` +| ``cron_trigger:`` +| ``  type: periodic`` +| ``  parameters:`` +| ``    cron-pattern: "*/1 * * * *"`` +| ``  workflows: ["wf2 param1=val1 param2=val2 task_name='task1'", ...] # List of workflows with using simplified syntax.`` +| ``  actions: # same for actions`` + +If you are interested in this functionality you can participate in +mailing list +`openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org `__. + +Workbooks +~~~~~~~~~ + +As mentioned before, workbooks still exist in Mistral DSL version 2 but +purely for convenience. Using workbooks users can combine multiple +entities of any type (workflows, actions and triggers) into one document +and upload to Mistral service. When uploading a workbook Mistral will +parse it and save its workflows, actions and triggers as independent +objects which will be accessible via their own API endpoints +(/workflows, /actions and /triggers/). Once it's done the workbook comes +out of the game. User can just start workflows and use references to +workflows/actions/triggers as if they were uploaded without workbook in +the first place. However, if we want to modify these individual objects +we can modify the same workbook definition and re-upload it to Mistral +(or, of course, we can do it independently). + +Namespacing +^^^^^^^^^^^ + +One thing that's worth noting is that when using a workbook Mistral uses +its name as a prefix for generating final names of workflows, actions +and triggers included into the workbook. To illustrate this principle +let's take a look at the figure below. + +| |Figure 3. Mistral Workbook Namespacing.| +| So after a workbook has been uploaded its workflows, actions and +triggers become independent objects but with slightly different names. + +YAML example +^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +| ``---`` +| ``version: '2.0'`` +| ``name: my_workbook`` +| ``description: My set of workflows and ad-hoc actions`` +| ``workflows:`` +| ``  local_workflow1:`` +| ``    type: direct`` +| ``    `` +| ``    tasks:`` +| ``      task1:`` +| ``        action: local_action str1='Hi' str2=' Mistral!'`` +| ``        on-complete:`` +| ``          - task2`` +| ``    task2:`` +| ``      action: global_action`` +| ``      ...`` +| ``    `` +| ``  local_workflow2:`` +| ``    type: reverse`` +| ``    tasks:`` +| ``      task1:`` +| ``        workflow: local_workflow1`` +| ``        on-complete:`` +| ``          - task2`` +| ``      `` +| ``      task2:`` +| ``        workflow: global_workflow param1='val1' param2='val2'`` +| ``        ...`` +| ``actions:`` +| ``  local_action:`` +| ``    input:`` +| ``      - str1`` +| ``      - str2`` +| ``    base: std.echo output="{$.str1}{$.str2}"`` + +**Note**: Even though names of objects inside workbooks change upon +uploading Mistral allows referencing between those objects using local +names declared in the original workbook. + +Attributes +^^^^^^^^^^ + +- **name** - Workbook name. *Required*. +- **description** - Workbook description. *Optional*. +- **tags** - String with arbitrary comma-separated values. + **Optional**. +- **workflows** - Dictionary containing workflow definitions. + *Optional*. +- **actions** - Dictionary containing ad-hoc action definitions. + *Optional*. +- **triggers** - Dictionary containing trigger definitions. *Optional*. + (**Currently not supported**) + +.. |Figure 1. Mistral Direct Workflow.| image:: /img/Mistral_direct_workflow.png +.. |Figure 2. Mistral Reverse Workflow.| image:: /img/Mistral_reverse_workflow.png +.. |Figure 3. Mistral Workbook Namespacing.| image:: /img/mistral_workbook_namespacing.png diff --git a/doc/source/dsl/index.rst b/doc/source/dsl/index.rst index 0efc07209..2dcc34804 100644 --- a/doc/source/dsl/index.rst +++ b/doc/source/dsl/index.rst @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ DSL Specification ================= .. toctree:: - :maxdepth: 2 + :maxdepth: 1 DSL v2 DSL v1 (deprecated) diff --git a/doc/source/img/Mistral_direct_workflow.png b/doc/source/img/Mistral_direct_workflow.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..af77871fc Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/source/img/Mistral_direct_workflow.png differ diff --git a/doc/source/img/Mistral_reverse_workflow.png b/doc/source/img/Mistral_reverse_workflow.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bb1818571 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/source/img/Mistral_reverse_workflow.png differ diff --git a/doc/source/img/Mistral_workbook_namespacing.png b/doc/source/img/Mistral_workbook_namespacing.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4fbf32f08 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/source/img/Mistral_workbook_namespacing.png differ