# Copyright 2013 - Mirantis, Inc. # Copyright 2016 - Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. # Copyright 2018 - Extreme Networks, Inc. # Copyright 2019 - Nokia Networks # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Configuration options registration and useful routines. """ import itertools import json import os from keystoneauth1 import loading from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from oslo_middleware import cors from osprofiler import opts as profiler from mistral import version from mistral._i18n import _ from mistral.workflow import states # Options under default group. launch_opt = cfg.ListOpt( 'server', default=['all'], help=_('Specifies which mistral server to start by the launch script. ' 'Valid options are all or any combination of ' 'api, engine, and executor.') ) wf_trace_log_name_opt = cfg.StrOpt( 'workflow_trace_log_name', default='workflow_trace', help=_('Logger name for pretty workflow trace output.') ) use_debugger_opt = cfg.BoolOpt( 'use-debugger', default=False, help=_('Enables debugger. Note that using this option changes how the ' 'eventlet library is used to support async IO. This could result ' 'in failures that do not occur under normal operation. ' 'Use at your own risk.') ) auth_type_opt = cfg.StrOpt( 'auth_type', default='keystone', help=_('Authentication type (valid options: keystone, keycloak-oidc)') ) api_opts = [ cfg.HostAddressOpt( 'host', default='', help='Mistral API server host' ), cfg.PortOpt('port', default=8989, help='Mistral API server port'), cfg.BoolOpt( 'allow_action_execution_deletion', default=False, help=_('Enables the ability to delete action_execution which ' 'has no relationship with workflows.') ), cfg.BoolOpt( 'enable_ssl_api', default=False, help=_('Enable the integrated stand-alone API to service requests ' 'via HTTPS instead of HTTP.') ), cfg.IntOpt( 'api_workers', help=_('Number of workers for Mistral API service ' 'default is equal to the number of CPUs available if that can ' 'be determined, else a default worker count of 1 is returned.') ), cfg.StrOpt( 'validation_mode', default='mandatory', choices=['enabled', 'mandatory', 'disabled'], help=_("Defines in what cases Mistral will be validating the syntax " "of workflow YAML definitions. If 'enabled' is set the service " "will be validating the syntax but only if it's not explicitly " "turned off in the API request. 'disabled' disables validation " "for all API requests. 'mandatory' enables validation for all " "API requests.") ) ] js_impl_opt = cfg.StrOpt( 'js_implementation', default='pyv8', choices=['pyv8', 'v8eval', 'py_mini_racer'], help=_('The JavaScript implementation to be used by the std.javascript ' 'action to evaluate scripts.') ) rpc_impl_opt = cfg.StrOpt( 'rpc_implementation', default='oslo', choices=['oslo', 'kombu'], help=_('Specifies RPC implementation for RPC client and server. ' 'Support of kombu driver is experimental.') ) # TODO(ddeja): This config option is a part of oslo RPCClient # It would be the best to not register it twice, rather use RPCClient somehow rpc_response_timeout_opt = cfg.IntOpt( 'rpc_response_timeout', default=60, help=_('Seconds to wait for a response from a call.') ) oslo_rpc_executor = cfg.StrOpt( 'oslo_rpc_executor', default='eventlet', choices=['eventlet', 'blocking', 'threading'], help=_('Executor type used by Oslo Messaging framework. Defines how ' 'Oslo Messaging based RPC subsystem processes incoming calls.') ) expiration_token_duration = cfg.IntOpt( 'expiration_token_duration', default=30, help=_('Window of seconds to determine whether the given token is about' ' to expire.') ) pecan_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt( 'root', default='mistral.api.controllers.root.RootController', help=_('Pecan root controller') ), cfg.ListOpt( 'modules', default=["mistral.api"], help=_('A list of modules where pecan will search for applications.') ), cfg.BoolOpt( 'debug', default=False, help=_('Enables the ability to display tracebacks in the browser and' ' interactively debug during development.') ), cfg.BoolOpt( 'auth_enable', default=True, help=_('Enables user authentication in pecan.') ) ] engine_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('engine', default='default', help='Mistral engine plugin'), cfg.HostAddressOpt( 'host', default='', help=_('Name of the engine node. This can be an opaque ' 'identifier. It is not necessarily a hostname, ' 'FQDN, or IP address.') ), cfg.StrOpt( 'topic', default='mistral_engine', help=_('The message topic that the engine listens on.') ), cfg.StrOpt('version', default='1.0', help='The version of the engine.'), cfg.IntOpt( 'execution_field_size_limit_kb', default=1024, help=_('The default maximum size in KB of large text fields ' 'of runtime execution objects. Use -1 for no limit.') ), cfg.IntOpt( 'execution_integrity_check_delay', default=20, help=_('A number of seconds since the last update of a task' ' execution in RUNNING state after which Mistral will' ' start checking its integrity, meaning that if all' ' associated actions/workflows are finished its state' ' will be restored automatically. If this property is' ' set to a negative value Mistral will never be doing ' ' this check.') ), cfg.IntOpt( 'execution_integrity_check_batch_size', default=5, min=1, help=_('A number of task executions in RUNNING state that the' ' execution integrity checker can process in a single' ' iteration.') ), cfg.IntOpt( 'action_definition_cache_time', default=60, help=_('A number of seconds that indicates how long action ' 'definitions should be stored in the local cache.') ), cfg.BoolOpt( 'start_subworkflows_via_rpc', default=False, help=( 'Enables starting subworkflows via RPC. Use "False" to start ' 'subworkflow within the same engine instance. Use "True" ' 'to start subworkflow via RPC to improve load balancing ' 'in case of several engine instances.' ) ) ] executor_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt( 'type', choices=['local', 'remote'], default='remote', help=( 'Type of executor. Use local to run the executor within the ' 'engine server. Use remote if the executor is launched as ' 'a separate server to run action executions.' ) ), cfg.HostAddressOpt( 'host', default='', help=_('Name of the executor node. This can be an any string ' 'name/identifier. It is not necessarily a hostname, ' 'FQDN, or IP address. It is also related to the "target" ' 'attribute of tasks defined in a workflow text. If "target" ' 'is defined for a task then the action of the task will be ' 'sent to one of the executors that have the same value in the ' '"host" property.') ), cfg.StrOpt( 'topic', default='mistral_executor', help=_('The message topic that the executor listens on.') ), cfg.StrOpt( 'version', default='1.0', help=_('The version of the executor.') ) ] scheduler_type_opt = cfg.StrOpt( 'scheduler_type', default='legacy', choices=['legacy', 'default'], help=_('The name of the scheduler implementation used in the system.') ) scheduler_opts = [ cfg.FloatOpt( 'fixed_delay', default=1, min=0.1, help=( 'Fixed part of the delay between scheduler iterations, ' 'in seconds. ' 'Full delay is defined as a sum of "fixed_delay" and a random ' 'delay limited by "random_delay".' ) ), cfg.FloatOpt( 'random_delay', default=0, min=0, help=( 'Max value of the random part of the delay between scheduler ' 'iterations, in seconds. ' 'Full delay is defined as a sum of "fixed_delay" and a random ' 'delay limited by this property.' ) ), cfg.IntOpt( 'batch_size', default=None, min=1, help=( 'The max number of delayed calls will be selected during ' 'a scheduler iteration. ' 'If this property equals None then there is no ' 'restriction on selection.' ) ), cfg.FloatOpt( 'captured_job_timeout', default=30, min=1, help=( 'Defines how soon (in seconds) a scheduled job captured for ' 'processing becomes eligible for capturing by other schedulers ' 'again. This option is needed to prevent situations when a ' 'scheduler instance captured a job and failed while processing ' 'and so this job can never be processed again because it is ' 'marked as captured.' ) ), cfg.FloatOpt( 'pickup_job_after', default=60, min=1, help='Time period given to a scheduler to process a scheduled job ' 'locally before it becomes eligible for processing by other ' 'scheduler instances.' 'For example, a job needs to run at 12:00:00. When a scheduler ' 'starts processing it has 60 seconds (or other configured ' 'value) to complete the job. If the scheduler did not complete ' 'the job within this period it most likely means that the ' 'scheduler process crashed. In this case another scheduler ' 'instance will pick it up from the Job Store, but not earlier ' 'than 12:01:00 and try to process it.' ) ] cron_trigger_opts = [ cfg.BoolOpt( 'enabled', default=True, help=( 'If this value is set to False then the subsystem of cron triggers' ' is disabled. Disabling cron triggers increases system' ' performance.' ) ), cfg.IntOpt( 'execution_interval', default=1, min=1, help=( 'This setting defines how frequently Mistral checks for cron ' 'triggers that need execution. By default this is every second ' 'which can lead to high system load. Increasing the number will ' 'reduce the load but also limit the minimum freqency. For ' 'example, a cron trigger can be configured to run every second ' 'but if the execution_interval is set to 60, it will only run ' 'once per minute.' ) ) ] event_engine_opts = [ cfg.HostAddressOpt( 'host', default='', help=_('Name of the event engine node. This can be an opaque ' 'identifier. It is not necessarily a hostname, ' 'FQDN, or IP address.') ), cfg.HostAddressOpt( 'listener_pool_name', default='events', help=_('Name of the event engine\'s listener pool. This can be an' ' opaque identifier. It is used for identifying the group' ' of event engine listeners in oslo.messaging.') ), cfg.StrOpt( 'topic', default='mistral_event_engine', help=_('The message topic that the event engine listens on.') ), cfg.StrOpt( 'event_definitions_cfg_file', default='/etc/mistral/event_definitions.yaml', help=_('Configuration file for event definitions.') ), ] notifier_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt( 'type', choices=['local', 'remote'], default='remote', help=( 'Type of notifier. Use local to run the notifier within the ' 'engine server. Use remote if the notifier is launched as ' 'a separate server to process events.' ) ), cfg.StrOpt( 'host', default='', help=_('Name of the notifier node. This can be an opaque ' 'identifier. It is not necessarily a hostname, ' 'FQDN, or IP address.') ), cfg.StrOpt( 'topic', default='mistral_notifier', help=_('The message topic that the notifier server listens on.') ), cfg.ListOpt( 'notify', item_type=json.loads, bounds=True, help=_('List of publishers to publish notification.') ) ] execution_expiration_policy_opts = [ cfg.IntOpt( 'evaluation_interval', help=_('How often will the executions be evaluated ' '(in minutes). For example for value 120 the interval ' 'will be 2 hours (every 2 hours). ' 'Note that only final state executions will be removed: ' '( SUCCESS / ERROR / CANCELLED ).') ), cfg.IntOpt( 'older_than', help=_('Evaluate from which time remove executions in minutes. ' 'For example when older_than = 60, remove all executions ' 'that finished a 60 minutes ago or more. ' 'Minimum value is 1.') ), cfg.IntOpt( 'max_finished_executions', default=0, help=_('The maximum number of finished workflow executions ' 'to be stored. For example when max_finished_executions = 100, ' 'only the 100 latest finished executions will be preserved. ' 'This means that even unexpired executions are eligible ' 'for deletion, to decrease the number of executions in the ' 'database. The default value is 0. If it is set to 0, ' 'this constraint won\'t be applied.') ), cfg.IntOpt( 'batch_size', default=0, help=_('Size of batch of expired executions to be deleted.' 'The default value is 0. If it is set to 0, ' 'size of batch is total number of expired executions ' 'that is going to be deleted.') ), cfg.ListOpt( 'ignored_states', default=[], help='The states that the expiration policy will filter ' 'out and will not delete.' 'Valid values are, [{}]'.format(states.TERMINAL_STATES) ) ] action_heartbeat_opts = [ cfg.IntOpt( 'max_missed_heartbeats', min=0, default=15, help=_('The maximum amount of missed heartbeats to be allowed. ' 'If set to 0 then this feature is disabled. ' 'See check_interval for more details.') ), cfg.IntOpt( 'check_interval', min=0, default=20, help=_('How often (in seconds) action executions are checked. ' 'For example when check_interval is 10, check action ' 'executions every 10 seconds. When the checker runs it will ' 'transit all running action executions to error if the last ' 'heartbeat received is older than 10 * max_missed_heartbeats ' 'seconds. If set to 0 then this feature is disabled.') ), cfg.IntOpt( 'batch_size', min=0, default=10, help=_('The maximum number of action executions processed during ' 'one iteration of action execution heartbeat checker. If set ' 'to 0 then there is no limit.') ), cfg.IntOpt( 'first_heartbeat_timeout', min=0, default=3600, help=_('The first heartbeat is handled differently, to provide a ' 'grace period in case there is no available executor to handle ' 'the action execution. For example when ' 'first_heartbeat_timeout = 3600, wait 3600 seconds before ' 'closing the action executions that never received a heartbeat.' ) ) ] coordination_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt( 'backend_url', help=_('The backend URL to be used for coordination') ), cfg.FloatOpt( 'heartbeat_interval', default=5.0, help=_('Number of seconds between heartbeats for coordination.') ) ] profiler_opts = profiler.list_opts()[0][1] profiler_opts.append( cfg.StrOpt( 'profiler_log_name', default='profiler_trace', help=_('Logger name for the osprofiler trace output.') ) ) keycloak_oidc_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt( 'auth_url', help=_('Keycloak base url (e.g. https://my.keycloak:8443/auth)') ), cfg.StrOpt( 'certfile', help=_('Required if identity server requires client certificate') ), cfg.StrOpt( 'keyfile', help=_('Required if identity server requires client certificate') ), cfg.StrOpt( 'cafile', help=_('A PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying ' 'HTTPs connections. Defaults to system CAs.') ), cfg.BoolOpt( 'insecure', default=False, help=_('If True, SSL/TLS certificate verification is disabled') ), cfg.StrOpt( 'user_info_endpoint_url', default='/realms/%s/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo', help='Endpoint against which authorization will be performed' ), cfg.StrOpt( 'public_cert_url', default="/realms/%s/protocol/openid-connect/certs", help="URL to get the public key for a particular realm" ), cfg.StrOpt( 'keycloak_iss', help="Keycloak issuer(iss) url. " "Example: https://ip_add:port/auth/realms/%s" ) ] openstack_actions_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt( 'os-actions-endpoint-type', default=os.environ.get('OS_ACTIONS_ENDPOINT_TYPE', 'public'), choices=['public', 'admin', 'internal'], deprecated_group='DEFAULT', help=_('Type of endpoint in identity service catalog to use for' ' communication with OpenStack services.') ), cfg.ListOpt( 'modules-support-region', default=['nova', 'glance', 'heat', 'neutron', 'cinder', 'trove', 'ironic', 'designate', 'murano', 'tacker', 'senlin', 'aodh', 'gnocchi'], help=_('List of module names that support region in actions.') ), cfg.StrOpt( 'default_region', help=_('Default region name for openstack actions supporting region.') ), ] # note: this command line option is used only from sync_db and # mistral-db-manage os_actions_mapping_path = cfg.StrOpt( 'openstack_actions_mapping_path', short='m', metavar='MAPPING_PATH', default='actions/openstack/mapping.json', help='Path to openstack action mapping json file.' 'It could be relative to mistral package ' 'directory or absolute.' ) yaql_opts = [ cfg.IntOpt( 'limit_iterators', default=-1, min=-1, help=_('Limit iterators by the given number of elements. When set, ' 'each time any function declares its parameter to be iterator, ' 'that iterator is modified to not produce more than a given ' 'number of items. If not set (or set to -1) the result data is ' 'allowed to contain endless iterators that would cause errors ' 'if the result where to be serialized.') ), cfg.IntOpt( 'memory_quota', default=-1, min=-1, help=_('The memory usage quota (in bytes) for all data produced by ' 'the expression (or any part of it). -1 means no limitation.') ), cfg.BoolOpt( 'convert_input_data', default=True, help=_('Enables input data conversion for YAQL expressions. If set ' 'to True, YAQL will convert mutable data structures ' '(lists, dicts, sets) into their immutable versions. That ' 'will allow them to work with some constructs that require ' 'hashable types even if elements are not hashable. For ' 'example, it will be possible to put dicts into a set. ' 'Although it conflicts with the base principles of such ' 'collections (e.g. we cannot put a non-hashable type into ' 'a set just because otherwise it will not work correctly) the ' 'YAQL library itself allows this. ' 'Disabling input data conversion may give significant ' 'performance boost if the input data for an expression is ' 'large.') ), cfg.BoolOpt( 'convert_output_data', default=True, help=_('Enables output data conversion for YAQL expressions.' 'If set to False, it is possible that YAQL will generate ' 'an output that will be not JSON-serializable. For example, ' 'if an expression has ".toSet()" in the end to convert a list ' 'into a set. It does not mean though that such functions ' 'cannot be used, they can still be used in expressions but ' 'user has to keep in mind of what type a result will be, ' 'whereas if the value of ths property is True YAQL will ' 'convert the result to a JSON-compatible type.') ), cfg.BoolOpt( 'convert_tuples_to_lists', default=True, help=_('When set to True, yaql converts all tuples in the expression ' 'result to lists. It works only if "convert_output_data" is ' 'set to True.') ), cfg.BoolOpt( 'convert_sets_to_lists', default=False, help=_('When set to True, yaql converts all sets in the expression ' 'result to lists. Otherwise the produced result may contain ' 'sets that are not JSON-serializable. It works only if ' '"convert_output_data" is set to True.') ), cfg.BoolOpt( 'iterable_dicts', default=False, help=_('When set to True, dictionaries are considered to be iterable ' 'and iteration over dictionaries produces their keys (as in ' 'Python and yaql 0.2).') ), cfg.StrOpt( 'keyword_operator', default='=>', help=_('Allows one to configure keyword/mapping symbol. ' 'Ability to pass named arguments can be disabled altogether ' 'if empty string is provided.') ), cfg.BoolOpt( 'allow_delegates', default=False, help=_('Enables or disables delegate expression parsing.') ) ] CONF = cfg.CONF API_GROUP = 'api' ENGINE_GROUP = 'engine' EXECUTOR_GROUP = 'executor' SCHEDULER_GROUP = 'scheduler' CRON_TRIGGER_GROUP = 'cron_trigger' EVENT_ENGINE_GROUP = 'event_engine' NOTIFIER_GROUP = 'notifier' PECAN_GROUP = 'pecan' COORDINATION_GROUP = 'coordination' EXECUTION_EXPIRATION_POLICY_GROUP = 'execution_expiration_policy' ACTION_HEARTBEAT_GROUP = 'action_heartbeat' PROFILER_GROUP = profiler.list_opts()[0][0] KEYCLOAK_OIDC_GROUP = "keycloak_oidc" OPENSTACK_ACTIONS_GROUP = 'openstack_actions' YAQL_GROUP = "yaql" KEYSTONE_GROUP = "keystone" CONF.register_opt(wf_trace_log_name_opt) CONF.register_opt(auth_type_opt) CONF.register_opt(scheduler_type_opt) CONF.register_opt(js_impl_opt) CONF.register_opt(rpc_impl_opt) CONF.register_opt(rpc_response_timeout_opt) CONF.register_opt(oslo_rpc_executor) CONF.register_opt(expiration_token_duration) CONF.register_opts(api_opts, group=API_GROUP) CONF.register_opts(engine_opts, group=ENGINE_GROUP) CONF.register_opts(executor_opts, group=EXECUTOR_GROUP) CONF.register_opts(scheduler_opts, group=SCHEDULER_GROUP) CONF.register_opts(cron_trigger_opts, group=CRON_TRIGGER_GROUP) CONF.register_opts( execution_expiration_policy_opts, group=EXECUTION_EXPIRATION_POLICY_GROUP ) CONF.register_opts( action_heartbeat_opts, group=ACTION_HEARTBEAT_GROUP ) CONF.register_opts(event_engine_opts, group=EVENT_ENGINE_GROUP) CONF.register_opts(notifier_opts, group=NOTIFIER_GROUP) CONF.register_opts(pecan_opts, group=PECAN_GROUP) CONF.register_opts(coordination_opts, group=COORDINATION_GROUP) CONF.register_opts(profiler_opts, group=PROFILER_GROUP) CONF.register_opts(keycloak_oidc_opts, group=KEYCLOAK_OIDC_GROUP) CONF.register_opts(openstack_actions_opts, group=OPENSTACK_ACTIONS_GROUP) CONF.register_opts(yaql_opts, group=YAQL_GROUP) loading.register_session_conf_options(CONF, KEYSTONE_GROUP) CLI_OPTS = [ use_debugger_opt, launch_opt ] default_group_opts = itertools.chain( CLI_OPTS, [ wf_trace_log_name_opt, auth_type_opt, scheduler_type_opt, js_impl_opt, rpc_impl_opt, rpc_response_timeout_opt, oslo_rpc_executor, expiration_token_duration ] ) CONF.register_cli_opts(CLI_OPTS) _DEFAULT_LOG_LEVELS = [ 'eventlet.wsgi.server=WARN', 'oslo_service.periodic_task=INFO', 'oslo_service.loopingcall=INFO', 'mistral.services.periodic=INFO', 'kazoo.client=WARN', 'oslo_db=WARN' ] def list_opts(): return [ (API_GROUP, api_opts), (ENGINE_GROUP, engine_opts), (EXECUTOR_GROUP, executor_opts), (EVENT_ENGINE_GROUP, event_engine_opts), (SCHEDULER_GROUP, scheduler_opts), (CRON_TRIGGER_GROUP, cron_trigger_opts), (NOTIFIER_GROUP, notifier_opts), (PECAN_GROUP, pecan_opts), (COORDINATION_GROUP, coordination_opts), (EXECUTION_EXPIRATION_POLICY_GROUP, execution_expiration_policy_opts), (PROFILER_GROUP, profiler_opts), (KEYCLOAK_OIDC_GROUP, keycloak_oidc_opts), (OPENSTACK_ACTIONS_GROUP, openstack_actions_opts), (YAQL_GROUP, yaql_opts), (ACTION_HEARTBEAT_GROUP, action_heartbeat_opts), (None, default_group_opts) ] def parse_args(args=None, usage=None, default_config_files=None): default_log_levels = log.get_default_log_levels() default_log_levels.extend(_DEFAULT_LOG_LEVELS) log.set_defaults(default_log_levels=default_log_levels) log.register_options(CONF) CONF( args=args, project='mistral', version=version.version_string, usage=usage, default_config_files=default_config_files ) def set_config_defaults(): """This method updates all configuration default values.""" set_cors_middleware_defaults() def set_cors_middleware_defaults(): """Update default configuration options for oslo.middleware.""" cors.set_defaults( allow_headers=['X-Auth-Token', 'X-Identity-Status', 'X-Roles', 'X-Service-Catalog', 'X-User-Id', 'X-Tenant-Id', 'X-Project-Id', 'X-User-Name', 'X-Project-Name'], allow_methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'PATCH'], expose_headers=['X-Auth-Token', 'X-Subject-Token', 'X-Service-Token', 'X-Project-Id', 'X-User-Name', 'X-Project-Name'] )