The AUTHORS file is regenerated by pbr automatically. There are a few duplicate names in the git log history which caused the file to end up with duplicates. Additionaly some person haven't configured their git client to use First Name / Last Name. Introduce /.mailmap which pbr reads to alias or combine emails, see for example: https://github.com/openstack-dev/pbr/blob/master/.mailmap When combining email addresses I took the one that had the most commit: 2 Author: Lakshmi Kannan <lakshmi@stackstorm.com> 1 Author: Lakshmi Kannan <lakshmi+github@lakshmikannan.me> 21 Author: Winson Chan <wcchan@stackstorm.com> 9 Author: Winson Chan <m4d.coder@gmail.com> 4 Author: W Chan <wcchan@stackstorm.com> The previous four last entries have been moved to match alphabetical ordering. Add myself since this patch is part of the repository. Change-Id: I46b1e0e97bab87664a1c7a188898e52512b2fdf0
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832 B
20 lines
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# Format is:
# <preferred e-mail> <other e-mail 1>
# <preferred e-mail> <other e-mail 2>
Bryan Havenstein <bryan.havenstein@ericsson.com>
David Charles Kennedy <dkennedy@hp.com>
Dmitri Zimine <dz@stackstorm.com>
Lakshmi Kannan <lakshmi@stackstorm.com> <lakshmi+github@lakshmikannan.me>
Lingxian Kong <konglingxian@huawei.com>
Lingxian Kong <konglingxian@huawei.com> <anlin.kong@gmail.com>
Liu Sheng <liusheng@huawei.com>
Manas Kelshikar <manas@stackstorm.com>
Noa Koffman <noa.koffman@alcatel-lucent.com>
Renat Akhmerov <rakhmerov@mirantis.com>
Rico Lin <rico.lin.guanyu@gmail.com>
Timur Nurlygayanov <tnurlygayanov@mirantis.com>
Venkata Mahesh Kotha <venkatamaheshkotha@gmail.com>
Winson Chan <wcchan@stackstorm.com> <m4d.coder@gmail.com>
Winson Chan <wcchan@stackstorm.com> <wcchan@stackstorm.com>
Zhu Rong <zhu.rong@99cloud.net>