""" Util functions to assist in detection. """ import psutil from monsetup import agent_config def find_process_cmdline(search_string): """Simple function to search running process for one with cmdline containing """ for process in psutil.process_iter(): for arg in process.cmdline(): if arg.find(search_string) != -1: return process return None def find_process_name(pname): """Simple function to search running process for one with pname. """ for process in psutil.process_iter(): if pname == process.name(): return process return None def watch_process(search_strings, service=None): """Takes a list of process search strings and returns a Plugins object with the config set. This was built as a helper as many plugins setup process watching """ config = agent_config.Plugins() parameters = {'name': search_strings[0], 'search_string': search_strings} # If service parameter is set in the plugin config, add the service dimension which # will override the service in the agent config if service: parameters['dimensions'] = {'service': service} config['process'] = {'init_config': None, 'instances': [parameters]} return config def service_api_check(name, url, pattern, service=None): """Setup a service api to be watched by the http_check plugin.""" config = agent_config.Plugins() parameters = {'name': name, 'url': url, 'match_pattern': pattern, 'timeout': 10, 'use_keystone': True} # If service parameter is set in the plugin config, add the service dimension which # will override the service in the agent config if service: parameters['dimensions'] = {'service': service} config['http_check'] = {'init_config': None, 'instances': [parameters]} return config