
204 lines
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# Copyright 2013 - Mirantis, Inc.
# Copyright 2015 - StackStorm, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
from pecan import rest
from wsme import types as wtypes
import wsmeext.pecan as wsme_pecan
from mistral.api.controllers import resource
from mistral.api.controllers.v2 import task
from mistral.db.v2 import api as db_api
from mistral.engine1 import rpc
from mistral import exceptions as exc
from mistral.openstack.common import log as logging
from mistral.utils import rest_utils
from mistral.workflow import states
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# TODO(rakhmerov): Make sure to make all needed renaming on public API.
class Execution(resource.Resource):
"""Execution resource."""
id = wtypes.text
"id is immutable and auto assigned."
workflow_name = wtypes.text
"reference to workflow definition"
params = wtypes.text
"params define workflow type specific parameters. For example, reverse \
workflow takes one parameter 'task_name' that defines a target task."
state = wtypes.text
"state can be one of: RUNNING, SUCCESS, ERROR, PAUSED"
state_info = wtypes.text
"an optional state information string"
input = wtypes.text
"input is a JSON structure containing workflow input values."
output = wtypes.text
"output is a workflow output."
created_at = wtypes.text
updated_at = wtypes.text
# Context is a JSON object but since WSME doesn't support arbitrary
# dictionaries we have to use text type convert to json and back manually.
def to_dict(self):
d = super(Execution, self).to_dict()
if d.get('input'):
d['input'] = json.loads(d['input'])
if d.get('output'):
d['output'] = json.loads(d['output'])
if d.get('params'):
d['params'] = json.loads(d['params'])
return d
def from_dict(cls, d):
e = cls()
for key, val in d.items():
if hasattr(e, key):
# Nonetype check for dictionary must be explicit
if key in ['input', 'output', 'params'] and val is not None:
val = json.dumps(val)
setattr(e, key, val)
return e
def sample(cls):
return cls(id='123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000',
params='{"env": {"k1": "abc", "k2": 123}}',
class Executions(resource.Resource):
"""A collection of Execution resources."""
executions = [Execution]
def sample(cls):
return cls(executions=[Execution.sample()])
class ExecutionsController(rest.RestController):
tasks = task.ExecutionTasksController()
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(Execution, wtypes.text)
def get(self, id):
"""Return the specified Execution."""
LOG.info("Fetch execution [id=%s]" % id)
return Execution.from_dict(db_api.get_workflow_execution(id).to_dict())
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(Execution, wtypes.text, body=Execution)
def put(self, id, execution):
"""Update the specified Execution.
:param id: execution ID.
:param execution: Execution objects
LOG.info("Update execution [id=%s, execution=%s]" %
(id, execution))
# Currently we can change only state.
if not execution.state:
raise exc.DataAccessException(
"Only state of execution can change. "
"Missing 'state' property."
new_state = execution.state
msg = execution.state_info
if new_state == states.PAUSED:
wf_ex = rpc.get_engine_client().pause_workflow(id)
elif new_state == states.RUNNING:
wf_ex = rpc.get_engine_client().resume_workflow(id)
elif new_state in [states.SUCCESS, states.ERROR]:
wf_ex = rpc.get_engine_client().stop_workflow(id, new_state, msg)
# To prevent changing state in other cases throw a message.
raise exc.DataAccessException(
"Can not change state to %s. Allowed states are: '%s" %
(new_state, ", ".join([states.RUNNING, states.PAUSED,
states.SUCCESS, states.ERROR]))
return Execution.from_dict(
wf_ex if isinstance(wf_ex, dict) else wf_ex.to_dict()
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(Execution, body=Execution, status_code=201)
def post(self, execution):
"""Create a new Execution.
:param execution: Execution object with input content.
LOG.info("Create execution [execution=%s]" % execution)
engine = rpc.get_engine_client()
exec_dict = execution.to_dict()
result = engine.start_workflow(
**exec_dict.get('params') or {}
return Execution.from_dict(result)
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(None, wtypes.text, status_code=204)
def delete(self, id):
"""Delete the specified Execution."""
LOG.info("Delete execution [id=%s]" % id)
return db_api.delete_workflow_execution(id)
def get_all(self):
"""Return all Executions."""
LOG.info("Fetch executions")
wf_executions = [
for db_model in db_api.get_workflow_executions()
return Executions(executions=wf_executions)