Renat Akhmerov 35db34c257 Remove 'sphinxcontrib.autohttp.flask' from sphinx config
* After updating Sphinx to 1.6.2 Sphinx this extension got broken
  and our Mistral "doc" CI job too
* We don't use Flask in the project anyway

Change-Id: I051ec26e155344684b69bad6a50f2162febbc928
2017-06-02 13:32:52 +07:00
2016-07-14 19:24:08 +01:00

Sphinx DOC hints

Migrating from OpenStack Wiki

  • Install pandoc

  • Copy wiki code into a file, e.g.

  • Convert to .rst

    pandoc --from=mediawiki --to=rst --output=doc/source/dsl/dsl_v1.rst doc/source/dsl/

  • To make code samples fancy:

    TODO: figure how to make YAML samples look nicer with code:: directive

Using autodoc with and wsmeext.sphinxext plugins

TODO: why REST URL is not generated with parameters?

Running sphinx-autobuild

auto-loader - rules for convenient development install, and run:

sphinx-autobuild doc/source doc/build