import urllib2 import time from collections import defaultdict from monagent.collector.checks import AgentCheck from monagent.common.util import headers STATS_URL = "/;csv;norefresh" EVENT_TYPE = SOURCE_TYPE_NAME = 'haproxy' class Services(object): BACKEND = 'BACKEND' FRONTEND = 'FRONTEND' ALL = (BACKEND, FRONTEND) class HAProxy(AgentCheck): def __init__(self, name, init_config, agent_config): AgentCheck.__init__(self, name, init_config, agent_config) # Host status needs to persist across all checks self.host_status = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: None)) METRICS = { "qcur": ("gauge", "queue.current"), "scur": ("gauge", "session.current"), "slim": ("gauge", "session.limit"), "spct": ("gauge", "session.pct"), # Calculated as: (scur/slim)*100 "stot": ("rate", "session.rate"), "bin": ("rate", "bytes.in_rate"), "bout": ("rate", "bytes.out_rate"), "dreq": ("rate", "denied.req_rate"), "dresp": ("rate", "denied.resp_rate"), "ereq": ("rate", "errors.req_rate"), "econ": ("rate", "errors.con_rate"), "eresp": ("rate", "errors.resp_rate"), "wretr": ("rate", "warnings.retr_rate"), "wredis": ("rate", "warnings.redis_rate"), "req_rate": ("gauge", "requests.rate"), "hrsp_1xx": ("rate", "response.1xx"), "hrsp_2xx": ("rate", "response.2xx"), "hrsp_3xx": ("rate", "response.3xx"), "hrsp_4xx": ("rate", "response.4xx"), "hrsp_5xx": ("rate", "response.5xx"), "hrsp_other": ("rate", "response.other"), } def check(self, instance): url = instance.get('url') username = instance.get('username') password = instance.get('password') collect_aggregates_only = instance.get('collect_aggregates_only', True) collect_status_metrics = instance.get('collect_status_metrics', False) self.log.debug('Processing HAProxy data for %s' % url) data = self._fetch_data(url, username, password) process_events = instance.get('status_check', self.init_config.get('status_check', False)) self._process_data(data, collect_aggregates_only, process_events, url=url, collect_status_metrics=collect_status_metrics) def _fetch_data(self, url, username, password): ''' Hit a given URL and return the parsed json ''' # Try to fetch data from the stats URL passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() passman.add_password(None, url, username, password) authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman) opener = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler) urllib2.install_opener(opener) url = "%s%s" % (url, STATS_URL) self.log.debug("HAProxy Fetching haproxy search data from: %s" % url) req = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers(self.agent_config)) request = urllib2.urlopen(req) response = # Split the data by line return response.split('\n') def _process_data(self, data, collect_aggregates_only, process_events, url=None, collect_status_metrics=False): ''' Main data-processing loop. For each piece of useful data, we'll either save a metric, save an event or both. ''' # Split the first line into an index of fields # The line looks like: # "# pxname,svname,qcur,qmax,scur,smax,slim,stot,bin,bout,dreq,dresp,ereq,econ,eresp,wretr,wredis,status,weight,act,bck,chkfail,chkdown,lastchg,downtime,qlimit,pid,iid,sid,throttle,lbtot,tracked,type,rate,rate_lim,rate_max," fields = [f.strip() for f in data[0][2:].split(',') if f] hosts_statuses = defaultdict(int) # Holds a list of dictionaries describing each system data_list = [] for line in data[1:]: # Skip the first line if not line.strip(): continue data_dict = {} values = line.split(',') # Store each line's values in a dictionary for i, val in enumerate(values): if val: try: # Try converting to a long, if failure, just leave it val = float(val) except Exception: pass data_dict[fields[i]] = val # The percentage of used sessions based on 'scur' and 'slim' if 'slim' in data_dict and 'scur' in data_dict: try: data_dict['spct'] = (data_dict['scur'] / data_dict['slim']) * 100 except (TypeError, ZeroDivisionError): pass service = data_dict['svname'] if collect_status_metrics and 'status' in data_dict and 'pxname' in data_dict: hosts_statuses[(data_dict['pxname'], data_dict['status'])] += 1 if data_dict['svname'] in Services.ALL: data_list.append(data_dict) # Send the list of data to the metric and event callbacks self._process_metrics(data_list, service, url) if process_events: self._process_events(data_list, url) # Clear out the event list for the next service data_list = [] elif not collect_aggregates_only: data_list.append(data_dict) if collect_status_metrics: self._process_status_metric(hosts_statuses) return data def _process_status_metric(self, hosts_statuses): agg_statuses = defaultdict(lambda:{'available':0, 'unavailable':0}) for (service, status), count in hosts_statuses.iteritems(): status = status.lower() dimensions = {'status': status, 'service': service} self.gauge("haproxy.count_per_status", count, dimensions=dimensions) if 'up' in status: agg_statuses[service]['available'] += count if 'down' in status or 'maint' in status or 'nolb' in status: agg_statuses[service]['unavailable'] += count for service in agg_statuses: for status, count in agg_statuses[service].iteritems(): dimensions = {'status': status, 'service': service} self.gauge("haproxy.count_per_status", count, dimensions=dimensions) def _process_metrics(self, data_list, service, url): for data in data_list: """ Each element of data_list is a dictionary related to one host (one line) extracted from the csv. All of these elements should have the same value for 'pxname' key It should look like: data_list = [ {'svname':'i-4562165', 'pxname':'dogweb', 'scur':'42', ...}, {'svname':'i-2854985', 'pxname':'dogweb', 'scur':'1337', ...}, ... ] """ dimensions = {'type': service, 'instance_url': url} hostname = data['svname'] service_name = data['pxname'] if service == Services.BACKEND: dimensions['backend'] = hostname dimensions["service"] = service_name for key, value in data.items(): if HAProxy.METRICS.get(key): suffix = HAProxy.METRICS[key][1] name = "haproxy.%s.%s" % (service.lower(), suffix) if HAProxy.METRICS[key][0] == 'rate': self.rate(name, value, dimensions=dimensions) else: self.gauge(name, value, dimensions=dimensions) def _process_events(self, data_list, url): ''' Main event processing loop. Events will be created for a service status change ''' for data in data_list: hostname = data['svname'] service_name = data['pxname'] key = "%s:%s" % (hostname,service_name) status = self.host_status[url][key] if status is None: self.host_status[url][key] = data['status'] continue if status != data['status'] and data['status'] in ('UP', 'DOWN'): # If the status of a host has changed, we trigger an event try: lastchg = int(data['lastchg']) except Exception: lastchg = 0 # Create the event object ev = self._create_event(data['status'], hostname, lastchg, service_name) self.event(ev) # Store this host status so we can check against it later self.host_status[url][key] = data['status'] @staticmethod def _create_event(status, hostname, lastchg, service_name): if status == "DOWN": alert_type = "error" title = "HAProxy %s front-end reported %s %s" % (service_name, hostname, status) else: if status == "UP": alert_type = "success" else: alert_type = "info" title = "HAProxy %s front-end reported %s back and %s" % (service_name, hostname, status) return { 'timestamp': int(time.time() - lastchg), 'event_type': EVENT_TYPE, 'host': hostname, 'msg_title': title, 'alert_type': alert_type, "source_type_name": SOURCE_TYPE_NAME, "event_object": hostname, "dimensions": {"frontend": service_name, "host": hostname} } @staticmethod def parse_agent_config(agentConfig): if not agentConfig.get('haproxy_url'): return False return { 'instances': [{ 'url': agentConfig.get('haproxy_url'), 'username': agentConfig.get('haproxy_user'), 'password': agentConfig.get('haproxy_password') }] }