# Copyright 2016 - Nokia Networks. # Copyright 2016 - Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import abc import copy import operator from oslo_log import log as logging from osprofiler import profiler import six from mistral.db.v2 import api as db_api from mistral.engine import actions from mistral.engine import dispatcher from mistral.engine import policies from mistral import exceptions as exc from mistral import expressions as expr from mistral import utils from mistral.utils import wf_trace from mistral.workflow import base as wf_base from mistral.workflow import data_flow from mistral.workflow import states from mistral.workflow import with_items LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class Task(object): """Task. Represents a workflow task and defines interface that can be used by Mistral engine or its components in order to manipulate with tasks. """ @profiler.trace('task-create') def __init__(self, wf_ex, wf_spec, task_spec, ctx, task_ex=None, unique_key=None, waiting=False): self.wf_ex = wf_ex self.task_spec = task_spec self.ctx = ctx self.task_ex = task_ex self.wf_spec = wf_spec self.unique_key = unique_key self.waiting = waiting self.reset_flag = False self.created = False self.state_changed = False def is_completed(self): return self.task_ex and states.is_completed(self.task_ex.state) def is_waiting(self): return self.waiting def is_created(self): return self.created def is_state_changed(self): return self.state_changed @abc.abstractmethod def on_action_complete(self, action_ex): """Handle action completion. :param action_ex: Action execution. """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def run(self): """Runs task.""" raise NotImplementedError @profiler.trace('task-defer') def defer(self): """Defers task. This method puts task to a waiting state. """ with db_api.named_lock(self.unique_key): if not self.task_ex: t_execs = db_api.get_task_executions( workflow_execution_id=self.wf_ex.id, unique_key=self.unique_key ) self.task_ex = t_execs[0] if t_execs else None msg = 'Task is waiting.' if not self.task_ex: self._create_task_execution( state=states.WAITING, state_info=msg ) elif self.task_ex.state != states.WAITING: self.set_state(states.WAITING, msg) def reset(self): self.reset_flag = True @profiler.trace('task-set-state') def set_state(self, state, state_info, processed=None): """Sets task state without executing post completion logic. :param state: New task state. :param state_info: New state information (i.e. error message). :param processed: New "processed" flag value. """ assert self.task_ex if (self.task_ex.state != state or self.task_ex.state_info != state_info): wf_trace.info( self.task_ex.workflow_execution, "Task '%s' (%s) [%s -> %s, msg=%s]" % (self.task_ex.name, self.task_ex.id, self.task_ex.state, state, state_info) ) self.state_changed = True self.task_ex.state = state self.task_ex.state_info = state_info if processed is not None: self.task_ex.processed = processed @profiler.trace('task-complete') def complete(self, state, state_info=None): """Complete task and set specified state. Method sets specified task state and runs all necessary post completion logic such as publishing workflow variables and scheduling new workflow commands. :param state: New task state. :param state_info: New state information (i.e. error message). """ assert self.task_ex # Ignore if task already completed. if states.is_completed(self.task_ex.state): return self.set_state(state, state_info) data_flow.publish_variables(self.task_ex, self.task_spec) if not self.task_spec.get_keep_result(): # Destroy task result. for ex in self.task_ex.action_executions: if hasattr(ex, 'output'): ex.output = {} self._after_task_complete() # Ignore DELAYED state. if self.task_ex.state == states.RUNNING_DELAYED: return # If workflow is paused we shouldn't schedule new commands # and mark task as processed. if states.is_paused(self.wf_ex.state): return wf_ctrl = wf_base.get_controller(self.wf_ex, self.wf_spec) # Calculate commands to process next. cmds = wf_ctrl.continue_workflow(task_ex=self.task_ex) # Mark task as processed after all decisions have been made # upon its completion. self.task_ex.processed = True dispatcher.dispatch_workflow_commands(self.wf_ex, cmds) def _before_task_start(self): policies_spec = self.task_spec.get_policies() for p in policies.build_policies(policies_spec, self.wf_spec): p.before_task_start(self.task_ex, self.task_spec) def _after_task_complete(self): policies_spec = self.task_spec.get_policies() for p in policies.build_policies(policies_spec, self.wf_spec): p.after_task_complete(self.task_ex, self.task_spec) def _create_task_execution(self, state=states.RUNNING, state_info=None): task_id = utils.generate_unicode_uuid() task_name = self.task_spec.get_name() data_flow.add_current_task_to_context(self.ctx, task_id, task_name) values = { 'id': task_id, 'name': task_name, 'workflow_execution_id': self.wf_ex.id, 'workflow_name': self.wf_ex.workflow_name, 'workflow_id': self.wf_ex.workflow_id, 'state': state, 'state_info': state_info, 'spec': self.task_spec.to_dict(), 'unique_key': self.unique_key, 'in_context': self.ctx, 'published': {}, 'runtime_context': {}, 'project_id': self.wf_ex.project_id } self.task_ex = db_api.create_task_execution(values) # Add to collection explicitly so that it's in a proper # state within the current session. self.wf_ex.task_executions.append(self.task_ex) self.created = True def _get_action_defaults(self): action_name = self.task_spec.get_action_name() if not action_name: return {} env = self.task_ex.in_context.get('__env', {}) return env.get('__actions', {}).get(action_name, {}) class RegularTask(Task): """Regular task. Takes care of processing regular tasks with one action. """ @profiler.trace('regular-task-on-action-complete') def on_action_complete(self, action_ex): state = action_ex.state # TODO(rakhmerov): Here we can define more informative messages # cases when action is successful and when it's not. For example, # in state_info we can specify the cause action. state_info = (None if state == states.SUCCESS else action_ex.output.get('result')) self.complete(state, state_info) @profiler.trace('task-run') def run(self): if not self.task_ex: self._run_new() else: self._run_existing() def _run_new(self): if self.waiting: self.defer() return self._create_task_execution() LOG.debug( 'Starting task [workflow=%s, task_spec=%s, init_state=%s]' % (self.wf_ex.name, self.task_spec, self.task_ex.state) ) self._before_task_start() # Policies could possibly change task state. if self.task_ex.state != states.RUNNING: return self._schedule_actions() def _run_existing(self): if self.waiting: return # Explicitly change task state to RUNNING. # Throw exception if the existing task already succeeded. if self.task_ex.state == states.SUCCESS: raise exc.MistralError( 'Rerunning succeeded tasks is not supported.' ) self.set_state(states.RUNNING, None, processed=False) self._update_inbound_context() self._reset_actions() self._schedule_actions() def _update_inbound_context(self): assert self.task_ex wf_ctrl = wf_base.get_controller(self.wf_ex, self.wf_spec) self.ctx = wf_ctrl.get_task_inbound_context(self.task_spec) self.task_ex.in_context = self.ctx def _reset_actions(self): """Resets task state. Depending on task type this method may reset task state. For example, delete all task actions etc. """ # Reset state of processed task and related action executions. if self.reset_flag: execs = self.task_ex.executions else: execs = filter( lambda e: e.accepted and e.state == states.ERROR, self.task_ex.executions ) for ex in execs: ex.accepted = False def _schedule_actions(self): # Regular task schedules just one action. input_dict = self._get_action_input() target = self._get_target(input_dict) action = self._build_action() action.validate_input(input_dict) action.schedule( input_dict, target, safe_rerun=self.task_spec.get_safe_rerun() ) def _get_target(self, input_dict): return expr.evaluate_recursively( self.task_spec.get_target(), utils.merge_dicts( copy.deepcopy(input_dict), copy.deepcopy(self.ctx) ) ) def _get_action_input(self, ctx=None): ctx = ctx or self.ctx ctx_view = data_flow.ContextView( ctx, self.wf_ex.context, self.wf_ex.input ) input_dict = expr.evaluate_recursively( self.task_spec.get_input(), ctx_view ) return utils.merge_dicts( input_dict, self._get_action_defaults(), overwrite=False ) def _build_action(self): action_name = self.task_spec.get_action_name() wf_name = self.task_spec.get_workflow_name() if wf_name: return actions.WorkflowAction(wf_name, task_ex=self.task_ex) if not action_name: action_name = 'std.noop' action_def = actions.resolve_action_definition( action_name, self.wf_ex.name, self.wf_spec.get_name() ) if action_def.spec: return actions.AdHocAction(action_def, task_ex=self.task_ex) return actions.PythonAction(action_def, task_ex=self.task_ex) # TODO(rakhmerov): Concurrency support is currently dropped since it doesn't # fit into non-locking transactional model. It needs to be restored later on. # A possible solution should be able to read and write a number of currently # running actions atomically which is now impossible w/o locks with JSON # field "runtime_context". class WithItemsTask(RegularTask): """With-items task. Takes care of processing "with-items" tasks. """ @profiler.trace('with-items-task-on-action-complete') def on_action_complete(self, action_ex): assert self.task_ex # TODO(rakhmerov): Here we can define more informative messages # cases when action is successful and when it's not. For example, # in state_info we can specify the cause action. # The use of action_ex.output.get('result') for state_info is not # accurate because there could be action executions that had # failed or was cancelled prior to this action execution. state_info = { states.SUCCESS: None, states.ERROR: 'One or more action executions had failed.', states.CANCELLED: 'One or more action executions was cancelled.' } with_items.increase_capacity(self.task_ex) if with_items.is_completed(self.task_ex): state = with_items.get_final_state(self.task_ex) self.complete(state, state_info[state]) return if (with_items.has_more_iterations(self.task_ex) and with_items.get_concurrency(self.task_ex)): self._schedule_actions() def _schedule_actions(self): input_dicts = self._get_with_items_input() if not input_dicts: self.complete(states.SUCCESS) return for idx, input_dict in input_dicts: target = self._get_target(input_dict) action = self._build_action() action.validate_input(input_dict) action.schedule( input_dict, target, index=idx, safe_rerun=self.task_spec.get_safe_rerun() ) def _get_with_items_input(self): """Calculate input array for separating each action input. Example: DSL: with_items: - itemX in <% $.arrayI %> - itemY in <% $.arrayJ %> Assume arrayI = [1, 2], arrayJ = ['a', 'b']. with_items_input = { "itemX": [1, 2], "itemY": ['a', 'b'] } Then we get separated input: inputs_per_item = [ {'itemX': 1, 'itemY': 'a'}, {'itemX': 2, 'itemY': 'b'} ] :return: the list of tuples containing indexes and the corresponding input dict. """ ctx_view = data_flow.ContextView( self.ctx, self.wf_ex.context, self.wf_ex.input ) with_items_inputs = expr.evaluate_recursively( self.task_spec.get_with_items(), ctx_view ) with_items.validate_input(with_items_inputs) inputs_per_item = [] for key, value in with_items_inputs.items(): for index, item in enumerate(value): iter_context = {key: item} if index >= len(inputs_per_item): inputs_per_item.append(iter_context) else: inputs_per_item[index].update(iter_context) action_inputs = [] for item_input in inputs_per_item: new_ctx = utils.merge_dicts(item_input, self.ctx) action_inputs.append(self._get_action_input(new_ctx)) with_items.prepare_runtime_context( self.task_ex, self.task_spec, action_inputs ) indices = with_items.get_indices_for_loop(self.task_ex) with_items.decrease_capacity(self.task_ex, len(indices)) if indices: current_inputs = operator.itemgetter(*indices)(action_inputs) return zip( indices, current_inputs if isinstance(current_inputs, tuple) else [current_inputs] ) return []