The current behavior of 'genconfig' is writing file 'mistral.conf.sample' directly to the '/etc/mistral' directory. This has two problems: the /etc/mistral directory may and may not exist; we are supposed to write a usable configuration file into the '/etc/mistral' directory instead of a sample file. This patch redirects the output path to the local 'etc' subdirectory. Developers/users can then tune and install the configuration file based on the sample. Change-Id: I0c75ab9ffc9960ba12ce6f5d725c0c7bb78ef238
Sphinx DOC hints
Migrating from OpenStack Wiki
Install pandoc
Copy wiki code into a file, e.g.
Convert to .rst
pandoc --from=mediawiki --to=rst --output=doc/source/dsl/dsl_v1.rst doc/source/dsl/source.mw
To make code samples fancy:
TODO: figure how to make YAML samples look nicer with
Using autodoc with sphinxcontrib.pecanwsme.rest and wsmeext.sphinxext plugins
TODO: why REST URL is not generated with parameters?
Running sphinx-autobuild
auto-loader - rules for convenient development https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sphinx-autobuild/0.2.3. install, and run:
sphinx-autobuild doc/source doc/build