# Copyright 2015 - Mirantis, Inc. # Copyright 2015 - StackStorm, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ The intention of the module is providing various DB related lookup functions for more convenient usage within the workflow engine. Some of the functions may provide caching capabilities. WARNING: Oftentimes, persistent objects returned by the methods in this module won't be attached to the current DB SQLAlchemy session because they are returned from the cache and therefore they need to be used carefully without trying to do any lazy loading etc. These objects are also not suitable for re-attaching them to a session in order to update their persistent DB state. Mostly, they are useful for doing any kind of fast lookups with in order to make some decision based on their state. """ import threading import cachetools from oslo_config import cfg from mistral.db.v2 import api as db_api from mistral.workflow import states CONF = cfg.CONF def _create_workflow_execution_cache(): return cachetools.LRUCache(maxsize=500) # This is a two-level caching structure. # First level: [ -> ] # Second level (task execution cache): [ -> ] # The first level (by workflow execution id) allows to invalidate # needed cache entry when the workflow gets completed. _TASK_EX_CACHE = cachetools.LRUCache(maxsize=100) _ACTION_DEF_CACHE = cachetools.TTLCache( maxsize=1000, ttl=CONF.engine.action_definition_cache_time # 60 seconds by default ) _TASK_EX_CACHE_LOCK = threading.RLock() _ACTION_DEF_CACHE_LOCK = threading.RLock() def find_action_definition_by_name(action_name): """Find action definition name. :param action_name: Action name. :return: Action definition (possibly a cached value). """ with _ACTION_DEF_CACHE_LOCK: action_def = _ACTION_DEF_CACHE.get(action_name) if action_def: return action_def action_def = db_api.load_action_definition(action_name) with _ACTION_DEF_CACHE_LOCK: _ACTION_DEF_CACHE[action_name] = ( action_def.get_clone() if action_def else None ) return action_def def find_task_executions_by_name(wf_ex_id, task_name): """Finds task executions by workflow execution id and task name. :param wf_ex_id: Workflow execution id. :param task_name: Task name. :return: Task executions (possibly a cached value). The returned list may contain task execution clones not bound to the DB session. """ with _TASK_EX_CACHE_LOCK: if wf_ex_id in _TASK_EX_CACHE: wf_ex_cache = _TASK_EX_CACHE[wf_ex_id] else: wf_ex_cache = _create_workflow_execution_cache() _TASK_EX_CACHE[wf_ex_id] = wf_ex_cache t_execs = wf_ex_cache.get(task_name) if t_execs: return t_execs t_execs = db_api.get_task_executions( workflow_execution_id=wf_ex_id, name=task_name, sort_keys=[] # disable sorting ) t_execs = [t_ex.get_clone() for t_ex in t_execs] # We can cache only finished tasks because they won't change. all_finished = ( t_execs and all([states.is_completed(t_ex.state) for t_ex in t_execs]) ) if all_finished: with _TASK_EX_CACHE_LOCK: wf_ex_cache[task_name] = t_execs return t_execs def find_task_executions_by_spec(wf_ex_id, task_spec): return find_task_executions_by_name(wf_ex_id, task_spec.get_name()) def find_task_executions_by_specs(wf_ex_id, task_specs): res = [] for t_s in task_specs: res = res + find_task_executions_by_spec(wf_ex_id, t_s) return res def find_task_executions_with_state(wf_ex_id, state): return db_api.get_task_executions( workflow_execution_id=wf_ex_id, state=state ) def find_successful_task_executions(wf_ex_id): return find_task_executions_with_state(wf_ex_id, states.SUCCESS) def find_error_task_executions(wf_ex_id): return find_task_executions_with_state(wf_ex_id, states.ERROR) def find_cancelled_task_executions(wf_ex_id): return find_task_executions_with_state(wf_ex_id, states.CANCELLED) def find_completed_task_executions(wf_ex_id): return db_api.get_completed_task_executions(workflow_execution_id=wf_ex_id) def find_completed_task_executions_as_batches(**kwargs): return db_api.get_completed_task_executions_as_batches(**kwargs) def find_task_executions_count(**kwargs): return db_api.get_task_executions_count(**kwargs) def get_task_execution_cache_size(): return len(_TASK_EX_CACHE) def get_action_definition_cache_size(): return len(_ACTION_DEF_CACHE) def invalidate_cached_task_executions(wf_ex_id): with _TASK_EX_CACHE_LOCK: if wf_ex_id in _TASK_EX_CACHE: del _TASK_EX_CACHE[wf_ex_id] def clear_caches(): with _TASK_EX_CACHE_LOCK: _TASK_EX_CACHE.clear() with _ACTION_DEF_CACHE_LOCK: _ACTION_DEF_CACHE.clear()