# (C) Copyright 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP instances: # - host: localhost # port: 7199 # user: username # password: password # name: tomcat_instance # #java_bin_path: /path/to/java #Optional, should be set if the agent cannot find your java executable # #trust_store_path: /path/to/trustStore.jks # Optional, should be set if ssl is enabled # #trust_store_password: password # dimensions: # env: stage # newTag: test # List of metrics to be collected by the integration # Read http://docs.datadoghq.com/integrations/java/ to learn how to customize it init_config: conf: - include: type: ThreadPool attribute: maxThreads: alias: tomcat.threads.max metric_type: gauge currentThreadCount: alias: tomcat.threads.count metric_type: gauge currentThreadsBusy: alias: tomcat.threads.busy metric_type: gauge - include: type: GlobalRequestProcessor attribute: bytesSent: alias: tomcat.bytes_sent metric_type: counter bytesReceived: alias: tomcat.bytes_rcvd metric_type: counter errorCount: alias: tomcat.error_count metric_type: counter requestCount: alias: tomcat.request_count metric_type: counter maxTime: alias: tomcat.max_time metric_type: gauge processingTime: alias: tomcat.processing_time metric_type: counter - include: j2eeType: Servlet attribute: processingTime: alias: tomcat.servlet.processing_time metric_type: counter errorCount: alias: tomcat.servlet.error_count metric_type: counter requestCount: alias: tomcat.servlet.request_count metric_type: counter - include: type: Cache accessCount: alias: tomcat.cache.access_count metric_type: counter hitsCounts: alias: tomcat.cache.hits_count metric_type: counter - include: type: JspMonitor jspCount: alias: tomcat.jsp.count metric_type: counter jspReloadCount: alias: tomcat.jsp.reload_count metric_type: counter