# (C) Copyright 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP # Copyright 2017 Fujitsu LIMITED import logging from keystoneauth1 import identity from keystoneauth1 import session from keystoneclient import discover import six from monasca_agent.common import singleton from monasca_agent import version as ma_version LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) _DEFAULT_SERVICE_TYPE = 'monitoring' _DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_TYPE = 'public' def _sanitize_args(data): """Removes keys for which value is None. :param data: dictionary with data :type data: dict :return: cleaned data :rtype: dict """ return {k: v for k, v in data.items() if v is not None} def get_session(**kwargs): """Creates new keystone session. Method uses :py:class:`keystoneauth1.identity.Password` abstracting from underlying Keystone version This method is capable of creating a session regardless of Keystone version (either v2 or v3). However if: - using **Keystone v2** following arguments [domain_id, domain_name, project_domain_id and project_domain_name] should not be set. Keystone V2 does not support authentication with domain scope. - using **Keystone v2** following arguments are prohibited: [user_domain_id, user_domain_name] - using **Keystone v3** be careful with the scope of authentication. For more details about scopes refer to identity_tokens_ and v3_identity_ .. _v3_api: https://developer.openstack.org/api-ref/identity/v3/index.html?expanded=token-authe ntication-with-scoped-authorization-detail .. _identity_tokens: https://docs.openstack.org/admin-guide/identity-tokens.html In overall: - for **Keystone V2** following arguments are allowed: [auth_url, user_id, username, password, trust_id, tenant_name, tenant_id, project_name, project_id]. * for **Keystone V3** following argumenta are allowed: [auth_url, user_id, username, password, user_domain_id, user_domain_name, trust_id, project_id, project_name, project_domain_id, project_domain_name, domain_id, domain_name, tenant_id, tenant_name] However, note that project_id and project_name will override tenant_id and tenant_name, as in:: >>> project_id = project_id or tenant_id >>> project_name = project_name or tenant_name Arguments tenant_id and tenant_name are kept for sake of backward compatibility between two versions of Keystone. Note: Keystone version is resolved on the runtime by keystoneauth1 library :param string auth_url: URL of keystone service. :param string username: Username for authentication. :param string password: Password for authentication. :param string user_id: User ID for authentication. :param string user_domain_id: User's domain ID for authentication (replaced by default_domain_if if set) :param string user_domain_name: User's domain name for authentication (replaced by default_domain_name if set) :param string project_id: Project ID for authentication :param string project_name: Project Name for authentication :param string project_domain_id: Project Domain ID for authentication :param string project_domain_name: Project Domain Name for authentication :param string tenant_id: Tenant ID for authentication (replaced by project_id if set) :param string tenant_name: Tenant Name for authentication (replaced by project_name if set) :param string domain_id: Domain ID for authentication. :param string domain_name: Domain name for authentication :param string trust_id: Trust ID for authentication. :param string default_domain_id: Default domain ID for authentication. :param string default_domain_name: Default domain name for authentication :param float keystone_timeout: A timeout to pass to requests. This should be a numerical value indicating some amount (or fraction) of seconds or 0 for no timeout. (optional, defaults to 0) :param verify: The verification arguments to pass to requests. These are of the same form as requests expects, so True or False to verify (or not) against system certificates or a path to a bundle or CA certs to check against or None for requests to attempt to locate and use certificates. (optional, defaults to True) :param bool reauthenticate: Should reauthenticate if token expires (optional, defaults to True) :return: session instance :rtype: keystoneauth1.session.Session """ LOG.debug('Initializing keystone session using generic password') auth = identity.Password( auth_url=kwargs.get('auth_url', None), username=kwargs.get('username', None), password=kwargs.get('password', None), user_id=kwargs.get('user_id', None), user_domain_id=kwargs.get('user_domain_id', None), user_domain_name=kwargs.get('user_domain_name', None), project_id=kwargs.get('project_id', None), project_name=kwargs.get('project_name', None), project_domain_id=kwargs.get('project_domain_id', None), project_domain_name=kwargs.get('project_domain_name', None), tenant_id=kwargs.get('tenant_id', None), tenant_name=kwargs.get('tenant_name', None), domain_id=kwargs.get('domain_id', None), domain_name=kwargs.get('domain_name', None), trust_id=kwargs.get('trust_id', None), default_domain_id=kwargs.get('default_domain_id', None), default_domain_name=kwargs.get('default_domain_name', None), reauthenticate=kwargs.get('reauthenticate', True) ) sess = session.Session(auth=auth, app_name='monasca-agent', app_version=ma_version.version_string, user_agent='monasca-agent', timeout=kwargs.get('keystone_timeout', None), verify=kwargs.get('verify', True)) return sess def get_client(**kwargs): """Creates new keystone client. Initializes new keystone client. Method does not assume what version of keystone is used. That responsibility is delegated to :py:class:`keystoneauth1.discover.Discover`. Version of the keystone will be the newest one available. There are two ways to call this method: using existing session object (:py:class:`keystoneauth1.session.Session`:: >>> s = session.Session(**args) >>> c = get_client(session=s) initializing new keystone client from credentials:: >>> c = get_client({'username':'mini-mon', 'password':'test', ...}) :param kwargs: list of arguments passed to method :type kwargs: dict :return: keystone client instance :rtype: Union[keystoneclient.v3.client.Client, keystoneclient.v2_0.client.Client] """ if 'session' not in kwargs: LOG.debug('Initializing fresh keystone client') sess = get_session(**kwargs) else: LOG.debug('Initializing keystone client from existing session') sess = kwargs.get('session') disc = discover.Discover(session=sess) LOG.debug('Available keystone versions are %s' % disc.version_data()) ks = disc.create_client(**kwargs) ks.auth_ref = sess.auth.get_auth_ref(session=sess) LOG.info('Using keystone version %s', ks.version) return ks def get_args(config): """Utility to extract keystone args from agent's config. Method retrieves all keystone related settings, from agent's configuration, that are actually set. :param config: agent's config :type config: dict :returns: cleaned args :rtype: dict """ raw_args = { 'auth_url': config.get('keystone_url', None), 'username': config.get('username', None), 'password': config.get('password', None), 'user_id': config.get('user_id', None), 'user_domain_id': config.get('user_domain_id', None), 'user_domain_name': config.get('user_domain_name', None), 'project_id': config.get('project_id', None), 'project_name': config.get('project_name', None), 'project_domain_name': config.get('project_domain_name', None), 'project_domain_id': config.get('project_domain_id', None), 'domain_id': config.get('domain_id', None), 'domain_name': config.get('domain_name', None), 'tenant_id': config.get('tenant_id', None), 'tenant_name': config.get('tenant_name', None), 'trust_id': config.get('trust_id', None), 'default_domain_id': config.get('default_domain_id', None), 'default_domain_name': config.get('default_domain_name', None), 'url': config.get('url', None), # hardcoded monasca-api url 'service_type': config.get('service_type', _DEFAULT_SERVICE_TYPE), 'endpoint_type': config.get('endpoint_type', _DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_TYPE), 'region_name': config.get('region_name', None), 'keystone_timeout': config.get('keystone_timeout', None), 'verify': False if config.get('insecure') else config.get('ca_file', None), 'reauthenticate': config.get('reauthenticate', True) } clean_args = _sanitize_args(raw_args) LOG.debug('Removed %d keys that did not present values in configuration', len(raw_args) - len(clean_args)) return clean_args @six.add_metaclass(singleton.Singleton) class Keystone(object): def __init__(self, config): self._config = get_args(config) self._keystone_client = None def _init_client(self): """Get a new keystone client object. For more details see: - :py:func:`monasca_agent.common.keystone.get_session(**args)` - :py:func:`monasca_agent.common.keystone.get_client(**args)` Note: This method initializes client only once on behalf of its own :return: keystone client instance :rtype: Union[keystoneclient.v3.client.Client, keystoneclient.v2_0.client.Client] """ if self._keystone_client: LOG.debug('Keystone client is already initialized') return self._keystone_client ks = get_client(**self._config) self._keystone_client = ks return ks def get_monasca_url(self): """Retrieves monasca endpoint url. monasca endpoint url can be retrieved from two locations: * agent configuration (value must be present under api.url key) * keystone catalog (requires settings api.service_type, api.endpoint_type and api.region_name) First method tries low-cost approach: checking if url is available in configuration file. If not, it moves to querying the keystone catalog :return: monasca endpoint url :rtype: basestring """ if self._config.get('url', None): endpoint = self._config.get('url') LOG.debug('Using monasca-api url %s from configuration' % endpoint) else: # NOTE(trebskit) no need to sanitize these values here # as we're using already local (clean) copy args = { 'service_type': self._config.get('service_type'), 'interface': self._config.get('endpoint_type'), 'region_name': self._config.get('region_name', None) # that one has no default } catalog = self._init_client().auth_ref.service_catalog endpoint = catalog.url_for(**args) LOG.debug('Using monasca-api url %s from catalog[%s]' % (endpoint, args)) return endpoint def get_token(self): """Validate token is project scoped and return it if it is project_id and auth_token were fetched when keystone client was created """ return self._init_client().auth_token def refresh_token(self): """Gets a new keystone client object and token This method should be called if the token has expired """ self._keystone_client = None return self.get_token() def get_session(self): """Returns session of this client. :return: session instance :rtype: keystoneauth1.session.Session """ return self._init_client().session