import ConfigParser import os import itertools import logging import logging.config import logging.handlers import platform import string import subprocess import sys import glob import inspect import traceback import re import imp from optparse import OptionParser, Values from cStringIO import StringIO import yaml try: from yaml import CLoader as Loader except ImportError: from yaml import Loader # project from util import get_os, Platform from jmxfetch import JMXFetch, JMX_COLLECT_COMMAND # CONSTANTS AGENT_CONF = "agent.conf" DEFAULT_CHECK_FREQUENCY = 15 # seconds DEFAULT_STATSD_FREQUENCY = 2 # seconds DEFAULT_STATSD_BUCKET_SIZE = 10 # seconds LOGGING_MAX_BYTES = 5 * 1024 * 1024 log = logging.getLogger(__name__) windows_file_handler_added = False class PathNotFound(Exception): pass def get_parsed_args(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-c', '--clean', action='store_true', default=False, dest='clean') parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, dest='verbose', help='Print out stacktraces for errors in checks') try: options, args = parser.parse_args() except SystemExit: # Ignore parse errors options, args = Values({'clean': False}), [] return options, args def get_version(): return "4.3.0" def skip_leading_wsp(f): "Works on a file, returns a file-like object" return StringIO("\n".join(map(string.strip, f.readlines()))) def _windows_commondata_path(): """Return the common appdata path, using ctypes From\ how-do-i-find-the-windows-common-application-data-folder-using-python """ import ctypes from ctypes import wintypes, windll CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA = 35 _SHGetFolderPath = windll.shell32.SHGetFolderPathW _SHGetFolderPath.argtypes = [wintypes.HWND, ctypes.c_int, wintypes.HANDLE, wintypes.DWORD, wintypes.LPCWSTR] path_buf = wintypes.create_unicode_buffer(wintypes.MAX_PATH) result = _SHGetFolderPath(0, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA, 0, 0, path_buf) return path_buf.value def _windows_config_path(): common_data = _windows_commondata_path() path = os.path.join(common_data, 'Datadog', AGENT_CONF) if os.path.exists(path): return path raise PathNotFound(path) def _windows_confd_path(): common_data = _windows_commondata_path() path = os.path.join(common_data, 'Datadog', 'conf.d') if os.path.exists(path): return path raise PathNotFound(path) def _windows_checksd_path(): if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): # we're frozen - from py2exe prog_path = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) checksd_path = os.path.join(prog_path, '..', 'checks.d') else: cur_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) checksd_path = os.path.join(cur_path, 'checks.d') if os.path.exists(checksd_path): return checksd_path raise PathNotFound(checksd_path) def _unix_config_path(): path = os.path.join('/etc/mon-agent', AGENT_CONF) if os.path.exists(path): return path elif os.path.exists('./%s' % AGENT_CONF): return './%s' % AGENT_CONF raise PathNotFound(path) def _unix_confd_path(): path = os.path.join('/etc/mon-agent', 'conf.d') if os.path.exists(path): return path raise PathNotFound(path) def _unix_checksd_path(): # Unix only will look up based on the current directory # because checks.d will hang with the other python modules cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) checksd_path = os.path.join(cur_path, 'checks.d') if os.path.exists(checksd_path): return checksd_path raise PathNotFound(checksd_path) def _is_affirmative(s): return s.lower() in ('yes', 'true', '1') def get_config_path(cfg_path=None, os_name=None): # Check if there's an override and if it exists if cfg_path is not None and os.path.exists(cfg_path): return cfg_path if os_name is None: os_name = get_os() # Check for an OS-specific path, continue on not-found exceptions bad_path = '' if os_name == 'windows': try: return _windows_config_path() except PathNotFound, e: if len(e.args) > 0: bad_path = e.args[0] else: try: return _unix_config_path() except PathNotFound, e: if len(e.args) > 0: bad_path = e.args[0] # Check if there's a config stored in the current agent directory path = os.path.realpath(__file__) path = os.path.dirname(path) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, AGENT_CONF)): return os.path.join(path, AGENT_CONF) # If all searches fail, exit the agent with an error sys.stderr.write("Please supply a configuration file at %s or in the directory where the Agent is currently deployed.\n" % bad_path) sys.exit(3) def get_config(parse_args=True, cfg_path=None, options=None): if parse_args: options, _ = get_parsed_args() # General config agentConfig = { 'check_freq': DEFAULT_CHECK_FREQUENCY, 'dogstatsd_interval': DEFAULT_STATSD_FREQUENCY, 'dogstatsd_agregator_bucket_size': DEFAULT_STATSD_BUCKET_SIZE, 'dogstatsd_normalize': 'yes', 'dogstatsd_port': 8125, 'forwarder_url': 'http://localhost:17123', 'hostname': None, 'listen_port': None, 'tags': None, 'version': get_version(), 'watchdog': True, 'additional_checksd': '/etc/mon-agent/checks.d/', } dogstatsd_interval = DEFAULT_STATSD_FREQUENCY dogstatsd_agregator_bucket_size = DEFAULT_STATSD_BUCKET_SIZE # Config handling try: # Find the right config file path = os.path.realpath(__file__) path = os.path.dirname(path) config_path = get_config_path(cfg_path, os_name=get_os()) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.readfp(skip_leading_wsp(open(config_path))) # bulk import for option in config.options('Main'): agentConfig[option] = config.get('Main', option) # # Core config # # FIXME unnecessarily complex # Extra checks.d path # the linux directory is set by default if config.has_option('Main', 'additional_checksd'): agentConfig['additional_checksd'] = config.get('Main', 'additional_checksd') elif get_os() == 'windows': # default windows location common_path = _windows_commondata_path() agentConfig['additional_checksd'] = os.path.join(common_path, 'Datadog', 'checks.d') # Concerns only Windows if config.has_option('Main', 'use_web_info_page'): agentConfig['use_web_info_page'] = config.get('Main', 'use_web_info_page').lower() in ("yes", "true") else: agentConfig['use_web_info_page'] = True # local traffic only? Default to no agentConfig['non_local_traffic'] = False if config.has_option('Main', 'non_local_traffic'): agentConfig['non_local_traffic'] = config.get('Main', 'non_local_traffic').lower() in ("yes", "true") if config.has_option('Main', 'check_freq'): try: agentConfig['check_freq'] = int(config.get('Main', 'check_freq')) except Exception: pass # Disable Watchdog (optionally) if config.has_option('Main', 'watchdog'): if config.get('Main', 'watchdog').lower() in ('no', 'false'): agentConfig['watchdog'] = False # Dogstatsd config dogstatsd_defaults = { 'dogstatsd_port': 8125, 'dogstatsd_interval': dogstatsd_interval, 'dogstatsd_agregator_bucket_size': dogstatsd_agregator_bucket_size, 'dogstatsd_normalize': 'yes', } for key, value in dogstatsd_defaults.iteritems(): if config.has_option('Main', key): agentConfig[key] = config.get('Main', key) else: agentConfig[key] = value #Forwarding to external statsd server if config.has_option('Main', 'statsd_forward_host'): agentConfig['statsd_forward_host'] = config.get('Main', 'statsd_forward_host') if config.has_option('Main', 'statsd_forward_port'): agentConfig['statsd_forward_port'] = int(config.get('Main', 'statsd_forward_port')) # normalize 'yes'/'no' to boolean dogstatsd_defaults['dogstatsd_normalize'] = _is_affirmative(dogstatsd_defaults['dogstatsd_normalize']) # Optional config # FIXME not the prettiest code ever... if config.has_option('Main', 'use_mount'): agentConfig['use_mount'] = _is_affirmative(config.get('Main', 'use_mount')) if config.has_option('Main', 'autorestart'): agentConfig['autorestart'] = _is_affirmative(config.get('Main', 'autorestart')) try: filter_device_re = config.get('Main', 'device_blacklist_re') agentConfig['device_blacklist_re'] = re.compile(filter_device_re) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: pass if config.has_option('datadog', 'ddforwarder_log'): agentConfig['has_datadog'] = True # Dogstream config if config.has_option("Main", "dogstream_log"): # Older version, single log support log_path = config.get("Main", "dogstream_log") if config.has_option("Main", "dogstream_line_parser"): agentConfig["dogstreams"] = ':'.join([log_path, config.get("Main", "dogstream_line_parser")]) else: agentConfig["dogstreams"] = log_path elif config.has_option("Main", "dogstreams"): agentConfig["dogstreams"] = config.get("Main", "dogstreams") if config.has_option("Main", "nagios_perf_cfg"): agentConfig["nagios_perf_cfg"] = config.get("Main", "nagios_perf_cfg") if config.has_section('WMI'): agentConfig['WMI'] = {} for key, value in config.items('WMI'): agentConfig['WMI'][key] = value if config.has_option("Main", "limit_memory_consumption") and \ config.get("Main", "limit_memory_consumption") is not None: agentConfig["limit_memory_consumption"] = int(config.get("Main", "limit_memory_consumption")) else: agentConfig["limit_memory_consumption"] = None if config.has_option("Main", "skip_ssl_validation"): agentConfig["skip_ssl_validation"] = _is_affirmative(config.get("Main", "skip_ssl_validation")) agentConfig['Api'] = get_mon_api_config(config) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError, e: sys.stderr.write('Config file not found or incorrectly formatted.\n') sys.exit(2) except ConfigParser.ParsingError, e: sys.stderr.write('Config file not found or incorrectly formatted.\n') sys.exit(2) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, e: sys.stderr.write('There are some items missing from your config file, but nothing fatal [%s]' % e) # Storing proxy settings in the agentConfig agentConfig['proxy_settings'] = get_proxy(agentConfig) return agentConfig def get_system_stats(): systemStats = { 'machine': platform.machine(), 'platform': sys.platform, 'processor': platform.processor(), 'pythonV': platform.python_version(), } platf = sys.platform if Platform.is_linux(platf): grep = subprocess.Popen(['grep', 'model name', '/proc/cpuinfo'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) wc = subprocess.Popen(['wc', '-l'], stdin=grep.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) systemStats['cpuCores'] = int(wc.communicate()[0]) if Platform.is_darwin(platf): systemStats['cpuCores'] = int(subprocess.Popen(['sysctl', 'hw.ncpu'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True).communicate()[0].split(': ')[1]) if Platform.is_freebsd(platf): systemStats['cpuCores'] = int(subprocess.Popen(['sysctl', 'hw.ncpu'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True).communicate()[0].split(': ')[1]) if Platform.is_linux(platf): systemStats['nixV'] = platform.dist() elif Platform.is_darwin(platf): systemStats['macV'] = platform.mac_ver() elif Platform.is_freebsd(platf): version = platform.uname()[2] systemStats['fbsdV'] = ('freebsd', version, '') # no codename for FreeBSD elif Platform.is_win32(platf): systemStats['winV'] = platform.win32_ver() return systemStats def set_win32_cert_path(): """In order to use tornado.httpclient with the packaged .exe on Windows we need to override the default ceritifcate location which is based on the path to tornado and will give something like "C:\path\to\program.exe\tornado/cert-file". If pull request #379 is accepted ( we will be able to override this in a clean way. For now, we have to monkey patch tornado.httpclient._DEFAULT_CA_CERTS """ if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): # we're frozen - from py2exe prog_path = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) crt_path = os.path.join(prog_path, 'ca-certificates.crt') else: cur_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) crt_path = os.path.join(cur_path, 'packaging', 'mon-agent', 'win32', 'install_files', 'ca-certificates.crt') import tornado.simple_httpclient"Windows certificate path: %s" % crt_path) tornado.simple_httpclient._DEFAULT_CA_CERTS = crt_path def get_proxy(agentConfig, use_system_settings=False): proxy_settings = {} # First we read the proxy configuration from datadog.conf proxy_host = agentConfig.get('proxy_host', None) if proxy_host is not None and not use_system_settings: proxy_settings['host'] = proxy_host try: proxy_settings['port'] = int(agentConfig.get('proxy_port', 3128)) except ValueError: log.error('Proxy port must be an Integer. Defaulting it to 3128') proxy_settings['port'] = 3128 proxy_settings['user'] = agentConfig.get('proxy_user', None) proxy_settings['password'] = agentConfig.get('proxy_password', None) proxy_settings['system_settings'] = False log.debug("Proxy Settings: %s:%s@%s:%s" % (proxy_settings['user'], "*****", proxy_settings['host'], proxy_settings['port'])) return proxy_settings # If no proxy configuration was specified in datadog.conf # We try to read it from the system settings try: import urllib proxies = urllib.getproxies() proxy = proxies.get('https', None) if proxy is not None: try: proxy = proxy.split('://')[1] except Exception: pass px = proxy.split(':') proxy_settings['host'] = px[0] proxy_settings['port'] = px[1] proxy_settings['user'] = None proxy_settings['password'] = None proxy_settings['system_settings'] = True if '@' in proxy_settings['host']: creds = proxy_settings['host'].split('@')[0].split(':') proxy_settings['user'] = creds[0] if len(creds) == 2: proxy_settings['password'] = creds[1] log.debug("Proxy Settings: %s:%s@%s:%s" % (proxy_settings['user'], "*****", proxy_settings['host'], proxy_settings['port'])) return proxy_settings except Exception, e: log.debug("Error while trying to fetch proxy settings using urllib %s. Proxy is probably not set" % str(e)) log.debug("No proxy configured") return None def get_confd_path(osname): bad_path = '' if osname == 'windows': try: return _windows_confd_path() except PathNotFound, e: if len(e.args) > 0: bad_path = e.args[0] else: try: return _unix_confd_path() except PathNotFound, e: if len(e.args) > 0: bad_path = e.args[0] cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) cur_path = os.path.join(cur_path, 'conf.d') if os.path.exists(cur_path): return cur_path raise PathNotFound(bad_path) def get_checksd_path(osname): if osname == 'windows': return _windows_checksd_path() else: return _unix_checksd_path() def get_win32service_file(osname, filename): # This file is needed to log in the event viewer for windows if osname == 'windows': if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): # we're frozen - from py2exe prog_path = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) path = os.path.join(prog_path, filename) else: cur_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) path = os.path.join(cur_path, filename) if os.path.exists(path): log.debug("Certificate file found at %s" % str(path)) return path else: cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) path = os.path.join(cur_path, filename) if os.path.exists(path): return path return None def check_yaml(conf_path): f = open(conf_path) check_name = os.path.basename(conf_path).split('.')[0] try: check_config = yaml.load(, Loader=Loader) assert 'init_config' in check_config, "No 'init_config' section found" assert 'instances' in check_config, "No 'instances' section found" valid_instances = True if check_config['instances'] is None or not isinstance(check_config['instances'], list): valid_instances = False else: for i in check_config['instances']: if not isinstance(i, dict): valid_instances = False break if not valid_instances: raise Exception('You need to have at least one instance defined in the YAML file for this check') else: return check_config finally: f.close() def load_check_directory(agentConfig): ''' Return the initialized checks from checks.d, and a mapping of checks that failed to initialize. Only checks that have a configuration file in conf.d will be returned. ''' from checks import AgentCheck initialized_checks = {} init_failed_checks = {} osname = get_os() checks_paths = [glob.glob(os.path.join(agentConfig['additional_checksd'], '*.py'))] try: checksd_path = get_checksd_path(osname) checks_paths.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(checksd_path, '*.py'))) except PathNotFound, e: log.error(e.args[0]) sys.exit(3) try: confd_path = get_confd_path(osname) except PathNotFound, e: log.error("No conf.d folder found at '%s' or in the directory where the Agent is currently deployed.\n" % e.args[0]) sys.exit(3) # Start JMXFetch if needed JMXFetch.init(confd_path, agentConfig, get_logging_config(), DEFAULT_CHECK_FREQUENCY, JMX_COLLECT_COMMAND) # For backwards-compatability with old style checks, we have to load every # checks.d module and check for a corresponding config OR check if the old # config will "activate" the check. # # Once old-style checks aren't supported, we'll just read the configs and # import the corresponding check module for check in itertools.chain(*checks_paths): check_name = os.path.basename(check).split('.')[0] if check_name in initialized_checks or check_name in init_failed_checks: log.debug('Skipping check %s because it has already been loaded from another location', check) continue try: check_module = imp.load_source('checksd_%s' % check_name, check) except Exception, e: traceback_message = traceback.format_exc() # Let's see if there is a conf.d for this check conf_path = os.path.join(confd_path, '%s.yaml' % check_name) if os.path.exists(conf_path): # There is a configuration file for that check but the module can't be imported init_failed_checks[check_name] = {'error':e, 'traceback':traceback_message} log.exception('Unable to import check module from checks.d' % check_name) else: # There is no conf for that check. Let's not spam the logs for it. log.debug('Unable to import check module from checks.d' % check_name) continue check_class = None classes = inspect.getmembers(check_module, inspect.isclass) for _, clsmember in classes: if clsmember == AgentCheck: continue if issubclass(clsmember, AgentCheck): check_class = clsmember if AgentCheck in clsmember.__bases__: continue else: break if not check_class: log.error('No check class (inheriting from AgentCheck) found in' % check_name) continue # Check if the config exists OR we match the old-style config conf_path = os.path.join(confd_path, '%s.yaml' % check_name) if os.path.exists(conf_path): f = open(conf_path) try: check_config = check_yaml(conf_path) except Exception, e: log.exception("Unable to parse yaml config in %s" % conf_path) traceback_message = traceback.format_exc() init_failed_checks[check_name] = {'error':e, 'traceback':traceback_message} continue elif hasattr(check_class, 'parse_agent_config'): # FIXME: Remove this check once all old-style checks are gone try: check_config = check_class.parse_agent_config(agentConfig) except Exception, e: continue if not check_config: continue d = [ "Configuring %s in datadog.conf is deprecated." % (check_name), "Please use conf.d. In a future release, support for the", "old style of configuration will be dropped.", ] log.warn(" ".join(d)) else: log.debug('No conf.d/%s.yaml found for checks.d/' % (check_name, check_name)) continue # Look for the per-check config, which *must* exist if not check_config.get('instances'): log.error("Config %s is missing 'instances'" % conf_path) continue # Init all of the check's classes with init_config = check_config.get('init_config', {}) # init_config: in the configuration triggers init_config to be defined # to None. if init_config is None: init_config = {} instances = check_config['instances'] try: try: c = check_class(check_name, init_config=init_config, agentConfig=agentConfig, instances=instances) except TypeError, e: # Backwards compatibility for checks which don't support the # instances argument in the constructor. c = check_class(check_name, init_config=init_config, agentConfig=agentConfig) c.instances = instances except Exception, e: log.exception('Unable to initialize check %s' % check_name) traceback_message = traceback.format_exc() init_failed_checks[check_name] = {'error':e, 'traceback':traceback_message} else: initialized_checks[check_name] = c # Add custom pythonpath(s) if available if 'pythonpath' in check_config: pythonpath = check_config['pythonpath'] if not isinstance(pythonpath, list): pythonpath = [pythonpath] sys.path.extend(pythonpath) log.debug('Loaded check.d/' % check_name)'initialized checks.d checks: %s' % initialized_checks.keys())'initialization failed checks.d checks: %s' % init_failed_checks.keys()) return {'initialized_checks':initialized_checks.values(), 'init_failed_checks':init_failed_checks, } # # logging def get_log_date_format(): return "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z" def get_log_format(logger_name): if get_os() != 'windows': return '%%(asctime)s | %%(levelname)s | dd.%s | %%(name)s(%%(filename)s:%%(lineno)s) | %%(message)s' % logger_name return '%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s | %(name)s(%(filename)s:%(lineno)s) | %(message)s' def get_syslog_format(logger_name): return 'dd.%s[%%(process)d]: %%(levelname)s (%%(filename)s:%%(lineno)s): %%(message)s' % logger_name def get_logging_config(cfg_path=None): system_os = get_os() if system_os != 'windows': logging_config = { 'log_level': None, 'collector_log_file': '/var/log/datadog/collector.log', 'forwarder_log_file': '/var/log/datadog/forwarder.log', 'dogstatsd_log_file': '/var/log/datadog/dogstatsd.log', 'jmxfetch_log_file': '/var/log/datadog/jmxfetch.log', 'log_to_event_viewer': False, 'log_to_syslog': True, 'syslog_host': None, 'syslog_port': None, } else: windows_log_location = os.path.join(_windows_commondata_path(), 'Datadog', 'logs', 'ddagent.log') jmxfetch_log_file = os.path.join(_windows_commondata_path(), 'Datadog', 'logs', 'jmxfetch.log') logging_config = { 'log_level': None, 'ddagent_log_file': windows_log_location, 'jmxfetch_log_file': jmxfetch_log_file, 'log_to_event_viewer': False, 'log_to_syslog': False, 'syslog_host': None, 'syslog_port': None, } config_path = get_config_path(cfg_path, os_name=system_os) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.readfp(skip_leading_wsp(open(config_path))) if config.has_section('handlers') or config.has_section('loggers') or config.has_section('formatters'): if system_os == 'windows': config_example_file = "" else: config_example_file = "" sys.stderr.write("""Python logging config is no longer supported and will be ignored. To configure logging, update the logging portion of 'datadog.conf' to match: '%s'. """ % config_example_file) for option in logging_config: if config.has_option('Main', option): logging_config[option] = config.get('Main', option) levels = { 'CRITICAL': logging.CRITICAL, 'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG, 'ERROR': logging.ERROR, 'FATAL': logging.FATAL, 'INFO': logging.INFO, 'WARN': logging.WARN, 'WARNING': logging.WARNING, } if config.has_option('Main', 'log_level'): logging_config['log_level'] = levels.get(config.get('Main', 'log_level')) if config.has_option('Main', 'log_to_syslog'): logging_config['log_to_syslog'] = config.get('Main', 'log_to_syslog').strip().lower() in ['yes', 'true', 1] if config.has_option('Main', 'log_to_event_viewer'): logging_config['log_to_event_viewer'] = config.get('Main', 'log_to_event_viewer').strip().lower() in ['yes', 'true', 1] if config.has_option('Main', 'syslog_host'): host = config.get('Main', 'syslog_host').strip() if host: logging_config['syslog_host'] = host else: logging_config['syslog_host'] = None if config.has_option('Main', 'syslog_port'): port = config.get('Main', 'syslog_port').strip() try: logging_config['syslog_port'] = int(port) except Exception: logging_config['syslog_port'] = None if config.has_option('Main', 'disable_file_logging'): logging_config['disable_file_logging'] = config.get('Main', 'disable_file_logging').strip().lower() in ['yes', 'true', 1] else: logging_config['disable_file_logging'] = False return logging_config def initialize_logging(logger_name): global windows_file_handler_added try: logging_config = get_logging_config() logging.basicConfig( format=get_log_format(logger_name), level=logging_config['log_level'] or logging.INFO, ) # set up file loggers if get_os() == 'windows' and not windows_file_handler_added: logger_name = 'ddagent' windows_file_handler_added = True log_file = logging_config.get('%s_log_file' % logger_name) if log_file is not None and not logging_config['disable_file_logging']: # make sure the log directory is writeable # NOTE: the entire directory needs to be writable so that rotation works if os.access(os.path.dirname(log_file), os.R_OK | os.W_OK): file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(log_file, maxBytes=LOGGING_MAX_BYTES, backupCount=1) formatter = logging.Formatter(get_log_format(logger_name), get_log_date_format()) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) root_log = logging.getLogger() root_log.addHandler(file_handler) else: sys.stderr.write("Log file is unwritable: '%s'\n" % log_file) # set up syslog if logging_config['log_to_syslog']: try: from logging.handlers import SysLogHandler if logging_config['syslog_host'] is not None and logging_config['syslog_port'] is not None: sys_log_addr = (logging_config['syslog_host'], logging_config['syslog_port']) else: sys_log_addr = "/dev/log" # Special-case macs if sys.platform == 'darwin': sys_log_addr = "/var/run/syslog" handler = SysLogHandler(address=sys_log_addr, facility=SysLogHandler.LOG_DAEMON) handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(get_syslog_format(logger_name), get_log_date_format())) root_log = logging.getLogger() root_log.addHandler(handler) except Exception, e: sys.stderr.write("Error setting up syslog: '%s'\n" % str(e)) traceback.print_exc() # Setting up logging in the event viewer for windows if get_os() == 'windows' and logging_config['log_to_event_viewer']: try: from logging.handlers import NTEventLogHandler nt_event_handler = NTEventLogHandler(logger_name,get_win32service_file('windows', 'win32service.pyd'), 'Application') nt_event_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(get_syslog_format(logger_name), get_log_date_format())) nt_event_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) app_log = logging.getLogger(logger_name) app_log.addHandler(nt_event_handler) except Exception, e: sys.stderr.write("Error setting up Event viewer logging: '%s'\n" % str(e)) traceback.print_exc() except Exception, e: sys.stderr.write("Couldn't initialize logging: %s\n" % str(e)) traceback.print_exc() # if config fails entirely, enable basic stdout logging as a fallback logging.basicConfig( format=get_log_format(logger_name), level=logging.INFO, ) # re-get the log after logging is initialized global log log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_mon_api_config(config): mon_api_config = {'is_enabled': False, 'url': '', 'project_id': '', 'username': '', 'password': False, 'use_keystone': False, 'keystone_url': '', 'aggregate_metrics': True, 'mapping_file': ''} if config.has_section("Api"): if config.has_option("Api", "use_mon_api"): mon_api_config["use_mon_api"] = config.getboolean("Api", "use_mon_api") if config.has_option("Api", "url"): mon_api_config["url"] = config.get("Api", "url") if config.has_option("Api", "project_id"): mon_api_config["project_id"] = config.get("Api", "project_id") if config.has_option("Api", "username"): mon_api_config["username"] = config.get("Api", "username") if config.has_option("Api", "password"): mon_api_config["password"] = config.get("Api", "password") if config.has_option("Api", "use_keystone"): mon_api_config["use_keystone"] = config.getboolean("Api", "use_keystone") if config.has_option("Api", "keystone_url"): mon_api_config["keystone_url"] = config.get("Api", "keystone_url") if config.has_option("Api", "aggregate_metrics"): mon_api_config["aggregate_metrics"] = config.getboolean("Api", "aggregate_metrics") if config.has_option("Api", "mapping_file"): mon_api_config["mapping_file"] = config.get("Api", "mapping_file") return mon_api_config