Rework Vertica plugin

Adding the metrics to monitor resource pools, resources
and projections per a node.

Metrics for Vertica are now:


Change-Id: I6e30d524ca77f900f231b9a626bfa853e31dbeb1
This commit is contained in:
Michael James Hoppal 2016-06-06 09:31:14 -06:00
parent f98e87a81e
commit 8b4ed96fa7
5 changed files with 172 additions and 90 deletions

View File

@ -6,5 +6,6 @@ instances:
# - name: localhost
# user: username
# password: my_password
# node_name: v_mon_node0001
# service: monasca # Optional
# timeout: 3 # Optional (secs)

View File

@ -1432,7 +1432,20 @@ instances:
| Metric Name | Dimensions | Semantics |
| ----------- | ---------- | --------- |
| vertica.db.connection_status | hostname, service=vertica | Value of DB connection status (0=Healthy).
| vertica.connection_status | hostname, node_name, service=vertica | Value of DB connection status (0=Healthy). |
| vertica.node_status | hostname, node_name, service=vertica| Status of node connection (0=UP). |
| vertica.projection.ros_count | hostname, node_name, projection_name, service=vertica| The number of ROS containers in the projection. |
| vertica.projection.tuple_mover_mergeouts | hostname, node_name, projection_name, service=vertica | Number of current tuple mover mergeouts on this projection. |
| vertica.projection.tuple_mover_moveouts | hostname, node_name, projection_name, service=vertica | Number of current tuple mover moveout on this projection. |
| vertica.projection.wos_used_bytes | hostname, node_name, projection_name, service=vertica | The number of WOS bytes in the projection.). |
| vertica.resource.disk_space_rejections | hostname, node_name, service=vertica | The number of rejected disk write requests. |
| vertica.resource.pool.memory_inuse_kb | hostname, node_name, resource_pool, service=vertica | Amount of memory, in kilobytes, acquired by requests running against this pool. |
| vertica.resource.pool.memory_size_actual_kb | hostname, node_name, resource_pool, service=vertica | Current amount of memory, in kilobytes, allocated to the pool by the resource manager. |
| vertica.resource.pool.rejection_count | hostname, node_name, resource_pool, service=vertica | Number of resource rejections for this pool |
| vertica.resource.pool.running_query_count | hostname, node_name, resource_pool, service=vertica | Number of queries actually running using this pool. |
| vertica.resource.request_queue_depth | hostname, node_name, service=vertica | The cumulative number of requests for threads, file handles, and memory. |
| vertica.resource.resource_rejections | hostname, node_name, service=vertica | The number of rejected plan requests. |
| vertica.resource.wos_used_bytes | hostname, node_name, service=vertica | The size of the WOS in bytes. |
## Win32 Event Log

View File

@ -3,7 +3,40 @@
import monasca_agent.collector.checks as checks
from monasca_agent.common.util import timeout_command
VSQL_PATH = '/opt/vertica/bin/vsql'
"WHERE node_name = '{0}';"
RESOURCE_METRICS_QUERY = "SELECT COALESCE(request_queue_depth, 0) request_queue_depth, " \
"wos_used_bytes, " \
"COALESCE(resource_request_reject_count, 0) resource_rejections, " \
"COALESCE(disk_space_request_reject_count, 0) disk_space_rejections " \
"FROM resource_usage " \
"WHERE node_name = '{0}';"
PROJECTION_METRICS_QUERY = "SELECT projection_name, wos_used_bytes, ros_count, " \
"COALESCE(tuple_mover_moveouts, 0) tuple_mover_moveouts, " \
"COALESCE(tuple_mover_mergeouts, 0) tuple_mover_mergeouts " \
"FROM projection_storage " \
"LEFT JOIN (SELECT projection_id, " \
"SUM(case when operation_name = 'Moveout' then 1 else 0 end) tuple_mover_moveouts, " \
"SUM(case when operation_name = 'Mergeout' then 1 else 0 end) tuple_mover_mergeouts " \
"FROM tuple_mover_operations " \
"WHERE node_name = '{0}' and is_executing = 't' " \
"GROUP BY projection_id) tm " \
"ON projection_storage.projection_id = tm.projection_id " \
"WHERE node_name = '{0}';"
RESOURCE_POOL_METRICS_QUERY = "SELECT pool_name, memory_size_actual_kb, memory_inuse_kb, running_query_count, " \
"COALESCE(rejection_count, 0) rejection_count " \
"FROM resource_pool_status " \
"SELECT pool_id, COUNT(*) rejection_count " \
"FROM resource_rejections " \
"WHERE node_name = '{0}' " \
"GROUP BY pool_id) rj " \
"ON resource_pool_status.POOL_OID = rj.POOL_ID " \
"WHERE node_name = '{0}'"
class Vertica(checks.AgentCheck):
@ -13,26 +46,98 @@ class Vertica(checks.AgentCheck):
def _get_config(instance):
user = instance.get('user', 'mon_api')
password = instance.get('password', 'password')
service = instance.get('service', '')
timeout = int(instance.get('timeout', 3))
user = instance.get('user')
password = instance.get('password')
service = instance.get('service')
node_name = instance.get('node_name')
timeout = int(instance.get('timeout'))
return user, password, service, timeout
return user, password, service, node_name, timeout
def check(self, instance):
user, password, service, timeout = self._get_config(instance)
user, password, service, node_name, timeout = self._get_config(instance)
dimensions = self._set_dimensions({'component': 'vertica', 'service': service}, instance)
query = self._build_query(node_name)
value = self._connect_health(user, password, timeout)
self.gauge('vertica.db.connection_status', value, dimensions=dimensions)
results, connection_status = self._query_database(user, password, timeout, query)
def _connect_health(self, user, password, timeout):
output = timeout_command(
[VSQL_PATH, "-U", user, "-w", password, "-c", "select version();"], timeout)
if (output is not None) and ('Vertica Analytic Database' in output):
# healthy
return 0
if connection_status != 0:
self.gauge('vertica.db.connection_status', 1, dimensions=dimensions)
return 1
results = results.split('\n')
self._report_node_status(results[0], dimensions)
self._report_resource_metrics(results[1], dimensions)
self._report_projection_metrics(results[2], dimensions)
self._report_resource_pool_metrics(results[3], dimensions)
def _query_database(self, user, password, timeout, query):
stdout, stderr, return_code = timeout_command(["/opt/vertica/bin/vsql", "-U", user, "-w", password, "-A", "-R",
"|", "-t", "-F", ",", "-x"], timeout, command_input=query)
if return_code == 0:
# remove trailing newline
stdout = stdout.rstrip()
return stdout, 0
self.log.error("Error querying vertica with return code of {0} and error {1}".format(return_code, stderr))
return stderr, 1
def _build_query(self, node_name):
query = ''
query += NODE_METRICS_QUERY.format(node_name)
query += RESOURCE_METRICS_QUERY.format(node_name)
query += PROJECTION_METRICS_QUERY.format(node_name)
query += RESOURCE_POOL_METRICS_QUERY.format(node_name)
return query
def _results_to_dict(self, results):
return [dict(entry.split(',') for entry in dictionary.split('|')) for dictionary in results.split('||')]
def _report_node_status(self, results, dimensions):
result = self._results_to_dict(results)
node_status = result[0]['node_state']
status_metric = 0 if node_status == 'UP' else 1
self.gauge('vertica.node_status', status_metric, dimensions=dimensions, value_meta=result[0])
self.gauge('vertica.connection_status', 0, dimensions=dimensions)
def _report_projection_metrics(self, results, dimensions):
results = self._results_to_dict(results)
projection_metric_name = 'vertica.projection.'
for result in results:
projection_dimensions = dimensions.copy()
projection_dimensions['projection_name'] = result['projection_name']
self.gauge(projection_metric_name + 'wos_used_bytes', int(result['wos_used_bytes']),
self.gauge(projection_metric_name + 'ros_count', int(result['ros_count']), dimensions=projection_dimensions)
self.rate(projection_metric_name + 'tuple_mover_moveouts', int(result['tuple_mover_moveouts']),
self.rate(projection_metric_name + 'tuple_mover_mergeouts', int(result['tuple_mover_mergeouts']),
def _report_resource_metrics(self, results, dimensions):
results = self._results_to_dict(results)
resource_metric_name = 'vertica.resource.'
resource_metrics = results[0]
for metric_name, metric_value in resource_metrics.iteritems():
if metric_name in ['resource_rejections', 'disk_space_rejections']:
self.rate(resource_metric_name + metric_name, int(metric_value), dimensions=dimensions)
self.gauge(resource_metric_name + metric_name, int(metric_value), dimensions=dimensions)
def _report_resource_pool_metrics(self, results, dimensions):
results = self._results_to_dict(results)
resource_pool_metric_name = 'vertica.resource.pool.'
for result in results:
resource_pool_dimensions = dimensions.copy()
resource_pool_dimensions['resource_pool'] = result['pool_name']
self.gauge(resource_pool_metric_name + 'memory_size_actual_kb', int(result['memory_size_actual_kb']),
self.gauge(resource_pool_metric_name + 'memory_inuse_kb', int(result['memory_inuse_kb']),
self.gauge(resource_pool_metric_name + 'running_query_count', int(result['running_query_count']),
self.rate(resource_pool_metric_name + 'rejection_count', int(result['rejection_count']),

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
# (C) Copyright 2015-2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP
import datetime
import glob
import hashlib
import imp
@ -11,11 +10,11 @@ import optparse
import os
import platform
import re
import signal
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import threading
import time
import traceback
import uuid
@ -294,19 +293,18 @@ def get_uuid():
return uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, platform.node() + str(uuid.getnode())).hex
def timeout_command(command, timeout):
# call shell-command with timeout (in seconds).
def timeout_command(command, timeout, command_input=None):
# call shell-command with timeout (in seconds) and stdinput for the command (optional)
# returns None if timeout or the command output.
start =
process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
while process.poll() is None:
now =
if (now - start).seconds > timeout:
os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL)
os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG)
return None
process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
command_timer = threading.Timer(timeout, process.kill)
stdout, stderr = process.communicate(input=command_input.encode() if command_input else None)
return_code = process.returncode
return stdout, stderr, return_code
def get_os():

View File

@ -10,30 +10,22 @@ from monasca_setup.detection.utils import watch_process_by_username
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
VERTICA_CONF = '/root/.vertica.cnf'
VSQL_PATH = '/opt/vertica/bin/vsql'
SERVICE = 'vertica'
USER = 'monitor'
USER_PASSWORD = 'password'
class Vertica(monasca_setup.detection.Plugin):
"""Detect Vertica process running and DB connection status
This plugin needs the Vertica username, password.
The other arguments are optional.
There are two ways to provide this, either by a file placed in
/root/.vertica.cnf or by passing the following arguments:
- user
- password
- service (optional)
- timeout (optional - timeout for connection attempt in seconds)
/root/.vertica.cnf in a format such as
user = user1
password = yourpassword
service = monitoring
timeout = 3
This plugin has the following options (each optional) that you can pass in via command line:
- user (optional - user to connect with) - Defaults to monitor user
- password (optional - password to use when connecting) - Defaults to password
- service (optional - dimensions service to be set for the metrics coming out of the plugin)
- timeout (optional - timeout for vertica connection in seconds) - Defaults to 3 second
def _detect(self):
@ -50,58 +42,33 @@ class Vertica(monasca_setup.detection.Plugin):
# Set defaults and read config or use arguments
if self.args is None:
self.user = 'mon_api'
self.password = 'password'
self.user = USER
self.password = USER_PASSWORD
self.service = VERTICA_SERVICE
self.user = self.args.get('user', 'mon_api')
self.password = self.args.get('password', 'password')
self.user = self.args.get('user', USER)
self.password = self.args.get('password', USER_PASSWORD)
self.service = self.args.get('service', VERTICA_SERVICE)
self.timeout = self.args.get('timeout', CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)
self.timeout = int(self.args.get('timeout', CONNECTION_TIMEOUT))
def _connection_test(self):
"""Attempt to connect to Vertica DB to verify credentials.
:return: bool status of the test
""""\tVertica connection test.")
output = timeout_command(
[VSQL_PATH, "-U", self.user, "-w", self.password, "-c", "select version();"], self.timeout)
if (output is not None) and ('Vertica Analytic Database' in output):
stdout, stderr, return_code = timeout_command(
["/opt/vertica/bin/vsql", "-U", self.user, "-w", self.password, "-t", "-A", "-c",
"SELECT node_name FROM current_session"], self.timeout)
# remove trailing newline
stdout = stdout.rstrip()
if return_code == 0:
self.node_name = stdout
return True
log.error("Error querying vertica with return code of {0} and the error {1}".format(return_code, stderr))
return False
def _read_config(self, config_file):
"""Read the configuration setting member variables as appropriate.
:param config_file: The filename of the configuration to read and parse
# Read the Vertica config file to extract the needed variables.
client_section = False
with open(config_file, "r") as conf:
for row in conf:
if "[client]" in row:
client_section = True"\tUsing client credentials from {:s}".format(config_file))
if client_section:
if "user" in row:
self.user = row.split("=")[1].strip()
if "password" in row:
self.password = row.split("=")[1].strip()
if "vsql_path" in row:
self.vsql_path = row.split("=")[1].strip()
if "service" in row:
self.service = row.split("=")[1].strip()
if "timeout" in row:
self.timeout = int(row.split("=")[1].strip())
except IOError:
log.warn('Unable to open Vertica config file {0}. '
'Using default credentials to try to connect.'.format(VERTICA_CONF))
def build_config(self):
"""Build the config as a Plugins object and return.
@ -117,6 +84,7 @@ class Vertica(monasca_setup.detection.Plugin):
'user': self.user,
'password': self.password,
'service': self.service,
'node_name': self.node_name,
'timeout': self.timeout}
config['vertica'] = {'init_config': None, 'instances': [instance_config]}
@ -125,12 +93,9 @@ class Vertica(monasca_setup.detection.Plugin):
'Please correct and re-run monasca-setup.'
raise Exception(exception_msg)
except Exception:
exception_msg = 'Error configuring the Vertica check plugin'
except Exception as e:
exception_msg = 'Error configuring the Vertica check plugin - {0}'.format(e)
raise Exception(exception_msg)
return config
def dependencies_installed(self):
return True