diff --git a/mistral/db/sqlalchemy/sqlite_lock.py b/mistral/db/sqlalchemy/sqlite_lock.py
index 0193dc039..2e5ee36a9 100644
--- a/mistral/db/sqlalchemy/sqlite_lock.py
+++ b/mistral/db/sqlalchemy/sqlite_lock.py
@@ -12,17 +12,17 @@
 #    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 #    limitations under the License.
-from eventlet import semaphore
+import threading
-_mutex = semaphore.Semaphore()
+_mutex = threading.Semaphore()
 _locks = {}
 def acquire_lock(obj_id, session):
     with _mutex:
         if obj_id not in _locks:
-            _locks[obj_id] = (session, semaphore.BoundedSemaphore(1))
+            _locks[obj_id] = (session, threading.BoundedSemaphore(1))
         tup = _locks.get(obj_id)
diff --git a/mistral/tests/unit/db/v2/test_locking.py b/mistral/tests/unit/db/v2/test_locking.py
index 484478a21..181cd88ae 100644
--- a/mistral/tests/unit/db/v2/test_locking.py
+++ b/mistral/tests/unit/db/v2/test_locking.py
@@ -14,10 +14,11 @@
 #    limitations under the License.
-import eventlet
 from oslo_config import cfg
 import random
 import testtools
+import threading
+import time
 from mistral import context as auth_context
 from mistral.db.sqlalchemy import sqlite_lock
@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ class SQLiteLocksTest(test_base.DbTestCase):
     def _random_sleep(self):
-        eventlet.sleep(random.Random().randint(0, 10) * 0.001)
+        time.sleep(random.Random().randint(0, 10) * 0.001)
     def _run_acquire_release_sqlite_lock(self, obj_id, session):
@@ -69,19 +70,17 @@ class SQLiteLocksTest(test_base.DbTestCase):
     def test_acquire_release_sqlite_lock(self):
+        """Acquire and release locks from threads"""
         threads = []
         id = "object_id"
         number = 500
         for i in range(1, number):
-            threads.append(
-                eventlet.spawn(self._run_acquire_release_sqlite_lock, id, i)
-            )
-        [t.wait() for t in threads]
-        [t.kill() for t in threads]
+            t = threading.Thread(target=self._run_acquire_release_sqlite_lock,
+                                 args=[id, i])
+            t.start()
+            threads.append(t)
+        [t.join(timeout=10) for t in threads]
         self.assertEqual(1, len(sqlite_lock.get_locks()))
@@ -107,22 +106,22 @@ class SQLiteLocksTest(test_base.DbTestCase):
             return wf_ex.name
     def test_correct_locking(self):
+        """Verify overlap between threads"""
         wf_ex = db_api.create_workflow_execution(WF_EXEC)
         threads = []
         number = 500
         for i in range(1, number):
-            threads.append(
-                eventlet.spawn(self._run_correct_locking, wf_ex)
-            )
-        [t.wait() for t in threads]
-        [t.kill() for t in threads]
+            t = threading.Thread(target=self._run_correct_locking,
+                                 args=[wf_ex])
+            t.start()
+            threads.append(t)
+        [t.join(timeout=10) for t in threads]
         wf_ex = db_api.get_workflow_execution(wf_ex.id)
         print("Correct locking test gave object name: %s" % wf_ex.name)
         self.assertEqual(str(number), wf_ex.name)
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(sqlite_lock.get_locks()))
+        sqlite_lock.cleanup()