# (C) Copyright 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP init_config: # To notify on every service, set a list of notified uses here. # # notify: # - user1@example.com # - pagerduty instances: # - name: My first service # host: myhost.example.com # port: 8080 # timeout: 1 # The (optional) window and threshold parameters allow you to trigger # alerts only if the check fails x times within the last y attempts # where x is the threshold and y is the window. # threshold: 3 # window: 5 # The (optional) collect_response_time parameter will instruct the # check to create a metric 'network.tcp.response_time', tagged with # the url, reporting the response time in seconds. # collect_response_time: true # - name: My second service # host: # port: 80 # For service-specific notifications, you can optionally specify # a list of users to notify within the service configuration. # notify: # - user2@example.com # - pagerduty