from monagent.collector.checks import AgentCheck from monagent.common.util import Platform class ProcessCheck(AgentCheck): PROCESS_GAUGE = ('processes_threads', 'processes_cpu.pct', 'processes_mem.rss', 'processes_mem.vms', 'processes_mem.real', 'processes_open_file_decorators', 'processes_ioread_count', 'processes_iowrite_count', 'processes_ioread_bytes', 'processes_iowrite_bytes', 'processes_voluntary_ctx_switches', 'processes_involuntary_ctx_switches') @staticmethod def is_psutil_version_later_than(v): try: import psutil vers = psutil.version_info return vers >= v except Exception: return False def find_pids(self, search_string, psutil, exact_match=True): """ Create a set of pids of selected processes. Search for search_string """ found_process_list = [] for proc in psutil.process_iter(): found = False for string in search_string: if exact_match: try: if == string: found = True except psutil.NoSuchProcess: self.log.warning('Process disappeared while scanning') pass except psutil.AccessDenied, e: self.log.error('Access denied to %s process' % string) self.log.error('Error: %s' % e) raise else: if not found: try: try: cmdline = proc.cmdline() # psutil >= 2.0 except TypeError: cmdline = proc.cmdline # psutil < 2.0 if string in ' '.join(cmdline): found = True except psutil.NoSuchProcess: self.warning('Process disappeared while scanning') pass except psutil.AccessDenied, e: self.log.error('Access denied to %s process' % string) self.log.error('Error: %s' % e) raise if found or string == 'All': found_process_list.append( return set(found_process_list) def get_process_metrics(self, pids, psutil, cpu_check_interval): # initialize process metrics # process metrics available for all versions of psutil rss = 0 vms = 0 cpu = 0 thr = 0 # process metrics available for psutil versions 0.6.0 and later extended_metrics_0_6_0 = self.is_psutil_version_later_than((0, 6, 0)) and \ not Platform.is_win32() # On Windows get_ext_memory_info returns different metrics if extended_metrics_0_6_0: real = 0 voluntary_ctx_switches = 0 involuntary_ctx_switches = 0 else: real = None voluntary_ctx_switches = None involuntary_ctx_switches = None # process metrics available for psutil versions 0.5.0 and later on UNIX extended_metrics_0_5_0_unix = self.is_psutil_version_later_than((0, 5, 0)) and \ Platform.is_unix() if extended_metrics_0_5_0_unix: open_file_descriptors = 0 else: open_file_descriptors = None # process I/O counters (agent might not have permission to access) read_count = 0 write_count = 0 read_bytes = 0 write_bytes = 0 got_denied = False for pid in set(pids): try: p = psutil.Process(pid) if extended_metrics_0_6_0: mem = p.get_ext_memory_info() real += mem.rss - mem.shared try: ctx_switches = p.get_num_ctx_switches() voluntary_ctx_switches += ctx_switches.voluntary involuntary_ctx_switches += ctx_switches.involuntary except NotImplementedError: # Handle old Kernels which don't provide this info. voluntary_ctx_switches = None involuntary_ctx_switches = None else: mem = p.get_memory_info() if extended_metrics_0_5_0_unix: try: open_file_descriptors += p.get_num_fds() except psutil.AccessDenied: got_denied = True rss += mem.rss vms += mem.vms thr += p.get_num_threads() cpu += p.get_cpu_percent(cpu_check_interval) # user agent might not have permission to call get_io_counters() # user agent might have access to io counters for some processes and not others if read_count is not None: try: io_counters = p.get_io_counters() read_count += io_counters.read_count write_count += io_counters.write_count read_bytes += io_counters.read_bytes write_bytes += io_counters.write_bytes except psutil.AccessDenied:'DD user agent does not have access \ to I/O counters for process %d: %s' % (pid, read_count = None write_count = None read_bytes = None write_bytes = None # Skip processes dead in the meantime except psutil.NoSuchProcess: self.warning('Process %s disappeared while scanning' % pid) pass if got_denied: self.warning("The Datadog Agent was denied access when trying to get the number of file descriptors") #Memory values are in Byte return (thr, cpu, rss, vms, real, open_file_descriptors, read_count, write_count, read_bytes, write_bytes, voluntary_ctx_switches, involuntary_ctx_switches) def check(self, instance): try: import psutil except ImportError: raise Exception('You need the "psutil" package to run this check') name = instance.get('name', None) exact_match = instance.get('exact_match', True) search_string = instance.get('search_string', None) cpu_check_interval = instance.get('cpu_check_interval', 0.1) if name is None: raise KeyError('The "name" of process groups is mandatory') if search_string is None: raise KeyError('The "search_string" is mandatory') if not isinstance(cpu_check_interval, (int, long, float)): self.warning("cpu_check_interval must be a number. Defaulting to 0.1") cpu_check_interval = 0.1 pids = self.find_pids(search_string, psutil, exact_match=exact_match) dimensions = {'process_name': name} self.log.debug('ProcessCheck: process %s analysed' % name) self.gauge('processes_pid_count', len(pids), dimensions=dimensions) metrics = dict(zip(ProcessCheck.PROCESS_GAUGE, self.get_process_metrics(pids, psutil, cpu_check_interval))) for metric, value in metrics.iteritems(): if value is not None: self.gauge(metric, value, dimensions=dimensions)